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<br /> prov�.ded in th� Note ar change the am�unt of euch inatal lm�n�r�. The entering �,.=__
<br /> upon and taking pasoeesion of the �roperty, the coll�ction of euch rer�Ce,
<br /> 1Aeues and �rofite, and the appllcation thereof ae aforecaid, eY2,a11 not waiv�
<br /> or �uxe any default or notice of default horeunder, or inval�date any act r
<br /> done pureuant �o auah notice, Truetor aaeigne to 1�eneficiary, as further.
<br /> eecurity fox the perEorm�nce of �he indebtednea� and obligat;�.one ge�uxed �_
<br /> ..� _L _�.. �...�.... L....�.+ �r m�a� horgaftP.Y'
<br /> hereby, a1.1 prepaid rente and a3i money� wttyc:ai u�uy auae�. MM�+�• �— --s
<br /> be depoaited wieh Truetor by any leseee of the Property, to e�cure the
<br /> payment of any rent or damageo, and upon default isi the performance of any of
<br /> the provieione hereot, '1'rustor agreee to deliver auch rente and depoeite to
<br /> Beneficiary. Delivery of written notiae of Beneficiary' e exeraiae of the
<br /> righte granted by thie paragraph TH7Rn to any tenant occupying the Property �_,_
<br /> or any portion the�eof. ahall be sufficient to require said �enant tn pay �aid
<br /> rent to Heneficiary until further notice.
<br /> 0�' URTH. If there shall b� filed by or againat the Truetor any petition
<br /> or proceeding seeking any arrangement ar composition or exteneion of any
<br /> other reli ef under or puxeuGnt to the Federal Ba.1k�:uptcy Code or any other
<br /> eima.lax• etatute ae 3.e nowv or hereaEter in efEect, or if �ki� T-ruetor shall be
<br /> adjudicateci bankrupt or in�olvent or any of Truator's praperty sha11 have
<br /> been sequeetered and such decree ehall �.ave continued undiecharged and
<br /> indebtedneea hereby eecur d shall,y wi.thout� n tice he��hot e�option of the =
<br /> Heneficiary, become due and payable.
<br /> �'7�'�i. Upon default by Trustor in the payment o� or performance of tha
<br /> terme and conditione of the Note, or any renewala, madifi.catione or
<br /> exeautions thereof, the p�yment oE any other indebtedneae secuxed hereby or
<br /> i n the nerformanae Af any agreement, coven►ant or warranty herein contained or
<br /> set forth in any agreement or inetz�ument e�ecuc�u �y Trustur 3n ��nn�=*_i^*_?
<br /> w�.th the indebtedneae Y:ereby eecured, Benef iciary may declare all auma
<br /> aecu�ed hereby immediatcely due and payable and the eame ehall tchereupon
<br /> becoms due and payable without preeentment, demand, prvtesti or noti.ce of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, BeneEiciary may doliver to Truetee a written declaration
<br /> ' of default and demand Eor sale. Truatee ahall have the power of eale of the
<br /> PropPrty and if B�neficiary decides the Property is to be eold, iti o�a3.1
<br /> depo�it with Tz�uetee thie Deed of Truet and the Note or notes and any other
<br /> documents evidencing expenditures eecured her�by, and ehall deliver to
<br /> Trus�ee a wri�ten notice of d�fault and elec�ion to cauee the Property �o be
<br /> sold, and TrueCee, in turn, ehall prepar� a similar notice in the form
<br /> required by law, which eha�l be duly filed for record by Tru�tee.
<br /> (a3 AEter th� ].apse of auch time ae may be required by law fo1].owing
<br /> the recorda�ion of Notice of Default, and natice of Default and Notice
<br /> nf Sa1e h�ving been gi-ven ae required k�y law, Truetee, without demand on
<br /> Trustor, ehall sell the Property hereinbe£nre described, and any and
<br /> A.,Qr� ��,-r r.hpreof, in Beparate parcels or en maeee ae the Truetee may
<br /> elect and in euch order as Truetee may determine �n �he date and ac tine
<br /> time and place designated in said Notice of Sa1e, at puY�li.c auctian to
<br /> the highest bidder, the purchage p•r:ice payable in ca9h in lawful money
<br /> of the United Statea at the time of eale. The pereon conducting t3ie
<br /> . sale may, for any cauee he or ehe deems expedienC, poetpone the eale
<br /> Erom time to time unt i1 it shall b�: completed and, in every suah case,
<br /> notic� of poetponemez�t sha17. be given by public declaration thereof by
<br /> euch p�rson �t the time and plac� ].as� appointed for the ea].e; provided,
<br /> if the eale ie postp�ned f�r longer. than one (1) day beyond the day
<br /> designated in the Notice of 3al.e, notice thereaf ehalY be given in the
<br /> - came manner ae the origina]. Notice o£ eale. Tru�t�e �hall execute and
<br /> deliver to the purchaeer its Deed conveying the property �o eold, but
<br /> withou� any cnvenant or warranty, exprese or implled. The raci.tals :Ln
<br /> tihe Deed of any matters or facts shal? be conclueive pranf of the
<br /> �ruthfulneos thereof . Any person, i.ncluding without limitation,
<br /> BeneficiarSr or Truetee may purchaee at the sale. Said oale dhall be
<br /> _s �t� n�......�....1-.. .vr �4� 1-1in
<br /> conducted at the real eatate torming a pdz� v,. �._= r..�r�•.�: �- �- -�--
<br /> court house in the cow�ty in which the Property to be sold, ar some part
<br /> thereof, is aituated.
<br /> � (b) When Trudtee se 11s pursuant to the powers herein, Truetee aha11 __
<br /> - ap�ly the proceeds og the sale ta payment of tihe coete and �xpensea of _-
<br />__ exezcieing the power o£ sale and of the sale, including, cvithout _
<br />-�" limitation, the payment of Trustee' a feeg irbcurred, which Tru�tee's fees �
<br /> ° ohall. not in the aggregaL-e exceed the aum of Five Hundred and no/100th �-
<br /> �
<br />�� -
<br /> :�
<br /> � -
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