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<br /> ;; ... . -� � �,- . � . � . . � ; � � � � � _. 92-. : `%�q3 �`` .
<br /> _- -. . . � . _ , . _ . _ . �
<br /> _ � ----�--- - - - �
<br /> . . cdid�iaa or atderdcin�uf#�Y P����Y�ar fac coaveyiMtoe in lieu of wndm�oatian.a�e betebY�ssip�ed and
<br /> . _, s6�11 t�e paid to E a�der. � � ° ' � ' . .
<br /> . � : ` � ` � ' to sums secured by tfiis Sa�urity
<br /> la 3he event af.a taq!taitiog af d�t Ptvpetty. `.p�ac+xds �r�PRi�. �
<br /> _._� _ _.-- _ _ �, _-� - ---
<br /> (nslcum�Yrhether or not tLea due.veitb any exa�paid so Barower: �t the aventu� a�i�t���amnuot Qf��ms�_'_._...-.------- -
<br /> r -- - �l���-�����_t� gc�t�.
<br /> s�u�ed by this Sawirty instrument immediatclY befat tl�e taking,unkss Bocrowec snd irnder qshervvise agrce m wnt n�g,
<br /> the sua�s stcurcd by t6is 5avriey I�uuument shal!6e redviced by the amounr of d�e proceeds mutt'ipried by the foqowing
<br /> fsactiac [a)the fatai amount of the sums secured immediately befo;+e t�e t�ing.diviAed by t�s)the f�is m�et�alue of the�
<br /> - psppeity imo�Aiatdy 6efcxe t6e.taldng. Any imtaace shall be ptid w&}erower. Irt tix event of a partiat[a�ing af the -
<br /> Pi+operty m arhich the fair mauicet vatne of the Ptoperty immediately befp�e tl�e taking is less thazrthe artwmn of the su�s
<br /> sxut�ed imme�teiy 6efon ttie faking,nnkss Bomower and Lender a[lurwise�g�ee ia writing or unless apQticabk law
<br /> ' otherwise p�ovides,ihe p�+nceeds sha11 be applied to the smirs secumed by this Seciirity tns�rument whaher or not the sams art . .
<br /> tben due. � - °
<br /> . tf tbe pmpe�ty is abando�sed by Borrower.nr if.aRer notice by lxnder to Borrawer that the condemnor affers to m�ice
<br /> , an aw�rd or seaie a cfann fa damages.Bonower fails to�spond tn Lender wuhin 30 days after the date the�is given. �
<br /> l.mder is aud�or�zed co colk`et.and apply�he proceed.s.at ia opaa�,either to erstaation or cepair oF the P�operty:os to the .
<br /> smns secured by this Security Insuvmen�wlkt6er or`not tNrn due.
<br /> - U��ss knder and gorrawec od�errvise agree m writing,any appliration of proceeds to principal shatl not exoend ar
<br /> ponpone the due date of ti�e monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 oc ehange the amonnt of such paymerus. ,
<br /> -_ Il. Bor�o�v�Not Rdeased: Focbearaace By Leedee Not a Waiveu Extensian af the time fa payment ar
<br />- - inodification of amortizadat of the swus seour�od by fiis Security Insmm�ent grartted by Lender to any successor in mterest -
<br /> -- of Bottower shall not operate to re�rase the liab�ity of the originat Burrower or Bormwer's successors in iatersu.i.ender
<br />'`c� shaU not be nquircd to oamrnence proceedings against any succesgor in inte�est or tefuse to eatend ame for paymern or
<br /> -� c�herwise modify amorti�tion of the sums secun:d T"ry th�s SeCori4y Tt�soiumerttlq►reawn of any danand made by the otigiaal ,
<br />_:�r_ Boimwer oc Burroa�er�s successors in intec�es� My forbearance,tiy L.endee in eaencising any rigl►t ar remedy shall na be a
<br /> - waivec of or p�ecTade t6e exet�cise of any rig,ht or remedy. `' , � � �
<br /> - I2.Saooes�o�a�ad A�s Boued:Jdnt aad Sevenl,�.ia6i'Rty;Co�s�s. The covarauts and agreemrnts of this
<br /> Security 4nstrument sbaU bind and benefit the svccessois and�fssigns of L�d�r and Bormwer,'subject.:to the pcuvisions of
<br /> , Paragraph 17.Borr+ower's covenants and agree�nents`shall be joint`and several.Any Hocrawer who co-signs ih�s Security
<br /> , Instnm�ent but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only ro motigage.g�ant and convey that
<br /> • !• Baerowerts umrest m ti�Ptupetiy aader the trnns o�this Sece�rity tnstrument: (b)is tat QecsonaUy ahlig�ted tu pay tbe suat�s _,
<br /> secuted by this Security lnstrumen�and(c)agree.s that Lender and any other Boiroaer may ag�ee to eatend.modify.for6ear
<br /> - or make any a�commodations wiih regard to tY�e terms of this Security Instmment or the Note without that Bortower:s
<br /> - caisent. � � ` � .
<br /> .. � 13. Loan Charges. (f the Ioan secured by,rhis Security lnswment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> se
<br /> eharges.and that ta�is�iiially iater�reted so that the inte�est or other loan charges'cotlected or w be collected in connection
<br /> ee
<br /> with the toan excee�ti�:permitted limi�s.then: (af any'sach toan charge shalt 6e reduced b�tt�e amount aecessary to redyce .
<br /> the chargi Co the permitted limix and(b)any sums already oolle�t�d fmm Bor�vwer whic6exdeaded permitted limits wilI.be
<br /> refu�d�d io Horrower. Lender may choose to make tIus refand��edacing the principal oa•ed�der the Note or by makic�a
<br /> di�ect�ymene to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal.tbe ieduction w�l be treated as.a pa�tial pr�ep�aymei�t withaut anY
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note. � __
<br /> • 4 ` � 14. NoNces. My notice to Borrower pravided fo�ip this Security Instrument sBaU be givetl by�delitering it ac by _
<br /> mailing it by first ctass mail unless applicabte law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directedto the Property
<br /> Addcess or any other addrecs Borrawer designatec by notice c�Lender. Any notice to Lender shap be given by first cta�:s �-n!`=
<br /> � maii to Lenderti address stated herein or any other address L�nder designates by not�ce to Barrower. Any nonce provided for �=�i`
<br /> t • '.-
<br /> in this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Barrower or l.ender when given as provided in this
<br /> , P���Q� ;.._
<br /> ' �} 15. Governing Law:5everability. This Security Insirumerrt shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the ;r'�;�
<br /> . jurisdiction in which the Praperty is located. In the event that any provision or clause af this Securiry lnstrument or the Note �.�;�
<br /> eonflict.c with applieable law,�ucfl conftict shai!not affect othes prov"t.sians of thiti Securiry 1n�+irument or the Note which can -�p�.
<br /> - _ be given effect withow�he conflicting praviyion. To this end the previsions of this Securiry l�.ruument and the Note are
<br /> _'.;��.'., " declared to be severable. . _.'
<br /> e a of thc Natc and of this Securi Instcument. � .
<br /> � 1 6. B o r r o w e r s C o p y. B o r r o w e r s h a l l b e g n e n o n e c o n f o rn�d c p y �Y =�"
<br /> '' � l7. 7lranster otthe Yroperty or a Beneftciai tnterest in Borrawer. Ii'all nr un an of the Pro aaany intcrest in
<br /> Y P P� ��.�`�.
<br /> ' it is sotd ar uunsferred Ior if a heneficial interest in Barrawes iti yatd or transferred And Sarrower is nat a natural penon)
<br /> - � �; without Lender's prior written rnnsen�l.ender may,at its nptivn.rcquire immediate payment in futl of a0 sums securcd by ,
<br /> •• this Security Instrument. However,this optian shaU rtot he exercised by Lcader if exerciso�4�:ohibited by federal taw�c of �����
<br />' ' . the date af ehis Security Mstrumcpt. � ��
<br /> , : :.
<br /> lf Lender exercisec this option.Lender ahalt give Borrower notice af aoceler:�ti�n. 'fhe notice�:hall provide a periad of '�,• ;. �
<br />: � � ,�.`., nollesti than 30 days from the date the nntiec is dele��emd ar maited wi�hin which Borcoa•ei mu�t pay all�ums securcd by this ;:r'•.
<br /> � . � �.. - � Security lnstrument. If Bormwer fails tv pay tRese.ums pri�r ta the expirAtion of thiti periud. Lertder may inv�ke any
<br /> , � .:�,�::_,=: •-�-.. remeuTcw�permitted by this Securi[y lnstrumem without furlher u�aticr��r demand on Borrnwcr.
<br /> ` ' � IS. Boreower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrawcr mceas ccrtain conditinns. Burrower vh:dl havc thc right to havc �
<br /> ':.srx;;?�:�:>_�.-�t.; .
<br /> �. ,;. ;� ,#�.r_; �� enforcement of lhis Security Inxtrument discontinued ut:iny time prior to the rartier af: la►5 dayti lar tiuch ather period as
<br /> � •. _�r � SingicRuttily..}ynnk3laelFreddk�1x11�i1fIlR�tf:NitiTRLNisti'P••Uni(an»Cuvcnan�s 9'90 rpn�r4�+l�Pa.Ce.Er . --
<br /> �;,'!i"#�:c-`
<br /> _�.
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