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' _�� S ._. <br /> . r�� <br /> - <br /> . . _ .. . ..1Lr. s .__ -_ `- __.°_. <br /> "'-�— �•�„_........_ �. ----►'ntrTAa= -. . <br /> dorrower mey cure suah a de(auii �nd relnr�ialv, a� piovlded I� para�jraph 1U, by ccu�lnfl tho actlon ot procceding to be � <br /> .dl�rnl,;sed v+ith n rullnr�ihnt, In 4cncler'o flood falih detcnnlnntlon, p��ecludeo torTcituro 01 tflo 6orroercr'� Intcrest In lhn ProAcrty or �' <br /> , othcr ai�tcrl:il Impnirmrnt nl tho Ilcn crcatcd by thls Scouiity hiatrumc�st or 4cncicr'� occiuily lititcrost. �orrow�r shall aloo bo In �,. <br /> dotault il Borrower, durin�ihe losn npp;leatlon proccso,pavo matcrlally iul�o ar Inaccurato Inlartnstlon or ctnte,nent�to Londer(or __ <br /> Islied to provlde Lender wlth any matarlal Intormatlpn) In connectlon wilh the Inan evldenced by the Note, Inciuding, 6ut not <br /> Ilmlted ta, rapresentations conceming Borrower'e ocaippnoy of the Property ae a principel resldonce. II lhls 3aa�rlry <br /> Instrument Is on a Ieasohoid, Borrower eNall cornply wltli all the provlslane o} tho leaca, If Bor�owcr ncqulres fr,a titlo to tho (� = <br /> Prnperty,!he leasehold and the tee tkle sh�N��ot merqe unlaae I.ender apreea to the marger In wdting. O'� <br /> 7. Prolectlon of Landrr's Righte In tho Prop�rty. It Barrowar te110 to pariorm the covananto and agroements � _ <br /> cantelned in thls Securlty Instrumsnt, or there la ■ legd proceedinp that m�y aigniiicantly effect Lender'e rights In the Properiy � ` <br /> (such ee n prnceedlnp In bankruptcy,probete, tor condemn�tlon or toAeiture or to entorce I�ws or repulatlons), :hen Lender may �..� <br /> do and pay for whatever is necea3ary to proiacJ ina vatue ui tna F��puii�+ ar��Lender'a tigrits tn the Property. Lcndsr'�nctinns � _ <br /> may Include paying eny auma aecured by s ilen whlch hea prloriry ovar thle Securlty Instrument, appeatlng In c�urt, paying � <br /> reasonable attomeys'tess and e�ntering on the Properly to make repalre. Althouflh Lender may tako actlon under thls paragraph � <br /> 7, Lender does not heve to do so. <br /> Any amounts dlsburaed by Lender under perapreph 7 shall become additlonel debt o} Barrower secured by thls 3ecuriry w <br /> Instrument. Unless Borrowa and Lender agrne to other tertns of psymont, these emounts ehail bear Interest from the date at ` <br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payehle, wilh Interest, upon notice irom l.ender to Borrower requeating payment. <br /> $. h7��t�a-ya I�sura��a. ft Lc�d:r rcqulr�d mortg�ga lnaurcnc� ns a conditlon of m�kng ihe loan secured by this . <br /> Secudry Instniment, Bonower shell pay the premiwns requlred to malntaln the mortgage Insurance In ettect. If,tor eny reason,tho <br /> mortgage insurence coverage requlred by Lender lepsos or ceases to be In efleCt. Borrower shall pay the premlums required to <br /> obtaln coverage substanfialiy Equivelent to the morigaga insurKncn p�nviuubi�!o ettact, at a cast sub�tunttwt�yr cquivatrnt to thc �-. <br /> cost to Bortower of the mortgsge Insurance prevloualy In eft'ct, hom en aftemate mortgege (nsurer approved by Lender. If <br /> subst+�ntlally equNalFnt mortrn�e Inat+ronce covemge Is nat availAble, Horrower ahall pay to Lender each month e sum equal to , <br /> one-twelfth ot the yearly mortgage Inauntnce premlum being pald by Borrower when the Insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> be in effect. Lender wiA eccept, use and retsin these payments as a loss reservo In Ileu of mortgage insuranc9. Loss reserve <br /> payments may no longer be requlred,at the option o1 Lender, II mortgafle Insurance coverege (In the amount and fot the perlod <br /> that Lender requlres)provided by en Insurer epprovAd by Lender agaln becomes avallable snd is obtained. Borrower shali pay <br /> the premluma requlred to malntaln mortc�age Insurence in ettect, or to provida e lose resene, until the requlrement for mortgago <br /> insurance ends In sccordance wlth any written agreement beriveen Borrower and �ender or epplicabte law. <br /> 9. (nSpsCtion. lender or Its egent may meke reaaonable entdes upon end Inspectlons of the Froperry. lender shall glve <br /> Borrower notico at the time of or prlor to an Inspectlon apecifying reasonable ceuse(or the Inspectlon. <br /> 10. Conaarnnation. The proceeds of eny award or clalm tor damages, direct or consequentiel, in connection with any <br /> condemnatlon or other takl�g of any paR ot the Properly, or tor conveyance In Ileu o} condemnetion, are horeby asxlgned and <br /> shall be pald to Lender. <br /> In the event o1 a totet taktng ot the Praperty, the proceeda shall ba epplled to the sums secured by thia Securiry <br /> ;,-�sr��,���a,;f;��r������t a��p�.;uo�;�;�„� :��;r ar.c�s�N4;�::. �o���ri�. tr .�o a:��s a�.r�a���n$as sna .�p�,Y�;"t�r�cts <br /> the Sak market value oi the Property Immodlatety betore the teking Is equal to or greater than the amount of tha sums secured <br /> 6y ti�in 3a�-u��iy I��ntu����ri I���d;�t�`y b�fcr th� t'�ing, unlac� 9arrov:er and Lr.nd� oth�r:Ylee egree !n W�iting. tha RII(rjC <br /> secured by thie Security Instrument ehell be reduced by the amuunt of tho procReda muftipllad by the toilowing fractlon: (e)the <br /> totel emount of the sums secured Immediateiy betore the teking, divided by @) the falr markot value af the Property Immedlately <br /> before the tak(ng.Any bnlance sfiall be pald to BoROwer. In the event of a perttat taking of the Property in which the fafr merket <br /> vulue oi the Property immedlately betare the takinp Is lass than the amount of the sums secured Immed(atdy belore the taking. <br /> unless Bortower end Lender othemisa egree In writing or unless eppUcable law othetwise pravides, the proceeds shall be <br /> eppued to tho sums secured by this 8ecurity Inst�ument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Propertyr is abandoned by Borrower, or f}, efter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnur oHers to make an <br /> _ award ur settle a clalm tor damagas, Bortower talls to respond to Lender withln 30 deys after the date the notice is gtven, <br /> Lender Is authorized to collect and appty the proceeds, ai its oplion, elther to �estoretlon ar rapalr oi the Property or to the <br /> sums aecurecf by thta Securfty Instrummt,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wrking, any applicapan o} proceeds to p�inclpai ehall not extend or <br /> ' poatpone the due d�te o1 the monthty paymente rnterred to In paragnphs 1 �nd 2 or chanpe the amount ot ouch payments. <br /> 11. 8orrow�r Not Roloaa�d; Farb�aranc� By Lond�r Not o W�Ivsr.Extenslon ot the dme tor payment or <br /> modficaUon of emortizatlon ot the sums socurod by this SecuAty Instrument grented by Lender to any succesaor In Intarest ot <br /> Bortower ahall not opernta to relesse tha Aabil(iy af thv odpinel Bortowa or 8orrower's successors In Interest. Lender shell not <br /> ; be requked te commence proaeedinpa agalnst eny succesaor In Interest or retuae to extend time tor payment or otherwise <br /> modiy e�moHlzution ot the sums aecured by this Security Inatrument by renson of eny demend made by the orlpinal Borrower or <br /> ' Bortower's successom tn Interest. My forbearance by Lender tn exercfs(ng erey right or remedy ehall not t�e a watvor at or <br /> N�c,���o�;�n o„�woa of any rigttit or rcmcd'�. <br /> 92. Suaces:�ra �nd Asslgns �ound; Jolnt and Saver�l Llabllity; Co-algnere.rhe covenanta nna <br /> agreements of this Securlty InsUument shaN bind dnd benefrt th0 successorc end asslgns o1 Lender and Bo�rawer,su4Ject to the <br /> provlslans of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenente and agreements sheH be Jolnt end seveml. My Borrower who co•signs thie <br /> Securfty InstrumEnt but does not execxde the Note: (e) Is co•sign6ng this Socurity Instrument only te mortgage, grent and convey <br /> that goROwer's Interest In the Properry under the terms o1 this Security Instn�ment; (b) Is not personally obligeted to pay the <br /> sums secured by thf� Securfty Instrument; and (o) ngrees that Lender and eny other BoROwer may agree to axtend, modify, <br /> • torbear or n�ake any accommodatlons with re�ard to the terms o1 thls Securiry Instrument or the Note witl�out thet Borrower's <br /> consent. <br /> < 13. LOA11 ChA1'�89. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to e law which sets maximum loan <br /> charges, end that law Is ifnally interpreted ao thet the Interest or other Ioan charges collected or to bo coliected(n connectlon <br /> wfth the loan exceed the pertnitted Omits, the�i: (a) any such loan chergo shall bo reduced by the emount necessary to reduce <br /> � the charge to the permltted Iimit; and (b) any sums elrendy coliectod from Borrower �vhlch exceeded permitted ifm(ts will be <br /> � retunded to Bortower. l.onder may choose to meke thls retund by reducing the princtpal owed under the Note or by maktng a <br /> � direct payment to Bomower. It a retund teduces princlpal, the reduction will be treated as n purtial prepa��ment without any <br /> • prepayment aharga under the Note. <br /> � 14. NOt1C9�.My noUce ta Bartower provided tor h thls Securky Instrwnent ehall be gtven by delive�ing It or 6y mailing It <br /> by first class mafl unless ap�Iicabio law requlres u3o of enother method. Tho notice shall be dfrected to the Property Address <br /> � or any oiner eddrass esorrawer designaces oy norca to iender. any notice ta �enaer snan ue gNen ny nrst ctass man to <br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bortov�er. My no4lco provlded for in this <br /> Security Inatrument ahnll bo deemed to hAVe been given to Borrower or Lender when plven ns provided In this paragraph. <br /> '15. Governtng Law; SeyOrabll(ty. This Socurity In3trument sholl be govemed by tederal !aw and tho ta�v of the <br /> �urisdictlon In whlch the Proporty Is located. In the event thet eny provicfon or clause ot this Sacurity Instrument or the Noto <br /> conAlcts wkh applicabte law, such contiict shall not ettect other provlslonA ol this Secur(ty Instrument or tho Note which can bo <br />._ given eNect without the contlicting provislon. 7o thls end tlie provislons ot thls Sacurlry Instrument and tha Note era declared to <br /> be severable. <br /> 16. 801'►OWYP'B CO�j/. Borcov�er shall be glvon one con(ormed copy ot tho Noto and ot thls Securfry Instrument. <br /> _ F1316.LM0(3/9G) P«qu J o1 5 ������J'�C <br /> ��...� <br /> - 960Y1 <br /> � <br />