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<br /> - �� � � �, � �, � : . . _ �s . . . � . 92�.- ���a.�o�---, _ , _ , .
<br /> 'or tAts�DMd oe sru�t. oc t! : �ru�t�. r«:�swc� ltquid�tror:ot tir
<br /> ___ - -_.: __`-- . —�! � � -- ` �=- �--l3��ete�l�*i�ee-t�---___.�.` �,---_ __ -_ _
<br /> ' �rawe abMl� t,i2� �p�titior► in 6�eT�cu�tCi� a��st Bott�ows� oe !or t1� � `
<br /> . e�ocq�aisatlan o! �orra�e purwwt ta t� l�ral 8�ntc��ptc! mde. ar any .` .
<br /> ai�li�r Iaw. �Art1�e t�ral oc stat�.. aed i! a�s� oed�c or,patitias i�li, .
<br /> --- � t�! bt di�ch�c�d oc diaii�■d vithi� lhi�i�tj (30) d�rs ai�tac thf datrs.an
<br /> • M�idi w�lt ocir or pitiliat Mrs lil�d. Borrow�e.�11 lilt a•-pitttioe: .. ,
<br /> pu�tL ta ttM tidual. 8�.7 �� or anl► sial.lar la�. t�rai or - '
<br /> �s�ta, oe i! �►rro+�c a�ll b� aa3�d �'�R oc b� d�c2artl
<br /> #e�Iwnt•, oc �2 �lo� aa a�sl�t ioc t!r �tit o! cndit�rs, or
<br />- �11 a�l� in ttritirq i�ls in�bilitt t.o pst its d■bts as t�r! t�cOme d�e.: �
<br /> � oc �hall r6nNnt to tt�,appaintws►t a� s t�o�iwr o! sl��or iny parfi a[#3�'. .
<br /> .' �tT• ,� -
<br /> , tipan th�. ovcurr�rr� oR an! ot tfr abapr�.ducrib�d d�taalts, or anyti�s:-. .
<br /> th�c'aBt+�e. 8�e1�1ciar! a�Y. at'�ts �.ian• d�clars sll tb ir�d�b�d�ss
<br /> aKUS'sd l�c� ia�diat�l]t dis aad p�Tabl�_artd th�:�ai� al�atl b�ar i�tyst
<br /> - - at tl�t drdaiult rat�, f! aa!• �E �ortA 1A the-Notf� oc att�rwiw at t2r �
<br /> . � hiqh�st; eaR� p�cai�tad tiryt 3a�fl. ard, ���� o! �s 8�ntticlae7
<br /> mcci�MS pid optlAa� it �aY, a�t ite a�tiaa and itt its toli disCC�t�an�
<br /> w#lho�� �t►T luct�� natios or dw�rjd tQ:or upan TruRtor. �o a�s oc aor� o! _.
<br /> th� lollarfiqs (s? B�ticiscT a�► �nttr t�pa�, t.ato� P�� �• �� --
<br /> ., - . � aad op�ra� t� Pea�s'tf or � �rt 'tt�s�l� aNc� c�p�ira and_po�i°�' • =_
<br />� f�,��r; _._`��.. � in its awn �. � !or or ot[�svise coil�ct aad src�iw r�nts, i�s and --_a..-
<br /> , :�,�'�.��; .:r �d tr d, at� applp t1�e,sar, l�ss - � ,-"�-
<br /> �;-,�r,.;�.�� : pc�Otits, includin4 ttto�s p�st durl p�i � •`�-
<br /> -- ., ; cx�sts �rd axp�ewa at ap�s'stim.�d c�►11��. �ludinq r���atiabl� �� _,'_ �="�-
<br /> ���� � ?�� �� a�tar�9 tMS and Bunliaiacy's e:osts, uipan tt�e ind�bt�� w�ur�d t�er�bY � !,; - .
<br /> F,.: ;:. : _ .
<br /> �`--�:.-,�:,.=�::;<,� , .
<br /> • ',.` : �c-�� ad� 1tt iuCh osd�r >i 8�[MliC1a1"9 �MY d�t�C�lls111� ?!N �1t�1Ay t7p011 Sffd �- .
<br /> �:�z�-�;-:.;.: : . • -
<br /> ,"`�..` ::,k�{...�� takinq posa�piaa o! ttr Proy�r�Y. ti�s coll�ctian o! any s'�b• issws an8. � ., . ' ' -
<br /> ..�.�.;,-Y:%;;':;;:` • •
<br /> - -' �;�.::���`}:�?': ' 1ts and th� app2icatiar� th�s�of as atOS�said, absll not cvr� O! vsiv� . .
<br /> -- - :�:`.:.;r..;:���:�,��,__ L�_.�.—��:
<br /> � � ..
<br /> ,..,.. :�%�s;�t;4 - any ditaul��si�oi"os^� or t.�fer�ltt�c �rf��or-as��.-�-ria:3c�•�t=-- - - r�- - - -
<br /> `'�� �•'�
<br /> ,,�;`,�". d�fault ot notics o! sal� �rr�dfr cr iavalidst� any set do� pus�uant to ��., . , {-
<br /> '"'" • � z . aaT �t�dt �otia�. H�liciarY �Y ��3 ar►y actian in any co�rt o! `
<br /> co■p�t:Rit �urisdicttcn to tor�clo� this DMd ot ?rust or nloeae arta* ct �' ,
<br /> .����';� �s sl�ct to caua ti� Frop�rty or aay; �, . _ - �.,::: �
<br /> �`"�,s;�;.�t� ttr cav�nants t�r�ot and H�liciarY Y �:`,,:- '�:'�-K�
<br /> � . � . part tt�rro! to be sold u�der the po�er o! ssle, ar�d in sud� �vs�rt, � � � . .
<br /> - ;;;;:.`��� '. H�naticiary or Trustoe sha1L give sucb noticQ of dstault and notic4 oP �ale �. , • - ,
<br /> � , � . a� asY b� tMn r�quirod �iY �� � . ' ' � ��
<br /> ' " � ii. E'OWRR OF Sl1LE. 1?wr tha Bort�r l�r�by canl�rs upon th� Tcu�t.�e i . ��
<br />, � . �- s yo�r to all t�. prop�rty vhich th� Trust�e a�Y wrcisa and tisbsr Whicb i
<br />� ' : th� nraqs'tY rY b� �o2d in,th� a�Mr pcovid�d bY las�. llt th� optlan ot � -
<br /> � � th� b�liciarY. this D�wd�o�?rust �ay ba tor�cioa�d in th� a■ru�r ;
<br /> ` "=.. .._ yravid�d bY laW tor t� lai�el+�sur� ot aort4ag� on rfsl �rcD�rtY::���at, it ' . ^ -
<br /> . s al� a! tt� prci�Y �Y '��rustw is exarci�d �r tbi� pow�e�at� ; . ���'��:- -
<br /> ' .�f.`., . *sl�, th� nrocMds a�I b� spD21a3 Eit� !o tt� gs5►a■nt o! tf� cost� a�d� � �...._
<br /> . �, �
<br /> .. ,.:' -�t,�;'; �sps�N� ot �s�rei�i,n9 t!� Pos+�r o! a�ls, includiag the Pw o! tt� TrustiMt , . ; ; - __��
<br /> � 'f � ��'-}���"�� in an aaocs7�t not to �xcMd t�o P�r cent (2�) o! th� aale �rica thqit to th� . '.��-
<br /> �'"�..�„� :t:•,:�'rF,�::
<br /> '��;' ': piS►s�ant at t� obliqstion srr.ve�d by ttw De�d ot Trust and th� b�lancy, i! ��::.
<br /> �' ' ,;��.�':` anq. to t2� ner�on or y�r�ans le4ally �ntitl�d th�r�to. . .��-�'�i
<br /> �,=- '� �;: . 12. �.8R71��4N IN THB EV@t!' OF TRI�SPSR. In tha evant th� title to : �* '`:;•�.. °-
<br /> , ; .,s_
<br /> •' �^:-�":����� :f��''�. t!� �aid r�l �st�ts is transt�crsd. or cantractad to b� trand�rr�d. lra� ;
<br /> � tA� �esi9� tor any r�a�nex or bY �Y �nd ehat�e�v�r, tha d►tir� .
<br /> � � � � �riscipr� mua and !h� accru� intorest shall at once becoa� du� and p�Yab�� • ' ,
<br /> `:. ' � ' at t1s� �liction ot the Be�sePl�i�ry. Failure to exercise this option ;
<br /> - � �r' . t�caust ot trandQr Qt title as abov� stat.�d in on� instance shall not •
<br /> ,� . � ' cqnstitut� a aaivrt a! t�u� si9ht to ex�rcis� th� �aw in tha avant o! any � � .
<br /> : ��f,t trand�r. .
<br /> � , � '. 13. D[)TISS 08 TRUST�F. Barro�r a9rws tAats (sI Dutiss.arx� • .
<br />� � obllgaLiac�s o! TsustN shall b� d�t�rain�d ao1�lY bY th� ex�s�e�s #�3�ians .
<br />� �- � ' .: o! this DKd o! ?stist a�nd Truttee shs�2 aot be 1 iabla except tor tl� ,
<br /> � , p�rlora�nas o! sucix 8ubies and oblig�tfons a� are apaciPicarllY set torth •
<br /> ' ""- tNt"�1Ar at�d no ispli�d covena�ts or �sbligatians sh�ll bs impo=ad upOS�
<br /> ' � Srust�: Gb) No proviainn og thia Deed o! Trust s�all require Trust�e to •
<br /> . � . . , �xp�d c� risk it� awn l��s, ar ather�i� incur any Pinancial ohliqaLfan . .
<br /> � in t�f� pirtoraancy o! any o! its duti�s heretmd�r, or in the euercise oP �
<br /> � ��- . any o! its rights or posr�r; (c) Truste�mnY consult With counsel o! its orm �
<br /> �� � choosing ang tha advice oP such caun�el sha21 be full artd co�►Zete - - .. ,
<br /> � authorizatian and peot.�cbion in tha cesp�et of any actian taken or su!lared �
<br /> � by it h�r�ursd�r in qoad lsith s�nd reliance t.hereon; arid (d} ?ruata� shall `
<br /> ' � . r� � not b� 1labi� !or any acEian tak�n 1�Y ft in good lafth and rea�onabiy � .
<br /> � � b�liw�d by it to br'authoriz�d•or vlthin itn dt�cratian or rights or •
<br /> � - _._��:�_ : �� ��rr�A upon it by this D�ntl oi Trust. , ,
<br />- �--- - -- - �t.- �tVBYAI�. tipa�ri �sY�� tit �1 sts� ses�scar� � !h!s-S�tr�tp. -----.....-_-------.-
<br /> _ --'.--_�- ; , -__ -- - - - - - - - - - - � :' .
<br />• �F � . .. . - - -- - - �-.�-..
<br />