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<br /> � u� �._ � � � �
<br />::�.:� �
<br /> � ��g�_�,by and among
<br /> -== � THIS QEG�0�TRU9T,le m:!�±a r.e ot ths_ -���;�day o1,_ . � r
<br /> �� the Truetor, • ���� ' a
<br /> 1�28 Mind�or Rd Orand I01and �heretn"Tn�rf'@��87�Or more), �Q
<br />. - _ whose mAiling eddrese is __
<br /> == -�crpar�ttmt----�`"�-
<br />•-� the 7rustee .
<br /> _(hereln"T'rustee"),and
<br /> - whase mailing oddreos is
<br /> the Baneficlary,_ �'��o a���.8,ank..__.-- �r
<br />-- - (herein"Lender'�.
<br /> - �+ •- 11 Rra� �lr .��
<br /> whase meliing addresa(s ��
<br /> FOR VAI,UABLE CONS�aERAT10N,includinp Lendere extsnelon ot ctsdit Identltletl herain to Petsiak L Fitzperald
<br /> --� � zyera _(hAreln"Borrower,"whether one or m�re)and the trust herein created,the recetpt
<br /> of which Is hereby ecknowted0ed� Trustor hereby irrevoca n��rrend eublect to the terms and condigtlons ho einafter set 4�orthTthe real
<br /> PQWER OF SALE�ior tiie oenei�¢o�ti�-udr;of l�s�!r.- .
<br /> property desctlbed ae tdbwa:
<br /> NEBRASHA.
<br /> Topether wifh all bull�inps,improvements,fixturea,etroets,al{�y�,
<br /> �y�aY�,eaaemente.righte,Pr(viteqes and eppunenarwea
<br /> located thereon or In anywteo perte�ninp thereto,and the rsnte,i�eu���nd Pro1 d�udf° but not I�Imtted to�heaUn9end�oll equ�P'
<br /> �ona�property that la atteche�i to the improvemente ea ae to canetltute s Nxtun, n9�
<br /> �re e�tm�e�nts and addltions thetreto,�s har febylndeoiared t ebe a p R ot th�rNiaettats ee urled bytlhe Ilenaot thia�D�eed}Tas and
<br /> ing place
<br /> ali of the torefloing being reterred to horein as the`Propert�'.
<br /> 7his Deed of Truat shall securd(a)the payment ot the princl��inm�a;m��urity dat ol�by��°m�ss°ry�°ta or credrt agree-
<br /> mont dated �y �y t i
<br /> In the odginal pdrr�lpal amount of S_� , and any and all moditicationa,extenslons and renawefs
<br /> thereof w thereto and anY nnd a���uture advancAa a� roacNance�to Borrowei;��y�^moi other s'ums�ed'vaenaed 4Y�to
<br /> to one or more�rom��°ory��es or credit ayreements(hereln cailad"Not�");
<br /> protact the e�ecurity ot ths Nota;(c)the pertor�anae ot a�l covenants and ROre�nU ol T�uator set torth hereln;and(d)a��present and
<br /> fu nt arxl whet ther e sinp Y'n�o e puare iy�ov6rdrAR or othe�rwles.Ths Not��tD�ed of Tn�ist and eny end al�her documon�thet
<br /> s�ecure the Note or otherwise executod In connec4ion Iherewllh, Inctudinp without IimltAtlon puaranteea, secudty agreements and
<br /> essignments of leases and rents,shall be reSerred to hereln a81hs'Loan�nstrums��".
<br /> TNStor covenants end agrees with Lencier ae tollowa:
<br /> 1, Paymsnt of Ind�bt�dnef�•All Indabtednes�s secured hereby ah�ll be pald wt�en du�.
<br /> - 2. Titl�.Trustor Is the owner ot the PropeRy�has lhe rl9ht and suthority to convoy th�Froperty,and warrants tha4 the Ilen creat-
<br /> — ed heroby la a tiret and prbr Ilen on the Propsrly�except tor Ilene and onc�mbronoe��et torth by Truator In wdting ersd dolivered to
<br /> - Lender betore executbn ot thla Daed of Trust,and the executlon end de�Wery o1 thls D�ed of Truat doea not vlolate any contrect ar
<br /> _- other obllf}aUon to wh�h Trustar la sub�ect.
<br /> ---- - 3.Taxw� AtsNSrn�nt�.To pay betore dellnquency a�l texee,sp�ctal w����a�s��other charpes against the roPe
<br /> �� � now or hereafter levled. inet damrp�by Ilr�,huarda Inciud�d withln t!w temi"extendod ooverape",end
<br /> A.in�unnc�.To keep the Property Ineur�d ape
<br /> such hezArda as Lender may requlre,In amounts end with companis��ccoptable tc�.�nd�r,naminp Londer ae an additbnel na
<br /> -_� - Insurod,with las;.paytibte to th9 Lender. In case o!loss under such pol�Ns,the LentNr I!autho�iied'�ao eny Ind b�d ess secu ed
<br /> ----- mise,ell clafms thereunder end shall have the optton of applylnp eli or p�rt ot the Inturu�ce proaYeda l 1 or Ill tor
<br /> = hereby and In such order ea Lender ma tdete�rml►tie��(i�)�t att��the Il�sn o�f hI�rDMdMo1pT udt lor theitul amcunt sec�red he eby
<br /> -- � any other purpose or obJect setlstactory the due date ot any
<br /> -��� betore such payment ever took pisce.Any eppl�atlona o1 proceed�to IndAbtedneb�hell ntA extsnd or postpOne
<br /> ..�..,,r...d��r
<br />_- �r payments under the Note,or cure any deiu�����m�����•�•--••--•�
<br /> -::�:��.!F� 6.Esorow.Upon written demand by Lender,Tru�tee ehall pay to Lendev�In euch mannsr a�Lender mey aesi8naie,suniciv��t
<br />�;��.'` sums to enabte Lender to pay as thoY bmcnme�de�Cerequl�red heh under�(II)�th's pr�mlum�onei y n Rpa�Inaurenco requfred by
<br />-��;-� � the Property,p�)the premlums on the propetty
<br />:,.:��:�h . Lander.
<br />�. �9e:: �' �T
<br /> ,�,,�ti r . g. Illl�int�nancs,R��In�nd Compll�nc�with Liwa. Trustor sha11 keep Ihe Property In good condltlon and repalr;eha 1
<br /> ,lar•;��s..;. �
<br /> __;Y_,_�.,, prompUy repalr,or replace any tmprovement which may be dame�ed or d�otroysd;�hail not comm►t or permit eny wAete or cbte ra-
<br /> �;�+r���;. tion of the Property;ehntl not removo,demollah or subatanilally�iter any ot the Improvement�on the Prop�rty;ehall e�oo�►��IpUy disr
<br />: :f�t'' ' or pertnit any nct to be dane In or upon the Property In vlolstWn ot any law,ordlnenca,or reputatlon;ond ahal�P�Y or an
<br /> ;�'�. charge at Trustor's cost srsd expenua aU liena,enCUmbrencee end charpee levlsd,Imposod nr ecCaswd a�pA�n�t the Proper►y Y
<br /> "",`;�,: ;;4• paR thereot.
<br /> � ��n•• 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Lender la hereby asalqned ell compenoatla�,awarde,damapae end otner p+►ym�nte or rel{ef(herelne ter
<br /> ;��-?r . -?
<br /> .. .'i rea s�sio+�o����w.ae : , .
<br /> otw Dwa,�araa can,mNCVrw.na ea�ra�YOn�mon H�awu
<br />