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<br /> • • V V� ���Y-I'Y � +
<br /> e 1 2 of l�s of the amount secured Izer.�eby and �_:�
<br /> Dollara (S�oO .00) �7.0 /
<br /> ramaini.ng unpaid and �hon Co the i.r,eme eot forth �n eubparagraph (c) of _
<br /> thia pa=agra�sk� r'IF'TH in tho order ther�in at�ted. ._.
<br /> (c) Aft:�er payinq the iteme r���cl�ied �.n eubparagraph (b) of r.his �_
<br /> ....M....�srr FTL"T'1J �� rhe eale �e bv Truatee, or tha �roper courtc and �� �
<br /> r,�.�.,.7..,..r-- •-- --- --
<br /> other cot�te o£ �forealoeure and gale if ea�e ie pureuant to �udiciai
<br /> for�aloQUre, the proceede of eale sha11 be applied in the order ptated
<br /> below to the payment:
<br /> (1) Cost of any �videnae af title procured in conneation �vith auch
<br /> eale and of any revenue required to be paid; ��
<br /> (2) All sums then oe�ured hereby;
<br /> (3) The remaind�r, if any, to �he persnn or pereons legally
<br /> ent�.tled thereto.
<br /> �;ach of the partiea to thie 1Deed of Truet hereby requPSice that a copy of any
<br /> Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice of 3a1e provided for hereinabove
<br /> be mai].ed to each euch party at the party'e post office addreea set forth
<br /> herein. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, aeneficiary shall have
<br /> the option to foreclose th.is D�ed of Truet in the manner provided by law for
<br /> the forecloeuxe of mortgagea on real property.
<br /> SIXTH. Truator epecifically agreee that (a) Truator, at its expensp, �
<br /> will execute and deliver to Bsnef i.ciary, promptly upon requeet, ouch eecurity
<br /> in�trumen�s ae may be required by Aeneficiary, in a form and eub�tance
<br /> �at fAiG���r.j *� gArc+fi r�i arv; coveriner anv af the Property conveyed by this
<br /> Deed of Truat which security inetruments ehall be additional aecurity rar
<br /> Trustor's faithful performance of a13. of the terme, covenants and aonditione
<br /> of this Deed of Truat, the Note and indebtednesa secured hereby, ar�d any
<br /> other eecurity ins*rr.:nente executed in connecti�n with the indebtedne�s
<br /> aecured by this Deed of Truet; and all �uch inetrumente shall be filed and
<br /> recorded at Ts�uetor's expenee j (b) Beneficiary may, from �ime to time, by
<br /> wri.tten inat.rument executed and acknowledged by Beneficiary, mailed to
<br /> 9'xuator and recorded in the county or countiee in which the Property ia
<br /> located and bgr ofiherwise Complying with the �rovi�ions of the applicable lawe
<br /> of the State of IJebraska, subszitute a �ucceseor or �uccessore to the Truetee -
<br /> named herein or acting hereunder; (c) although tY�e Truatee, or Txu+�r.ee�s -
<br /> succesaor or succeseore, may be an agent of, or att�rney fox, or otherwiee
<br /> connected with the Beneficiary, such fact shall not be construed to
<br /> dinqualify Truetee to act ae such Trustee, nor ehall �uch fact preven,t the
<br /> Truetee or Bene£iciary from bidding at a eale and buying any part or all. of
<br /> � tha Property at any sale hereunder; (d) that if it ehould be neceesax�y or
<br /> apprnpriate fL,or the protection of �he eecurity hEreby conveyed or enforcement
<br />- oi i:i�e: UCL� li�r�hy �ecure�, fnr t.h� �rruetee or the Benef iciary to institute
<br /> • or beaome a party to any proceeding or eui.t in a co�art oE bankruptcy or
<br /> probate or other court of generat or llmited juriediction, all expensee �nd
<br /> caets properly incurred by eaid Trus�ee or said Beneficiary (including
<br /> reaeonable attorneys' fees) paid or incurred by 913Ct1 Tl"116tPE or A�neficiary
<br /> in maintaining, proeecuting or. defending such proceeding or protecting their
<br /> reepeative rightr� hereunder �hall be an additional debt eecured by thie Deed
<br /> � of Truat in like mannex with the principal debt herein described; (e)
<br /> Benefici.ar.y, or its agente, representativea or workmen, are authorized to
<br /> enter at any reaeonab].e time upon or in any aarti of the Property for the
<br /> � purpaee of inepecting the sarne and for the pur.pose of performing any of the
<br /> " acta it i� authorized ta perfor�: under the terms of this Deed of Truet; (f) _
<br /> any forbearance by Beneficiary or Truetee in exercieing any right ar remeay
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, ehall not be a waiver of
<br />- or preclude thp exerciee of any such right or remedy hereunder; eimilarly,
<br /> the waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any default oE 7Crustor under this
<br /> r_..a ..F mr„a* ohall ��r be deemed a waiver of any other or eimilar defaults
<br /> u��.. .... ... .._ ------ --- -
<br /> subsequently occurr�ng; (g) exteneion of the time for payment or moctiiicata.on
<br /> or amortiza�a.on of the sums secured by thie Deed of Truet granted by
<br /> Beneficiary to any aucceesor in intereet of Truator skxall not operate to
<br /> rel�ase, i.n any manner the 7.iabiliCy of the ora.ginal Trustor and True�tor's
<br /> eucceesnr in interest. Beneficiary ehall not be required to commence
<br />= proceedinge agaixzst euch eucceosor or refuse to extend the time for paycnent
<br />_= or otlnerwise modify amortization of the sume and indebtednesa e�cured by this
<br /> Deed of Truet by reaeon of any demand made by the original Truetor and
<br />-- Truetor'a eucce�sore in intereet; (h) cvithout affecting the liabi.l.ity of the
<br />"-�
<br /> � ___ _ __ _
<br />