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.`[^�- ' ., • ;. :�.�:..-- �...��•••—.T}� J .. ._..___. .� " _ ._"_""�':. __` - <br /> ' Mii�...;... �'�"ks;'i�p�{:''"�r•�''�, - - - — -�__ - - - _. -_:_ <br /> --•T_ -=• —_ -- <br /> -- <br /> ,.,�. _.. ��_____ ..__._..____...�_ - - -- — W.._..�.___.��.�_ --- -_-- <br /> TOQ'r.7HER WITH ali the {mprovements now or herouft�r erected on the proparty, snd eli eesementa, nppurtenancea, and <br /> •fiuturc� noti�1 or hereatter a paA o1 tha praperty, A�I replaoementa and addlUonn �hall also bo covered by thls Secudry Inatsumeit. ��__ <br /> R;I ot tho forepolnn lo retcrecd to In thls Securil} Instrument no tlio'Property-' -- <br /> LiQRROINt:R COVENANT� thot Borro�•�cr Is I��vfully aelzed ol lho e:,tnto hercby convoycd and hao tho dpht te {7rant nnd �� <br /> convay ihe Property end lhat Iho Propeny Is unencumbcred, execpl lor cncumbrancus o1 record. Borrowcr�vnrrnnta and wlll <br /> doiond penorally tha tlue to the Property ugalnst All claims nnd damanda, cubJoct to any encumbrancos of record. � _ <br /> THI9 SECURlTY INSYRUMENT combines unitorm covenants for natl��nal uoo and non•unitortn cavenanto wlth Ilmited ' <br /> vaiiatlone by Jurladlctlon to conetltute e unitortn aocurity Inetrument covering resi properry. � <br /> UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendar covenant end agree as follows: d ` ' <br /> 1. P�ym�nt M P�Inclpal and Int�rod; Pr�paym�nt end 1.�4s Charg��.Borrower ehell promplly pay when <br /> due the princfpal ot and Interest on the debt evldenced by tho Note end any prepayment nnd iato chnrges duo under iha Noto. � �- <br /> 2. �unda tar Tax�s and Inaurane�. SubJeol to eppllcable�avt or to e wdtten walver by Lender,Boriower shali pay _ <br /> m �nndn.nn tne d.v monthlv navmenta are due under the Note, untll the Note In pald In tull, a sum ('Funds') for: (a) yearty '� <br /> 4exes and s�sessments wnlch may attnin pdority over thia Se�uriiy tnat�w�ieiit u5 6 Ilan on tha Prap�rty; (D) ycarry tca��hoia e� <br /> paymenta or yround rents on the Properly, if any; (o)yeerly hazard ar propertyr Insurance premiuma; (d) yearly ilood Inau►�nco - <br /> premlume,It any; (e) yearty mortgage ineurance prernlums,ft any: and (Q nny eums payabte by Barrbwer to Lender In accordance <br /> with the provlslone of paragraph 9, In Ileu o}the paynnent of mortgega Inaurance premlums. These {tems ara called 'Escrow <br /> items." Lender may, st eny tlme, collect and hold Funds In sn amount not to exceed the maximum smount a lender tor a <br /> foderally related morlgape loan muy requiro (ar Borrower's escrow eccount under the federal Rcal E3tnta SolAement Procedures - <br /> Act o1 1N74 as emended from time to tlme, 12 U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('RESPA'), unless enother law that epplieo to the Funds <br /> �cts n I�sser emount. It eo, Lender mny, At eny time, coilect and hold Funds In en emount not to exceed ihe losser amount. <br /> Lender may ostlmate the emount of Funds due on the basis of current dnta and reasonsbte estimates of expenditures of future <br /> Escrow Items or athervuise In accordance with epplicable law. <br /> The�unds sh�!I tre hNc� !n en Inat�t��tina wh�sn dnFnsite ere Insured by e iQderal agency,instrumentallty,or e�tity Qncluding _ <br /> Lender. If Lender Is such an institutlon) or in eny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender ehsll epply the Funds to pay the�scrow <br /> Items. Lender mAy not chorge BoROwer ior halding and appryinp the Funda,annualty anelyzing the escrow account, or veritying <br /> the �scrow Items, untesa Lender pays Borrower fnterest on tiie Funds end eppflcabte lavr permitr Londer to maE:e such a � <br /> charpe. However, Lender r��ay require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for en independent real esteto tex reporting cervice <br /> used by Lendnr In connectlon wfth thls loan, unlesa applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreem+�nt Is made or <br /> epplicable Isw requires Interest ta ba pald, lender ehull not be requirod to pay Borrawer eny interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> Borro•xer and Lender may egree In wdting, however, that Interest ahall be pa[d on the Funds. Lender shall gtve to Borrower, <br /> without charge, e.n annual accounting of the Funds, showing credite end debits to the Funds and thA purposo 4or whlch eech <br /> debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedped as additlonal security Tor all sums socured by the Secudty Instrument. - <br /> I}the Funds heid by Lender oxceed the amounts pertnftted to be held by epplicable law, Lender shatt sccount fo Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds fn accordence with tha requlrements of applicablo law. If the amount o}the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> time is not surilclent to pey the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notity Borrowor in writing, and, In such cese Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amaunt necossary to make up the deflclency, Borrower shali make up the deficlency in no more then <br /> hv�Ive monthly payments,at Lender'a sole discreUon. <br /> Upon payment in tull ot all aums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly retund to Borrower any Funds <br /> t�:d b,t....^zrl�. !!, ssr.d�^°.ro;�° ?.!.!e.^.der �hA!! !?r.nulre nr aell tho Pronerty.Lender. Qdor to the acqulsitlon or 6ale ot the <br /> Property, shall npply eny Funds held by I.ender at the time o1 scqulsftlon or sele as e credit agalnst the sums aecured by this <br /> . �eraril;lnetrument. <br /> 3. Appllcatson of Payments. Unless epplicable law provides otherwlse, sil payments recelvod by Lender under <br /> p9ragraphs 1 end 2 shall be erypHed: flrst, to any prepayrrient charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under <br /> paragreph 2;thkd,to hitere�t due;tourth,to princlpal due:and tast,to any lato charges due under the Note. <br /> . 4. Charg�9; U�ns. Borrower shell pay atl taxes, assessments, charges, 11nes and ImposiUons attributsbte to the <br /> Prope�ty which mey atta�n prloriry over thia Secutlty Instrument, end leasehold payments or ground rents,i}any. Borrower shsA <br /> pay these obNgaUona fn tha rrwnner provided In puagraph 2, or II not peld In that manner, �orrovrer shell pay them on tkne <br /> directy to ihe peron owed pnyment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noUces of amounts to be pald under thls <br /> • peregraph. I} Borrower rrwkes these payments dkectry, Borrower ahell prompty tumish to Lender recelpts evldencing the <br /> , payments. <br /> Bortower shaA promptly dlschsrge any Ilen whlch hes priority over thls Securfty Instrument unless Bonower. (e) agreas In <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the Nen M a manner aeceptebie to Lender; (b) contests In good teRh the <br /> Nen by, or defends �y�inst enforc�nent of tho Aen in, lepa! proceedinQs which In the Lender's opinlon opaatb to prevent the <br /> eniorcement ot the Aen; or(o) secures hom ihe holder uf the llen an agreement satlstactory to Lender subordfnating 4he Ilen to <br /> thla Secu�ity Inatrument. It Londer datemilnes that eny paR ot the Propaty Is subJeat to a lien which may attaln Nrlority over thls <br /> 3ecurity InsAvment, Lender rt�sy give Borrower a notice IdenUlying tf�a Ilen.Borrower shnll s�tisty the Ilen or teke one or more ot <br /> the actirna eet(orth ebove wtthln 10 days of the gMing oi noUce. <br /> 5. Hezard ar P'roperty Inaurance. Bonower shall keep the improvanents now existing or herafter aected on the <br /> Property Insured agelnst loss by flre, hazards Included wlthin the tenn 'extended coverage" and any othe�hezerds, Inctuding <br /> Oootls or 1looding,tor whkh Lender requlres Insurence. Thls Insurance shall be mairJatned In the amounts ond tor the periods <br /> �►;_�i�,.�e.���Ir�, Th�I�tea����o r,�rinr nrnvldin�tha incurnn�p ahnll he chqse�hy Bnnow�3r sub�ect to!endnPs 0ppruYal <br /> whir.h shtJl not 6e unreasonaNy withheld. Ii Borrower falis to melntain coverage describocf above, Lender may, at Lender's <br /> optlon,obtahi coverage to protect Lender's rights In tha Property in sccordanco witii paragraph 7. <br /> All insurence policiea and renewals �hall be acceptable to Lender end shell tnclude a stendard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> ' shall have the rlght to hold the pollcles snd renewals. Ii Lender requlres, Borrowor sh�ll promptly give to Lender eil receipts of <br /> . paid premiums and renowel notices. In the avont of loss, Bortower�hell ghre prompt notice to the Insurance cartfer end Lender, _ <br /> Lender may make proof of loss ff not mnde prompty by 8orrower. <br /> Unl�ss Lender end Borrower othenvlse agree In v�riUng, Insurance procoeds shall be app8ed to restoreUon or repa(r ai the <br /> '' Praperty damaged, H the restoration ar repair is er.onomlcalry teaslbte and Lender's security Is not iessened,If the restora8on or <br /> , repalr is not economically feasible or lender's securilry would be lessened,the Insur�nce proceeds�hali be ep�iled to the suma <br /> aecured by thls Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excesa pa(d ta Elortower. If Borrower ebandona the <br /> Property, or does not nnswer withln 9U days a notice trom Lender that the Insurance ctuurler hns oNere�! to settle a ctalm,then <br /> Lender may coNect the Msurance procoeds. Lpnder may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Propertyr or to pay sums <br /> secured by this�ecurity Instrumont,whether or not then due. The 30•day pertod will bogln when the notico Is given. " <br /> Unless Lender nnd Borrower othervvfse agree In writing, eny appllcation o4 proceeds to prindpal shull not oxtend or <br /> postpone the due date ot tho monthty payments referred to In paragrephs t and 2 or chenge the emount ot the payments. 1} - <br /> under peragraph zi iho Froperiy is acyui�eu uy lenuer, ou�wwn's uy�it to a_�ry I�surur:c�����Uas and p�ucu�����_.�uiiiny:rom - <br /> � damage to the Property prior to the acqulsition shall pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums by thls Secu^ty Instrument <br /> � Immedtetely prfor to the acqutsiUon. _ <br /> _._ . <br /> ; 6. OCCU��flCy, Yf68eNA[iOn, INaiIDlenanCe ano �mieciiort oi iiee �roperiy; ovPiovii�s �.oan _. <br /> , Applleatto�; Leaaehalds. BoROwer shall occupy, establish, and use the Property ns Dorrower's pdnclpal resldencv wlthln - <br /> slxty deys efter the executlon o1 thls Secudry Instrument and shall contfnue to occupy the Property t�s Borrower's princfpnl ;- <br /> rosldence tor et least one year efter the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvlso ngrees In wHting,whlch conser►t shall not = <br /> bo unreasonebty wlthheld,or unlese eatenuaUng clrcumstnnces oxlst whlch ere beyond Bortowers control. Boirower shall not �� <br /> destroy, dameye or Impalr the Property, allow the Propc�ty to detedorate, or cammit �vasto on tho Prope�iy.Borcower chall bo In - <br />= detault B eny(ortHture actlnn or procaading, whether clvll or cHminal, Is begun thaE In l.ender's good faith judgment could result -- <br />- In fo►telture of the Properry ur othonvlye matedatty Impalr the Ilen crnAted by thls Securtty Instrument or Le�der'a securiry Interast. _ <br /> J F131G.1M(�(3/9�) Pago 2 0}5 /f[.FS�GC���`J7s�' '. <br /> (/� <br /> I <br /> � fYA71 � <br />