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<br /> � 7bC`ll�t Cili�[f Q[OYIdIIIE 111G{115lQ�f1CC S�Z�C C�106lQ�I�Qt1�M��J���•tqdEl�i ' .
<br /> : : ����M�I�TS{I���1lplCKppi�yl 1Mll�C{d: ��[IOWCt�11�3�l0����-�Q�C.T.COdCC tOiY•� ` �
<br /> K ��e` ��,,,,,�
<br /> __ � _ ` -=�tA�j���t�in cOYEt�eG f0�'�... l�S Ab`"�Ilt il1C�CO�y _ �s.d...t��n�m,�eTeto�e c1iLLSl. l��—- —
<br /> . —._ ._—. _ " _- s��_J 6�\ .
<br /> " • lU�lostlY3�CC Qd1�IC5��S Stf� YC Id�-�!!l�Gf trCtlpL4 -
<br /> L4
<br /> � S�IiII IfiVC t�C ii$�t0�iPW 1�7C gO11CICS�fld tCl1GW9CS. If I.�t1�4.'r�Quj�.�WCi Stt�������`� ,
<br /> • ' o�piud pie�niums aad renewal tsotices. In the event of loss.Baro�WS�li Bn'.�P�a • � _
<br /> . l.endet Lender tnay roake pmof pf toss if nat matk prompdY isY �be appliod to sestacatioa ar repair af.
<br /> � � - tJt$ess Lender aad 8ontowet athetwise�groe in wnting.mwrance Pcocexds
<br /> , �We PtnpeRY dama8ed. if the iestantian ar repair is e�o�iomic�BY fe�ibk an�txnder's�ciry i�not tessased. If the _
<br /> restor8ion ar�epni�is not economic�tty feas�'ble or Ltnde�'s sectuitY waild bc kssened.ttrc�s3..^'='pcoceeds st�all bc
<br /> applied oo tbe sums secu�by this 5ecurity lnstrumen�vvhaher a ua thetrduc.with any osass paid to Banower._If
<br /> Hormwer abandons the P�ope�ty.or does.not a�uwer within 3U days a natace froa�l.eodec that tiie insuu�aa4��6u
<br /> ' offeced w seak a cl�im.then Lender may callect the ire�uance pioceeds• f.erder may use the psoctads w tepair ar restoce
<br /> ttie pmpeRy ar w p�►y sums ser�rtd by.tbis SoaQity Lutn�meM.��ar oot theii due. The 3�dzy period w�7!hegin w1�
<br /> ' the notice is g�ven. ' st�atl noE.e�d.a' �
<br /> Unkss L.endec ard Battawer otlx�rwise aSne imwriting.a�►Y aPP�iCauon of ptocaeds t}PrinciPal
<br /> tbe due date of tbe monWY P�S��refeRed to in puagraphs t and 2 a cl�ange d�amoum of tbe�psya��:;f
<br /> -_ u�paragraph 2!the PmpelrtY is acquind bY Lender•B°cr°wer's ng6t to any iasurance Policies and piacads ie�tt�n8•
<br /> - - fiom d�r�age to ti�Prape�tY Qcia ta the sequisition shaU pass to Lendea to the extent of the sums secuced by t�is 5eciiriry
<br />- Lab�una►t"� iauly priar to the acquisidon. , . g����s l.o�n Appliwt�oa+ -
<br /> �, Pnservatiae,. Matoteotoce an� Pratectioo ot 1he.Pruperty;
<br /> werBor�o shalt acrupY•establish.aad use tlx Pt+npaty as Barowas pri�pai crsidence wittun sixty d�ys afle.r .
<br /> -- - the oxecutiaa of this Secoriry Instnunent and shati c.aatinue to occapy the Piroperty as Boaower�s principaT residence foc at
<br /> - Ipst ane year aRer the date of occu�CY� urttess Lender dherwise agRts in writing, which consent shall not 6e
<br />- � uotsasonabty witAheld.or unkss eatrnuating cincumstances exist which are beYaKl Bot�awas caatml. Botmwes sI�U not
<br />-`�'�• destroy;dama8e or impair the PtupertY.allow the Propeny to deteriarate.a commit waste an tt�PropeaY. Bomower st�11 i
<br /> tie in default if any forfeiwe+e action ot prvcoeding.whether civtl nr criminal.is begun that in Lerder S good ftith J�B��
<br /> could nsult in forfeitune of tt�e Propen3►or otherwise materially impair tt�e lien created by ttis-Security G�u�t a
<br /> r : dCd'tIl 18. C'd1ts1D t21C aCtiOR
<br />" l,ender�securiry intetes�. Boaower may cwe such a defauIt and rainstate.as prwi �����of�Horrower�s
<br /> . or proccedlnS to be dismissed widt a ruling that.in l,eadec's goad faith deoerminsti«►,.Pc!ec
<br /> � interest in the Roper�y or ather material impaimKnt of the ��en cteste�tiY d�s�°°�Y Y���e m��I s�fo
<br /> intetest. Bomuwer shall atso be in default if 8armwer, during the loan application Pmce a Sa! Y
<br /> , :{ inaccurate infortnadon ar statemeats to Lender(or failed to provide l.ender with m�y material infom�aboa)in connation witi�.
<br /> tue loan evidenced by the I�tote.including.but not limited w. repiesentations concen►ing Borrower�s occapancY of th�..
<br /> ':; t
<br /> ='• prupercy as a principal residec►ce. If this Security Inst�ument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all the provisians _
<br /> `�=`'; of the leasa. If Borrower acquires fee ritle to the PropertY.the teasehold and tbe fa titic st�all not tnerge unless Lender agtees
<br /> � '��`• ''�"' .to the merger in wating.
<br /> '�, ``... 7. Protection o�Leader's Rights in the Property.. If Bomawer fails;w pe►form the covenanis and agreements �
<br /> � '��` ,-. �;`..;= contaitxd in th'ss Security Inswmen�ar there is a legai proceeding that may,significandy affect Lender�s rights in the
<br />, ;,z t; ?� -�'�x't' ' p��y(��a proceeding in b a r k t uptcy,Pro b a t e.f o r c o n d e m n a ti o n o r f o d e�t u r e or to"enfor��aws or regulations).thrn
<br /> :;:�;�.:,. .
<br /> '� r '�?. Lender may da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of the Ptopecry and 1.e�der's n8bt`in the Aroperty _
<br /> 0 over this Securi Inswment,appeann8 . �. ..
<br /> s ` �„ender's actions may inclnde paying any s�!�s sec�r�by a lien which has pri rity t3'
<br /> . ��,��,. ..
<br /> ai eoun,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enszsi�n�on the Propecty to make t�p�s.Although Leader may take action �¢�
<br /> .��. . . �-.�;
<br /> -. t � under this paiagaph?.Lender does not have to do so. :�
<br /> � �'�:= �:�`r .-,--
<br /> ; �, ,�°+ ,�-� �� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become a d d it ion a l de bt o f Borrower secured b y this , ,_
<br /> - ���;C Security lnstrument. Untes.s Borrowet ac�3 l.endgr agree to ather terms of payment.these amounts shall 6ear interest from the �,�;
<br /> - �;;>; date of d�sbumement at the Note rate au�shaQ 6e payabte.wi t h i n terest..upon rtotice from Lendec ta�Borrower requesting �i�;,
<br /> _ payment. `l`'�!�
<br /> '�"� 8. Mortp,�ge insumnce. 1f Lend�x required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this =
<br /> ;t-:
<br /> . _ ` Secudty tnstrument.Horrower shall pa!:3he premiums required to maint�in the mortgage insurance in effect. lf.for any
<br /> ' '''� �J�`�.r reason, the mort a e insurance cove�r required by Lender lapses or cea�es to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �,�,:,�. .. :�,; .� S 8 .
<br /> . �.;.,: = �.c�,�,%
<br /> �•• , premiums�qaired to obtain coverage�=�tantially equivalent ta ttie mortgage insurance pre�iously in effect. at a cost
<br /> ;`��i},�`�; .�� substantially oqaivalent to the cast to Ba�rarower of the mortgage insurance prev�ously in effect.from an altemate moRgage . _.
<br /> , , ' insurer approved by l,ender. If suh�tansially equivalent martgage insurance cover.�;e�s not availabte,Borrower shail pajr to
<br /> x�... Lender each manth a sa�equal to ane•twelfth of th�e y�arty moctgage i�.5urance pr�mium being paid by Botrower when the �.;:�_
<br /> -v.y.. t.:. ._:.
<br /> «, �: insurance covemge lapseA or ceused to bc in effect, l:ender w�ll accept.uce and retain these payments as a Ioss resetve in lieu � �_�
<br /> • �i:.i;�.; of mortgag�ir�surance. l.oss�reserve paymcnts mar'ao tanger 6e required.at ihe aption of Lender,if mortgage insurance f�.-�`
<br /> � �:'�'� cavera e tin the amount and for the pericxi�hat l.ender requires►provided by un insurer appraved by Lender again 6ecames
<br /> '.,`"`��. � `{ available and is oblt�neA.9orrower�hall the remiums r uired to mainlam moA a e�n+urunce in ei'fect.or to provide a .
<br /> :�;;''; Pi►Y P ecl S 8
<br /> • � :� �. toss reserve.until the requirement for martgagc insurance ends in accordance with any written agrecmeni 6etween Borrower _
<br /> �, i ,• ��
<br /> �, ' ,; „;<::: and Lendcr or uppliCable law.
<br /> - • � q lnspection. 1.ender ar its agent may makc rea.ronabte entrics upon and inspectiuns oP thc Praperiy. Lcnder shalt
<br /> :
<br /> ,��r,-� --r�.,-;.•aF.?k,,: ..
<br /> . ,;_,._.�.;.;,.;,.;•.,..,,., give ETortower notice at the time oi ar privr tn un inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> • � x� ,< 10 CondemnaNan. 'f7�e praceedv c�f any rward or claim for damagcs,direct ar conseyuemial,in connection with anyr .
<br /> . '�::��'•':..�, (
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