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<br /> TOC3�TI3�R with and including all an� eingular the tenernent�, heredita- �
<br /> m�n'te, appurtenances anc� pr:lv�.leges thereunto belonging or in anywiae
<br /> appertaining, v�hether now or hereaftex acquired, which sha�Zl include, without
<br /> limiti.ng rhe generaliL•y of th� foregoing, tha fol�.owing:
<br /> All of �he ren�e, i��ue� and profitc�, includin.g all r�n�s, roya:lti.e�,
<br /> bonuges and benefite under an�� exieting or �uture oii, gae �r nii�leial ��
<br /> oth.er leae�e; all easemente and righta of way; all rig�hte of Yxomeetead
<br /> and homestead exemption and anX eurviviny spouee'e marital or distribu-
<br /> Live ehare, and all other con�ingent riglite in and tc� eaid premi.aee; and
<br /> All fixt:uree, improvementa, buildinc�a, and the plumbing, heating, _
<br /> ventilating and lighting sya�eme and equipment thPre�n, a�.l of which
<br /> eha11 bo conatr.ued and considered ae af£ixed to and part of the real
<br /> eet�te.
<br /> All of the foregaing eeta�e, property and interest hereby conveyed to the
<br /> eaid TruaCee ie hereinafter collectively referred to ae the "Proper�y. "
<br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the aaid Truetee, Trustee'o succeeeora
<br /> and ae�igna Eor�ver, IN TRUST HOWEVER and VJTTH POWER Ok' SALE hereby expxesely
<br /> granted unto the eaid Trustee, Txuatee's succeosore, and aesigne L•or the
<br /> purpose of securing:
<br /> (a) The payment of Truator'a just indebtedneee to Beneficiary in the
<br /> principal aum at Ninety 'Phousand Dollare ($90,000.00) for money borrowed,
<br /> with interer�t thereon, all ae evidenced by and in atxiGt accor.dance with the
<br /> terme of that certain promiaeory note hereinafter called the "Note", bear_ing
<br /> even date herewith made payable to the order of Beneficiary, executed by
<br /> MicnaPl L. KY'SCIS.LOW aACI 1C1Rib@Y'I�/ A. Krecklow, i1uE9�dilti diiu wiic� aiau NavzT�.u7.TI�
<br /> Eor the payment �f said indebtedn.ese in inetallmenta, sub�ect to acceleration
<br /> of maturity on deEault in the payment of any installment o� principal or
<br /> interest ar in the performance of any covenant, agre�ment or warranty
<br /> coz�tained in thie Deed of Trus�t;
<br /> ib) 2'he pertormance ot each agreement, covenant and warranty of True�or
<br /> herein contained or eet forth in the Note or any a�reernent or inatxument
<br /> executed by Tru�stor in cannection with the indebtednese hereby secured; and
<br /> ' (cf The payment of any eum or suma of maney with intereet thereon which
<br /> � may be hereafter paid or advanced under the �erme of �hie Deed of Truet.
<br /> doee for Truetor and for Trus�or'e heire, re�resentativee, vea�deee,
<br /> � succeseoxe and aseigna, the ownera of eaid Praperty, hereby expresely
<br /> covenant, agree and warrant to and with the Trustee and BeneEiciary, and
<br /> � their succeeeore, vendeea and aseigne:
<br /> Fxr�t: That the Truetor hereby covenants anci agrees, to the ex�ent
<br /> pexmitted by law, ae followe: (a) to pay promptly wY�en due th�e principal and
<br /> intereet and other eums of money provided for ir� the Note aad in thie need oE
<br /> Tzuat; (b) to promgtly pay before deli.nquency all taxea, aesessmente and
<br /> ather charges imposect by law upon the Property, the Truetor's intPreet
<br /> therein, or upon thia Deed of xruer. or the Note; providad, however, r.hat in
<br /> the event of any change o� tY�e law providing for the taxation_of deede of
<br /> trust or debte thereby eecured so as to affect thie Deed of Trusti, the en�ire
<br /> � indebtednees secured hereby sha11 at L-he option of the Benef3ciary become due
<br /> � and payable; (c? to keep the above-desaribed Property and the improvemente
<br /> thereon in good condition and repair and not to commit or suffer waste -
<br /> thereoE, and except ae authorized in any echedule annexed hereto and forming
<br /> a part hereof; (d) to maintain and deliver tn Bene�ici.ary po].iciea of
<br /> ineurance againet such hazarde on the buildinge and improvemente no�v nr
<br /> hereaf.ter located on or conetituting a part of the Property ae the Deneficia-
<br /> � 'J _2�L _L 7 �L'��
<br /> r� ��a.l.�. require, Zn SuCn companies and CImVU11l.0 Cl1AU W11+11 C�Ulill J.VO{7 LJRYQaliG
<br /> c].ausee ae shall be eatiafactory to the Benefiaiary; that ixi the everiti of
<br /> losa, Beneficia�y ie expreealy authorized to set�le or compromiae claima
<br /> under aaid policies and the proceede thereof ehall be p�id to the Beneficiary
<br /> who may apply the same or any part thereof on the indebtedne�s secured hereby -
<br /> or toward the reconetruction or repair of eai.d buildingn and improvemente ar
<br /> releaee eame to the Truetor; (e) L-o pay any lien, alaim or cl�arge againet the
<br /> Property which might take precedence over the li�n hereo�t (f) to pay on
<br /> demand all legal expensee� title searches, appraisal or attoxn�ya' fees
<br />