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<br /> • IG.Dospetver'n Co�y. Bor�owcr si�!ill bc Qivcn onc confaemecl capy oF 11io Noto n.rtd of diis Se�urity InstrumcnG �`
<br /> .. • 19.Trwi�eier cP oi�e�'�o�eri oP G QEitiSiCl&I IIilfr7cn4 Iil Eidii 8iri7� !f ull or uny p:�rt of 11�e�'rogeny or any ln�e�t in it is �.
<br /> sold or unnsferrcd(or if n benc�cial interest in Aoreowcr i�sold or ttansfcrred unA Doaowcr is not n naturalperson) without _
<br />_t`i�'.�. I.cndcr•s prior wdtten consent,i.cnder muy.at its optlon,requtro immcdiuto�aymsnt in full of all sums secured by this Sa:udty
<br />�r"'"'° Jnswment. Howavcr,thls opdon shall nat be axcrciscd by i.ertdcr iE oxcrciso is prohihited by federal law as af tho dute af this
<br />`�;_�..��Y•� - S�urity Inswmsnw —
<br /> ;..�,„ iF L.cndcr cxcrciscs this opdon.L.cndcr shall givo Horrowcr no�lcc of accclerndos�.'Ihe notice shaU provide a�rfod of not lcss
<br /> -� than 3�deyq fmm tho ctttte the nodco!s del�verctl or mailed within which Bonower must puy all sums secured by this Securiry =
<br />`�1`�4=��� Dnstrumcnt. If 8arrowct•fall�to.pAy,ihesa aum�prior to thc cxpiradon of lhta perlod,I.ender may invakc uny remedles penniued L
<br /> --___--- by t�i� �x::zity:n�».::�ons�ii��ss se:n'r.'vr n���a:d:::�.r.�en�o::e��es. �-_
<br /> �"�� ' 16.8orrovrcr'e Ri�lit to I�einatata If �orrowcr mec4� a:rtsin conditior_4, Borrawer shall havc the dght to hav�
<br /> -=� cnforcement of this Secudty Insnument dlscondnucd ut any timo prlor to the csullc� of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as -�
<br /> u p p l i c u b l a l a w m a y s p c cify for rcinstatcmcnt)bcforo sale of Ihe Pro p crt y pursuant W an y p ower of sale wntnined in this Sccurit�y
<br /> '- � Insuunrient; or(b)ertuy of a judgment cnfoxcing this Secudty Instrument.'Ihose condidons are that Aortower:(e)pays L�nder aU
<br /> :��-�'�.''?�;�' sums which then would be duo under 4his Secur{ty Instrumcnt and the Noto a9 if no accoleradon had occurrrd; (b) cures any
<br /> '��'_•.-"� default oF nny nther covenanu or agreements; (c)pays all expenses inGUrred in enfor�ing this Security Insuument,including.but -
<br />---��+��� not Iimited to,reasonabla sttamoys'fces;and(d)takes such acdon es Lendu may reasonably requiro w assure that the Hen of this
<br />-=�'-�-°'�i:��� SecurIty Instrument, Lender's dghts in thu Property and Bonower's oblignflon to pay tha �ums secnred by this Security
<br /> ,.,z�s� Inswme�t shall conUnue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower. this Securiry Ins�ment and the obllgations secured
<br /> -����`��-� hEreby shall rcmain fuUy effcxtiva t�if no accclecatIon�hud occuned.Nowever,this right to Rcinstate shsill not agply in the case of
<br /> �= -- ncccleradon undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> �-- -- 19.6wle ot Notei Change of 1.oan Servker. '[he Note or a partial interest in the Note (wgethcr with lhis Securlty
<br /> ==— Inswment) may bo sold one or more dmes without prIor nodce to Borrowcr.A sale may result in a change in the endty(knawn '
<br /> -"°""`� as�t,o"Loan Scrvlcer")Ihat coAects monthly ymenis due under the Note and this 5ocurity inswmen�`1'here also may be ana or �
<br /> � moro ct�anges of�he Loan 5ervicer unrela�to a sale of tho TVote.If theta is a chang�of the Loan Senricer,Borrower wiU be
<br />:,v,=;4;.;,�;� given written notiee of Ihe change in accordanca with par�gcaph 14 abovo and appllcuble law.'Ilie noitce will stata the name and
<br />--_-=-��� address of the new Loan Servlccr and tho address w whlch payment�should be made.'Ihe notice will also wntain any other
<br /> infotmaUon required by appllcable law.
<br /> -- -- 20.Nazardous Subsdtnces. Borrowcr shall not cau�o or permit the presence, use, disposal, storaga, or relcase of nny
<br /> Hazerdnu9 Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the Praperty
<br /> __=___= that is in violadon of an}�Environmental Law.'Rie prececling two sentences sha41 not apply to the presen�e,use,or storagc on the
<br /> Pm�erty of small quanhdes of Hazardous Substances that ere generally recognized to be appropriate tc�normal residendal uses
<br /> -- and w meintenance of tho Property.
<br /> `_--= Borrowcr shaU prompdy give Lender written nodce of eny invesdgation, claim, demand, ➢awauit or other ecdon by any
<br /> � govemrnental or rcgulatory ency or pdvato party involving the I'ropeity and eny Hazardous 5ubstencc or Environmental Law
<br /> _ ____ of which Boaower ha9 ac�knowledge.If Borrowu leams,or is nadfiod by eny govunmental or rego3awry auth�dty�that any
<br /> removal a other temtuisuon of any Hezaraous Substanco a�'ecung iho Froperiy is nccessary,Bonowa snail p�vmpuy iai�a nIi
<br /> ,....�� necessary remedial aedons in accorclance with Fnvironmental I.,aw.
<br /> As used in thfs puegraph 20. "Hazardous Substunces" are thase substances defirted as wxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> — Envlronmental Y.av� a�id the followIng substa�iars: gasoline, keroseno. othet tlammablc or touc petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pestkidcs and hcrbir,ides,voladle solvents.materials containing asbesws or fozmaldehyde,�nd radioactivc materials.As used in
<br /> - -� th�s paragra�h?A,"Snvironmental Law"mear�s fedsrat lawa end laws of the jurisdicdon where the I'ropaty is locatcd that relate
<br /> W hcalth,saf'cty or cnvironmental protecdon.
<br /> NON•i JNIFORM COVENANfS.Borrower end Leiider funher coven�st and agree os follows:
<br /> 21. Accekrxtbon;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prbr to acceleration tolbwing Borrnwer's brench ot
<br /> any cuvens�nt �r agreement in tlht� Security Insirument @ut not prbr to accekration under pArAgrAph 17 unkas
<br /> applkabk law pmvldes otherwise).The natice sbalt specify:(�)the defaulh,(b)the aMbn requtre�l to cure the drtaulh(c)
<br /> a date, oot les�than 30 dAye h�om tde dAte We notice ia girem to Borrowsr�by which tbe detault muat 6e cured;ond(d)
<br /> that fwilure to cure the default on or beture the date speci�icd G�the notke may reault in accckratbn o!the sums eecured
<br /> by this Se�urity Instrument and s�le o!t8e Property.�'hc notkc shAU�urther inform E3orrower ot the rlg6t to relnstate
<br /> Aner acceleration and the right to bring a court astion to pssert tha no�n•existence ot a default or Any other detense o!
<br /> ' Borrower to�ccekration and sAle.IP the defAtelt Is no!cured on or beCore the dAt�e specitietl tn the notia,I.ender,at ite
<br /> option,may require immedGtte payment in full ot All suma secured by this Security Instrument without furt�er dempnd
<br /> and ms�y invake the power ot salo�nd�ny other remedies perm[tted by apylka6k law.Lendcr s6a11 hc entitied to collect
<br /> =— -T- s�i1 expeasr�L�c�i�ed i,�pursuing the remedks provii;c�L�tk�f� pa���Aph 21�i�e��ding,b�4�a2 W�E•.�fo�r�so;.Ab;e
<br /> - atlorneye'fees and casts of'title evWence.
<br /> If the power ot sale ts invoked, Trastee sh�U record a notice ot defwult in each connty(o w6ich any pari o!the
<br /> Propert�C�lacated and ehxll meil copks of sec6 notice[n the manner prarribed by ppplkabk law to Bonower wad to the
<br /> _ othcr persans prrscsriked by applicabk law.At�er tha time required Dy wppilsabk Is�w�Trustee shall give puhlk notfice of
<br /> --= sala to the persons and in the manner prescr[bed by applkAbk law.Trustee,without demAnd on Botaower.shall se91 the
<br /> ----i Property at publk austlon to tt►e h6ghest bWder At the timc and pl�cc And under thc term�d�ignated in the notke of sak
<br />'_-.-_"_._�.-.i
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