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<br /> .TA���iyftl ?cvstor h�e�l'�! acl�o�i��rwd und�cstaed� thit l,Ls ' . . '
<br /> doc�a�t to b� �anad P3�3p�q o�elaia sA�l� �tt� iMesi¢ity !at s a�et�n
<br /> - el�t.�■s�eibd ia aid"inatt�t, � �11 a� � tA�ac�ot�pn�ieq'mt�R !s a � ' _
<br /> - Ou�d ot 'h��and �ot a Mori+g�s �M t1�st!�i po�!r o� al�� i�t tb! D�d-- ' — '-
<br /> � a� ?�st R+cnidM �sts�tialli di!l�et ri�rts sd abllgatia�s ta !h� let�tt:ot • � .
<br /> !h■n s,Uoclqa� sa th. asirnt�o� . a.tault or 64r.cts or o e l i y�t iaR. T h.,
<br /> � • tsid�r�iqtrd Zrut�or a�il� this adQioul�t to tt� �[i�iaeis� a�d iri'• . ,
<br /> � . c�ctain D� a� Tns�d�t�d t2M 30 dy o� lW�. 199Q, �l�isq tb lo2laMitq'
<br /> dYerib�d s^�1 estst�z • , .
<br />- 11 TRIiCr OR L�111Q �1ID� �! 11 POIlTt Ot 3lIOQ8iND �N�!�D'11�f1lE f1'r! ,. .
<br /> (��3�0'.? �DEiSH � '� 80Ul�JiB! �S[� I�M[t 0/ B�LTIOli 'AfIRTY �I11S (3.5ja
<br />� � � 'DQi�i�R1'11Il� t4I �, Rllb�i lf�.VR �12) i�ls � ff8i flNS I� eIXYY
<br /> t�l1� 111D ps ?�T�! 1�? 1563.i') lHO� 8o0i�1 �Ho�DRlD�ft�1l�[ 9Ix lW) lills -
<br /> !pi!}IS /R! (366.9') �mif.Z 1t�Rt 1IVi N1�D Slfl?fi� �lL'r 111D CIt ?fti'�!! , .
<br /> : 1rsL'� (563.1•�• 'tiOR.'t 1�i'tH 'h�°� slt�ltY SIX AW 1II1i ?ORHB E�L? � .
<br />� �3Y6.4'� TO.S�R PDIlR.C/ �1�i. mEAIBD�i L�IV� (6) 11Qi�8 Mflilt OR L*SB• 11LL .
<br /> � IN S■Cl�Cli '�'tY 1rIVa (35�• '�l' !R'i (91 �lHr Rllt�Y'f�i.VS (12�� i�S� Gf .
<br />-- tI� 6T�1 P.M.• H11tL ��1tY. �Jl. � . � `
<br /> !or t2� PueDo� o! �tist7�9 t2� pravi�lans o! lMb. Rav. 8tat. 876-1OQ6 t2)• ,
<br /> -- � 'A� Sru�toc turtt�c aclatioWl�a aad.stst�s thst this aeta�oWi�nt i� .
<br /> ' � l�r�bl �� �ior t�a► tb� �cutiian a� th� abovr 8�acriE�d O� oi Zrust bY � �`
<br /> . ' � �-- tl�-tsd�r�iq�eel. � �;:_=-
<br /> v:- .r D�i1T�s �lllt�l'30, 1192. � ` , `�:` � -
<br /> a' _,;_ e+s. � �� -- �':�;,�.
<br /> � ..,
<br /> ... .
<br /> ... ._�.` --- -_. _ .---- -.._.. .- -- -- ��---- - - -
<br /> - _. .. .:... _
<br /> �
<br /> . ------ - --- -. DOIJO FOrt �RQg�tt -- — � �
<br /> . :3 ''' Si71'1't OB �11 ) Il[�D��� - �� -
<br /> ' `'`� ) s�. e ��� � ��.Z�__ -
<br /> µ-�-,'' . ODONlY OD lIQAM3 I . BS'YEl!! PiG2Iti0� TRpSi�tt �"��w�.µ-
<br /> . � On this 30 dag oi M�IRCH.`1942, b�tor� M a L�latarY Ptablie in a�W tor said ': .
<br /> �� ` ._��'` cotsrtY. P�raonal'ly ca�a DOOG G F�D�lINdB & BE?H !! HOTItiDS• ti�band � Wil�, to aa ' .
<br /> � �,'• lceio�n to b� t� id�tfcal 8ar�oanta) wtwie naws(�) aca stiixed to tf� tor�goin9 _
<br /> �".-�- �''�'�`�:- instr�t and aclox'+�►1� the e�c�cutios� tharao! to be ?HBIR voluntary act �d .
<br /> , ;-�.�,_:=; " ���t°��M�le t�tre�fa interrd�d. � � ' '
<br /> �. �: '
<br /> ' �'� .� �j� i�btary P�blic � . .:
<br /> .Y
<br /> wasb�ja7�1!!6 DS� OB ?ROS! . � , , . .�f�
<br />.' ,.� ^;.J � ylr.'� � -
<br />, ":,�'R�'�`'�."��� Tl�is D�d o! Trust. tkr�inatt�r s�t�rr�d t� ag S�curity Instru�t• �is � ' :
<br /> ..�.t�.�<rt �
<br /> . ':':$�'.":"��,�� cn this 30 dsy o!. MlIROl, 1992. 1'h� Trustor, Isereis�ai`t.�r s�iRrs�d to aa . � _
<br /> ���y � -' Hocras�t�r, ia DOIT(� G F�PII�B 6 �!'E! M 80?II�A3, Hwband i Wit�. Tl� TtvatN. . • ="
<br /> ..,.,. �
<br /> ,;� '' ••'��.`. �r�inatt.�r r�t�rr�d.ta as Trust�. la 11da� Cour�ty��ic. fi� 8a�ticist�►• `
<br />� � ' ;�:;��:�. �_ ' � _.
<br /> ' ° �;�_=s . 1s�r�inatt�r r�t�rr�l #o a� L�rber, i� ll�ta�rs County 8anic. Which ii crqaniz�d and
<br /> ,.,���'�"a-- ' . �xistinq �dtr th� la�+s o! ttM Stat� o! PMbraska, and srho�e a�de�n is N�r�raa. i
<br /> ' :�,;_;� � - Cannty o! 141a�r Statr at N�br�d�a. Borro�+�r ar�c L e n d�r t h� pr inc iys l s� �' ' i
<br /> . � t'� ��� ::. . SIX'1'Y ?1![�B lHOt1SlI1�D �LD ND/it10---IIol]�r� (g63,500.�0)aith irrt�r�st th�r�an at i , . � .
<br /> ' -:x: .� '�` . . L�tll� 711�D Ol� HllLB t9.5�) D�rc�nti y�r anma. Th�s debt i� avid�nc�d by
<br /> � �'.�� "''`�., 8orrowr's not� dalid t� sa�s date aar thi� S�curity Inatru�m�►t. her�inalt�r
<br /> . y srt�rr�d to s� Not�. �+l�ich pravid�� Pvr 59 aonthlY �sy�nt�ot $591.90, eith th�
<br /> ' ` lull dfbt. i! not psid �arlior, due and paYable on 11PRIL 1, 1997. �■ s.�ursty ;� . _
<br /> . .`:}c' �-�"" � Instr�nt s�cnr�� ta iwrd�r: t�j th� repsyrnL o! th� d�bt wid�nc�e bS► �
<br /> - 'c � . . : � , t�bt�(s), toq�th�r, With int�re�t tiwrean: any ltuthas advanaes, and all
<br /> � .- :,:�`�.�.. : �xt�nslonn, �oditicat#aes. subtiitution: and r�rals tt�s�t: 1bI th� paYa�e�t � .
<br /> ?� 't,q��-' � o! ali ath�r a�sr. Mith fater�h. advarrcrd ud�r S�cl�ian Ninr hr�o! to prat�ct .
<br /> ,.>�„.� 4�t� s�curily oi thi�t S�curity Iastrueent; and (a1 th� �artorainc� oi Horro�r'a
<br /> - - . ' �ovr�fts aM aqr�t,s und�r thic Serur3ty Is�stcaasat and� I1ot�. For this ..
<br /> : � � purpop, 8orro�r irr�vocab�Y 9s'anto an8 conv�y� �o Trurtva� in trust, aith
<br /> � P�s o! Sala. th� �roJ7��Y deacribad above in tha 1�cknos+�adgWnt which i•
<br /> .. . ' ]oaatad in WILt. Ca�nty, N�brasica. having tt� addrus o! IiR ! 8�X 63, li�S11W,
<br /> _ ._ ._.. .'. I�bsaaks ard 1s l�rilnatt�r retesred to aa "Proprrty llddr��s"• .
<br /> Tog�th�r aith all tfs� iaiprova�ntc tia+ or t�ereatt�r srsctad on th� prop�rty
<br /> - - -- - . and all �aswnt�, righta. aPPuetananMS, rents. �oyaltf�s, ain�ral, oii ane! gas : ._
<br /> , ' . � riqht� and Drot�t�. Water ri9�.and stiodc and ali lixtiura� � or h�syatt�r a _
<br /> - � pac�t o! tJ� said psaP�stiY. 1111 replace�t►ts and addiLionf�ttt�all also b� cawro8
<br /> � by this S�cucity ZnstsuMnL. 1111 of� tha los�oin9 is r�f�rc�d to in thia ,
<br /> ' � S�curity Inatr�a�n� as th� 'E�ropirtY"• .
<br /> � ; c; ' . ;�
<br /> --_.- � ; . -_- -—.- . , � :
<br />