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<br /> _ _ Anr�,q ooi-000aosis —
<br /> CCD# 0100455069
<br /> r.:'�__-_
<br /> w i,ci..
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<br /> WONlE ��DE�AL � GRANI� ISLd�M[� �1'__-
<br /> 221 Sauth Loau�t St., P.O. �ox 1W0�
<br /> Grand I�lend, Nebraske ���0�-1009 ___
<br /> s��-�s2-g000 96� Z0�19� ---
<br /> �
<br /> �.u� �w���l���T TA f1CICY1 AC TOI ICT
<br /> " �a�:C.i�i4.i LW���*a7ano�an a C!? ly�e�M ai■ •r�v�• __—
<br /> The undersigned Truator es fd�ntified In the followln8 deed of Truet,whAther one or more,understand that the
<br /> document they are about to execute la e Deed of Trust end not e mortgage,end thet the power of sale prmvlded for
<br /> in the �1ee�i of Truat provides subatentlally dliferent righte and obligetlons to the Borrowera then e mortgege in the
<br /> event of a defeuit or breach of obligetion under the�eed of Trust,including,but not Ifmited ta,the Beneticiary's rlght
<br /> to heve tl�e Property idontified in the foilowing �eed of Truat sold by the Trustaa without any Judiciel prUCeedlnfl. �--
<br /> 'Truaio�ra{;�a�ents sn� ��armnts thet this Acknowtedgment wea execut d by them before the execution of the Deed
<br /> of Truat i�ereafter set forth.
<br /> L ER
<br /> �11_A3' •–
<br /> BBVERLY J HE 2ER (�./
<br /> YHIS TFiUS7 DEEA msde thia �1gT dey of �Y . 1996 between
<br /> Or�yp N }�py�µ J�7D BEViRLY J HDLZiR, HU887127D 11liD MI►1
<br /> hereineftor cell "7ru�tor",whoas meiling addreu I� �034 BUCRYNQliAM DR, c3RAND IeLANn, N8 68803
<br /> ;ee"Yn�atee";and Home Federsl Eevinp�and lo�n A��ucl�tlon af ar�nd Itland,who��
<br /> mailin�eddrea�1• 221 South Locuet,P,O.Hox 7009, arand lalend, N�br��k�88602� �� "Bensllcl�ry".
<br /> For velusble conslderatlon, Trustor Irrevocebly grant�, transfers, conwy� and ae�ipn�to 1'ru�tae, In tru�t, with
<br /> .,�u,.r�t a.iw.too the benefit end�ecuritv of Banefiofery, under and subJeai to the terme and condltlom af thl�aNd
<br /> �----• -- ----• x�w� courrr�r �
<br /> of Truat,ths fullowinp deacribed proqerty loceted In
<br /> N�breska,to wit:
<br /> 2iSBAA9KA.
<br /> to�eth�r wlth all buildings,fixtures. Improvementa end appurtanancea thereunto belong6ng,ft befng a�reed that all of
<br /> it`ief oGiobG{ii�:F:.lI��tsasslnptter refe►re�l to es tho "Prope�ty".
<br /> F�R THE PURP03E OF SECURIN(i pbrfonnence of each agreement end�ovenant of Truaton c�tein contelned end
<br /> the psyment of tlb principel sum of �HIRTY THdtl9l1ND D(`LId1119 4 HO/CENTB
<br /> � Dollers(0 30,000.oo �, ea evidenced by a Home Federel Home Equity Loan Agreement betwean
<br /> T���•*�r,�nd Beneficlary(the"Loan Agreement"1,pursuant to which Beneficlery wlll advence fundt to Truator t�om time
<br /> ta ttme at the Interest ratea end upon the terms provided thereln, together wfth eny sum or suma ot money with
<br /> � fnteres4 thereon whlch mby hereafter be paid o�advenced under the terme of thfa Deed of Truat,both principel eum
<br /> and interest thereon being payeble eccording to the terme set torth In the Loon Agreement, reference to which f�
<br /> hareby mede, et the offlce of the Beneficiary fn Grend Islend, Nebteska, or et suai� other plece�es Beneilcfary may
<br /> dealgnete fn wr(ting.
<br /> �- 1, Werc�nty of 71tt�. Truator is lewfully BefYect of the Praperty; haa good rfght end lawful authority to aelt end _
<br /> convay inn �ioNo�:�r; tha°ra�csty Ia ir�e end cleer c+f nll uena end encumbrences except Ilens now of record; end
<br /> = Truator wfll w�rrant end defend the title to the Property unto the Trustee end Itg successors end essl�ns torever
<br /> -' sflalnst the cleimo of all parsona.
<br /> � -------....o.�,,.�.,.� ,�,�i.,t.r..t_ truator shall nunctueliv pev the principal of, and Intereat on, all edvancea
<br /> ... ..i..,�.»�. .....�— —•- ------—--
<br />��� under the Loen Agreement and wfll punctuelly perfoPm all agrsemente,conditlons and provisions oi eny other secur ty _
<br /> ;i j instrument gfven in connectiun with thla transactlon. _
<br /> _ ! 3. Pns�rvntion and Msintonancs of Prapsrty. Trustor wlll not commit any wests upon the Property at will, at
<br />--� ell times, meinteln the aemo In good arder and conditlon end wfll make, from time to time, ail repairs, �enewels, –
<br />:n� replecemente,additions end improvements which ere reasonebly required to prevent weste.Impairment or deterloration _
<br /> � of seld property. iVu buflding or improvement now or hereafter arer,ted upon the Property shell be eltered removed
<br /> - or demolished without the prior w�itten consent of Benaficiery. -
<br /> 4. Insunnc�. 7ruetor,et ite expense,will melntain with insurers epprovod by Beneflcfary,ineurancn with respect _
<br /> � to tho tmprovements end pe�sonel property conatituting the Property agelnst losa by firo,Ilghtning,tornado and oth�r =
<br />._� perile coverod bv etendard extended coverege endorsement in en omotmt equel to at least one hundred pqrcont of the =.
<br /> ;{ full replecement value theraof,and Insurence egafnst such other hezarde end in such emount e�3 fa custom�iiy cerried
<br /> srsa
<br /> aoa-�
<br />