__" ".C"_ _"_ _" ` _" "" _"'__"_ _'-t'__'" _
<br /> _.. . � -
<br /> _-'.Y. �_ _' . .. , _ " '
<br /> .._"_ .�z. :^� .'"_ ' ' ' ' _ ' _ " . .. ._.. . . � .
<br /> `c_ - - -:�.�. .�: '.: �.a � . - . , <' � . . - ca^ -_
<br /> . .— . . � _. •_ '.c_��... - . . . — ._,— � '— - .- .,_—_ — __- .
<br /> . �i . �" i"'i _Z� Q �` " ' ___ - . . .. - .... _ _�'s`+...� _ _
<br /> ' - a °P '
<br /> � ' `t=-"' , a � . . . � _ -� , . ' .
<br /> .� _�_� ^t °;.� , . . . _ . . . ` � ; \ . . � . .. ..-- . . . . .
<br /> � _.. ` . - ' c� . ' � �- . . , . ' . .. : .. _ . ';_"_ � - .
<br /> �--� � . �, < . - � � , � � .. �����Mt� . . `.
<br /> ` � T Borrr��c�o�nie�t�.� ir l�rtully .
<br /> � � -
<br /> _ -.__�-�- - - - -----____..._..
<br /> . _... .._----_--=_e--- ..
<br /> _ l�hy �l�d arid l�rr tl� r �s�����rsv�.��� � �. -� ..._ _ -- - - �_�_._
<br /> � ��T is ��:.�_ta�..suu�rbr�e �. t+�cocd: lorrawr_ . ` ` • .
<br /> 'wcrants and will d�t�ad 4�1T t!� titl� to.#h� Prap�rtY aqainst all �
<br /> �1��� d��s�-�ub�C� ta a�� �efaabearins o� s�eot+d.Bcr='owr and .
<br /> — _-- t�d� eowes�tt and a�r'� ae i'ol3awa: ' _ �
<br /> . f.: !lit18! DQ[18 11iLT.�` lt�at this ?ss�et �d swl! Di� 9a►�re�d b! �`
<br /> - t�rae af. �c!!as ?b-2Q02, aad tol�a+in9• o� t2� Rwisd Statutsa o!�t1�
<br /> -- = Stat� o� libeadsst s�ao:,l�ow�► as the N�taska ?eust U�� 71ct. ` �
<br />-=' 2. PIIYl�l. Zhit tl�s 8orrc�r ah!1i �' to t1� �iclast t2� . .
<br />-__ ���;p�i and_�is�t�nst tad�r t2r t�sws o! th�.Ps�dwis■ot? 1bti�sl. ,
<br />-.� 3. lIU��L�S.�,,S�liat ti� 9oesaNr �t�ail P�T all �p �n tlye��
<br /> 5t � �;1a1 ai.�.�.iw+�+ 1�1iii�� ��L' L�' f1�
<br /> � ���Y1����� �1 �� i�i,L�� f��y �isi�f • f
<br /> .. ' -�s i�MYtR��_ aa#�� W� ��r i�+l il�� � �.� _
<br /> r` - Ioes bt titsa.b�wtdsr lACltal�d vithirs tllt tlss."�ct�ndlQ �++�_�����d any _
<br /> %�.. � • : ot[�c.�asards tor �ich tt� Lw�d�r r�uins fa�� in an a�aat. nct 2us . .
<br />`'i''-.; , tlstRt 1tlt�Plll 'DlOOSkD lllD t�Af 3�0�-----��s�•00)'Doi�ts t�tith:l�:�q�E�7! . -
<br /> rn,,,. :,�-
<br /> �.r:: , qus�!liild iia th! Stsl.� o! lt�aaks�h�i p�li�7"'�9 a.cla�ii�;3oc �!a�s�s --
<br />;j�.;3`^ ' Q�lal���a t� B�nsl�ciacT and tb� $P�r ss th�1r r�sp�cti�!'� Y�e�sts . .... ;r _--
<br /> ,.,f; �� . �isE; iit t]�e ti.a� oz tl�e Ic�s ard to Pravfd� avi�r� oi p�Ta�n�.�. th� , ., � �-- -
<br /> r �` � p�r�ltwi a�' a�d��olicy upo�s raasoa�tzl� de■�nd b! tAs b�ticiaig..� :� �._-;°: �< -
<br />%;�`�� _,*' , � . ���y`=�r + � Q��1� �N � il��++!!/ �� , . � 4Rr��'ti%;L��
<br />� i �d �C_�Z�''���,,�p� p� p ���q #
<br />�(i�,i �: ' �,'� �7�� �a�l�� W r�rs�s'4+� � ��r. � � ii0�.�.7 �`�• . �^��t" � .
<br /> �.r ���i iJ A7�
<br /> ��-;°, . . -- i! tJ� r�skorYticla cr�s aFsir i�eeoe�ooically lasibla snd I�nd�r s s�cucitp ... .... °-- - - `
<br />�;�}l�;` -`. 1� -_=,�,?. , i* not l�sMr�d• tt�,insuratsc� pracMde �hall i�e appli�d to tt� s�as `_�,r �.,. �. _
<br /> � , t yl�atbec wltb an '.�;;
<br /> `;�t' '�. �-'i:t`� s�ut�! b9 tbif��8�curity Instru�n.r: �r nat tt�t �. Y _ .-
<br /> �1., � °�°`'=: ' tt�e P�rty. or do�s t�ot
<br />' :�� �<'`; + . � �qq d to �orra��. I! HorraWer�:a�a�id�s � � . ` . .
<br /> Z7:�_;h:E��;: � f,�it�lr �1Si#. �l� �Ili11ta1ICA '' �
<br /> ."``-'�'�''"� � '�'�r-�l�a t�irty (30�ds�►s i�o�t�ae lLar .... .f��
<br /> � `�• ,,.h_:��,� „ . earri�s.hfs �i�.tl� , tl�n'��di ir a"sy�iblli�C'tt�" _' .' . �- - -
<br />` �, ; �;� ' otl�r�d to a claini . . . : x) _ -
<br /> �,,: �^ ,2•.� •`" insu�iinc� nrpc�d�• t.�sW�C asS► u� tt� prccMds to r�ir or s�dtors tb�. r }��`.,
<br /> ,.���, . -
<br /> ��",`� • - pra�cty or to �Y � ��d b9 tbis S�carity Instr�aMr►t, �ar-rsc?�. . _
<br /> °.-'GdS�., � ; ' . , t--,
<br /> � �--. ,,.,.
<br /> �I ��~ th�n dur. T!� tAirty (30�.dsy p�riod will b�gin Wt�r�thi� notiae.#:�:qf�.� ��'a;�.,.,,�`
<br /> f ���.- � `�e� zi>��.:,,:.
<br /> WIISTB Tl�st t!� Horra�r shall nat coo�►iti or su!!�r aa8 4-�;j�;:t�t'�,;
<br /> �='�:��� - 5� • = �..t;,.- ,;
<br /> •: th� peO�ertY• � ;' ., '.'"�`�,' ' �
<br /> --:� , 6. L�r�r or ita ag�t a�p � r�a�onabl� entri�s s�paa � : , .` '.,
<br /> ,.;;.
<br /> '`:.-".. ., ' insp�ctions ot the Ptop�rtq• . I�er�r shall 91w Horra+er notfo� at the tiae ( •
<br /> : . ' '°''� �
<br /> � ' �y,.,�., . ; , ot or prior to m insP�ctian �p�citying r�asooable rsus� tor tl� .•_
<br /> � �7i . ittsp�etioa. : _
<br />� :;';�:;�;'� ' 7. COl�DSlWlTI�1. T!� peocNds o! any"`awud or clsis !or da�s, �- - .. . �_'_
<br /> �`°„�`,��':=:= dir�ct oc cans�T�ntial, iri �ian with �Y ��tion or alh�r ? r:.:'�
<br /> � takirq o! aay part ot llhe Prop�rty. or tor «�aw�ysnc� in liw dt ! _ "i`;�M1�.
<br /> � -_ -.. caad�s�stian, ars t�rob9 ass19� and shsll ba psid to Lw�d�r. : ' ,_ =�_
<br /> . 8. HOIi[�Oi16R I�►1' REL8715IDi FOAEBEl�R71�'xL+ HY L� �P 71 i111IV8R. �' . ; '�':,.%%, . ' �,;.:
<br /> . � ':�:j,: �:- . 8st�nsian o! t� tiM !or m►y�►t or aoditicatian ai a�ortization oi t�ie �, ...r•;;;:.:f`'� . -=-
<br /> :;,;;- � �.�-�.e����-.,.°: � aair s�cur�d bY this S�curity Instrta�r�t gxantad by I,�nd�r to Horrar�r or i --_
<br /> �• ='�' any succ��sor �n inbrest o! Horrowrr �al�.nat o�rate to rai�aa� th� ;
<br /> t � ''"`�� '",`, liability oi.t]� oriqinsl Horsa+�r or Bor.icower's succ�ssors in iM�r�at. �
<br /> � . .: T ':". ..� � � � '" "___.
<br /> � � t,w�r shall rsot b� requir�d to ca�snce �n5s �4ainst a�y �u�rar :�,. . ::
<br /> .. .'f..:�`.., � ,.. . _
<br />, k��,�..... �..., � oc ��c�+ia aoditY . ' � . � --
<br /> °�.,,,t , in iM�syst or r�twa ta sxt,�nd tia� tor pt�a�t . `::�, ..
<br /> ;-r:: i:�+:_ . . �<_r.� �. . �d th�o SsCttelty It7stilaent �!� tyaaai.oi . . .. � - ,�:�_;
<br /> ;r :� s . . .. . .t�t';�, a�orlizaLion o! th� sis�s a�cuc bS► . � ,
<br /> . ,��;'� . a»y du�nd t�d� by !h� gr�ginsl 8orrot�r�r or Soreos+�r's sucoesaor� in . '��"
<br /> . . :;. ,`�:_ : ,
<br /> ':;�:,.;••. .. • i�cest. any lorb�arartce bSt Lender in exascising anY ri9M ar rea�dy : �
<br /> � � ' � d�all �wt b� s sraiwr ot or yrec2ud� th� ex�rcise ot any right or r�dy. ,
<br /> .�;�;;`��� , 9: DBL+1Wi,T. ?hat. i! th� Borro++ir d�tault� in anY a! th� cavwints .
<br /> � or sQr�rts cantain�d !�=ein or in partora�nc� o! th� Pra■isaosY �t�) , ,
<br /> s�cuc+�d tf�r�bY, � t2�e Han�ticiary aay p�stora tha aar and thaL a�l • '
<br /> � � �pnd;ttuys � by 8�ticiary in �o doiaq shall dsaw int�r�at at tt� ; .
<br /> ;��:',;:... . rat� D�idrd in th� Pro�issoi`Y Note(�) and �l�ali be repsS►abla by 8orcas�ar . :
<br /> � . ,:r,�" : . Lo H�t�licisx'g_and, tog�t]wr aith i�tsr��t and cost� accruing ttrraon, ' � �
<br /> � ' � � shall b� s�cus�ed b71 thia Deed o! Trust. .
<br /> 10. 11QCBL0�11?ION t1BON DBBl1UL?. IP the 8orrowar cLlau�ts in tt� .
<br /> ' �'ri':r,:' � .' . prya�nt o! anY inats�l�nt o! �rinctP� cr inteseat �lt� �r �aid . . '
<br /> ;F•,t,, � �
<br /> . . . . �:,.,:r}. . :. .. ps�c�,le�ory I�bt.�ts) or i! th� Borros+�r delauits in th� p�rtorsu� ot any .
<br /> , . _ , - - - other. covaean! os a9rae�ent !o b� perlormtel �a�der �aid Fr�i�sory Notet�� .
<br />:�;�, . ; ' �
<br /> - - .-.-- -. --- - -- - —_ _ -_ -- — --- - - = - - - - - -� --f - - -
<br /> . ' A ., � � ' . � - � � t _ �� �
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