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L._`� _—_,+x. __----- <br /> .,` �i ,_ . � ' �cv_�'�cF.F°__-.— . <br /> :.W.�.�...�. <br /> ... • .... .`_'"���...�_.,.�1..�.�. ....:.._._���._ ..�""___'" "'aa...._a......,_.._......—..__,,....—,�..a-sru.:��-��_.._....___�_...T"_ <br /> � �6� 10��l��. : <br /> "t�ra,:�c��")In con�e�tlon e�ith concter�m�tlon or othor teklnp�s11ho Property or parl GZ�reot,or(or convcy�ncn In Ilou of condcmnnt!on. � <br /> Lendar shall ba antitted at Ite optlan to commenco,appnar in anc�prosecute in ito o�vn namo ar�p acUan or proceodinpa,and shall alao <br /> be entltletS to make eny compromies or s6ttiement{n connxtlon wlth such takln�or damage.In the event any poAlon of tlw Prc►perty ta - <br /> er�takan or d�maped,Lsnder ehall have the opllnn In Ite eob end ebsciute discroilor�,to epply all euch proceecN, �itar deductlnp <br /> therefrom al co�ta and expensea incurred b�►it In Connectbn with euCh Proceade,upon sny Indebtedne�a secured horeby end In euch - <br /> c�;.c c:L:,ndar may d�:ann!r.a,or to cpFi,�q t:.M!;Pra^�±�.elt�t e!�h c�!!a±!a►e,e�inw�wamrnttn�nf t�.:P►c+r+��y!�+c+r►?u_+nc�v+n. <br /> dltions es LendeP m�,y determins.Any appllcation of i'roceeda to Indebtedneaa sheH rwt oxtend Qr poetpone thm dua date of any pay _ <br /> men4e under fi�e Nonte,oe�cure any e:afault f;iarountiar or i�orcv�d�r.Any un.^„�p!!cs!fund�sh�ll b�p^�td ro Tru:.tar. � <br /> 8.PrAormanw by LsrtdK.Upon the oa:uRence ot an Event of Dete�mt nereunaer,or ii any act is tai�en or iepai proceedinfl <br /> �mmenced which matetialiy aftects Lender's Intereat In tha PropeRy,Ler►�er may In Ite own diecret�On,but wlthout obllpeUon to do eo, <br /> and wiihout notks to or demand upon Tn�atar enci without releasinp Trostor from any obl{patlon,cio eny act wh�h TrueWr hae agroed <br /> but failed to do and msy alao do any othe�act It deertns necc��asary to protect the eecuriry heraof.7nrator ehall, Immsdlately upon <br /> d9mand theretor by Lendar,pay to Lendor all costs and expensea tncurrad gnd sums expended by Lender In Connection with tha exer- - <br /> clae by L�ender of the toregoing dghte,togelher with Intereat therecan at the default rate provldad Ir the Nate,wh{ch shall be added to <br /> the tndebtednesa secured hereby.Lender ehait not Incur any Itablllty becausa of anything it may do or omit to do hersurxier. <br /> 9. Hezardous Ma4�rlals.Trustor siiell kaep fiie Rropery in comptiance wlth all appllcabia laaa, ordlncRC;,a and regulatlona - <br /> relating to Industdal hygiene or environmental protoctton(collectively reterred to herefn ae"Envlronmentel Lawa").Truator ehall keep <br /> the Property free trom nll substances deemed to be hazardoua or tox{a under any Environmental l.�ws(collecGvely referred to heretn <br /> es"Wazar�dous Materl�ls'�.Trus4or hereby wartante and represente to Lender that there are no HszaMous Matedata on or under the <br /> PropeAy.Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnliy and hold harmiesa Lender,Its directora,off�ere,amployeea snd e�ente,end eny eucces• <br /> sors to Lendar's Intsrest,irom and apatnst any and all clalma,demagea,losaes and Ilabilltlea adotng In oonnactbn wkh the proaence, <br /> use. dispa�al ar tran:,�sart of any Flausrd�aus Materl�ls on,under,irom or about the Praperty.THE FOFI�CAINC�1'NARRANTIF3 ANb <br />' REPRE�ENTATIONS, AND TRUSTOA'S OBLIGiATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORECi01NCi INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> RE�ONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF THUST. <br /> 10.Aulynments af Rsntr.TNStor hereby tisslAns to Lender,and grants Lender a secudty Interest In,aQ present,tuture and <br /> aftRr adsing rents,issues and proflts of ths Property;provided that Trustor shall,uitll the occurrence ot an Event ot Defauit,hereun�er, <br />_ hsve the rlght to collect and retain such rentc,issuss and proflts as they become due and payeble.Upon the occurronce of an Event af <br />- Default,L.ender may,either In person or by agent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceedfng,or by a recslver eppolnted by a <br /> court and wNhAUt re(�ard to the edequacy o}Its securNy,enter upon and take possesston ot the Properry,or any part theraof,In ite own <br /> name or(n ihe name oi the T�uatee,and do any acts whtch tt deems neceseary or deairablo to preserve the value,marketebitity or <br /> rentabfllry pf the Property,or any part theraof or intereat there:n,or to fncrease the Income therefrom or protect the security horeaf and, <br /> vritt+or withou3 taking possession ot the PropeRy,sue tor or oiherwise oollect the renta,issues end protita thereot,Including those past <br /> due and unpald,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may epply rents,issues antl prof(ts,less costs end expens- <br /> ea of operatlors and collectlon Including attomey's tees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order�a Lender msy deter- <br /> mine.The entedng upon and taking posse3sfon of the PropeAy,the collection of such rents,issues and proflte,and ttx+a�NceUon <br /> thereof as atoresald shall not cure or watve any dei&uit or notice of detauit hereunder or invalidate any act done in response W such <br /> � default or punsuant to such notice of default end, notw(thst�inding the cantinuance in poasessfon o1 the property or the collectlon, <br /> recetpt end appl�atlan of renta,Issuea ar proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be eMtt;ed to exeroise every�ight provided tor In any of the <br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event a}Qafault,(ncludlnfl without Ilmitatlon the�qht to exerclse the power of eaie. <br /> Furtt�er,Lender's dghts end remedles under this parsgraph shal be cumulative with,and In no wey e ilmitation on,Lender's righte and <br /> remedtes under eny essignment ot leases and rents recorded against the Properiy.I.ender,Trustee end the recelver shell be ilable to <br /> ecoount only tor thoae reMS actually receh►ed. <br /> 11.Ewnta of DNault The folbwing shal!c�ristitute sn Event of Default under this Deed of Truat: <br /> (a)F�llure to pay any Installment ot pdnclpal or interest of any other sum eecured hereby when due; <br /> � (bj A bresch of or defauft under any provislon con4afned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan instruments,or eny <br /> ottwr tlen or encumbrence upon the Property; <br /> (a)A writ of execuUon or sttachmont or any similar procssa ehall be entered sgainst Trustor which shall becorne a Ifen on <br /> ' tho Property ar arry portlon thereot or interest thereln; <br /> (d)There shall 6q filed by or apalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon uncler any presont or future 4ederel,�tc�te or other statuta, <br /> taw or repulaUon re{r�tting to bankruptcy,Insoivencyr or other reilet tor debtors;or there ohdil be appointed any,roceivar or <br /> fiquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or uf ell or any paR of the Property.or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower <br /> shall make any penerel essignment for the bone8t ot creditare; <br /> (e)The sate,transfer,lease,esslgnment,conveyance or tudher encumbranca of all or eny part ot or eny Interast tn the <br /> l+ropefty,efthe�Yoiurlts�ly Ot invoiuntariryl,wiinoui ine axpress wririt�n consnni vi L�inid,N�uviueru''u`ini i iueivi 6i�&Si un Nn�iiii- <br /> ted to execute a lease ot the Propenyr Uiat does�ot contaln an optton to purchase and the term of wMch does not oxoeed one <br /> year, <br /> ($/4bandonment of the Property;or <br /> � (p) II TrustAr Is not en tndividual,the tsauance,sato,transter,seslgnment,conveyance or encurnbrance of mora than(it a <br /> coryoratbn)e total ot percent of Its issued snd outstanding stock,or(if a partnership)e totel of per- <br /> cent of paRner6hip interests,or(it a Iimlted Ilabiiity company)e total of percent of the pmited Ilahiliry compa- <br /> - ny IMerests ar vodng�igi�te durinp the period this Deed of Trost rematns a Iien on the property. <br /> � 12.R�nwdlas;AccNer�tlon ilpon DNaul�In the event of a�y Evont of DeTault Lender may,without notice except ns requlred <br /> by Iaw,de�laro eU fndebtednoss secured hereby to be due and payable aRd tho samo sha�l thereupon bocome dve and payable with- <br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> (a)Dsmand that Trusteo exercisd the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall t�oreafter cause Trustor's Inter- <br /> est In the i'roperly co be sold and the proceeds fo he distdbuted,ell in ihe manner providet!In the Nebraska Trust peods Act; <br /> . (b) Exerclse any and eil righta provided tor In any of the Loan Instrumente or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of <br />- � Refault;anci <br />_ (c)Commence an actian to foreclose thls Deed of Trust ae a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or speclflcally entorco eny of the <br /> covenante hereot. <br /> No�emedy hereln confened upon or resorved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to bo exclusive of�ny other�amedy hereln,In the Loan <br /> � instrumenta or by law provlded or porm(tted,but each shall be cumulative,shatl be In add(tion tu every othc�r remedy given hereunder, <br /> . .. . . .. --•- ------�--�----°---•-�--�---.._..__�_....,......w..e�s....., e.......e..�,.._......�..........r..��.. �_.�__y...,.. <br />._ t!1 IT19 LO�fI If18ItUtRBIItH Vf IItM Uf titliOiltto�on�am�y ai�av v� m oyu�y v.v�v.wvv��w v..v�.nwu v�nrot�nonu��u�tmprntw�a�r � <br />_ or se�ccestvely. <br />- 13.Teustso.The Trustoe may resign at sny time without cause,and Londsr may st sny time end without cause appoint a suc- <br /> - cesaor or subsNtute Trusteo.Trustee shell not be ilabte to any parly,Inclutiing without Iimftation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- <br />.= chaser of the Property,for any loss or damage unless du�to reckless or wiliful mfsconduct,end shall not be required to take eny sctton <br /> - in connection wNh tNo enforcemont of this Daed of Trust unless Indemnitied,In writlng,tor ali casts,compensation or expenses whtch <br />= may be assaclated therew(th. In addition,Trustee may become a purc�aser at any sule of the Property Qudklal or under the power of <br />- sole granted hereln);pastpono the salo of all or eny portion of tho Property►,as provided by law;or sell the Property ao e who{e,or in <br />= separate parcets or lote at Trustee's discretlon. <br />= 14.Fees end Expense�.In the event Truatee selis the Proporty by exercfse o}power ot sale,Tnistee shall be entitled to aRply <br />= any sale proceeds firet to payment of alt costs and expenses of exerc(sing povier of&alo,Including ull Trustee's tees,snd Lender's end <br />° Tnistee's attomey's fee�, actually Incurred to extent perm(tted by applicable Iaw.In the event Borrovier or Trustor exercises any right <br />- provided by law to cure an Event of Dutau�t,Lendor shall be entitidd to recover from Tru�tor all costs and expensos actualiy Incurred ea <br /> - a result of Truator's detault,including without Iimltetlon all Trustee's and attomey's tees,to the extent permitted by appliaabte law. <br />- i 6.Futuro Advance�.Upon request af�orcower,Lender may,at its option,meke addlttunal and future advances and read- <br /> vancns to Borrower.Such advances ond readvances,wlth interest thoreon,shall be secured by this Dead ot Trust.At no time shall the <br /> � <br />