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<br /> sHIS DcED OF TRUST,Is mada a3 0?!hs�!L deY ot• _ hsY. ,1B__ �'.b1►and emong
<br /> tt�e T�ustor,
<br /> pOUfiLAB A. BEILBY � �ln�l� p�r�or� �
<br /> 219 MOR'PH �ANE 6RAMD ISLAIiD M8 �����p�a�mors���
<br /> whose matlinfl address Is (herein"TNSto�', aa
<br /> fhOTN�t83 �va Anin�e Aenk e M,�?i�'a/k� COT�IS?3'�tfpn
<br /> whose mailing adciress is P.O. Box iS07 (irand I�land� 11B 60�02 (heratn'T�ustee"),and
<br /> the Beneficlary, Fiv� Points H�nk
<br /> whose mailtng ad�ress is �15 M. Broad��ll L3r�nd I�l�nd. liB. 68802°iS09 (herein"Lender").
<br /> FOR VA�UABLE CONSIDERAYION.including Lender's extenslon oi credit Ide�titied hereln to
<br /> • (hereln"Borrower,"whother one or Qnore)and the trust hereln created,the receipt
<br /> oi wh�h is hereby ack+'+wwledfled. Trustor heroby Irrevocably grants,transters, conveys and asaigns to TNStee,IN'�RUST,WI7H
<br /> POWER OF SALE,tor tha benetit and secudry of Lender,under and subJect to the terms and condipons herelnafter set tortt�,4he real
<br /> proporty describad as follows:
<br /> Loti 5, Elrod Csta�es Subdiviaion, an Adc7i�ion to Che Village of Alda, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska
<br /> Topether with all buildirps,Improvements,flxt��res,streets,slleys,passageways,easements,rights,privllegeA and appuRenances
<br /> located therean or In anywlse perte�ning thereto,and the rente,fss�ea and profits,reversbns and remalnde�s thereot,end such per•
<br /> sonal properly that Is ettadied to the improvements so ea to constitute a flxture,inCluding,but not Iimited to,heating and cool�i'►9 eQutp�
<br /> mont;and together with tha homestead or ma�ital(nterests,if any,whtch interests are hereby released and waived;ail of which,fndud-
<br /> inp replacements and additlons thereto.ts hereby declared to be a paR of the real estate secured by the Ilen of thle Deed of 7rust and
<br /> aN ot the foreQoing being referted to herein es+the"Propertyl'.
<br /> Tt�ie Deed ot Trust ahell securo(a)the payment of the principal sum end int�reat evtdenced by a promissory noSe or credit agree-
<br /> ment da _,having a matudty date of Jr�� '�� ��—
<br /> In the o►iginel pdncl�nl emount of$ 70 (}�S� � , and any and&1I modiflcatlons,extenstone and renewels
<br /> thereoi or thoreto and sny and eJl future advances and readvences to Borrower(or any of them if more thsn one)hereunde►twres�a�►t
<br /> to one or mofe pramissory notes or credit agreements(herein catled"Note'�;(b)the paYment ot other aums advar�ced by Lender to
<br /> protect the secudty ot the Note;(c)the pedormance o1 all covenants end agreemente of Trustor set forth hareln;and(d)efl present and
<br /> fuwn+Ir�iebtadness end oblifletlons of Borrower(or any of tt�em If more than one)to l.ender whather direat,Indirect,abeo�ute or contim
<br /> - �;r.t ar�:.�;�:�ss�:i�l.^.i b;�tot�.ouPrPnty,overdrr�ft or otherwlso.7ria Note,thls Daed o!Tn�st and any and ell oth�sr documer►ts that
<br /> secure the Note or othorwfse exeouted In connection therewith, includinp without timitatlon guarantees,aecudtY a9reem�ts a�
<br /> aeslgnments of leesea aed renb,shall be referred to hereln as the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> Trusta covenants end agreea with Lender ae fdbws:
<br /> 1. �aym�nt ot Ind�bt�s�.All fndebtednesa cecureci hereby ahall be paki when due.
<br /> 2. TtIN.Trus:w is the owner of the Property,has the dght and authodty to convey the PrnpaAy,snd warrants that the lien croat-
<br /> Lender�betote�xecuflo�of thls Deed of T�aod t e extecuUcn nd derl very or f�thfs9Deed of Tn�i t doss not v�totr1u�te a��ntr��t o0
<br /> other obligatkn to wh�h Trustor Is aubJect.
<br /> 9,�'�xq�/►sMSSm�nt�.To pay before tleiinquency all taxea,speclal assessments and all other charges•against the PropeRy
<br /> now nr hereatter levled.
<br /> 4.Insunnw.To keep Ne Property Insured agalnst damage by fire,hazaMs Inctuded wfthtn the term'extended ooverape",and
<br /> suah hazards as Lender may require, in amounts end with compantes acceptable to Lender,naming Lender ss an sdditional named
<br /> Insured,wiU�loss�wyable to ihe Lender.In cass�of loss under such paJl�les,tho Le�der Is authodzed to adJust,colloct and compro- -
<br /> mise,all clalms thereunder and shali have Ihe option of applying all or part ot the insurance p��oceeds(�)tu any Indebtednegs secured
<br /> hereby and In such ordvr ss lender may determine,(ti)to 4he Trustor to be u$eti for the re�+ir or restoratlon of the Property or(Ifi)tor
<br /> eny other purpose or obJect saHsfactory to Lender without aftecUng the Ilon of this Deed of T�ust for the fuil amount secured hereby
<br /> betore such payment ever took ptece.Any applfcatbns o}proceeds to Indebtednesa shall not oxtend or pnstpone the due date of any
<br /> .,�ti„�tn,�r�Nnte.nr cura anv detaul4 U�ereundar or hereunder. _.... ._�
<br /> , r�•""'� _"_'. . . .
<br /> 6.Escrow.Upor� wdtten demanc!by Lender,Trustee shall pay to Lender,In sucn manner as Lender may ves�r'w�c,a.��N���
<br />- � sums to onable Lender to pay as they bocane due one or more ot the tolbwing:(q alt taxes,assessmonts and other charges agafnst _
<br />- the Proparty,pf)the premlums on tho properiy Insurance required herounder,(ili)the premlums on any mortgage insurt�nce required by �
<br /> Lender. =
<br />-- 8. IM.aint�nanc�, Repalrs end Compllancs wlth Lawa.Trustor shall keep the Property In goou condit�an nnd repalr,shall _
<br /> pramptry repalr,or replace any Improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commtt or permit any waeto or detedore-
<br />