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<br /> �• � princl�nl amount of the Indebtedneso eecured by thla Doad of l'ruat,not Including sums advanced to prb e� tho securl y o t e esd o} --
<br /> � , i nist,ox�ead the arlglnal prirtcipal emount atatod hareln,or�_ ,vehlchov�r Is greator.
<br /> 18.Misc�lla�ooue Provtsione.
<br /> ,s .��,� , (a)Borrower Not peleesed.Extension oi the time for payment or modification oi amortizatlon of the sums secured by thls
<br /> � � '�� Iloned,and wlthout aNecting the Ilen or charg�ot thla Deed of Truat upon eny partlon of the Proporty not then or theretotore —;,:
<br /> " released ae security for tho full amount o}al!unpald obligatlons, Lender may,from time to time end wlthout notice (I)release �
<br />�� ',;: � ��� any person eo Ilable,(li)axtend the maturtiy or alter any of the tarm�of any euch obllpations,(III)grant other i�dulgences,(iv)
<br /> t: releaso or convey, or causs to be roleased or recanveyed nt any time ot Londors optlon any parcet,poRton or atl o}the
<br /> -,�_ ,_;�,,� Property,(v)take or release any oiher or additional socurity or recunveyed At any tima at Lendor's opilon[my parcel,pnrtlon or �
<br /> ..___...�...,...,„ . „�tio.,.,o,_witi�nai aar.urny tor any obllaatlon herein mentfaned,er(vi)make compo- `
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<br />;.,- -�,� sltions af other arrangements wlYn debtora in relatton thereto. _
<br /> �'1e1'�,� (b)Lender's Powers.Without aftecting the Ifability oi any other person Ilablo for the payment of any obligation herein men-
<br /> -� -- -� tioned,and w(thout aftecting tha Ilen or charge of this Oeed of Trust upon any portion oi the Property noi then or theretotore
<br />