--�--- -- .
<br /> : :, .- - -- . _ - - =-- - -
<br /> '` '.' _ . _ ' . '.1 .'�{' ' _r ...,...�.�__.__�..� -- . .
<br /> _ E_ .' - ,k L' - ` v l�
<br /> -- .�•`c�.._.� , r.. � a . � . .. _ � �� � ������
<br /> . ,. -"-4 h` < _. ��t � �
<br /> . . . ' . . . � . . s � _
<br /> ' � . � tbC IeS1Ipi16E S�j 64'C�Q�1�Y�N���to I.COidEl,ti -
<br /> , pa��t t ei�der raquircs. 71ie ii�u�aoce P'�°8 'ped abo�re.l�endes may`at ` ,
<br /> . ' . which shall noi be m�easanab�Y vrithl�eid. If Bortower fails W�in���� � .
<br /> ---_-_�� ` . .aider s�in t��rt![iri accacdaiice witb ParsE,nPh���-s�...'.r�— - - -
<br /> - - -- —
<br /> _ _—, . - -- --
<br /> aed n�newais shall be acp�ptabk toT�and-si�i
<br /> Al{ins�nana FoticKS �rene�vals- I�1�t��Bvnu�s1►aft pm�nsptly Bive ta i.eoder all tx�
<br /> � s�II hsve the rigM to t�o1d tl�e pnlssies notioc to the uisut�ce c�ier aod _ .
<br /> • � of p�dct p�e�niom.c and t+enewat aotices. in thc epmt of loss.�wer.i�Y�prompt .
<br /> . �f.ender. I e�der tnay m,ke prnof of loss if not made pr�anpdY bY ���lied w reswration or tepair 4f
<br /> . < . Unie�s Lcader and Borrorvtr ahetarist aga in writiag.inauancc Procads �s opt les�eae� if tlie
<br /> .. the propetty damaged.if the restoration of�is aonamicajlY fezsibk'and Let�ec's soc�urIty �
<br /> ' iestontim or�epair is twt oc�oasipl�Y feasibte or Lender's• secunty waild 6e les.�cned,the insurarsce Pn000eds si�lt be
<br /> ap�tied w the swns soe�ued by this Sa�uitY 1os�uma�t,�'kd�r or�t tha�due.weth any exass paid to Bormwrer. If. ,.
<br /> ' . Bocrowa abandons the P�apaty.or does not answu witLin 30 days a natice from I.eoder ti�at the tu�anoe� _
<br /> - offaed to seule a claim,thea Lender maY wtlax the in�aoce Pruc°°��- ���y use the pmceeds nPa�
<br /> . the PmpettY a i°WY s�secut+ed hy this Security Instrumrnc.wl�ett�or not thai du�. The 30-day peaiod wilt fi�8��
<br /> _ tbc noar.e is given. 'a luation of �P��P��not extead ar
<br /> - Unkss l.ender aad BaRn�rer otlK�vrise agrx in��S-�Y P4 t�d 2 or'chan�ge the�no�urt of the paym�ts•.�
<br /> =-- postpone the due daie of the moathlY WY�u tefemd w in para� y ucies and -
<br /> _ under puagtaph 21 the�io�ectY u ac�N�bY��Hortovrers n to an iasurance Pu� Pro�s�dDB.�
<br /> - - "fran damiSa co t h e P�p e�P r i o�t°t h e a c 4 u�s m o n sfiaU p a s s co Le�er to che cxcent of the swas fiecuad by this Saauit�
<br /> -' inshvrnent immcdiatetY P� Borruwer s�Lo�s ApPlie+fl�+
<br />_;:` i. p�y ��li�°°+�Mainteaaoc� aud PrMatioo o�t6e Prop�1+ '
<br /> as Bonuwer's sssidence witfin sixtY daYs after
<br />_- �,q�, Bo�mwer shall accnpy.establistl,aAd use the Property P��s��far u
<br /> - � Ehe execafim of.this Secarity Insuumeat aid sl�l conm�ue to occupy t6e Pm4ertY vifiicb conseet stall not 6e
<br />-� (e�sc one yar afw t6e d a t e of a c c�P a n c Y• unl�ss Lender � � in writing.
<br /> o�ayoqabiy wnti�held.oc unkss extrnuating cino�stances eaist w6ich ara beyoad Bor�owet's canua! �Bonower sh�U
<br /> - •dc�uy;damage or irttpair tl�e PiopertY.allow the PropertY to detericxue.oc cnmmit wasu oa t6e PrapatY- ���� .
<br /> m whettKx civil or crim�cial.is 6egon tfiac ia Lmdtr's Saod
<br /> -- 6e in defa4lt if aa9 farfeitu�+e action or procesed� & this �+u�a
<br /> cauM"�lt in farfe�wre of the P►vPertY ur otherwise materialty impair the Grn cneatod b� ��Y ,
<br /> vtded in 18. eaustng the action
<br /> ,�.�� Lender's security intecest. Borrower muy cure such a defau{t and reinstate.as pro ' P�S�1� bY
<br /> oc pzoceediag to be dismissed with a culiag tha�.�e lxc�der's gaod faith determinaeian.PRCtudes forfeinue of the Bamawer�
<br /> ' ��z intercst in the Property or other material impai�meni of the l�en creatcd bjr this 5ecutitY In��e matecially faLse o
<br /> ��`3 inteiest� Bonower shall also 6e in defaufe if Borrower.during the loan application pracess. Sa
<br /> ``-= inaccurate infom�ation or statanents to Lender(or fa�led to provide Lender witt►any material in�°�n0n)�°O��On with
<br /> „ . .f ,_ :�._._ of the
<br /> ;' �:s•�'.; the 10at1 ev'idenced by the IVote,incinding.but not limited to. representatioas rnnceming Borrower's occupaoc.y
<br /> ;�;: , p�pert�,as a ipal residence. If this Securiry tnsaument is an a leasehotd.Boaawer shail comply with aA the provisiona
<br /> ,�;' of the lease. f Bormwer acqaires fe��titte to the PropeRy.the leaseholci and tiie fee tiQe shall not mesge unless Lender agnas
<br /> '`r:,.. to the mec8er in writu►g.:
<br /> �} " • • 7. p���,�dt�.'s R�ts�u tIK property. If Borrower fa�s;to pecfont� the covenams and ag�certKnts
<br /> � u
<br /> _ K �: contained in this Security lnstrumep4.or there is a iegal proceeding that may significandy affect Ler�der's rights in ibe
<br /> � ° � Property tsach as a praceeding u�bankraP«Y�Arobate.for condemnation ar forfeiture or to rnforce taws or regulatians),d�ea
<br />-�.,F�. �!°'�.
<br /> � . ;�.-:��_. � Lender rr�y do and pay far whatever is necessacy to protect the value of tfie Property and Lender's rights in che�-
<br /> ' �` ��.�� • l.ender's actions may include paying any sams secured by a lien which has priority over this Security instrumen�a __
<br /> � ��t� . �. in coun.paying reasonabte attomeys'fees and e�suing on the ProPertY�p make cepairs.Although Lender may tatce acu� �
<br /> '�'�"}•: ° h 1 Lender dces not have to do sa� ��-
<br /> ' ,� . �,,. ,: • under this paragraP . —.,._
<br /> •"'"% Any amounts disbursed by Lender under t�is paragraph 7 shall 6ecome additional debt of Botrower secured by this ,�,,..
<br /> . . •c•v_ �1:.•-
<br /> ;�r; .. Securiry instrument. Unless Bormwer and Lender�gree ta othec terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest framthe .:f?:"__
<br /> � date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with intere�t.upon notice fram LRnder to Bocrower mluesi�ng �:.;
<br /> •z �. paytnent.
<br /> , ' - g, iVtortgage iasoraace. If Lcnder�qu",:�d mortgage insurance as�condition of making the toan secureA by this -
<br /> ,2, �.�''y,. Security lnstrument. Bonower shall pay the pseor�cums required to maintain tEe:moRgage insurance in effect. 1f.for any _
<br /> ' ; �: � - � reaso�.:the mortgage insurance coverage reqaired by I.ender lapses or ee�s to be in effec�. Borrower shall pay the ', . -
<br /> •����T'�' prem.��:=.�q���d'to obtain coverage subwtantiaNy equivaiea�ra the mortgage in�urance previously in effect,at a cost ,
<br /> • . `''`'�� �� substantia�Ty equivalent to ihe wst to Borrower_�f.the martgage i�surance previousty in e��+^a.fram an altemttte morcgage
<br /> ; '��r' �'''f•'� ; insurer approved by l.ender. If substantiaUy ec,cni�alent mortgage insurancr coverage is nos atailabte.Ba�rower shall payto �: , _
<br /> . Lender each month a sum eyual m one-twelfth�€�4e yearly mortgagc insG°.�^.e premium being paid by Borrower when thc .. �
<br /> � insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to be in effee:. l.ender w�ll accept.use a.�d reta�n these payments ac a loss reserve in(iea „
<br /> - ' <<� of mangage insurance. Lo�s restrve payments m�y na longer be rcc�u�red,at the optian of 1.ender.if mortgage irtsurance ,s.
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requircs)pravided by an insurer aF�:oved by Lender again becomes ;,,,, .
<br /> � _°���s avaituble and is abtained.Borrower�hal!pay the premium�required to mainta�n mortgage insurance in effect,ar to provide a
<br /> °-��- toss reserve.untit the requiiement tor mottgage insurancc ends m�ccordance with uny written agreement t+etween BoROwer ��
<br /> ;,;;,;'.., � � � and Lender nr applicable law. . • I '
<br /> 9. Inspectan. l.ender or its agem may makc rea�onabte entries up�n s►nd inspec�ions of the'Propeny. Lender shall �
<br /> �. . . � .'� . ' give lBonower notice at�he time of ur prior to an inspection�pecifying reasonable cause far the inspection.
<br /> ��•�� �� •� ' t0, ���m��pn. The praceed�nf any�wurd�r claiRt Eor datnases,direct rn c�msequentiai,in connCClion with any
<br /> ...�=.::.::•..
<br /> �� - . Singk Namily..iannle�lxiFreddle�t�c I XIi�1pH I�S'1'NCNttiT••I�nit�,rin Cuven�nt, 9!!S Ipuce+��f/+Pue�o► "
<br /> - � ,�'•; } , ��ren tdes�vaer.tar.■ � ,
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