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<br /> pdnclpal uri�ou��t o9 Ih�!ncl�btccinc�t�c�curcr�by f�l�Dc:d o1 Truot,not Including oum�nduanccd to protect th,�sccurlry o 1�a cod of
<br /> Yruet,oxceed the odginal princip�l c�mouN atated heroln,or$ ��,�g�Qg..—�v�hlchevAr Is praater. �
<br /> 18.AAiscsU�nww Provi�lom. �'
<br /> (a)go�rotiw►Net Rda�astl.Extenslon of the timo tor payment or�odfllcatlon of amortiza4lun o}the sumo secured by thls
<br /> ttoned,und wlthout sftecting lhA Ilan dr eharge o}thle Doed o4 Truet upon any portlon o}the Property not then or theretofore _
<br /> r;c:.r:d wa��'tt�if;fCf th�It!!! �f110!!Rt 04!�4 l�nnr+id oblSaati0n8,Lender may,from time to tlme and without not�e(i)re9easo _
<br /> any perean eo llabto,(li)extend!he matuNty or after any of the terme ol a�y such obllgatlone,pIi)gra�t otner induigencee,(iv)
<br /> rc;aa�o oe conv3y,or cau�a t�b� relv�^°tl vr re�onveyed at eny tlme at Londor's option any parcel, portion or ell ot the at.
<br /> pf0�E�1y1,(vj tske or raiease sny oirxar ur niiuiiiuiiai oir.��'��t���w��i��!wr�l�ST����.=!t=�=!'u nrttnn n�v nsvral; oOrtiOt�Qf __
<br /> all of the Property,(vl)take or r�lease any other or sdditlonal socudty for a�y obligatlon hArein mentloned,or(vl)make compo-
<br /> sltbns o1 other artenpements with debtors In refation thereto. ---
<br /> (b)LM1dsr's Povr�rf.Without attectln�the Ilabilliy of eny other pereon Ilable far the payment of any obll�atlon hereln men-
<br /> tloned,And without affectinp lhe Ilen or cherpe of thla Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore
<br /> retea�sed se security for the full amou�t o!all unpald obligatlona,Lender may,Irom tlme to tlme and wlthout notke (I)rc�teaso
<br /> e�ny peroon eo Ilable,(il)extend the rnaturity ur alter any of the tertns ol any euch obligatlons,(ili)grant other Indubencea,(Iv)
<br /> releaQe or convey,o�cause to be reloased or reconvayed at any timu at l.ender's option eny psrcei, portian or ell oi the �
<br /> Property,(v)takE or rclesse any other or acklltlonat aecurity ar recanvaycd at any timo ut Lendere opi�on eny parcel. portlon or �_
<br /> ail of the ProFerty,(vl)take or retease any olher or addlUonal securlty for any obllgaUon hereln mentloned,or(vlf)make compo-
<br /> sitlons ot other ar►angemente with debtors In relation thereto.
<br /> (c)Fa�nnw by Ls�nd�r Not a W�lver.Any forboarance by Lend�r In exercising any rlght or remedy hereu�der,or oth-
<br /> erwise affarded by appllcable taw,shall not be n walver ot or preclude the exercise of any s¢ch rlght or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ment o(Insurance or the payment of texes or other Ilens or chargea by lender shall not be a wafvar or Lenders dght to acceter-
<br /> Ate tha matudty ot the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> (d)Succaion�nd Assipm Bound; Jolnt�nd Sewra!LJaWlity;�aptlons.i he covenante and egreeri►ents herel�con- •
<br /> tefned shail bind, and 4he riphte hereunder shall lnure to,the respoctive successore and essipna of Lender and Tmstor.IUI
<br /> covonanta and agreements oi Trustor shall be Joint and se�erel.The captbna end headinga of the paragraphs of thie Deed of
<br /> Tmst are tor convenience oniy and are not to be used to Interpret or detine the provislons hereof.
<br /> (e)Rsalu�st tor Notk�s.Tho parties hereby requost that a copy of ar;y notk:e of default hereunder end a copy of any notice
<br /> of sale heraunder be malled t�each parryto this Deed of Trust at the addresa set fortt�above in the manner prescrfbed by
<br /> epplicable tew.@xcept tor sny other noUce requlred under applicabfe law ta bo given In another manner,eny notke provided for
<br /> in thls Deed of Yrust ehall be givea by malling such notice by certifled matl addressed to the other partles,st the address set
<br /> foRh above.Any notk:e provfded for in thie Deed of Truat ehall be eNective upon mailing In the manner designatod hereln. If
<br /> Truator la moro than nne peraon,notice sent to the addresa set forth above shall be notiae to all such persons.
<br /> (f�Inspeatlon.Lender may make or ceuse to be made reasonabte entrles upon and insuectiona o}the Property,providad
<br /> that LendAr shall glve Trustor notice pdor to any sucn Inspeotlon specityln�reasonabte cause theretor reiated to Lenders Inter-
<br /> est In the PropeRy.
<br /> (9)R��y�1l�nC�.UP�PaYmeni oi ai isuiii8 5vcuiou`vy�i6 L`-a.-�L•:Tiu.:i�!.°•s`::..°s:.t��!!sss;st��Tn�ptaw tn sr�nvey tha ,
<br /> Property end shall surrender thle Deed of TNSt and ell notea evldencing Indebttidness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee.Trusteo shaU reconvey the Properry.v+dt►wut warrenty and without charge to the person IegaUy entitled thereto.Tastor _
<br /> shall pay ell costs or reoordatbn,:'any.
<br /> (h)Penonal Prop�rty; Secudty Agreement. As addttlonsl secudry tor the payment ot the Note,Trustor hereby grants
<br /> Lender under ttie Nebraska Uni(orm CommercJal Code a secu�ity Interest tn ell ilxturea,equipment,end other pereonal property
<br /> used(n conrrect}an with the real eatate or Improvements located thereon,and not otherwisa deciared or deemed to be a pert of
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shall be construed ae s Securtty Agreement under sald Code,and the�erYder
<br /> ehall have all the dghb and remedies o!a�ecured party under said Code in a�cl�ditbn to tha riphts and remedlea�u�der th(s
<br /> paregraph ehell be cumuiative with,and in no way a IlmltaUon on,Lender's dghts end remedlae under eny othar securtty e�ee•
<br /> ment elpned by Borrower or T�ustor.
<br /> (f)LMn��nd Encumbranca.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there la no defauft under tho provlsiatis of eny
<br /> mortsaye,deed ot trust,lease or purchase contract deacdbing all or any part of the Propedy►,or other contrsct,instmment or
<br /> agreemeM conatitutlny a lian or encumbrence ayalnst atl or any part ot the Properly(coliectivety,"Liens), exiaUr�g es ot tM
<br /> date ot thls Deed af Trust,and that Rny and all exlsting Uens remaln unmodffied except as daclosed to Lender In Truaiors writ
<br /> ten discloaure of ilena and encumbrancea provided for herein. Trustor shall t{mely�ertotm ell o}Trustor'e obliyations,
<br /> covenarrts,represantatl�ons and warrandes under any and ail eulstiny and future Llens,ehall pror+iptly(orward to Ler`dor coplea
<br /> 01 all twtices ot detauR sen4 In connecdan with any and ail exlsUnp or future Llens,and shall not without LerWer's prlor wrftten
<br /> conaent in any manner modity the pnovisions o!or ellow eny future advancas under any exlaGnp ar futuro Ilens.
<br /> (�)Applira�dons of P�ym�M�.Unless oiherw(se required by law,sum,s pald to Lender hereunde►��nd�+din9 wittaut imftss-
<br /> Non payrnenta of pr{ndpel�nd tntere�st,Ir�.wrance proceeds,aondemnatlon proceeda and rents end profite,shaN be applied kr/
<br /> LenAer to ine amaunte due and owiny i�wii Ti�ltiiGi Bifil G'v��v�vi o�"u�ii C,w^:.°«°.l�e„rurnr(�itn r.A1A d!Rl:MtlO(1(�Ae(113(�BS�f-
<br /> eb�9.
<br /> (k)S�wnbility.lf any proviabn ot ihia Deed o!T►ust conil(cte with epplicable law or is declarod tmraHd or ott�erwise unen-
<br /> forceAble,such con8ict or Invalidity shell not atfect the other provisions of this Oeed ot Truat or the Note wh�h can b�given
<br /> ef(oct witfiout the contlicting provislon,end Io thla end the provlsions af this Deed ot Trust snd the Note are dectared lo be sev-
<br />- erable.
<br /> (q Tirms.The tertns`Trusto�"and'Borrowe�'shall inctude both singular and plural,end when the Trustor and Borrower are
<br /> the same pareon(s),thoae terms as used In thia Deed ot Trust shali be Into�ct►anpeable.
<br /> (m)�iov�rnln�l.�w.Thls Deed o}Trust shal�be govemed by the lewa of the State ot ldebraska.
<br /> i , . -
<br /> ,4. .. , .
<br /> Trustor has vxecuted thta Oeed oi Tiust ss of the date w�itten ebove. '
<br /> �, n .�.�� �,
<br /> ,
<br /> DOUaLA A. dEILBY , Si gl� Per�°f 1'rusLor _
<br />_= Trustor Tn�stor
<br />_ .S ' , � + _:
<br />�
<br /> __
<br />