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<br /> • , 5.(�a2srii or�opeo ty In�ar�t�t.^. F�orea�rer�hall ke�p the lmp�overncnt9 now exisdag or here,aftee crccted os�the Frop�sty
<br />- insurcd aguinst loss by Cre, ha�etuds includal within thc tcrm "oxtended covcragc" and uny o�cr htu.ards,including [laods or
<br /> f1oa11ng,for whlch Lcnder rcquires insururico.This insuranco shall tw mulntuined in ttio umounts und fnr tho pertods U�at L.ender �
<br /> _.,.� rcquiros.Tha insurance cturicr provldi�g tho insurunco shnlf be choscn by Horrowcr aubJect to I.ender's approval wh�ch sh�ll not �;_
<br />---� be nnrcasonably withheld. If Horrowcr fails to maintaln coveresgc dcscribed abovo, Lcndu may. at Lcndcr's apdon, obtain =
<br /> ; �� cov�re�c to protect Lcndcr's dqhts in tho Property in accardnnca wlth paragtaph 7. ¢`
<br /> � '-`- • All lnsuta�ca DQlicies and renewals shall bo scceptablo to Le��der and ehall include a standerd mortgago clausa. Le;�dei�s��all -
<br /> . _��_ _y.�..t�..i.l
<br />-_ havo tho right w ho]d the poticies wiu ruioi��t�.if i.e�dc�:�uir-N;��osroerer snsii pro�ep�ey p:vv 4s,�+���F:u,�,,.:�...�,e.,.rw,. _
<br />-�=--�� premiums and renewal nodccs.In t6c cvcn3 of loss,Horrower shall givn prompt notis,o to the insiunn�e cundcr end Lcndcr.I.cnder -
<br />-=� may mako proof of loss if not madc prompdy by Sorrowcr. _.
<br />--��• Unlcss Lcndcr and Borcowcr othcrwisc agccc in wridng,insurancc proceeds shnU be appllcd co cestoratlon or rcpalr of the
<br /> Property darnaged. If Ihe restoradon or repair is economically feasible a�t�I.ender's aecuriry is not lessened.If tho restoratlon or
<br />_.� repair is not economically fta�ibte or L,cnder's secudty would be less�ned,the insurance procecds shall be appliecl tn the sums
<br /> _;s.,� secwc,d by ttzis�cs,urity Instrumenc, e:hclher or not ther. dac, wtth any cx�.�cc pnid to Sorrowcr. If Aomowcr abandons the
<br />`�"�' Peopccty,or does nat answer within 30 days e notIco from Lender that the insurancc carrier has offered w satdo u claim,then
<br />---= I.endcr mey callect the insurance procceds.l..ender may use tho pro�eed.v to rcpair or restore tha Property ar to pay sums secured
<br /> ���
<br /> by this Securiey Instrument,whether or not then due.'1'ha 30•day pesiod will be�in wi�r�ti G`►e noilce is givca. �-
<br /> Untess Lender�nd Boirower otherwiso agree in wdNnB�enY ariPllcadon of proceeds to pcir►clpal shall not extend or postponc
<br /> -- ti�e due data of tho monthly payment�referred t�in F�xxagrephs 1 an�2 or chenge�he amount of the paymenta.If ander pamgrt+ph .
<br /> -�- 21 tho Property is acqulced by Lender,Hoaawer's rlght to any insurance pollcics and proceeds resulting from damaga Go the
<br /> Praperty prior to tha ncqulslHon shall pass to Lender w the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immt,dlatcly
<br /> � -- prior to thc acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupansy,PreservetlQn�Mpintenance and Protectbn ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applkatbn;Leaseholde.
<br /> � Borrower shall cecupy.rstablish,P.nd use d�a Property av Borrower's principal resldcnce within slxty days aftcr the exccudon of
<br /> this Sc,�orlty Instrument end shall cont9nue to occupy tha Praperry as Horaower's prIncipal resIdence for at leafi one year after the
<br /> date of occupan�y. unless Lendcr otherwise agrees in wriang, which consent shall not be unre�sonably withl�eld, or uRless
<br /> exteriuuting circumstences exlst which are beyond Boaowet's control.Boaower shall not desuny,da.��agcs or impair the Property,
<br /> �m allow tha Property to deteciorate, or cornmlt waste �n the Propeny. Boreower Fhall be in default if any forfeiuue aedon ar
<br /> procccding,whether civll or criminel.is begun thae ln Lender's good faith judgment cauld result in forfefwre of 1he Propeity or
<br /> ��..�.}�m�����e�p��marr�l hy�hig S�uri[y Instrument or Ler►du's seCUrity interesG HQYrowfr may cu[e such a
<br /> default and reinstaie,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing [he acdon or proceeding to bo dismissed with a ruling that,in
<br /> - Lender's good faith determination,precludes forfeiwre of tho Bomawer's interest in the ProPertY or othcr materW impairme,�t of
<br /> tha Uen crcated by this Securlty Instreiment or Leader's security inu�.r�sG Botrower shall also be in default if Borrower,during!ha
<br /> __ laan applicadon process,gave mAte,rially false or inaccurate lnformation or statements to�.ender(or failed to provide I.ender with
<br /> any mat�lal information) in connecclon with the loan evtdenced by the Note, inelading, but not llmited W,rep�esentaiions
<br /> coneeming Borrower's oceupancy of thu Property as a prir�cipal res9dence.Yf this Securiry Instsument is on a lea4ehold.Bocrnwer
<br /> shaU wmply with aU thc provisions of Ihe lease.If Borrower acquires fcx tItle to the Property,the 1e�sehold and tha fee dtk shull
<br /> not mcrgu unless Lender agrces co the�nerger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection otLender's Rights En the Property. If Bormwer fails to perform the covcnants and agreements comeined in
<br /> this Sec�uity InstrumG�t,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's dghtv in thc Pca�perty (such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation ar forfeiwre or W enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do a,nd pay
<br /> for whatever is necessary w protsct the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Proputy.Lender's acdons may include
<br /> paying any sums sccurccl by a llen which h�s prlori.ry ovcr th�s Security insmiment, appearing in cotut, paying rea4onabk
<br /> ntwrneys' fees end entcring on the Pcopcety to make repaire.Althoi�gh L�ender may take acd�n unda this paragrapl�7,Lenda
<br /> does not have w do so.
<br /> My em�unts dlsbwrsed by Lcnder under t1iLg paragraph 7 shall becoma addi6onal debt of Borrower secured by this Securiry
<br /> Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to other tcrms of puyment,thcse umeunts shall bear int�erest from the date of
<br /> = dwhur�..ement at tho N�ou rate end shall be payable,wiih interes�upan notice froin Lendcr to Homowu xequesting paymen� _
<br /> B.M4rtgage Insurance. If I.ender required mortgage insurar►ce os a wndibion of maki�g the loan secored by this Sccudty
<br /> Inswmcnt, Bor►�vwcr shall pay the premiums cequired to maintain the mortgage insurancu in effccG If. for any reason� the
<br /> — mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender tapscs or censes to be in effect,Borrower shall pay thC premiums requlred w
<br /> obta9n eoverage substar►tially equivalent to tho martgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substandally equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Boaawer of the mortgage insur�nce prevlously in effecs, from en altemate mortgage insiuer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substentially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is nat avallable,Borrower shall pay to Ler►der eacli month a sum equal W
<br /> - one-twclfth of the yearly mortgagc insurance premium being paid by Borrowcr whcei thc insurancc coverage lapsed or ceased tv
<br /> �-�
<br /> bc in effcc� Lcndc�will acccpt, usc and tetain these payments as a loss rescnre in lteu of mortgago instuance.Loss reserve
<br /> ,_.V.�a.�
<br /> _.��. Form 5028 91Y0
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