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<br /> : ' ooadaamt�m a ad�t�E P'f�Y Q�of the Pim�ty.or fa sunvey�ooe m liea af�.i�1�bY�f��
<br /> � � ` , i6�i!6��iti 1a t.eoder. < • ` � � . � ` ` - `
<br /> � • L�the event aE a�t�om!t�of t6e PmpeRar.�tiie pROCee¢s sLail6e applied to ttie swns secu�ed'b�thk Sccuriry . <,
<br /> m!
<br /> imtnunen�,whetber ar eot thea du�with any exass ptid tn.Barow�r. in the�of a paAial takina of�Ne Pt�pnty in , .
<br /> � ` which dx fair ioukat value of ti�t Prnptrty immed�ety befare tUc taf�inE is eqa�t to or gzeater thao tbc amaun�of thc sums .
<br /> seca�ed by thls Security Lisorument imm�diate/y 6efa�We taking.unTe.cs Borrrnver and[.eoder atliawise sgrce ip wtitin�, ,
<br /> ����yy this r.�c�ui�y�as�umnit shall(x�iuced by tt�e amou�t of tlr poceeds multiplied Dy,the,fdbwina
<br /> �' .- fnctioa: ta)lhrtota��moant of the,saras sec�ued�iatslg b�o�ne tLe taic�ag,divided-h!'tb)tht fsi�m�rlcet vaWe of the
<br /> ptope�ty inunedi�ely befare tfie s�icing. My bal�nce sbaU be paid m Barnw.er. In the evehf af a putial tatcing of the : ,
<br /> . Ptopetty ie�which ihe fidr marfut v�lue of the P�ape�ty immediateiy heforc the ta�cing is kss tt�i d�e amdunt of tNe sums
<br /> secured iiamediacd�r 6cfoc�e We taking.uekss Burruwer and Leader ahenvise agnee in writing or unkss applicable[aw ._
<br /> odrcnrise pmvides.thc pcaetds s1nU be applied�td the sums secum!by this Secu�ity It�cuumeat wlKther or not the sums ane
<br /> � theo�due. � '
<br /> If tde Propeny Is a6�ed by$ncruwer.or 4�aftec notice by l.endtr ta Borrawer thu the candemnor offe�s to malce .
<br /> aa aw�e,d or satie a claan for daroages.Bartower fa�'is to�espoad to l,rnder witBin 3Q days after t1�e d�te the naicc is given. -
<br /> � t.rnder is autfiorized w colkce aad apply tha procecds.at its aptivao.either to�trstaratian or cc{�air of'the Propaty or w the
<br /> s�s srecutrd by tbis Seruriry te�iruma�ti wbetl�or not tl�en due.
<br /> _ � UAtess l,ender and Barower Whawise ag�e in writing.any appiicuian of procoeds to grincipat sh�ll aot eatend a'
<br /> ' pnstpooe ihe due d�te af the monthlY payments zefe�red to in paragrapi�s 1 and 2 achangr the amarmt of sach payments.
<br /> 1I. Eon�ower Nat Reksied; Forbearaaoe By I.Ader Not s H►aiYer. Extension of the tuae for i►aYmrnt Sx
<br /> modit"iqtinn of amartizatia►of thc sums sxunod by tbis�Sccurity la�nt granted by Lender ta any sucoassor in inteRSt
<br /> of Boaower shall not oper�te to�e(ease the liability of tGe aiiginal Bomower or BanowePs succcssors in i�terest Lender
<br /> sba31 aat be requi�d to commence pmcadings agamst auY successor in intasst or nfus�w extend time for payment a
<br /> - othetwise modiCy sunatizatian of the sums�ecuted by dits Secttriry tncmunent Isy ieason of any demand made by d�eorigitul
<br /> Bon�ewer oc Barmwer�s successors irt inte�est. Any foc6earance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sdall not be a
<br /> watver of or proclade the exencise of any rig6t or�y. . • � ' .
<br /> = 12. 5uocaeora aed Asei6�s��d.Joiot aod Several IJabilk�:Co�si�aers. The covenants and ag�eemenu af this
<br />� ` Security Tnstiument shaU bind and benefit the successors and assi8ns of 1.ender and Borrower.subjoct to the pmvisions of
<br /> -� paragraph:t7. Bomower�covenants and agree�nents sl�all 6e joint and several.My Borrowa.wfio ca�signs this 5ecurity .
<br /> "'x Instrament but docs not execute the Note:-(a}is ca-signing this Secnrity Instcument onty to martgag�.�tt amd carvry that ' �- `
<br />= Bo4rowers intesest in the Pnnpeity urxler the terms of this Securiry lnstrument; (b)is no�persanally abGS��o I�Y�sums —
<br /> secured by this Security tnsirutnen�and(c)agrees that i�ender and any other Bartawer may ag�+ee to excend.modi�y,for6ear . _
<br /> � or make any aecommodatioas with regard to the terms of this Security Insuument or the Note withc�t s1�at Barmwer's _
<br /> ��:,"' ��13 Loae C6uges. If the loan secured hy this Securiry tnscmment is subject to a taw whicfl sets maximum loan
<br /> ? 'ci�rgcs.and that law is finally interpreted so�tat the interast or other toan charges collected ar to be collected in connectian
<br />. '�:� � with the toan eaceed the permitted limits.then:�(a)any sad�toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to ceduce
<br /> - the oharge to tlse permitteA limi�and(b)any sums ah�ad.r�llected from Borrower which exceeded pem�itted timiu will be -
<br /> � nfunded to Borrower. i.ender may choose to make this refand by redaciag the principal owed under the Note os by making a
<br />. 'r:i: dicect payrt�e�ta Borrawer. Ii a rcfund reduces principal,the nductiic�re a71 be meated at a Partia!PrePaYment without any --
<br /> ::�,�:s .;,� prepayment charge under the lYote. ' , —
<br /> 14. Notksa Arty notice to Borrower provided for in thic S «�I�vuument shall be given by delivering it ar by ' �_-_
<br /> � • - mailing it by first class mail unless applicabte law requires use of another meif�od.The notice shall be directed to the Property • . _-
<br /> Addmss or any other address Horrower designates by�notice to Lertder. Any notice to l.ender sha116e given by first class __
<br /> er address L.ender desi es b notiCe to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> mail to l.ender's address stated herem or any oth � Y - •-_
<br /> in ihis Secudty.lnstrument shall be deemed to have been given to Sorn�wer or L.ender when given as provided ia this :?='-
<br /> '� � paraBraPd-" .• ' • "__
<br />-f. �, 15..Gaya�ning l.aw;5everabillt}..Thi`s Security (nstrument shall 6e govemed by federal law and the law of the ��:.=.,
<br />' ' jurisdictlon in which the Property is tacated. ln the event that any provision or cfause Q£this Security instrument ar the Note
<br /> � canflicK.g with applicable law.such conflict shall not affeci other provisions of this Secv�=y lnsaument or the Note which can �-
<br /> � 6e given effect without the co'nlllcting procas'san. To this end the pro�i.�ons of����S�urity Instrument and the Note are
<br /> � declared to be severabte. . .
<br /> r 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower sha1C�a given one confortned c�g��-°the 1Vote and af this Security lnstrument. •
<br /> - . , 17. 7Yanskr of the P�opeety or a Henefictal tnte�sest in Borrovccs: Cf atl or anv part o[thc Property or any interest in =
<br /> it is sold or trtutsfened(or if a beneficial intereat in Batrower iv sald ar transferred and Borrawcr is not a nateral person)
<br /> = without l.ender's pr�or written concent,Lender may.a�its option.requlre immediate payment in full of aU sums secured by ;��:.
<br /> ' , � this Security Instrument. l�lowever.this apte�a xhal!not t+e eacrcised by l.cnder if exercitie is prahibited by federat law as of -
<br /> ' - the date of this Security lnsuument.
<br /> ^ If l.ender exerclses thiw vptian,l.er��shatl give�arrower noticc of accelerntion. 7Tie notice:t�if providc a period of
<br /> .., � not less thun 30 days from the datc the natice is delivered or mailed wiehin which Harrowcr must p�yatt sum!�secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument. lf Borrowcr faih to pay these sumv ptioi ta ttic expimtian of this period.R,ender may invoke any � ,;��::,
<br /> �t;�. • ,
<br /> �� remedies permitted by this Secudty Instn�mem without fu�her notice or demanJ an Bonower.
<br /> �{':'' 18. Bonower's E t i g,ht tn Re instate. i f Bonower mcets ce r l aia wn di tions..Borrower shali have thc ci ght ro have -
<br /> � • , enfocCemen�of thiy Security lnstrument discontinucd ai any�ime prior io�he eadirr of: (a)5 dap�:for xuch other period av
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