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<br /> reaeanably incurxed or �aid by Beneficlary to collecti the Note or farec�.oae �.��
<br /> ar protect tha 11eri of �h:1s Aeed of Trur�t t tg) thdt in the event Truet4r
<br /> ehall Eail ta aomply with the provi.dians of (a) through (f) abov�, the _
<br /> �eneticiary ►�►ay es,.�end �uch funda an!� r,�kA such action ae ir� neceseary �o -
<br /> reraedy eucYi failur� and al��'f*A P�rovidedesh�ll�coneLitute a lien uponwthe �.
<br /> inceresz ai. ��a� LQ�.V ..__----•---- _ ,, _.._,_.
<br /> Property, �ha11 be eecured by tlii.e Deed of Trust, and ehaii pe immeuxa�o1y
<br /> due and repayable to the Beneficiary; (h) nnt to �ell the Property or any
<br /> portion thereof without the approva1 0£ the Beneficiary i.n writing; and in
<br /> the �vent of any aale herein prohibited, then the entire indebtbecom� dueuand
<br /> by �:hie Deed of Trust ehall, atc the option of the BeneEiciary,
<br /> p�yable; (i.� that if the Property or any �art or parcel tYiexeof ehall be
<br /> taken or damaged under the power of eminent doraain, the �rrard for any
<br /> Pzoperty Ao taken or dam�ged (in�luding eeveiance damages to the remaining
<br /> pxemieea) eha11 be paid to the Beneficiar.y and applied in full or in part at
<br /> the opti.on o£ the Beneficiary in reduction of the indebtiedneee hereby
<br /> eecuredt (3) that the Beneficiazy shall have the m��ldeeire to d t rmine
<br /> Pro perty at eucn r.easonable �imes as thc Benef iciaz� y .
<br /> Truetor'e compliarr►ce wi�h th� covenante con tai n e d i n t h i s D eed af Trust; (kI
<br /> that the eeneficiary may release from the lion her�of any part or parcel of
<br /> the Property witlraout requtring any coneideration therefor, and (1) that
<br /> True�or ie l.awfully aeized of eaici premisee and Property in fee eimple, that
<br /> �he same are frEe from all liene and encumbrancee except as may otherwie� be
<br /> specifically nated herein or waived in writing by the Beneficiary; that
<br /> Truetor wi11 execute or procure any further neceeeary aesurancer� oE title and
<br /> doee hereby warrant generally the title to eaid Froperty and will forever
<br /> defend the same against the claims and demands of al�. per�one whomaoever, and
<br /> that Tru�tor'� aeparate estat�, whe�QQe hArPhyd expreee venwaivein ree aee nall
<br /> ie hereby convey�u ai�u y�ttotar �---_ raisement, exemption
<br /> rights and benefite of an homeetead, dower, curtesy, app _
<br /> and etay .laws of this etate. It is agreed that the interest provided fnr in
<br /> oecuredlhereby on the principal thareof�after def ult�an.d�matur:Lty �he Note
<br /> gECOND•
<br /> In the event Truato.r, without the prior writ�en cona�nt of
<br /> Hene£iciary, ehall sell, transfer or convey or contxact to eell, transfer or
<br /> convey the Pxoperty, or any part therQOf or any intereat therein, the en�ire
<br /> ba�ance o� the indebtedneae hereby eecured ehall become and be immediately
<br /> due and payable a� the option of Beneficiary; provided, however, Beneficiary
<br /> may waive euch option L•o a�celerate if, prior to euch sale, tranefer or
<br /> conveyance or cdntract therefor, Beneficiary and the peraon to whom the
<br /> property ie to b� sold or transferred reach an agreement in writing that the
<br /> credit of such pers�n ie satiafactory to Beneficiary and that the interest
<br /> payable on the sume �ecured by thie Deed of Truet ehall be �t such rate as
<br /> Beneficiary ehall requeet.
<br /> TH�RD. •i�haz as iur�i�e� security for tYie pa;�mPnt of the Nate and the
<br /> indebtedneee thereby evidenced and the performance of all of the tertns,
<br /> covenante and conditiona lnereof, Trustor agreee tha� Benefieiary ehall and
<br /> d�es hereby have the right, power and authoritX during the continuance of
<br /> thie Deed of Trust to collsGt the rent�, iesuse anrl profit� of the Pz�operty
<br /> and of any per�anal proper�y l.ocated thereon with or withaut taking
<br /> poeeession of the propexty affecte�. thereby; and Truetor hereby abeolutely
<br /> and unconditionally aesi�ns all such r.ente, iseues and profita to Beneficia-
<br /> - ry. Bc:neficiary, however, hereby coneents to Truetor's collectiion and
<br /> retention of sucla renta, ie�eued and profi�s ae they accrue and become payablc�
<br /> so long as Trustor is not at such time in default with respect to paymont of
<br /> _ any indebtednese secured hereby or in the performa�nce of any �greemen'� _
<br /> hereunder. Upon any euch default, Beneficfary may at any time, either in
<br /> ' person, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, without nati.ce
<br /> ; and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness
<br /> - hereby secured (a) �nter upon and tako posseeoion of the Property or any part
<br /> a f�r „r nrhPrwiae collect euch rents, iesues
<br /> thereor and in iid Owia ianu�c o::�. -- -- ----- 1 the eame, lf..'SB
<br /> and profite, including thooe paet due and unpaid, and app y
<br /> costg and ex.peneee ot- operation and collection, inc].uding readonable
<br /> atitorney's feee, upon any indebtednese aecured hereby and in such ordar ae
<br />_- Aeneficiary may determine; (b) leaee �he eame or any part thereof for such
<br />-..: rental, term and upon euch �onditiono ae Beneficiary's judgmEnti may dictate
<br />-' or terminate or adjuet tche terms and conditione of any exieting leaee or
<br /> leases. Unlesa Truetor and Ben�Eiciary agree otherwioe in writing, ar�y
<br />_- app].zcation of rentao iseues or profite to any indcbtedness eecured heLeby
<br />