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_'�:-'{='::.T^`�.__ _ . _ . ' ::;Fy.*__ <br /> .__ _ _ _ — _-� . `"„"_...��:�'�,-.�,�.�_ <br /> .�.� . _ _ _ �..�. � _ _ .._ . .. _. <br /> Q> E+' � .. ��..-_z � . . .. _— <br /> _ -.z� �.r_ :.i _. � . ._ _. �_ -- �--� •---- . r--^- , -, . -.- <br /> - tt.'seY.'.���_� ...� ' . C ♦ ♦ . � < � ' C , , . _ � ` _. '� .. ` � . � . . <br /> . . f .. . . . � . _ . .._ . . . . . . ._ � ��� 'f���� ' . . <br /> - . . ` ` . ; ot'tbe fa carveyanoe in lieitof aoMenu�aeian,�are i�ereb�r ac�ip�aad ' � <br /> �,qd�o�pao+oc ather taicina of a�►y Q�t <. ' . . <br /> _ sbalibt_�tot.t�nder., �, ° -_ �,-�i-t���►t�ta ` �+.!�■.�.�c.Y,�ric�j= <br /> _ _ -- � � . . <br /> U�iun�M�wye�het,qr not d�en duc.witb a�ry eaccess paid W Boaowet Ia tht evEnt of a puti�!t�icing of the Pt+apetty in� <br /> � . wi�iclt the fair ro�et vate�e of t6e Pmperty imm�a�adY befora tBe tatting is equal to or greater th�n ttse amount of tbe sums . <br /> ui vrcitin . <br /> ` -sacaurod aY tlns.SecuritY lnstr�ment immf.�diatety 6efo[e the t�tcing.unkss.Borrowec and i.ender otherwise agcer� g <br /> ns o <br /> ` .the sums secured by this Secusity L�cwment shall b4�,bY the amount of t6e pracxods multiplied Dy the folbwing . <br /> —� fcac�: �a)the total amnunt of the sums'secund immediatety before the taking,divided by(b)the fair maricet v�of the � <br /> ' prope�ty imu�ediately befoae the tafon$. .�Iny batance shaU be p�id tti Borrower. tn the�t o€s p�tis} � <br /> � . Fropeny in wlricb.the fair muket vatue of the Propeccy immediaccty befac+e thc t�icing is lesg than the�of sums._ , 1 <br /> secund�ma�odiafeiy befare ttse�taring.unl�s Bor�wer and Let�der ahetwise agree in writing rir unkss aPPlicabk iaw <br /> ot�rwi,se pr,qvides,the piocads shall be applied to the sutas secured Dy this Sau'rity Instrument whcther or not the sums are <: <br /> then due: . . <br /> If tbe PtopectY is abandoaed bY if,after notice by Lender w BaROwer tbaf the ca�demnor offas to maice <br /> aa aw�d�a settle a cla6n for damages.Sarower fa�'Is to respond w Lender within 30 days after the date the aotice'aur ov� <br /> Lender is antbocized to coikct and appty ihe its opeion.either to�stor�tion ar,repair of[he P�opertY . <br /> wms securod by this Security Instrurnent,whetlttr ornot tlxn due. ` <br /> Unlas Lxnder and Boctowcr athe�risc agree in writing.any application of pmcads ta principal shali not exuid a <br /> � pos�pone the due date of the monthlY paymeats�eferred to in�ragraphs 1 and Z ar change the anwuat of sadt payn�ents _ . <br />- - iL Borrawer Not iteie�d; For6araece By:lRedes Not a Waiv� .Extcasian o€ the time for payment a . <br /> modification of anwrtizatian of the sums secunod bY this Securiry Iasaument granted by l.ender to any sacce�sor�n'mte�rst � <br /> -= of&xmwer shaii not operate to reiease the 1tab�LtSr of the.onguml Borrower or Barowers successors in mterest. Lender < . <br /> stwJ�not 6e�N�w canmence pmca�ings 3gainst anY s�ces.gar in ince[�gst or�efuse w ea�tend time far paymenc a <br /> _ oth�wise�fy amoRizatiat af the sums secured by this SavritX iri'strurt�ent by mason of any danamd made by tt�e oriSinal ti <br /> - -; eoc;ower or Borrower�successors in intere.s� My l.encter in oxer+cising any right or remedy shall swi 6e a <br /> _ vv�iver of or p�eciude the exec+cise of any rigl�t or remedy: �covenants and���uf this <br /> - 1L Snca�ssors�d.Ass�as Bound:Joint asd Several l.i�bitity:Cu-si�sers. <br /> Securiry Instzument shall bind and benefit the svccessors and assigns of Lender and Bocrower,su6ject to the provisiats of <br />__ parag�aph 17.Bormwer s cavenants and agmmenu shall be joint and several.Any Borrower v►fio co-siSns this Security <br /> -- �nctrnment but daes not FxeeRte the Nate: fa1 is co-sigaing this SecuritY 1a�uument only_to mortgage,Srant and convey that <br /> Su <br /> � Borrower's iirterest in the Rope+ty under the temrs of this Security Instrumen� tb)is nat personally o6ligated to pay tt�e sums <br /> secuzr,d by this Security insaumenr and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend,.modify.forbear <br /> �';. ot make any accommodatioas with regas�ta ihe terms of this Secutity Insuoment ar the Piote without d�at Borrowtr� <br /> �: � conscat. ' • • <br />�:,�':`� .. l3 Laa��g�. If the toan secur?,cl by this Security Insttument is subject to a taw w�ch sets maximum toan � , <br /> :ctiaacges.and that law is�na{ty intetp��that ti�e interesi or other loan charges collected or tobe rnllected in connoction <br /> ' wuA the loan eaceed the pemiitted limus.then: ta1 arry such loan chuge shali be redaced by the amount necessarg,to nduce <br /> - the charge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)anY sums alceady cullected fmm Borrower�hich exceeded per`mitted linuts wi(11x <br /> - r+cfunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this n�fund by reducing ihe principal owed nnder�e Note or by making a <br /> .� ' direct payment to Borrower. lf a refund re�uces principal.the mduction wil!be treaced as a paaiat�Zpayment without any <br /> prepayment charge undet the Note. <br /> f;; 14. Notices. Any notice tu Borrawer provided fo►in this Security lnstrument sha11 be g'jven by delivering it or by <br /> �. mailing it by first class mai4 imtess applicable law requires usc of anather methad.The c��tice shall be directed to the Properey <br /> Address or any other addre�s Borrnwer designates by natice to l.ender. Any notice co 1,Rnder shail be�iven by fust etass <br /> mail to I.ender�address stated herein or any oiher address Lender designates by noace to 8orrawer..Any notice pravided for <br />- . in this Sccurity Tn�ument shall be�to have been given ta Borrawer or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> ParaSraPh• <br />- 15. Covtrniog L�w:Stverabiiity 'Phis Security lnstrumcnt shaU be govemed by federal law and the !aw af'the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is tacated. in the er�that any ptovicion ar clause of this Security lnstrumena or the Note <br /> , canflicts with applicabte law,such conflict shall nat afi•�ci other pravisionc of this Security Instnsment or the i�d:�ahich can <br />. ��': be given effect without the conflicting pru4�ician. To this e�d the provisions of thic Security tn.�t�vment and the Note are <br /> 3 �° dcclared to be�everabfe. _ <br /> � ° 7`•� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower s�J;�e given ane confartned copy of the Note and af tt+.�.S�:t,rity I or any interes�in <br /> � 17. 7lronster ot the Property or��1eQcial lnterest in Borrower. If nU or part of tre�vperty _ <br /> � '� it is soid ar trnnsferred(or if a Ix•neficia�interetit in 8+�rrawer is sald or transferr��.�d 8arrower is nrn a naturAl person) � <br /> . �`� withoui Lender's pt�or written consent.l,�,�er its aptian.rcyuire immediate payment in.fuQ of uU sums secured by = <br />-� :�;.;. ' �;�' thix Secudty Instntmettt. Nowevec.this��ti��shall not be exercised by Lcndcr if excrc�rc is prair.bited by fedecai law s�s of = <br />" .�°�1 the date of t[v.�Security inctrumcm. <br /> ;��:��,'�,y 3� r �- <br /> ���;:.. -E�- if Ler-.�:rexercises this option.Len���aU give Borrawer notice af acceleradon. The n��tice vhall pra�it+e a period c <br /> _�� n��e iess than 30 days fram thr date the notirc ic dclivered�r mailed within which Borcower must pay all sums�c�d by this � ' r <br /> • . • security Instrument. It'9ormwcr faik to pay thesc cum�prior ta ihr expiration of ihiti pericxl, l.cnder t�ra:; n>voke any � <br /> :� ;;�;� rem¢dies pem�itted by this Securiry tnstrumcnt wilh��ut.Purther natice ar demand nn 8orrowcr. F <br /> ' � -,- .,r 1S. Borrowrr a Right to Reinstaf�. ff Borrower meets ccdain canditions. Borrnwer yhall have the right ro have <br /> ,y� �' enfarcement af this Security Instrumcat�:+cantinued at uny time priar in Ihe carlier ai: la)5 days(ar+uch other pericxi as � <br /> . ;"r;�� , S'v��lc FamiTy.r�Fannk S1r�eltYeddk�1x t'�Ii1)Rbi I�ti7'NC�tEri'-•Uniturm Curcn:uu� 9l90 rp��x�4�IA/N+B��� <br /> �� ; � � � <br /> ',"t�`,. �'�, , } <br /> <i''�-�� ' � � -- • -- . , - -. , . :.:�-. <br /> 't �,��'++ •:�:�;__ f- . � � . , �r • , .� • - , � . � . , <br /> ��a� �. . , ' ��,�,`• <br /> . is.r ,. � . • . . '. , . <br /> . . �.' � .. � . . � . . ' � . ' ' • . • <br /> ----- ._ . . .- �: , ... -- . ' , , - , _ <br />, �. . `. � - - . • . , <br /> . • . . . . , . . , .. <br /> � ' - , -. � , � - ' . .� . • . . , ' , . _ . . . .' . .. � . , <br /> , � �. . . � , ' . ., . � ' � ' • . � , . .. .. � � � <br /> . � . . .., . . <br /> . _ <br /> . . <br /> . . .. .. . . .. <br /> r . . .. � . . . . . . . <br /> . <br />. .. .. .- � . , t . <br /> . � <br /> . . •t . ' . . ' .. �__ . . . .. ' . , .. . . . ,_. ... _ . __...�... __.._.�_...._"._. <br />