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..,� ,. � , . . � .... . <br /> �Yor�.... . <br /> ,� ;- •�. ., , ' . �;,;�-,�,�,m, <br /> , <br /> ____' J...�`---__ __. _ � -- - . __ _—_ . �._ .____ __ . .. _ -- -. — — <br /> � » ,., " . ..__.. .. , _ ,.,.;�.� . <br /> .. / �.�•�,�, .,�1 �..., � � `.. � .... .. ..._ :.. . � . ___ ._ .._...._.s_...____,,..��.�.. �„Y,,,- <br /> ..� - <br /> ..._�_ .. <br /> • � r: <br /> „ �E�� �0.1�$�c/''C ,. <br /> by ownor's end operetore of elmll�r propertles and es l3eneficlary may requlra for Its proteotlon. Yruetor wlll comply <br /> � �� with such Qther raqulremente as Beneficlery mey irom time to tlme requeat for the proteotlon by insurnnco of the � , <br /> � Intere�t of the respectivo perties. All insuPanco pollcioe meintefned pursuent to thla Deod of Truat shall name Trustor ; <br /> � ' end Baneflclary es Ineured, es thelr respective Interest may eppear and provide thet there shall be no cancellation or ,,� <br /> modlflaetion wlthout flftsAn (16) doys prlor written notlftcatlon to 7ruetee and Beneffclery. IN the event eny policy <br /> :,�S,. <br /> � ' _��„�� hereunder is not renewed on or before fiftaen.11 G)dais�pelo^t0!��'xpi`atQOn aahell dellvee to98 neficie Ymhe origlnol '�,: <br /> - ----.�.c BUL'Il Ill&UP811C8 �ft ACCOiC78T1CB WI[fl lt�ef �iia��naw��o .�� �..�..n...r.. .. ..--- —r-° <br /> �:�' ' poUcles of Insurence and renewels thereof or copfes of such policles and renewets thereof. Fallure to fumiah such i.,,:._ <br /> �.,...��� InsurancA by Truator,or renewais es requlred hereunder, shell, et tho optlon of Boneficiery, constitute e default. All �, <br /> - i unearned nremlums are hereby asalgned to Trustee as additional security,a�d e salo and conveyance of the Praperty ti<� <br /> _. 4.� by the Trustee ahell operete to convey to the purchaser the Trustor's interest in and to alt policies of fnsurence upon ,ti.•- <br /> ` � the Tr�at Property. "�'�� <br /> � 6. Tnxe� �nd l4esessments. Trustor shall pay oll taxes and specl&I essessments levled or asses�ed egalnst,or <br /> � ' � due upon,tho Property before dellnquency end will dellver to Beneficiery coples of receipts showiny peymen4 of�uch ,�.�_ -• <br /> texea and special assASSmento. ��`?== <br /> ,_ _....,;��.:� _•--- <br /> 6. Addidonel Liens. 7'rusfor aiibll make sll paymcnt�of interest end princinel,end payments of any other cherges, `�� <br /> 4�� � feea, end expenses contrected to be peid to eny existing Ilen hotders or Prior beneficiaries under eny prlor Deed of <br /> ' � `�� Trust, Mort�age or othee aecurity egreement, before the date they ere delinquent end to pay any other claim which <br />- n'' ` Jooperdizes the aecurity grented herein. <br /> ��l ' ��'� 7. Probation of B�ndlW�ry'� 8�aurity. 5hould Trus4or fail to meke eny peyment, feil to de any act sa herein <br /> provide�or if eny eotlon or prooeading le cummenced whfch meterletly effects 8sneflclery'e Interost In tho Property, �Y <br /> ' • .;`ti, Includlnp, but no Ilmlted to, eminsnt domain. In�olvsnny, erranpemants or proceedtngs Involving a benkrupt or _ <br /> } ddcedent,then Beneflclery or Truetee,but without obllgetlon to da eo,and wlthout�otice to or demend u(oon Tru�tor, <br /> .� , urchAde, <br /> . ,'1+ � and wfthout �eleaelnp Trustor from eny obllgatlon hereunder, mey meke or do tho anme, end mey pay p <br /> •:�;�•., ,,, � conteet or compromise andy ennumbrence, cherge or lien, whl�h In the Judgement of either eppeen to eifect �eid <br /> .... : Propsrty;In exerc141ng eny'suah pov�ere,the Beneficlery or Truetee mey Incur e Ilebilftiy end expend whetever emounts, <br /> � Includinp ol�burtements of aeaaoneble ettorney'e feee, whlah in thelr absolute discretion mey be neceseery. In the <br />-"=.�;'� .,�,,f� , event thst Truetor shaU fell to procure Insurence, fail to pey taxea end epacfel essesaments or fell to meke eny <br /> ==•�'�• << neymente to exieting or prior Ilen holders or banefictariea,the Beneficiery may procure such Insurence end meke euch <br /> ' '"�'�"� peyments. All aume Incurred or expended by Beneficiery or iru�tee in eccvrua�o�o wltl�ih:.�so:�4slans�f!hp peed of <br /> _::..:�,,�, ..<...: . <br /> `�`°������^����. Truat cre secured hereby and,without demend,shall be Immedietely duo and payable by Trustor�nd shall bear intereat <br /> � -;,:";�:�� et the rete providod for advencea under the Loen Mgruement;provlded,however,thot at the option of the Beneflciary <br /> � `"'-' or Truetee, auch sums mey be added to this principel belance of any indebtedness securad hereby and shall bear the <br /> �����;'i ° aeme interest es such indebtedneao end shell be pe�yable retably over the remnining term thereof. <br /> --"=-:�,:�.�� 8. Asslgnmant oi RenU. Beneficlery shell have the right,power end euthority during the continusnce of this Qeed <br /> y �s-.-��L` of Truat to collect the rents, fasues and profits of the Property and of eny personal property located thereon with or <br /> �r.{r:e.':�-2�� <br /> __;<::;:;>�;`�� wkhout taking possesslon of the Proparty effected hereby,and Truetor he�eby ebsolutely end unconditfonally ess 8ns <br /> _ ___.:���� all such rents,lssues end profixs to Beneficiery. Seneficibry,however,hereby consente to the Trustor's collectlon end <br /> -__�_;,,�,y, retentlon of such rents,issuea end profits as they accrue and become payeble sa long es Yruatar is not,at such 41me, <br />---_-����� in defeult with respect to payment of any indebtedness sacured hereby or in the performence of any e9reement <br /> -"'��' hereunder. Upon eny such defAUlt, Beneflclery may et eny time, either fn person, by agent or by e receiver to be <br />---�r_n�w�� <br /> _—.,_y�� appointed by e court, without notice and without regerd to tho adaquacy of eny security for the indebtodness here y <br /> _:���—W.�.; secured: (e1 dnter upon end teice possession of the Property or any part thereof end in its own name sue for or <br /> �;��� otherwise collect suah rents, Issues end prof(ts, includfng those past due and unpaid, an epply the seme, less costs <br /> _-___;:�� and expenaea of operatbn und collectfon,including reasonable ettorney fees,upan eny indebtedness secured hereby <br /> --=�� and in such order es Beneficiary mey determine: (b) periorm suah acts of repair or protection as may be neCessery or <br />----_-:_�+ nroper to conserve the value of the Property:Ic)leese the same or any part hereot for�such rentel term end upon auch <br /> -�=w�� conditlona as lts Judgment mey dl�;teta. Unless Truator end tseneficiary egroe o�hdrw{e�e i��w�1.Ing,any.:F�lIcaL3on ot <br /> --�: rents,Isaues or proflts to any Indebtednoss secured hereby ohell not extend or postpone the due date of the Inatellment <br /> --'�.�� paymonts es pr�vlded fn the Loan Agreement, and the eppllcation thereof es eforesafd shelt not waive or cure any <br /> -�,�:�.�,�- defeult or notice of default h�reunder or invalfdete eny ect done purauant to such notice. TruQtor elso essigns to <br /> ""''"�"",.+„;,,,,9P;�� Ben�flclary, es further securlty for the performance of the obllgetlons secured hereby,all prepetd rents and ell monies <br /> �'�`�=�•� whfch may heve been or may hereafter be deposited with aeld Trustar by any lessee of the Property, to secure the <br /> .���:�.;",r,�..� <br /> - --•.��•;, peyment of eny rent, and upon default in the perfnrmanco of any of the provisions hereof,Truator agrees to deliver <br /> �' such rents end deposlts to the Beneflciery. Delivery of wrltten notice of Beneficlery's exerclse'of the rlghts g�ented <br /> °�'`�'� � � hereln to any tanant occupying sefd premisos ahelt be sufflclent to requfre sald tenent to pey sefd rent to tha <br /> . � �;. BeneficEary until further notice. <br /> 9. Condemnetlon. If tltle to any pert of the Property shall be taken In condemnation procaedings, by right of <br /> " �.�� eminent domeln or slmllar ectlon, or shall be sold under threat of condemnetlon, atl awards, demeges and proceeda __- <br /> are hereby esslgned and shall be pafd to Beneficiary who ahall apply such award,damagea and proceeds to the sums <br /> secured by the Deed of 7rust, with the oxceas, ff eny, paid to tho �ruetor. �s <br /> - . • �' 10. Futun Advancss. The Loan Agreoment provldes for advences from time to tlme to Trustar by Ben�ticlary R <br /> [s= <br /> "� �'��� � - as nrovfded thereln. In edciltlon, upon requeat of Trustor, Benoflcfary,et Beneflcfery's optlon,prfor to reconveyence k.:;_. <br /> --- ._i s.....-� �d..�....nn urlth �L <br /> - — =r=— ,,�_T . <br /> rt"° of the Proparty to the Trustor, may make uddlttonal tuture advancen to ina irusior. A4li1t ��..,�o o.......---. --•-�• -.-.. <br /> intereat thereon, ahell be secured by thls need of Trust when evldenced by promissory notes stetfng thet seld notes �n_� <br /> � � ero securad hereby; provided thet at no time sha{I the socured princlpul and future advences, not including sums �;i• <br /> advanced to protect the securlty, exceed one hundred percent (100�Xo) of the original princfpel amounts secured <br /> hereby. <br /> 11. Remedtea Cumuletive. All remedies provided fn this Daed of Truat are distinct and cumul�ltive�td t�y�othor <br /> ° right or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by lew or equlty, and may be exerclsed concurrently, <br /> independently or successfvely. <br /> 12. Acceleretlon; Remediea; Sale. A default shall exist in the event of: <br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepreaentation by the Trustor in connactlon with the line of credit which thls Deed of Trust <br /> � secures; <br /> + • aos•2 <br /> 9/94 <br />