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<br /> ; ' ' -
<br /> ' � �j�1�a 11�)All�►of a j1�Et�ept� . . �e.,,.�ev']rr�tiee M.e
<br /> _._._...___-. �----�-._ -� 1�!-1fC-d4E_L11d!!-1��� � 1Qt0�0[CIO�tIqS�► �__ __
<br /> v . O�:(�)C�Cf�Ij�dG�YITI Of�djiET f)OYlilffUf Q/E[�:�C��n Cx�
<br /> - •b�,xu��c •fee.,c md td)�sucn.cao�zs I cada�may_na�ae�bly_ --
<br /> � � tequite io assme t1�tbe liea of d�s Sec�iEy I�t.l.eader�ci�pts i�the PtoptctY md Boi�awer8 oDli�tia►to�y tbe, :
<br /> ' awns ea�ue� dus Secariry i�s��l! caawwe mchanEea- 11Pon �in� �Y 9artower. this Seca�i�Y
<br /> I�npn�[sod�u6��secuned 1�sh�i�=+smaia fdi�t effa�i�re as if�no aoaelec�nan.tpid aavrtecl. Howeve�.tha
<br /> , riaLt tors�mtale�lal!not apply vt the sase�f acaiaation aoc��p�ay�ph i7. , `' `wrth tfns Sec�uiry
<br /> . �! S�Ie at I�IMe;Cl�R�La�S�nrk� 'liie NaAe ar s pa�ti�l inte�est in thc Note�(wBztl�a. �
<br /> � Insonmieat)msp 6e�oid aoe'a more fi�e3 wimout priac notice to Bo�mwer. A s�te m�y tesok in s chan�e in the aMity
<br /> (Icno�rn s dre'Lam Sarxioe�'�dut sol{ats mo�Mh1Y WY�doe�rder tAe Note�ad t6is Sec�uiry Uu�umen�- 'Ilx�c also
<br /> • . �ma�►be aae ar mooe clo�s bf.d�e I.o�n Seryicq uiurl�ta s sak af tbe Note. If tbare is s c.l�nge� isw, 1be�cxicx� .
<br /> Bamrver w�ll be given w�ittar aa�e of the ctaoge in aocadur�e wids p�rsgApl�14 above��;TGe noiice wIIl . r
<br /> ' wsll spte th�nnae aad ad�r�ess of the qew I.oao Servica�nd the addrrss to wbicbt payments
<br /> aiso c�ntain ti►y ot6a mfo�m�ion roq�i�bY�;caek law � or retease oP�ny •
<br /> . 2R Bss��iws$�bsta�oes. Bor�nwer siWl na cause or pe�mit We pKSence.use.disposal,siars$�. a�aKing ihe
<br /> ��S�an or in the 1'to�per[y.�Boaower sha11 not do,nor aflow 9nyoae eise to do,aoY�8_
<br /> . ptiopeety th�[is ia violstiau of aay�Envirorunent�l�.aw. 'fh�p�ecodiag hvo seotences shalf na appi�y to tbe p�e.use,or
<br /> w be appinp�yue a noim�3
<br /> ston�ge on the Wope�ty of st�II qu�ntities of�larudous Subs�nces ilmt ate gener�ilY r�o��d : '
<br /> ceside�tial uses ud to��of tbe Pmpetty
<br /> �Ba�mwa sball,p�ompdY give Lsnder written natice af any iovesuig$tion,claim,den�and.lawsuit or od�a action by aaY
<br /> . �.gavatr�atal o�reSulawrg aBencY a Pn�ate PMY involving ttw Pmpe�ty and aaY i��das Subsw�oe or F�vUaqtmentai
<br /> iaw o�which BaaovPes has actusl knovrkd8e. If Somowu iems.a is notified bY�Y 8ovemmenml a reguJ�wcY
<br /> � , awhoc;ry.thac am��un��.or aeer mneai�tiun ot sny Haza�dous subatance aBecting We Prnpe�tr is�e�xssary•B°R'°'"'er .
<br /> � sbalt pmmptty rai�eal��Y�al actions in aecardance withU�tvirnnnxntal Law. .
<br /> - ` As used m tUis p�r'agAsspCt Z(i,"Hazautous Substances"are those sabstanas defukd a4 wuic a Lazantoos s�bst�nces bY
<br /> 4 � gnvijonnxntal Law and the follawing substances: gasoliae.kecoscne:other tiammable or toxic petrolrum pmducts,ta�cic
<br /> } pe�uicides aad De�icides.volah7e solvents,materials enntaic�ing asbestos oc fannaldetiyde.and radioactive nmterials. As .
<br />= u���S puagsaph 20,"F�nnra�mentat Law"rt�eans federal taws and laws of the ja�isdlctian w1.�cre she Property�s�d
<br /> that relate to 1►ea[th.safety or environmentaI protectian. •
<br /> �' NON-l]NIFORM COYENANTS. Bottower ahd Lender furthgr covenant and agtee as foRuwsy
<br /> ZL A�akratios:R�iedies. l.eader sbaU give iwtke to Borrower prior to acakrallon tdto�rin8 Borrow'es's
<br />- �6reAC6 d aoy oovena�t m'agreement in tl�Secudty Iaslramait (hat not prtoc to aaelerat�aader Pv'�xPb 1�
<br /> - tulps Applicabk ls�pr�ii'es Mha�vtse). TAe natke s6A0 specYY: ta)t6e detAalt;tb)tk acti�oa required to cure tbe
<br />:_".� dtUaah(c)s d�not fess tl�30 days traa ttUe dxte tbe notice is givea tu Borrnwer.by whieh tMe detauit mNSt be
<br />--�z cured,asd t�tl�t taii�e W cure the defAUtt on or befon the d�te spedfied in the notia msY�sak in�atbs o� . .
<br />=r� tha sums setmrcd 6y tiu�SecaritY Instrumeat aad sak�rf tUe Property. The aotice sb�fl ta�t6er iatarm Borrower ot'�,�: '
<br />;��r ' ' tUe rI66t to reisstate atteraaekration su�f the rigNt to brfig a coart action to a�t the non�existence ot a dsfiiW/uc ,. • : � :
<br /> - - � �ny dhee dekase ot Borsowee to acceleratbn and snk. !f the detault�not car�e�d ao or 6etore t6e dste specif fed in
<br /> � . the notk�e,Leadcr.at itg optlon may reqitiro immediate payment in tuU o�ati sams secured by tht�3ecuritg i�r��at
<br /> � vrlthoat faclt�r•atlmand aad may invoke the power of sale an� Aay other remedie.s permitted by pppl"'�cable bw
<br /> = Lender s6aYF�e entitled to collect all expeases incur�'ed in parsaing t6e remedies provlda!M this pAmgraph Zl,
<br /> � it�duding,but nut limited to,�es�sonatble attorneys'fees and costs ot title evidenc�
<br /> If the power ut sqte is invoked.7lrustee sdall recacd a notke of default in each county in wfiich any part o�the -
<br /> pe�p�r�y is located and sdall mail copies of suc(�notice in the tnanner prescri6ed by applicable I�w to Soero�ra'and to
<br />-= tl�e otber pe�s p�escribed by appiiqble law ARer ihe tlme required by applicAbie ts►w,'IYustee slwi0 give publk
<br /> _ ��I�e at saleG3 tLe persoos and ia 16e mpnner prescrlbed by appticable law Trustee.without denwnd an Bo�rower.
<br /> ' sball sell tlie�4+aperty at pubUc auction to the higliest bidder at tbe ta�[e and place and under the terms desi8eated ie
<br /> t�e aotice of sak in one oe mare parcels�nd in any order 1Yustee Qc�tamines�. 'IYustee may postpone sa1�ot all or any
<br /> �ceel of the Property bg y�blk announcement ut the ume and place of any preViousiq schedukd sale. I.eader or its
<br /> 'd�ignce may pu�chase ths�rW�erty at any�ale. -
<br /> •� � U recei t at pAyment ot 1de price 6id.7lrustee shail deti�•er to the panfiASer Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> �,y;:t.��,, propert�'iy�e r citats in t6e 7Yu.stee's deed sha0 6e prlma facle e�idence oi the truth ot the statements made therein.
<br /> °�::���:;:si r �.�y�K Sh�t!�pp�y the pracecds of the�te in the foltowing arder: (a1 to aIl costs and expenses ot exerclsing the power
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