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<br /> (B► Any 4nlluro o��tho port oi eh� 5'rua4or to meo4 tho rapnymont torma In roopoct to th� Loan Agroomont nnd any
<br /> othor edvance3 under thin Daed of Truat heraby secured; and,
<br /> . ' "� (C) any actlon by the Trus4ar prohibited by the terme of the l.oan Agreement or thfa Desd of 1'rust or eny fAilure of _
<br /> '� {° the Trustor to act as requlred by the Loen Agreemen4 or this Deod of Trust,each of�vhich Trustor hereby agrees `
<br /> '�,,� have en advere� effect on the Beneilcfary's security for the Ilne of credit establlshed end the righta of the �
<br /> �i'� �eneficlery in such security.
<br /> �
<br /> - �--.-�.�rl�.l L-
<br /> _ �..�_ .,,_._�
<br /> _.•:""°-`�'.':.= - end upo�i tho happening of any su�ri event of dafault, F3enotic��ry may deciare aii euma rns�a�r�; i�e�ouy �������a..,o.o�y _
<br /> due and peyable by delfver to Truatee of written declerotfon of dofault. The Truetee shall have the power of sale of
<br /> �� the Property,and if 6eneficlery desires the PropeRy to be sold,it aheli deposit with Trust�e this Doed of Trust and all
<br /> ��,;:, promissory notes and documents evidencing exponditurea secured hereby and shell delfver to Trustee a written natice =
<br /> ' ° of default and election to cause the Property to be sold, and the Trustee In turn shall prepere e notice in the form �
<br /> ! y required.by�Pavy;�vi��Ch�sB�lt�ba duty fited for record by TruatQe. �
<br /> � t�41 Aite����a�tap� a!cub:t`:i�:�'c� m�y be required bv law following the recordetion of sefd noUcu of default, end _
<br />'�-"�=��� ' notice of ddfaalt Arili nbtlae of aelo heving been given es requlred by law, Trustee, without dempnd an Truatar, _
<br />�1,�:�_���.»_�� shell sell the F'raperty on the date end at the time anc!place desipnated in satd noxice of sale, ot public euction to --
<br /> ':�r#�,,,.t;,. the higheat bidder, the purchese price payable In lawfui maney of the U��I4ed States st the titno of salo. The �_
<br /> ��-�, •= person conducting the aele mey, for any causA he deems expedlent, pootpone the sele firom time to time untll It
<br /> ,r�A,�fy,�..
<br /> • ehnll k�e Gompleted and, in every euah cese, notice of poatponement shall be given t�y publlc decleretton thereo
<br /> '`���'`' hy auch pereon at the tfine end place leat eppolnted for the eale,provided,if the aele le poatponed for lon�er then
<br /> -f��":�':.'. one11! dey bewond the dey desiynoted In the notice d4 saln, notice thereof shell be given in the eeme menner es
<br /> � � �� the o►Iglnal notice of eele. Truatee shell execute end deliver to the purcheser Ita Deed conveying the Property so
<br /> ��!~=� '= sold,but wiihout andy covenent or�verranty, expresa or implied. The recitals in the deed of eny matters or ecta
<br />.°„cTi.�� shall be concluslve proof of the truthtulneas theraof. Any person,Including Beneficlery,may purahase et the sele,
<br /> .;=T;;r,-�;� (g) When Truetee sells pursuent to the powera herein,the Yruatae shalt epply the proceeds of the eele to peyment
<br />-�'`y�'� of the costa and expenses of exerciefng the power of sele and of the eele,including the peyment of the Truetee's
<br /> .T\t.l
<br /> < <� • feea actuAlly incurred, which Trustee's fees ehall not in the eggregete excaod the following emount ese upon
<br />-��..p`M'_'Ydtli'
<br />,;.,�r��'" tha amount secured hereby end remaining unpafd; 6 percentum on the first 81,000 thereof, 1 percentum on the
<br />='=:�r;� bal�nce thereof and then to the iteme in subparagraph(C) in the order there ateted.
<br />-'{-'=��� !C�After nayina the Itema speclfied in subparegreph (B) if the sale ie by Trustee,or the proper court end other costs
<br /> �-�5°`�'"`-"�� of foroclosure end sate if the selo is pursuent to Judicfel foreclosure,the proaeeda of saie ahaii be appiied in tha order
<br />��;=�;`"�„� steted to the peymc�nt of:
<br /> `'`"'�`� (1) Cost of any evidenr.e of t(tle procured in connectlon with euch sale end of any revenue stempa;
<br /> ����
<br /> --_��i pq All sums the securec!hdreby;
<br /> ::_,.����� (Ilf) The remelnder, if any,to the person legally entitled thereto.
<br /> �- -- 13. Du��s�d Obllgations of TrustNS. (e�) The duties end obltgations of trustee ehell be determined solely by
<br /> � the exprass provisiona of thia Deed of Trust,end Trustee ahall not be Ileble except for th�performance of ouch duties
<br /> -- .�rt.o„= and obligationa ea ere specificelly se4 forth heretn, end no implfed covenenta or abllgations ehall be imposed upo�i
<br /> ��-s-TM'�� Trustee; (b) No provislons of thls Deed of Trust shel! requlre Trusteo to expend or risk its own funcie, or otherwise
<br /> �==� incur any finenciai obiigation In the performance af any of its duties hereundAr, or in the exercise of eny of its righta
<br /> -_— or power, If it shell heve grounds for believing that the repayment of such funds or adequete Indemnity egelnat such
<br />--:- risk or liabllfry is not reasonebly essured to it;(c) Truatee mey consult with counsel of its own choosing and the edvice
<br /> �-��_� of suah caunsel shell be full end complete authorization end protection in the respoct of any ecEfon teken or suffered
<br /> — by it hereunder In eood feith end rellance thereon;(d) Trustee ahell not be Iicble for eny ectlon tekon by it in good fs(th
<br /> ____._�� and reasnnably believed by It to be authorized or withM the di�cretion or rights and powere conferred upnn it by this
<br /> = Deed af Trust.
<br /> -- 14. Add�tlond S�cudty lr�atrum�nU. Trustor,at Ita expense, will execute end deliver to the Truatee, promptly
<br /> - -_--_ - u�ari d�m�nc3,sue!�seessrtr,lr�t[1t1'!?t?*p xc mny he raqulred by Trustee,In form and subatence satisfectory to Truatea,
<br /> ---= covering aay of the Property conveyed by this Deed of Truat, which security instruments shall be edditionai security
<br /> __ _ �� for Truator's feithful parformance of all of the terma, covenen4a end conditfons of thfa Deed of Trust, the Loan
<br /> ti�� Agreement,eny promfsaory notes secured hereby end eny other securlty instruments executed in connection v+(th this
<br /> _��,R,�� transectfon. Such instruments ahell be recorded or filed, end re-recorded and reflled, at Trustor's oxpense.
<br /> _�`:=:�.;;,�� 16. Mi�cdla�oout.
<br /> �=�=��,1:� (A) In the event eny one or rnore of the provislons Contefned In the Deed of Trust, or 4he Loan Agreement or eny
<br />��;:�:-.;� promissory note,or any other securfty Instrument given in connection with this trensactlon,.shell for any reeson
<br /> 'r"�`'�''� to be held to be Invalid,illegel or unenforceeble in eny respect,such lnvelidity, illegellty or unenforceebllity ehell,
<br /> _�r•:I ie?�j�:
<br /> =_:`�•:�•�-�� � at the option of Beneficiery, not affect any other provfsfon of this Deed of Trust,thet t{Ue Dead of Trust ahail be
<br /> :�,�;;�_;�;;:� construed es if such Inval(d,itlogei or unenforceable provision hed never been conteined herein or therefn.
<br /> - :_..+.. .
<br /> _��;�"�=:;�,;�._ (8) This Deed ot Truat ehatl be construed according to tho lawa of the Steto of e ras a. _
<br /> �u�'�i,�:.�;_ (C) ttie Deed of Yrust shall Insure to and bi�nd tha hefrs,feflatees,devlseea, edmintstratars,executor�,succossors end �
<br /> �-�,. �= essl6�s ai ths psrtic� hereta. �
<br /> ,. •:;;�� (D1 Trustor shall pey ell texes levied upon this O�ed of Trust ar the debt secured hereby,together with eny other texes 4
<br />_;;�°-'� � or assessmenEa which mey ba levied against the Trustae or Boneficfary or the legal holder of the I.oan Aflreement =
<br />.--?`�t � f .........�,,.,r nf thn :ndahtadnasa evfdBnCe thefebV. -
<br /> �`-���f (H) Whenever usAd hereln,the eln8ular number shall Include the plural,the plurai,the singular, the use of eny gendar _
<br />° • shell be eppflaeble to all gend�rs, end the term "8eneficfary" sholl include eny peyee of the indebtadness hereby °
<br /> � �� securud or eny trensfer thereof, whether ay oporation of law or otherwise.
<br /> 18. 5ucce�aor Truatee. Beneficiary may 4rom tfine to timo substitute a successor or su.ceseors to uny Trustee
<br /> named horain or ecting hereunder to execute thia Truat Deed. Upon such eppointment and without conveyance to :
<br /> the successor Tru9tee, the latter shell be vested with all tltlo, powers and dutles conferrad upon eny Truoteo herei� �
<br /> � nemed or ecting hereunder. Each suah appointment or eubatitution ehell be made by written inat�umont by Beneficiary, �
<br /> conteining reference to th(s Deed of Trust end ita place of record, whfoh when recorded In the offfce of the Regfstor
<br /> of Deeds of the county or counties in which seid proparty Is situeted, shell bo conclusive praof ofi proper appolntment
<br /> of the succeasor Trustea. The toregotng power of substitutlon and the procedure therofore sh1�1 ndt lb'exalusive of
<br /> 9/94 40t3-3 �
<br /> �
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