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<br /> Truetor or any other pexeon 11ab�e £ar �he paymQn� �f��Eecti.n�the lien or �' _,
<br /> indebtedne�s aecured by �hie Deed oE Tr.uet, and wi�hout � �•�
<br /> charge oE �h�e Deed o£ �`rus� upon any partion of t�he Property tao� then or �,,,:
<br /> theref:�f�rt� �G1�asGd as ^�cur�.ty far the £���7 amaunt of all unpaid obllga- _
<br /> t.ione, �eneficia�y may, �x.'om t�.me to timE and without notice (i) releaee any �
<br /> peraon av Xia;.,I�, (ji; �%*��::'� �r° !Y'•?*'-'?"iryo ur altar any o� the terme o£ such _
<br /> ob].igation, (iii) grant othex indulg�ncas, (iv) releaae or roconvey, or cauae
<br /> to bs releaeed or reconveyed at any r.ime at B�noficiary'e option any parcel,
<br /> portion or all of the lProperty, (v) take or release any other or additional -
<br /> eecurity f.or any obligation ur indehtednesa herein mentioned, or (vi) make
<br /> cornpoyitiono ar other ar.xangementr� with debtore in relation theret�j (i) in
<br /> addit�on to the rights and powere given to the Truetee ax�d Beneffciary
<br /> herein, the Beneficiary eha11 have all euch other righ�.r� botU in law and �
<br /> equity for col lection of the i.ndebtednes� decured her�by ae it would haWe but
<br /> for this D�ad of Truet; (j) all covenants and agreemente of Truetor eet forth
<br /> in thi� Deed of. Truet ehall be joint and several; (k) �hie Deed of Trust -
<br /> ahall b� governed by the lawe of the State of Nebraska; (1) in the evernt any
<br /> one or more of tYie provieione c�ntained in thie Aeec� o£ Truet, or the� Note or
<br /> any other eeaurity inetr�.�ment given in connection with the i i�legal eor
<br /> hereby eecured shall for any reaeon be. held �o be invalid,
<br /> unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforce-
<br /> ability ehall , at the option of Benef iciar�y, not affect any other provieion
<br /> of thie Deed of Trust, but thie Deed of Truet eha11 be conetrued as if such
<br /> i�z�alid, illegal , or unenfnrceable provi�ion had never been containPd herein
<br /> or therein. It the lien o£ this Deed of Truet ie invalid or unenforceable ae
<br /> tn any part of the indebtedneee hereby secured or evidenced by the Note, or
<br /> if the lien i e invalid or unenforceable ae to any pa�rt of the Property, the
<br /> unsecured or partially F eecur�ed aP�orwnt� of� theu remaining e and seecu ed or
<br /> completeZy paia Y�i�i �a h� g--j"=--=
<br /> partially secured port3on of auch indebtedneae, and al'1 paymente made on sucn
<br /> indebtednees, wYiether voluntary or under forecloeure ar other enforcement
<br /> action or procedure, shall be coneidered to hav� been firet paid on and
<br /> applied to th� full payment of that portion of such indebtedneae which is not
<br /> secured or not fully eecured by the lien of thie Deed of Trust; and (m) the
<br /> covenant8 and agre�menta contained in thia Deed o� Truet aha11 bind, and the
<br /> benefits and advantager� hereof ehall inure to the reepective heirs,
<br /> executore, adminiatratore, eucceesore and assigne of the partiee hereto.
<br /> Wherev�r used herein, the aix�gular number phall include the plural and
<br /> convereely, and the use of any gender ahall be app�_icable to all gendere.
<br /> � holdereortholdera of tYie Note o1r the indebt dnees secured he ebX the legal
<br /> •V . Upon written requeat of Beneficiary' staL-ing that al 1 amounte
<br /> � and indebtiedness secured hereby have been paid, and upon eurrender of thie
<br /> Deed of Truet and the Note to Truatee £or tha cancellation and re�enti.on and
<br /> upon paymen� by 1'rustor of Trustee'e feee, Truatee ehall reconvey to Tru9tor,
<br /> � ar trie person or peravi�e 3.e5a1Zy cr.titled there*_o; w;r.hout warrantv, any
<br /> portion of tYie Property then held by Trustee hereunder. The recitale in auch
<br /> recunvr�yance o� any matters or facte ehall be c�nclueive proof nf the
<br /> truL-hfulnese thereof. The grantee of aay reconveyance may be described ae
<br /> � �'the person or peraone legally entitled thereto."
<br /> • �IaHTH. Except for any notices, demande, requeste or other communica-
<br /> tiiane �e.quired under applicable law to be givon in another manner, wlzenever
<br /> T3eneEiciary, T�'ustor or Truetee gives or eervee any notice� (including,
<br /> without limitat ion, notice of de�ault and notice of sale) , demands, requeets -
<br /> or other communicatlons with reepect to thie Deed of 'Trust, each sucli noCice,
<br /> demand, request or other communication ehall be in writing and ehall be .
<br /> " e£fective only if the eame is deliverc�d by pereonal eervice or mailed by
<br /> � certified ma il, poBtage prepaid, return receipt requested, addreseed to the
<br /> addreae of the party to whom mailed ae se� £orth at the end of thie Deed of
<br /> _ Truet. Any pazty=may4 a*�nY*hprenarties hereto,das�aforesa dh a notice of
<br /> c�elivering oY' uiai.iiaay ..., ,..._ ------ •-
<br /> auch change. AnY notic� hereunder eha11. be deemed tio have bQen given to _
<br /> — Truetor or Beneficiary whQn given in the manner deeignated her�in. _
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustor hae signed and delivered this Deed af _
<br /> :� Trust the day and y�ar first above written.
<br />;;y�f f
<br />�.�'� , � �ll l.A �M�Ai1_ � J =.
<br />-�� M c ae1 L. Kr k , Truetor Kimberl.y A. Krec clow, Tru�tor =.
<br /> _.ia _.
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