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''` � . � :,,�"��-, �. J _. ' .��:r� �_ <br /> �a��.�. n.:._.,��c,�.2ta!3t:7.Ji..^3L�1.':r'!�'L'CHS�MlR . __ _...... .. 7,1llil0edN�:'�-:,--`�_.... : .'"._.'_'—=_-:. <br /> .._.__._..� -' <br /> 441�1"►yh"'a.'t''`?�F��.R�+� w.���.—=----_� ---- <br /> ------ —— <br /> '_. °- - <br /> ._..�__ . <br /> ..-: - -- . . .�.....-- - -- -_. ---� - _ - .__. _. <br /> -- ---- - . _ . <br /> "'E7�R . - - . _. -- ... <br /> _ .' .o^r�-�fa....�� _�.,_-T. ... ._.�.,.:. .,_.:.:_"--- <br /> ----. __. _ . ._ .._ ....�...�.:�L._,.._._`�7r'iY.�. , �. . .. .._ ...._...__ - <br /> 17. Trana�iev of tlte prop�rty or u Bon�ilclal Interest In 6orrawsr. If all or nny parl 01 tho Propnrty or <br /> oQny Intcrest In ft la �old or tran�f�ncd (or If n bcnc^cl�l inlerest In Borroti��er Is sold or tmnsten•ed and Bonower la not n nnturel �' <br /> . peroon) �•�Ithout Lcndcr'o prlor vrriltcn cona�nt, Lcndcr m�y,al ita cptlon,rcqulro Immcdl�ta Poymcnt In full o}all cums�acurod by <br /> Ifd� Sccurity InoUunicnt. Howovcr, thla optlon ohnll not bo eur.rclsod by I.endcr If oxcrclso I� prolilbitr.d by Iedcral law ❑s o1 tho [ <br /> dato o}thl� Scwrity InctrumcM. <br /> If Lender exerd�ea thls �ptlan, l.ender ehall glva 6oROwer noUca of ecceleratlon The notico shall provide a period o1 not �_ <br /> leas fhen SO daye trom the d�te the notica Is dellvered or n�alled within whlch Bonower must pay all sums eecured by thls <br /> 8ocurity Inattumont. li Borrower fallo to pay thesa sums prlor to tho oxplratlon oi tid� perlod, Lender may Invoko nny remod(a� � � <br /> pemdtted by thla 9ecurity Inetrument wlthout lurther notice or demand on Borrower. � <br /> 1B. B�DYVO4Mer'e RIAht to Helndta�e. If 8orrower meeta certAln conditlone, �onowcr r�hall heve tha dAh4 to h4ve �- <br /> enfercement ot thl� 9ecwtty Instn�ment dlscontlnued st sny tlme prlor to the enrtler ot: (a) & aays (or such olher perlod as � <br /> ���IlrVl�,�;;ry��r��L.1��rIwNM��wM�1 I��Iw��wlw w�� w C+wn�M��w��w��w ��n wn d nI e�Ie n�nbinn�II�1{�Ie QoNI� <br /> �............... � .,,.a,.». �,., ��.�,,.,,,.,.���,,,�., ..,.,,,�.. ..,.,,...� .h,. ,..,,....., ,.......,.r.. ...«.,; ,^.�:•:... ... __._............__... . t� O <br /> Inetrument; or (b) entry o1 a judpment en}orcing ihis Secu►iry Instrument.Thoae condltlons ar9 that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all � <br /> eums whlch then would be due undar this Securfry Instrument end the Notu ae II no acceleratlon had occuned; (b) cures any � <br /> default o1 eny ather covenant or aflreemente; (o) pays sll expenses Incurred In entorcing thls 3ecurfry Instrument, Including,but <br /> not Iimited to, reesonabla ettomeys'fees; and (d) takes auch action ea Lender mny reaeonably requlre to assure that the Ilen of W <br /> thia Security Inetrument, Lender's dghts In lfie Properiy and Butrower's o�llgatlon to pay tho sums secured by thl� Security - <br /> lnstrument shall cantinuo unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortower, thls Security Inatrument and the obligatlons aecured <br /> hereby ehAll rempin (uly ettectNe ns if no nccelerAtlon hsd occuned. Wowaver, thls dflht to relnstate ahnll nnt apply In the case _ <br /> 01 acceteratlon under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Salo 01' Note; Cha�nge of Loan 9ervEcer. The Note or a a partlal Interest in the Note (together with thls <br /> Securiiy instrumcmiy may 6a sold one or more iirnes wiihout prior notice fa Borrower.A sale may resufi(n a ahangs fn ine entiiy <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer")that collects monthy payment» due under the Note and thls Securlry Instrument, There alsa may <br /> bs ona ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrsfated ta a sale ot tho Noto. It thcro I� a ahsngo ot ihe Loan Servicer, . <br /> Bortower wlll 6a glven wtitten notice of lhe ahange In acconiance wltii paragreph 14 ebove end eppllcuble law. The notice wlli <br /> ata*.e the name and address of tha new Loan Servicer end the address to which payments should be msde. The notice will also <br /> conta!n eny other intortnatlon required by appiicable law. <br /> 20. Hezardaue SubStAttoes. Barrawer shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use, disposnl, storage, or release of <br /> eny Hezardous Substances on �r in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor aliow unyone else to do, enything aNecting tho <br /> Property that Is In vlol�tlon of any Environmentel Law. The preceding two sentences ehali not apply to the prosence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small yuantities ot Hezardous Subatances that nre generelly rocognlzed to be approprinte to normal <br /> recldential uses and to mulntenance oi the Property. <br /> Borrower ahell promptly glve Lender written notice ai any investigstlon, claim, demand, lawsuit or othe� sction by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agenay or private party InvoHing the Property end any Hezardous Substance or Environmentat Lsw of <br /> whioh Bonower has actual knowledge. It Burrower leems, or Is notiiled by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that sny <br />� iet�iiivd= vi titi�i7 PCtiicuiduiitt u} oit� iiucaiuGiio wuaiui�G'v nKc�.`Ziiii3 i��v}'ia"1'�j =o iiov000ai'j� �O3Tli'rio o:ia�= F3T.^..'i�%j �.:V� =� - <br /> neceasary remedial actiona In accordance wiih Env(ronmentel Law. <br />� Ac usc�In thl� p�rgrph 20, 'Ha:.:rdau�Eub�k^.rtc�' ara ihoaa subatanca., da!lnad as to;Jc ar fia�rdous�ub�tancaa by <br /> Environmental Lew end the following substences: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabte or toxla petroleum products, toxlc <br /> pesticides end herbicides,volatile solvents, m�terials contafnin�asbestos or lormaldehyde,and radloactiva materlals. As used In <br /> psrsgraph 2U, 'Environmental Law° means federal lu►vs end Inwa of tha Jurl�dictlun whera the Property is located th�t relnto to <br /> heaRh, satery or envlronmentat protection. <br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower snd Lende�turther covenant end agree as follows: <br /> 21. Accsleratlon; Remedlea. Lender ehall give notice to Borrower Rrlar to acceleration <br /> following Borrow�r's i�n�ch ot any covan�nt or agro�mont In thla S�curity Instrumont (but not <br /> prior tn accN�rstton undor paragrsph 17 unless applicabl� law providos othsrwis�). Th� notico <br /> sh�ll sp�cffy: (�) the dofauR; (b) the action raqulr�d to cure tho dsfautt; (c) a date. not Isss th�n <br /> ' 30 days from th� data the notice is given to Borrourer, by which the defauit must b� cured; snd <br /> (d) that fallure to curo the �defauit on or betore the date specifled in the notl�a may rssuR in <br /> ecaeleration of the eums sec�red by thia Sacurity Instrument and eale vf tha Property. The notics <br /> shali furthsr Inform Borrowsr of the right to relnatate after acceler�tlon and the right to laring a <br /> court actlon to ass�rt the non-oxiatence ot a default or any othvr defansa of Barrawor to <br /> ecceleratlon and sale. If the default I9 not curecl Qn or before the date epecfiled In tha notic�, <br /> l.ondor at ftA option may requlre imme�llate paymant In full of all sums secured by this Sscurity _ <br /> Instrumsnt �nrithoui� further deman�! and may Invoks ths powsr of eale and any other romediaa <br /> psrmfttoti hy applicabla law. Lender shail be e�tRled to collect �11 oxpenees Incurrad In pursu(ng <br /> th� remodiss providod In thls Qaragraph 21� Including, but not Ilmlted to, reasonablo aiitornpya' <br /> foss �nd costs of titls evidence. <br /> If ths power of eate la Invaiced, Truatee shall record a notice of defavlt in each county In <br /> whlah Any p�rt of the Property ie located and ahAll mafl coples of such notice In the manner <br /> . prescrlb�d by appllcable law to Borrovsrer ae�d to the oiher parsons prescribed by applicablo law. <br /> ARer ths timo roquired by appllcable law�Trustee shall give public notice of salo to tho persons <br /> • and In the manner preacribed by epplicable lavv. Trust�e, without demAe�d an Borrower� ehall sell• <br /> ' the Propsrty at public auctlon to the highest bisider at the time and place and under tha terms <br /> d�sig�a4ed In ths �ottce of safe in one or more parcels end In any order Trustee determines. <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or an�r parcel of the Property by public announcement et the <br /> tim� and place of eny pravlously schoduled sale. Lender or ita designee may purchase the <br /> Property �t any sale. <br /> Upon rece9pt of payment of the price bld, Trustee ahall delivor to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> ..�,.�....��n.....�.r.. T�.� �..ea��� e..u.� T....���� a�...i ..�.�u a.� .�.a...� w�� �.a.��....� ..� <br />� � �.. .��..•� �e.� . ...r�..�. .•. . • . .��. vAV o.�wn vv �a�nnw �wv�v v . • — <br /> the truth�of the a+iatements made thereln. ��Truste� shall apply the proceeds of the eale In the - <br /> followin� orde�r: (a) t� all coste and expensea of exercfeing the poenrer af sala� and tha sa1e� _ <br /> Including thg payment of the Trustee's fees acxually lncurred, r�ot to exceed thres - <br /> 9'a ot the princlpal amoutet of the _ <br /> nate rsR the time of the declaration of default, and reason�ble attorney's faea as permltted by law; <br /> (b) to atl sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons _ <br /> legally ent(tled to tt. <br /> F7J16.LM0(J/9G) Pago 4 of 5 L�� '_ " � <br /> i:. <br /> 96071 <br />