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<br /> "proseede')In conngctbn with condemne►tion M other tekinp af the Propertyr or parl lhereot,or r�onveyance in I eu of cond�mnation.
<br /> Lender ahati bc�entlllud�t Ite optlon to commenoa�appaAr!n nnd prosecuto In its o�vn name any actbn or proceedinge,and shall alao
<br /> bo entitled to meke any compromise or settlemant In c�nnectiun wlth euch talc►ng or d�+mRQe.In the ovent any portlon af th�Praporty In
<br /> co tr�knn Qr cl�raa�ad, Lond2r ehall hc+vo tho opUa�In It�cnlo�rtd abnofuio dicara�lon,fo Appfy nil such praceeds, Aftar ctoductir,r� �--
<br /> iheretiom nN cosie enrJ expens�a Incurrod�y I�In co7ne,�ti4n w�ti►cuc9�I�racc�rta,upan nny lnd�b4cdfzc��c�curccl hoPCk�y nR�i In r,uci2 �.
<br /> wder as loo�der may determine,or to appty all auch Proceede,eftar s�ch daductlons,to tho roatorntlon o!the Property apon euch con-
<br /> dlporri aa l.ender may dsterm►ne.Any appi{catlon a}Proceeda ta Indebtednnse shall not extend or puatpone Ihe dua date of er►y pay-
<br /> mente under ths NMe>ar cure eny detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled turtde shell be pald to Tn�stor.
<br /> B. P�mana�by I.�ntN►.Upan tt►�occurrnnce ol an Event o1 Dafault hereun�ier,or If any act ia taken ar logal proceeding
<br /> commenad whfch r�e.terialfy�HeciA Lender'e Intereat In the PropeRy,Lender msy In Ite own dtecretksn,but wfthout oWlgaUon to do so,
<br /> ���a�a..,���e�nr et.msresl uaan Trua2er and wHhout releasinn Tnistor(rom any obAgation,do any act which 17ust�r has agceed
<br /> but taflad to do end msy atao do any other ect it deema neceseary to protect the eocurity hereof. Trustor shall, Immedlateiy upon
<br /> d�mend th�refor by Lenciar,pay to Lender all costs and e�penses Incurred and eixna expended by I.,snder In connectkm wltfi the exer-
<br /> claa by Lender of ttw foregotnp�lyhts,topether with Interest thereon at the default rate provided In the Note,whlch shalt be e�ed to
<br /> the fndebtsdr�eui sscured herehy.Loncier sl�all not In�wr any Ilabllity beceuse of anythtng It may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> g.Has�rdou�MalorisA•Tnistor shall keep the PropeRy In can�llance with all ap�l�eble lawa. ordinancea and repulatbns
<br /> relatinp to Induatri�l hyQlo��or environmentel protecUon(colkrctivoly reteRed to herein ae`Environmentel Lews�.Trustor shall keep
<br /> the Proaerty free trom at'�sui�stancos daerrted ta be hazardous or toxlc under any E�ivironment�l Lewa(collectivoly rofeRed to herein
<br /> as"Haurdoue M�tterlata'�.Truator hereby wartante end represents to Lender that there ere no Hazardous Materials a�or unoler li�e
<br /> Propsrly.Trustoe heroby e�rees to Indemnty end hoid hanr►lesa Len�irer,its directnre�oHicere,em}�byees and a�ente.snd any euoces-
<br /> sore ta Lender's fntereat,tram end egatnst any�nrl all clalma,drsmaQea,lossos and Ilabllitlea arining in connectlon with the presencs,
<br /> use,disposal or transport of any Hazardous Matorials on,under,trom or about the Praperty.TH�FOH�(30IN8 WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.l�!�el�rt�nts of Rsnb.Trustor heraby assigns to Lender.and grants Lender e security interesl In,etl present,future end _
<br /> after adstng rents.Issues and prorits ot the PropeAy;provided that Trustor sFwll,unt11 the occurrence ai an Event ot ne}auft,hereunder.
<br /> have the right W ooilect and retatn such rente,issues and proiite as they beccxne due snd payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event of .
<br /> Defauit,Lender may,efthar In persan or by egent,with or without bdnping any action or proceHding.or by a�ecetver eppointed by a
<br /> couR and w(thout reaard to the adequacy aY ite secudry,enter upan and take poesesston of the PropeRy,or eny part thereof,in fts own
<br /> name or In the name of the 1'nisteo,end do eny acte which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve tho va�ue,ma�cetxbiliry o�
<br /> rentabi�ity of the Property,or any qaR thereot or(ntarast ther�in,or to(ncrease the Incame thereirom�r protect the secuHty hereof end,
<br /> with or wfthout taktng possesston of the Propedy,sue(or ar otherwtse cotlect the renta,Issues and protde fhereof,Indudir►p tboee peat
<br /> due end unpald,by notHying tenants to make payments to Lerx{er.Lender may apply rents,Issu9s and protits,tess costs and exper►s-
<br /> es of operAtion arwl coliection Ins:luding attomey's fees,to eny fndebtodnoas secured hereby,all in such orde�aa lu� .ar mey det9r-
<br /> mine.The entedng upon end taking possesslon of the Property,the coliection of such�ente,issues and profite,enu the appUcatlon
<br /> thereof as atoresald shall not cure or weive any defauit or notice of detauit hereunder w Invelidate any act done in respawe to eix;h
<br /> default or pu�suant to such notir,o ot detauit and, notwtthstanding the contlnuance In possesabn of the p�operty or tha cdlectbn.
<br /> recelpt end eppiicaUon ot rpnts,issues or protits, 1 N3199 8I1�i.Blldef SIteII o9 tlniii�ai iv bii'viGiSo o'roi�i�'ii jn'C1:��:::.:.!s::.ns a!S'°'
<br /> Loan InsGwne�►ts or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Detauft,induding wilhout IlmltaUon the right to exerdse the power of sale.
<br /> Fuhher,Lendere dghts er►d remedfas under thls pareflraph shall be cumulaUve with,and tn no way a IlmitaUon on,Lenders rights�nd
<br /> ramedies wider eny ass(gnment of leaaes end rents recorded againat the Property.Lender,Trustee and Uw�eo�iver shall I�e flAl�ie to �
<br /> eccount only(or those rents ectualty received.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of DN�uEt.The tollowing shail constitute an Event ot Detault under this Deed of Trusx
<br /> (a)Faiture to pay anV�nstailment of pdnclpel or interest ot any other sum socured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breech of or defauft under eny provisbn oontained In the Note,this Deed of Truet,any af the Loan(nstnxnente,or any
<br /> olher Hen oE erKximlxance upon the Prope�rty;
<br /> (c)A writ of executlon or attechment or eny elmllar process ehait be entered agatnst Trustor wh�h ehall become a IIAn on
<br /> the Property or[any portion thereof or tnterest therein;
<br /> (rl)There shaH be filed by or agatnst Tnistor or Borrower an actlon under any present or fu4ure tedaral,stete or other statute.
<br /> 4�w or resul�tion relating to bankroptcy,Usolvenay or othor relief tor debtors;or there shall be appointed eny huatee,receiver or
<br /> ISqukfator of Trustw or Borrower or of aIi or eny paR of the Property,or the rents,tssuea or proftta thereof.or 7nistor or Borrower
<br /> sha01 make any yeneral ascignment for the beneNt ot credttors;
<br /> (e)The aale,tranafer,lease,assignment,conveyance or tuRher encumb�nce of all or�ny paR ot or�ny intereet in the
<br /> propeRy,efther voluntedly or Irnoluntadly.w8hout the express wrftten conaent ot�ender,provided that TrusMr sha11 be pertnk-
<br /> ted ta execute a lease of the Property that doe9 not�xx�taln an opUon to purchase end the te�rn of whk�h does not exceed one
<br /> , year.
<br /> (�Absndonment of ths Property;or
<br /> (�)B Tn�stor is not an Individual,the issuanco,sale,transter,assignment,conveyence or encumbren�of rtwre than(ft a
<br /> corporetion)e total at _percent ot it�Issued and autstanding stock,or{f!a paRnenshlp)e total of_ per-
<br /> cent of partnership Interost�,or pf a Iimlted Ilabltity company)a total of percent ot the Iimfted UaWlityr canpa-
<br /> ny Mterests or votfng�i9hts dudng the pertod thfs Deed ot Trust remalns�fien on the property.
<br /> 12.RMn�l�s;Aec�Nr�tlon Upon DetauiG In the event of any Evont of Oefautt Lender may.wiihout noticn except as requirec!
<br /> by law,deciaro sN Indebtednoss secured he�eby to�e due aod payable and the seme shail thereupon become due and payabte vrith-
<br /> out eny presenunent,demend,protast or notice ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (e)Demand that Tnjstee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Tn�stae shall thereafter causo TNStors inter-
<br /> est in the Propertyr to be eold and Me praceods to be diatriMrted,ell in the mgnner provided In the Nebraslia Trust Oeeds Act;
<br /> (b)Exerdse ony and a�l dghts provlded tor in any oi the Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrenca of any Event of
<br /> Defauir,and
<br /> (v)CommOnce an actbn to fareciose thia Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt e receiver,or speciflcalty enforce any o}thg
<br /> - COY8I18(1f8I1Bf80f.
<br /> No remedy hereln cor�ferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy herein,In the Loan
<br /> - lnstn�menta or b�r law provided or permltted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In addition to every otf►er remedy given hereunder,
<br />- in the loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equlty or by statute,end may be exerclsed a�r9currently,IndependenUy
<br />= or suxeshreiy.
<br /> - 13.Trusb�.The Trustee may reslgn at eny Ume wiYhout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause epEwlnt a suc-
<br /> �ssnr or suhstl�te Truauie.Tmstee shall not be 1(able to any party.�nciuding withoart Ifmftatbn Lender.Borrower,Trustor or eny pur-
<br /> - chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage untess due to reckloss or wilitut mtsconduct,antf snan not i�e required iro iaRe arry aciivn
<br />' In connection with tl�e enforcement o4 thls Deed oi Trust unless Indemnifled,In wdUng,tor all costs.compensatlon or expcnces wh(ch
<br /> may be assoGatod therewlth.In additton,Trustee may becomu a purchaser at any�ale af the Property Qudicfal or under the power o}
<br />- sale grantod heretn);postpone the sate of all or any porNon ot the Properiy,es provkied by law;or sell the Property as a v�iiole,or in
<br /> seperate parcels or lote et Trustee's discretion.
<br /> - 14.Fa��nd Ex�►ons�.In the event Trustee sehs 4he Propertyr by exerciso ot power of sale,Trustee shall be entitied to eppty
<br /> any sa{e proceeds Nrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exercising power ot sata,fncludi�g atl Trustee's feea,and LendarA end
<br /> - Trustee's attomey's teea, ectually Incurred to extent permftted by ep�lkabte law.In tho everrt Borrower or 7ruator exercisee eny ripht
<br /> � provided by law to cure an Event of Detault,Lender shall be ent(t{ed to rocover irom T�vstor all costs end expenses cictuuaHy incurred aa
<br /> a resuit of Trustore defauit,inciuding without Iimltation all Trustee's and attomey's tees,to the extent parmitte�d by epplicabte law.
<br /> � 16. Futuro Advanc�s.Upon request of(3ortower,Lender may,ot Its optlon,make additionel and future advances and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.Such edvances and roadvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secun3d by thls�neerf ot Trust.At no time shall the
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