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<br /> THIS DEED OF�RUST,is made as of the 28th day of May ,1g 96 _,by and amon���
<br /> thoTn,stor, 9rEan A7cMahon anc� Lori McMahon husber�d and wife , 4r r-
<br /> wFwse malli address is 4077 Zola Lane, Ge•and I sland Ne 68803 (herein"Trusto�",whether one or more), �
<br /> �9
<br /> theTrustee �=1ve Points Bank — �
<br /> whose mailing eddresa Is P � Box 1507, Grand Island Ne 68802-1507 (herein°Trustee'),end
<br /> the Heneik�ary, P�ve Polnts Bank
<br /> whose ma�ling addrass is P 0 Box 1507 Grand Islanei Ne 68802-1507 (hereln"Lende�.
<br /> FOR VALUA'BLE CUNSIDERATION,including�Lender's extension ot cradit kientttied herein to _
<br /> Ba�Ian McMahon ar�d Lori hAcMahan, hu�band and �vife —
<br /> (herein"Borrower,"whether one or more)and!he trust heroin created,the recel�t
<br /> of wh�h is hereby acicnowledged,Tiustor hereby Irrevocabiy grants,trenstere,conveys and ass(gna to Trustee.IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> Fiivli�Fi vP iiti.E.iui uw u'vi�oi i di�i o'vi�u�� 'rit'..^oiCCl:,�,us"�:.°!«!t$�� �£M�n�w tw�u r��ri t:nndfUons he�e(nBftBr 8et fORh.itie(eAI
<br /> property descdbea ea tabws:
<br /> �.ot Twsnty-Six (26) ,R E B Seeond (2nd) Subdivision to the city of Grand Islend,
<br /> Hall County, Nebrasks�.
<br /> Toyether wiih aH buildlnps.impraven�enta,flxtures,streets,elleys,pa.asapewaye,easemsnte,�hts,privilepes and e�p�wRenances
<br /> tocat�ed tharson a�In aciywtse peAaininp thereto,end the rents,Issuas end profib,revensbns and remaindero fherent,end such per-
<br /> sonal property U�at Is attached to Ihe Improvements so es to constltute s flxture,Induding,but not Ilmited to,herUng arxi 000ling ec�uip-
<br /> ment;end W�ether wlih Ihe homestead or marttal tnterests,ff any,which interests are hereby released and wahretf;all of wh�h,in�lud-
<br /> Ing aaptacemente and additlons thereto,is hereby dectered to be a part of tfie real estate secured by the Ilen of this Dead ot Tn�st end
<br /> all of the taepoing being retemedto herefn as U�e'Propertyl'.
<br /> This peed of Trust shall secure{a)the paymeM of the pdncipal sum arod lntereat evidenced by e promfseory o►ote or credit egroe�
<br /> �t q81� May 28. 1996 ,havir�a matu�ity dato of_Ma�,.l q,.9Z
<br /> In the origk►al pdncipal amount of S. 100 000 00 ,end any and at!mociifica�or►s,extenslans end rsnewala
<br /> theredt or thereto and any and all tuturo advances and readva�es to Borrower(or any of tF�em If mure than one�hereunder pur�uant
<br /> to one w more promissory notee or credit agreemente(hereln cailed"Note�;(b)the payment of other euma edva�ticed by Lender to
<br /> protect the sacudi�►ot the Note;(c)the pedormance oi all covenants and agreements o}T�ustor set forth herein;ensl(d)ell present and
<br /> fu�ra irt�:,bl�3n.:�..:cn�ob!!gs*lons ot Borro:�er(or eny of them tf more than one)to Lencier whether direct,irxlirect,ebsdute or con8n• ,
<br /> pent ant!whether arisinp by noie,puaraMy,overdrait or otherwise.The Note,th(a deed ot Tn�st and any end all ottoer documente that
<br /> secure the Note or otherwise executed in connection therewfth, fncluding wt3hout Ilmttation guarantees, security agreart�ents and
<br /> assignmenb ot leasea end rente,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". •
<br /> Trustor covenants end agrees with Lender es totlo�s:
<br /> 1. PayrtMnt of tntMbt�dnns.All indebtedness secured h6reby shall be paid vuhen due.
<br /> 2. Titl�.Tn�sror ts the owner of the Property,has the dght and authodty to convey the PropeRy,and werrants that the Nen creat-
<br /> ed h�roby Is a Nrst end prbr Iten on the Property,excopt ior Ilens and encumbrances set foRh by Tructor In writtng aad deliver�d to
<br /> Lender betore executbn ot this Desd of Trust,and the execuUon and dslivery o}thla Dec�d ot Trust does not vlolate any contract or
<br /> othar obiigatbn to whlch T�ustor Is subJect.
<br />_ 3.Tucds,�►aNSSm�nts.To pay betore delinquency all taxes,speclal sssessmenb and all o2her changes agalnst the P�operty
<br /> now or hereeftar levled.
<br /> 4.Im�ranca.To koep the Property Insurad agalnst damage by fire, hazards included within the term'extended coverage",and
<br /> such hezerds ea Lender may require,in artwunts ancf with compantas acceptabte to Lender,namtnfl Lender as an addfUonel�amod
<br /> Insured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case of bss under such pol�les,the Lender Is authodzed to adJust,ooltect and compra
<br />= mise,all clafms thereunder anrl shall have the optlon of epplying all or part ot the fnsurance proceeds(�to any indebtodness secured -
<br />° hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(Iq to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoreUon of tha PropeRy or(iA)tor
<br /> any other purpose or object saUs(actory to Lender without aftocting che Ilen of thts Deed ot Trus:for the fuli amount secured hereby
<br />= before such payment ever took piace.Any applicattons o}praceed3 to Indebtorinass shall not extend or postpone the due date ot any
<br />_ _�_�..__�__
<br />,� Payments under ma ivoia,or cure arry deinun me�ou�������,�•••o�. _
<br />_ 5.ERC�ow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustee shali pay to Lendor,in cuch manner as Lender may deslgnate,suff(cient -
<br />= sums to enabte Lender to pay ae they beccme due one or more ot the totlowing:(q all tcixes,assessments and other charges agalnst _
<br />= the Property,(II)the prerniums on t�ee properiy Insurance required hsreunder,(III)the premiums on any mortgage insurance requfred by
<br />; Lender.
<br />� 8. �int�nanco.6t�patr��nd Compllanc�w{th Lawa.Truator shall kaep tha Property In gaod condlNon and ropslr. shali
<br /> . prompUy rspalr,or replace any Improvemant wh�h may be damnged or deatroysd;shall nQt cor►�mit or pertn(t any waste or dsterbra-
<br />_ Uon of the Property;shall not remove,demollsh or substantialiy alter any of the improvements on the Proporty;shall not oommlt,sutter =
<br /> = or permlt any act to bo done in or upon tho Property In vlolatlon of eny law,ordinanco,or regulaUon;and shall pay and promptiy dis- -
<br /> - charge at Trustor's cost and exponse all Ilens,encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or accessec9 apalnst the Property or eny =
<br />�� part thereof. °
<br /> - 7. Emin�nt Domaln.Lendor Is hereby assignod a!I compensaUon,awards,damages and ather paymonts or roliet(hereinafter _
<br /> - rwc wi o�arYaa�.r o..e��w.a�e •
<br /> OI�M1Y�uiWlWdCaAMrqTMIM06�W�C�AwtraOM1UxW\lMGW� „ ' -
<br /> _ �
<br /> .
<br /> � _...... . _. _ .... _ . . . _ .. ..
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