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<br /> __ . . . . _ ..._.....d._....-._-a..=..�_.� , . -:
<br /> �:�� .�s_ �:� -: : . <. �- .. ,. . f , .. _ - ` __ _ g2� ���r„B-Q�,- .
<br /> � _ _ . . . . � .- . - . . � _ . .
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<br /> � � �,��� ��a�a�►�s,nr��u���y s���w c�aa�� �
<br /> . - < ,pprq�r,l.vtuch sb.0 uoc rru�era�oiaibiy.6id�hela.,If eo�r rWs w�ca�aa�aesc�;eea abm►�.1�e�►.k � .
<br /> iaedet�optioe,al�a�ova�e to proact,Lmder�s ri�hts in�be m aocadaoce with puascapb 7. .
<br /> � � �w m�.oa��na�.�,�u��r�.�c�wae co i�y�nd s1Wl,inctude a anndud�aatg�ge clwse: �
<br /> - st�au tfave�e ashe to uota thr poljcies and iarewils. If l:eaacs Rquices.Boima�a sliau aomptlg 8ve co L,eaaa aft iaQeiptt
<br /> �ot p�id pnaosi�ns and isnewil nodces: In thee�:vmt of Iass.Ba�nower ssalt give Ero�mpt iw�iCe m the insur�ace curier aad
<br /> l,ender. i;e�faes may make proof of loss if not made P�PUY bi►Bamnwer. - .
<br /> " , Unless L�da mtd�aauwa otAetwi�e�in wridng.ia.�rmee pcqcrsds sbalt be appliod w�storation a�+eprir of -
<br /> - the p�opettq d�u�gQd.if tBe�stoc�tion or eep�ir is economicatly feuibk and f.ender�s securiry is not Iessenr.d. U the ,
<br /> �estucatian ar npair is not ecaoanically fieas�le ar irnder�s sec�ui[y would 6e tes.se��tl�e i�urance proo�ds slwit be _ `
<br /> applied w the surtis savted by t6is Soc�uity Inst�umeas. whetber or not tben dtie.with su�y exces.s paid to Barawer. If
<br /> Bortclwer abn�doas the Pt+a�eity,a does aot ansvrer within 30 days a natia ftom l.ender that t6e insurai►ce carrier tas�
<br /> offeiod w seuk a claim.thea l.ender tpag colloct ttie inwraoce Pcocddc. 1�det m�Y usr the pmceeds t�repais or testae
<br /> tbe or to pty sums sec1�bY��n�Y�a'txttrer�mt t1�en due. The 3U�day peitad N!i11 be8in N'�►.:.�:._.�' . .
<br /> the�given.. � ` ' . .
<br /> Unless Lender an�l Bamower uthenvise agrae ia wtitin8,any.applicatian of prt�ceedc tn yxiacip�t st�ii mt exterW oc :.. :
<br /> postpono the due date af the rt�ontNY WYmeats nfemed w irt pataBraPhs t aa�2 ot change the atnount of the payment.�..if �
<br /> �wxkr parag�aph 21 t1�e Fmgerry is acquind by I.eoder;Boaower's rigbt w any iasarance poltcies and pmceeds cesulw�8. :
<br /> f�om d�n�ge to tlfe Property prior m the aoquis�tton shatt pbcs to Lendes to the oxtetit of tfie sums socuned hY�Securiry
<br /> �nswtnent immediately priorwdu acquisition. .
<br /> 6 Oca�pu�c� Pnaer�vsdoe. Mairt�a�cs �ad Protedion ot�the Pr�opertY; Bosto�rer's La�s Applia�tio�: .
<br /> __ I,eaeei�oids. Barower shall occupy.estsbtlsb,aad use ti�e Property ss Bomowa�s pdncipal lesidenca withL�siaty days ahec;., ••., . .
<br /> ` the e�an of tbis Securiry Tacuo�arnt and st�all cootinue ta occupy the Pmperty ss Borrower�s prineipal tssidenca for iu . .. �:'
<br /> �St_asSe�Yeu afta the d�Ge of nccup�aocy. �tess,I.ender athcvvise ag�ees in writing. whiett canseot sdall �wt.be
<br /> :im�p�sbly withhel4 or unkss eztenuacing circ�mca acist which a�e beyond Baiower's conuut.Bomower sir�1 tlot �
<br /> . �iay,damage or impair tttia Property.allow tl�Fk�ipest�+to deteclataca.or commit waste on the Pmperty. Aormwa stWl
<br /> —= — • �!+�i�deEault if any fafe►tuce aclion or pr�ocading:whether ci��Qiminal.is begun tt�at in LeMer�a Sood f�id►jt�d$ment , ,
<br />�- ; cupSd�salt in fo�rfeitune of ihe Ftopecty,a otherwise m�ter�rmpair thc litn cneated by this Secarity insttu[neat or •::�
<br />-;.; , � Lenites�"security interest Bomawer may cure such a ckfauh an��istate.as providod in paragraph l8.bY causwS tbe ac�to�.:, .
<br /> -_ _. , .: a,��ng to be dismissed with a ruling d�a�ia f:ender�s good faith detetminstian.Pnecludes focfeiture of ths;Bortowet's- _ = -- -
<br /> - intaest in the.Propercy or dher material impaim�t of the Gen created bi�this Security Instrument or Le�ide�s secariey
<br /> mtcrest. Bomawer sh�ll atso be in defautt if Bormwer.during the loan.application process. gave materiatly fat�.a . . --
<br /> uiaccu�ate inforniatiaa ar statements to Lendcr(or failed ta provide Leader wit6 aay materiat infom�a�}in connectlon-wi�t:-'�:.• - ` �
<br /> the loan evidetxe@ Isf the Note.including,but nat limited to. repnsen[ations conceming 8ormwers occupancy o(ti�e _ _.' ;:�`•..:,._
<br />.;� .• property as a pcu�e�H,i�ssidence. I6a�"ss Seeurity Inshument is on a teasebo�d.Barrower shatt�comply witb all the provisiops ....;;,,:;r<:�-.:
<br /> �: af tt�e lease. If BQn.%�-ac9uires fe��e to the�+operty.the leasehold and the fee tttle shalt nat mcrge unless Lender agcees.,":, . �::,'��.;:.•
<br /> ' to the merger ln writ��: ` , :. -
<br /> .- 7. Pt�Medjon ot Lender's Rishts ie tMe�aperty. If Bortower faifs co porform the covenan�5 and agremxnts,
<br /> :,;:��: ` .� � containa��&ixo ihis Security Instramen�os the�e is�a legal proceeding tttat tiiay si�cantty af�ect Lender's rights in:the.,
<br /> Properry(such as a procoeding in bank�apcey.}�aS�aie,for condemnation or fo'tfeitune ac w e�or+ce lawa or ngulations).dien;. _
<br /> L,ender may do end pay for whatever u�.cessasy ia protect the valne of the:Prgperty and Y.erder�s riShu in the Ptopafy"
<br /> - " I,ender�s aetions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioiity aver this Security In.mumtnt,appeating -.
<br /> in caurt.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enCesing on the PrcMerty to rtiake repa�ts.Altbough Lender may take action 4--
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender does aot have to do so. � �
<br /> � Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this�paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower secured by this a
<br /> Secwity instrument. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounu shall bear interest from the =
<br /> � date of disbursement�t the Note rate and shull be payabte.wi[h inten�t.upon natice from I,ender to�amower requestinS �:
<br /> � • =
<br /> � �m&�Mort�yage ltusu�Ance. If Lender required mortgage insurancc ax a condition af making the foan secured by this _
<br /> Security lnstrument.Borrower shs�U pay the premiums required:to maintain the moctsage insurance in effect. If.for any =
<br /> ' raason.tho mortgage insurance covcrage required by,.Lendcr IApses or cease.4 to be in effect. Baaower shall pay the `
<br /> ;�';f � pr�iams required to obtain caverago �ubstantialty eyuiValeitt to.the moRgage insuranae previously in'effect.at a cost �_
<br />,�;�. , substuntlalty equivalent to tho cost ro 8cmower af the maRgage'insurance pmvlously in effeet.from an altemate mortgage _
<br /> insurer Approved by Lendet. If substantiully ec�uivalent martgage.in�u�ance covcrage is not available.Borrower shall pay to =
<br /> L�mder each month a sum equnl to ane-twolfth ai thc yearly mo�tgage insuranoe prcmium 6eing paid by Botr+awcr when the -�-
<br /> � '. iagurance caverage lapsed or cea.4ed ta be in effeCt. t.ender witl acocpt.use nnd cetain theso yayments as p loss reserv�in Neu �-
<br /> � af mottgage insnrance. i.ass reserve p�ymen�ti may na tong0t bo required.at tha optinn of[.endec.if martgage insurance �±
<br /> coverage(in the amaunt and for;the penal thnt Lender requircw)prav�ded by pn insurer appeoved by Lcnder again becomcs __
<br /> uvnilable nnd is obtaineAl.Borrower'shall�pay the premiums rcyutred to maietuin mortgage insurance in cffect,or to provide a =
<br /> ' loss reserve.until tho reyuircment far mortgag�fnsurance endw in accard�nca with any written agreement between$orrower �
<br /> � : s►nnd Lender or s+pplicable It►w. '
<br /> 9, l�spectlon. Lendet or its ngent may�kc rca.canable cntrics upon nnd inspections of thc Property. Lender shall E
<br /> , ., 7 give Boaower notice at the time of ur pnor ro an inspecdon specifying reacon�bte cause for the impection. �
<br /> 10 CondemnAtion. 7'ho pracced.R of any uward or daim for damageh,dirert ar conscyucntial,in connectioa with any �.
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