"If�rPSn; . � �p,y� s'
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<br /> "�i: . 1' _....�iwy wl„n'yti--��.e�.-"-Y,�°rr . •-.-i�_ __. .
<br /> • • prin:.Ipal smount of the tndebtadnese oecur�d by 4h:o Defid oi'TZ�t�nst�lo I��Ing suma edv hlchn erps Areato e aecudry of thls Deed of
<br /> 'Pn�st,axsead the originai prtncipal�amount stato�herQin,or$ �
<br /> 16.HIlacn;tnreot�s 4�rav[�lana. —
<br /> (af f3orrow�r WQt Re4es�a.9.�xto�scton o?Uia 4imu Por payna�t�r rna�lfleatlon ol amortizatlun o1 th��urn�ce�:urr.d by thl� ��
<br /> Deed ot Trust grantad by Londer to eny succASSOr In Interest o}Bo�rower sha�l not operat�to reloasa,In any manner,the Ilabili•
<br /> ty ot the orlpinal BorrowBr anci Borrower'd succsesors in Intereat. Lender ehall nat be required to commence proceedinpe
<br /> agelrst such succeasor or retusa to extend time tor payment or othenvlse modify amoA{zatlon ot the sumg r�ecured by thle
<br /> Deed o17NSt by reason o1 sny demande made by the originel Bor�owor and Sorrowa�s succeasore in Interest.
<br /> (b)I��nd�r�s power�.Without attecting tfie Ilabillry o1 any other poroora Iisble for the payme�t o}any oblipatlon hereln men-
<br /> tianed,and wiU�out�ftecting the Iion or charge o4 this Deed af Trust upon any portion of tho Prnperly not then or therototore� —
<br /> .. . . .. ...._. _�_u ..�__�.i..a�i«..�t��e �nr�Anr mnv Imrt7 f1t11A t0�I�118 flTN�7Nit�lJt r10UC0���f0�9889�
<br /> feieRS6d es socunry tor mn�w�anwun►vi ou���rca�w��y,�.....��... ......... .... , -
<br /> any person eo Ilable,(II)extend the mnturity or alter sny of the torma of any such obllpatlona,(iil)prant othsr indutyence4.(iv)�
<br /> release or convey, or cause to he released or reconvayed st any tlme et Lender's optlon any par�ol, portion or nil oT the
<br /> property,(v)teke or release any other or additlonal secu�iry or reconveyed at any time at LendePe option any parcel,portbn or
<br /> ail ol the Proqerty,(vf)take or retoaae sny othar or additional securiry lor any obligatl�n hereln mentloned,or(vIi)make compo-
<br /> sitions o!other nrrangements with dabtore In relatian thorato.
<br /> (c)Forbwrance�y LNxNr Not�W�Iv�r.Any forbearencs by Lender In exercising any ripht or remedy herounder,or oth-
<br /> c�rwise atforded by appticabla lav�,shall not be a walver of or preclude the exercise of any such�(8ht or remedy.The procure-
<br /> mant of Insurance or the payment of texea or ather Ilena or charpss by Lcndar shall not be a wa(ver or L enders dght to ecoebr- __
<br /> ate the maturiiy of the indebtedness seeured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> (d)ge�cc�sson�nd Assl�ns Bouod;Joln!and S�vent Llr�bliity;C�ptions.Tho covenants end agreemente harein con-
<br /> tained shall�ind,and tho rights horeundar �hap tnure to,the respective s�xxessore end assi9ns of Lender arW TNStor.All
<br /> covenenta and agreemonta of Truator shall be JoEnt end several.'�he captlona snd headings of the paragrephs of this Deed of
<br /> Trust are tor convenience oniy and are not to be used to interpret or deiine the provisions hereof.
<br /> (e)R�quat tor Notic+r�.Ths paRieA hereby request that e copy ol any not�e ot defauit heteunde�and a co(sy ot any notks
<br /> 04 sale i�e�aundar ba m;.ilcd to each�arty to ihts Desd of Trust at the address set forth above In the manner prescdbed by
<br /> appllcabte Iaw.Except for any other nottce r�iquirad uRder eppllcaWe lew to be givon in another manner,any natke providecl(oP
<br /> In this Oe�d ot Tnist shali be Blven by mailing such notks by certifl�d mall addressed to the other parties,a1 the e�odress se!
<br /> todh abave.Any notice provided tor in this Oeed ot Trust shall be eflecthre upon matling in the manner designated heretn.If
<br /> Tn.�sWr is more than one percon,notice sent tu the acidre�s cet to�rth ab�ve shaH be noUce to all such persons.
<br /> (f�losp�ctlorP,L.ender may malce or cause to be made reasoneble enldea upon end Inspections of the Property,provided
<br /> that Lender shall g(ve Trustor notice pdor to any such inspection spedlylr�t reasonable cause theretoP rofated 4o Lender's tnler-
<br /> est in the PropeAy.
<br /> (g)p�conveyence.Upon payment of eit sums secured by this Deed ot Trust,Lender shatl raquest Trusiee to reoonvey the
<br /> Praperty and ahuil surrender thls Deed of Trust and ell notos evidencing Indebtedness sRCUred by thls Deed ot Truat ta
<br /> Truatee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property,witiwut warranly and wlthout charge to the person lepally enUUed thereto.Trustor
<br /> shall pay ell oosis or recordation,it ar�y.
<br /> (h) Persote�l p�opKty; Security Agreement. Aa addltional seaudty tor the payment ot the Note,Tn�st��re�by�p��
<br /> i onri.r��n�iwr the Nebraaka Uniform Commerdal Code a security�Atcrost In ell tixtures,equlpment,_and oth�er � �.� �
<br /> used in connacUon v►Ith the real estate or Improvements tocateu tnereon,ena noi oa�eiwlev uo�:��a�•�""z`��r--.--�--
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This Instrumeat shall be construed ae a Secudty Agreement under said Code,and the L�er�dar
<br /> shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured parly under sald Coda In addfUon to the�ights snd remedisa under 8�is
<br /> paragreph 5hail be cumulathre wlih,end i�na way a Iimitatbn on,Lender's dghts and rert�les under any othe�security agroe�
<br /> ment signed by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i)LNns�nd EncumbnrncN.Trustor hereby warrants end represants that there is no detauft under tho provistooe of eny
<br /> mortyafle,deed of trust.lease or purchase cor►tract descriWng all a any part of the Property.or other oontract.l�tn�rr�ent ar
<br /> aflr�nt cona�cutinp e Iien or ona�mbre�noe apatnst all or any part�f the Property(collecdveh�."Uens'�+exiadng es d the
<br /> date of thle Deed of Trust,and that eny end all exfating Liens remain unmadNled exoapt as disclosed to Lender fn Tn�ator's writ
<br /> ten disclosure ot Ilenu and encumbrances provtdsd for hereln. Trustor shall timety pertcarm atl of Truator's obligattona,
<br /> covenenm,reprasentadone and warranties undc�r any end ell existing and tuturo Uena,shall prompify forwecd b Lender ooples
<br /> ot eli notices of default sent In connect{on w(ih any and aU existin�a tuture Llens,and ehell not wfthout Lendei'e pdor written
<br /> �o�M in eny m+�nner modMyr the provisions ot or elbw any tuture eduanoes w�ir any exlsHng or future Uens.
<br /> (�)qpp�{qKipns ut paynwnts.Unless otnemise required by law,suma pefd to Lender hereunder,Indudir�y without knka-
<br /> dpn paymenhs of pdncipal and Interest,insurance proceeds,condemneEtlor►(xooeeds and rents end Protitt.shaN bs ehplisd by
<br /> Lerxier to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and borrawer In such oMer as Lender In its sols cilacroUon daerns dest�-
<br /> �(k)SwrnbMity.If e�ry provision of thla Oeed ot Trust contlicta whh sPPOcab{e Inw or is declarod fnveiNd a otPterwiea unen•
<br /> eN��wtthout tt�a con'fNctl�9 Provl�slon,�nd to th�s end the�Prnvisbnsf this�OeedDof Ttust nd the No�decktrod to be e��v-
<br /> urai�r.
<br /> (p TMms.Th9 t@tr719'TfUSt01"9tld"80ffOW9t"6i1N1 IfICIlN16 bOth 61f19UlHf B�d plUtfll,and when the 7rustor and 6orrower un,
<br /> tho a�me person(s),those terms as usad in tlda Deed of Trust sha116e inter�changeable.
<br /> �m)aowmirp I.aw,7his Oeed of"frust shall bo govemed by M�e I�wa of tha State of Q�obraska.
<br /> T�usior h�s executsd this[?eed of Tn�st as of the date wdtten ebove.
<br /> ��?� .,�� � �'�`l�Q�!.-,�/
<br /> r a c a�ion Truator (Lori cMahon) Trustor
<br /> _ L,.-f
<br /> — Trustor T��
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