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<br /> 'TOGE'IHFR Ri17l��.tt 16e�provaaa�naw or 4e�e�1b'a�cted oa sL`e p�opei+r..�d.0 ea�anaet��.`� ' .
<br /> � .en.�n�,�_`I►ear a 6aeafler a p�t af d�e popaty. Ad_����,�alw�be covesed by dris Securit�r .
<br /> . � w• t
<br /> _ . _ _ , . __ ^�- ��- '—_ '�� _ -_
<br /> ' $��IO�(��Y�/��`�/E$OftOM►![lS�iMflYRj►SOISC�O�tbC C5�C�t011YG�Od�11�ldC ffEll[IO�� ;
<br /> aed oaeQey th��i»{�tY aod��PtoperEy is�me�be�ed.sxs�pt formc�of s�eca� Barnwa vv'tr��s�ad , _ ._ _
<br /> '. � �n'q def�d�meraUy d�e t�tle w thr Rvgerty,aga�est al!•cl�uas aod dmm�ds.subkct to any eacam6�anas of�ocad.
<br /> 1HiS SECtIRtTY WSTRiJMENT cumbincs�aifam cova�cs fa natlooa! use and aoi►-wnifam coYernras.with
<br /> . IL111K�V�j1Y jlpjS�IC[jpp 6D OOOSIItiUG g IiilifCia!5�1��tiRl�lLCOYKIn$t�ql Q[�Q�Y• . � � - , -_ - -- --
<br /> UNI�RM C��N�NC$- BQInWl�[f0�LC1I�COVG11111t�S$[�C iS f0�OW5: • W�II dYC.1�10
<br /> 1. �la�nt d Fr3rc3�M aui Lta�;h�s7a�d�t a�i C� Barowa sli�ll pnomptt9 P�Y
<br /> �p�incipal of a�d'miaest an tbe debt eridenced by tAe Not�aad anY P�Y��od lue clsarges due uadtr thc Note.
<br /> 2. F'�i��or'linop s�i I�a�de.Subjoct ta applicable la�r orto a wntoen v�aiva by L.ender,Bwsuwet s6�ll pry tu
<br /> l,eodec m tbe da�r moo1WY pYnieats�+e due�nder the NatG uaW ehe Nae is paid in full,s sum t"fi�nds'�for:{a)Y�Y
<br /> � taxes aad�sses�n[s�rl�ic➢s may att�in prioritY aver this Securicy ins�ana�t ae a lien an the Pro�e�cy:(b)Yeu1Y 1�
<br /> paymenti ar Eco�d nats at tbe PmpcRy.if aay: (c)YearlY�za�d°�P�P�9 jatuimoe pren�iutns:(d�Yar1Y flaod` _.
<br /> i�x Pc�eauwns,tf any:ie)Y�Y�B� �P�u����ny;aad(�anY�� MY�bY��W
<br /> Lada,in a000td�tkY anth tbe ptovisions of puagrapb 8,u�liw of the payment af mortgage in.wnnce pm�uuins. These
<br /> � i�a�e calkd"E4crow I�" Lajder maY,�any time.coilect and Iwid F+uids a�an artwunt n4t tu excxed the�
<br /> amounc a I�der fa a fedqrally ielued matg�ge.loao ma�r nqui�e fa Barowu�s esccow accamt imdra liie federsl Reat
<br /> Esqte Sealert�ent Pt�edwes Act of 1974 ac�mendod fcoact tune to wne.12 U S.C.g 2601 et s�q:("RFSPA�7,mtiess ano�i�er
<br /> law thu applies to tbe Amds sets a laser anwuab If so,i�dider may.at any time,coilect aad dold�'vods in�s�rnount not w
<br /> eac�ed the ksser anom� Leader may es�aae tl�iunount of Pluads dae on tbe basis of cmient data aad cruonibb ::�
<br /> espmates oY espeadiwrss of fut�e Esctnw Iums or adfawise in a�:co�dar�ce with applicable Utw• �
<br /> ` , The Fi�ods sbaD 6e he�3 iu an iastitudon whose depersits are is�und by a fedapl sgeucY,iasaumeetatity,a tatity.
<br /> �'mcluding Lender,if t.endes is sw�fi w.institudan)ain any Federat Hane Laen B� t.ender s4a1!app1Y the l�ods to pay
<br /> " •�.�ttre Escmw.T�n1s. 1-eadei',��.not edar8e Bomnwef fdr hotding aiid applying lhe�8inds,annaallY�Y�B thc esaow .
<br /> • a�xaant,a�ifYinS tbe Esc�uw items..unless l.a�der�ays Baaowa inteast on the l�nds and appticable law perinits
<br />-__ L"ender to r.�such a charg�e. Ho�evea;I.ender a�ay reguue Borrower to pay a oae-tiine cbauge for an independeat ral..
<br /> :ystate p�x�in8 seir'+oG ased hy LeadeFia co�u�dc�n With this toan,unless�ppiicaE�taw pravides othenvise. Unless aa
<br />-:i ag�eemeni`u5�aade or appLi:a6Te 1aw requioes interes!w6e paid,Lender sfiall not•6a�rs�+ed to pay`Bomnwer aury interest a
<br /> _ ' qmings dts t�.Punds. Hori+ower and l.ender may agteg in writing.however.that ita5�shall be paid on the FvrKls. L,ender
<br /> °- s6a11 give t�v�ocrower,without cbarge.aa armnai accopniing of the Fiu�ds.showing.Credits atid debits w thc Funds and d�e ..
<br /> piupose for w��s each debit to the Funds was made. 'IT�e Funds are pledged as addirional security for ait sums secured by.
<br /> =" �•.dvs Socurit�Instrument � . � :
<br />.�;; If die�iends hetd by Lencki exc�ect the amounts Pemutted to be hWd by applicabte taw, Lender shall accow�t w.�:=
<br /> '..:.]3'oi:+nwer fur We eacess Funds in accordaace w'sth ti�e�equirements oE applicable law. If the amount af the Funcls betd by'.`.°..
<br /> �:.�- �ender at aay dme is not su�cient to pay the F.s�xaa Items when due.l.end�r may so notify Borrower in w[idng,and.in ''�•�
<br />�°r�,i�. • such case�xmwer shall p�ty to Lender t1�e amamE:naeesssatY to malce up the defciency. Bormwet shal�make up tbe
<br /> _F<< deficiency in ao more tha�twelve monthlY P�5'��►acLeiider's sole disc�etion.
<br /> . .,,: Upon paymem in fiill of all sums soc�ued by'tbis Securiry Instrument,i.ender shaU prompdy refund to Botrower�y.
<br /> Funds held by l.cnder. If.under paragraph 21.I.ender sfiall acquire or sell the Property.l.ender.pnor to the acguisition or'
<br /> saie uf ttte Propetty,shaq apply any Fands held by tRrtder at the ame of acquisirion or safe as a credit againct the sums
<br /> • satia�ed by this Suuriry Instrumen�
<br /> 3, ppplication of paynKnts. Unless app(ica6le law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> - paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fust,w any prepayment charges due under the Nae:second.to amounts payabte under
<br /> pacagtaph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,ut principal due:and last,w any tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Cb�r�es; Lkns. Bamawer shall pay afS.i�ces.assessments,charges.fines and imposidons attribuutble to the
<br /> : PropertY which may attain priarity over this 5�izs�*umen�and leasehold paymenu os ground nnts.if any. Harower ' _
<br /> . shaU pay these obligations in the manner providec!i:��."r�raph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay tlum on , _
<br /> time ct�ratty to the pecson owed payment Borrawer s'xaTl ptompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be yaid under _
<br /> .� this paragraph. If Borrower makes tNesc payments dire�Uy.Boaower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _
<br /> t}�e payments. "_-
<br />- Borrower shall promptly djscharge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Horrower.(a)agrees �.
<br />�`=�'=�, ln writing to the payment of the obligation secured by�tAe lien in a manner acceptable to Lenckr.(b)wntests in good faitt�the
<br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the =
<br /> eafaameat of the Ijen:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satiafactory to Lender subardinaqng the llen =
<br /> to this Sxurlty Instrumen� lf lxnder determines that any part of�6e Property is subject to a lien which may attaln pdodt�
<br />- over Ihis Securiry insttument,l.endcr may give Hortower a noGce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lIan or ta�e _
<br /> ane or more of the actions set forth above within 10�:.��s of the giving of nptice. - _
<br /> ' S. Ha�rd or Property�nsurAeca Horroyer s'�all keep the improvements now existing or hereaftec c�ected on the .
<br /> � Property insured against loss by fire.halards incJude�'�zthin the term"extended coverage"and any ather ha�.�sd.v,inctuding
<br /> • i]oods or flooding.for whicb Lender requlres insurance. Th1s insmance shall be maintained ia�he amounts and for the
<br /> , . Form 312d �n0 IpeBr 2 nJ6 pn,�ro►
<br /> , . � - • ------ - -
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