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<br /> nlymcnt�may no lan�cn c�rc�uG�cct,ni 1hc opeion af l.cn�cr,if martgnge insurcnc�covcragc(ln ti�o m�iount i�nd far t�ic pce;od
<br /> tt►sS Lcnder regultc9)provldcd by nn Insurcr nppmvcd by Lcndcr ogui►�i�ccor�ic9 avuilablo and ta o�t.:lr;.cl. �o:�oti�er�i►r,ll�:ay tl�c
<br /> -"-_'�� premiums rcqui�ccl to ma�ntaln mortgaga insuranc�: in cffect, or tn provtde u loss r�eserve. undl tho rcquir�cr�icni for mongugo _
<br /> __,,,��,"� insurencc cnds in scc�rAanco wlth eny�vdtterz agraemerR bctwee.n Sorrower and Lcndcr ar ap'pllcable law. __
<br />_____-_ 9.Inspectlon. L.cndcr or its egcnt may make reasonnbla cntrias upon and inspecdons oP tho Propeny. Lcr.dcr shn�l givo ��;
<br />,a,,��.,� �orrower notice at thc tlmc of or prlor[o en inspecdon s�octfying reasonabla cause for the inspocdon. _
<br /> - _ _ 10.Comdemn��Eon, 'fie procee�e of any nwnrd or claim for d�unages, dIrect ur coneequenUal, in connecdon wtth any F
<br /> -------' r.;�a,�,��e�+��.,���f�.r tatiinv af eny nart of ahm PruuertY.or for c�nvayanca in Itcu of condemnetrlon,aro hereby acsigned and �
<br />-� shalt bc paid w I�nder. -
<br /> In the event of a wtal teking af tha Pruperty,[ho proceeds shell be applird to tho aums secuced by this Security Insuument, E
<br /> -v'� whether or nat then duo,with any excess paid co Borrox�cr.In tha event of a partilal taking of ttia l'ropercy in which tha falr market
<br /> -�^-«'.� value of the Pmperty tm�rt►ulintely bcforo tho taking is cqual to or grcater than the amount of tho sums secured by this Secusiry __
<br />�""""'� Insuument inuncdiately befo.re the takir►g, unless IIorrower and I.ender othen�viso agree in wtidng,che sums securcd by this _
<br /> "'�" Securiry Instrument shall bo reduccd by the amaunt of the proccx.�ls multipllcd by the follo�vIng fracAon: (a)the totsl emount of
<br /> - - - the sums secured immediately before the [eking� dividui bY N) u�e faL-ms;�ct vduc of the Prc�„m� imm�i»te?p lr�fore the .
<br /> taking.Any balance shall be�Said to Horrower.In►he cvent of a partia!taldng of the Property in which ihe fnir market value of the
<br /> ------ prrape3ty ln��nediau:iy heforo the taking is less than the a�nount of the suma se�cnred immedtately beforc tho taking, unless
<br /> ----�- Bonower end Lencles ot,herwise agre�in wridt►g or unless app�icable law otherwise prov;des.the p�cceds shall be applicd to the
<br /> —' sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument whethe7 or not the sums ore then duo.
<br /> —_= If tha Fcaperty js ai�ando�ed by�o:rawcr.ar if,aftu ctotice by L,endar to go�rowt.�that tl�e condemnor offets to make an ,
<br /> �""-` awardl or scule a clatm for damages.Bonower falls to respond to Lendcr within 30 days efter the date the nodce is given,Lender
<br />_,�..J���� ts authorized to collect and epply tho proceeds.at its opdon,either to restoradon or repair af ihe Propcity or to the sums secured
<br /> --"--— by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> -..-- Unless Lender and Bocrower otherwise agree in wddn8.�Y aPPlication of procteds tn prfnclpal ehall not extend or postpon.e
<br /> the due date of�hr.monthly payments referce4 to in paregraphs 1 and 2 az change the amount of such payments.
<br /> li.Horr�wer 1�Iot Rekased;Forbear�nce 8y Leadec Not a Waiver. Eatension of tha dme for payment or muditication
<br /> of amordzadon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to eny su�cessor L�Uituest of Bonrower ahall
<br /> __ not operau to release the liabiliry of the original Bo�rower or Borrower's snccessors in ince,resG Lendar shall not t►e required to
<br /> commence pc�ccediags a8ainst any successor in interess or refuse to exund time for payment or otherwl�modifY amordzadon of
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the originaY Borcowu or Barrower's successoc�
<br /> u�ui►e►�;:.����:�„�"�b�l�d�i^�xes"'-.i�f�o s�+s''-oht�r r�mrrly chall not be a weivu of or p[eclude thE tAerC3se of any
<br /> dght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Suceessore And Assigns Bound;Jo(nt And Sevcral Llabil�tyi Casigners. 'Il�e covu�aztts ertd agramcnts of this _
<br /> Securiry Instrument ahall bind and bene�t thd successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> ---- paragreph 17. Bomowcr's covenents and agraments shall be joint and �sevual. My Homower who co-slgns this Sceurity
<br /> � Instrument but dqes not execute the lvote:(a) is co-signin8 this Security Instnimcnt only W mortgage.grant and convey�hat
<br /> gorrowcx's interest in the Property undcr the teims of this Seciuity Instrument;(b)is not pusonally obligated co pay the sums
<br /> secured by thss Sec;uriry Inswment;and(c)agrees that T�ender and any other Barrowu may agroa W extcnd,modify,fosix,ar or
<br /> make any accommodadons with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Noto wi*.hout lhat Somowu's consen�
<br /> � 13.1.a�n Charges. If the loan secured by this Sccurity Insucment is subje�t to a taw which set� maximum lc�an charges,
<br /> - � and that law is 6nally intapreted so that tha intaest or othec loan charges collocted or to be cullocud in connecdon with the k�an
<br /> } excood the pamitced Wnits,then:(a)any such loz�n charge shall be reduced by the atnount necess�vy to ralua the charge w tha
<br /> pennittcd limit;and(b)any sums alrrady collectul from Borrower which eaceeded peimiued Umitv will bo refandod u►IIorrowa'•
<br /> Lexider may chaose w makc �his refund by reducing tt�e princi�,al owed und�er tho Note or by malcing a direct payment so
<br /> . Borrc�w�r. If a refund t�duces principal, the reducdon aill be treated as a pactial pcepaYmant without any prepayment eharge
<br /> undtr the Note.
<br /> 14.Notkes. Any natke w Bonnwer provided for in this Securily Inswment shall be given by deUvering it or by mailing it
<br /> by first cfass mail unlcss applicable law requires usa of enoth�er method.The notica shail be diroctcd b� tho Property Address or
<br /> ----- any oti�er udciress Bo►i�w�r��slgnat�.s by nodce W I.�nder.My nuuce to Ler.der shnU ba given by first�lass mail W Lender's
<br /> address stated herent or any other eddress Lender designates by nodca to Borrower. Any ns�dce providsd tbr fn tbis Secauity
<br /> Instrument shall be deeme4 to have bccn given to Borrower or I,endcr when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Governfng Law;Set•erwbility. This S�x:urity Instrument shall bc govcma! by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Froperty is locaud. In the event that any provision or clause of this Secur[ty Instrument or the Note
<br /> , conflicts wlth applicable law,such confl[ct shall not affecc other provisions of this Security Insuument or the Note which can be
<br /> gtvcn effcxt without the wnNcGng provision.To this cnd the provislons of this Securicy Instrument and the Note sue declared tu
<br /> ' be sevuablc. •
<br /> --- � Form 3020 0l�0
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