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<br /> ' .•=3ec�itjt le�se�ar(b?�!►�a I��O�'+�L��r� 'i�ae ooidi�lors�ylMt Daeo,Mr�r: W. _
<br /> ` ° ,prys L�eedet alt aueos whicle Ibea wa�id b�e dae�oder tlis Sec�cxx`�eneot aYd ttie Nole as J ao�ooaie�a0o�tid ' -; ��',
<br /> oo�tbj`cura acy dFf�it dam�►atha covnne�ts a apaaqMs:i�)P�y+���*������ `
<br /> _. . �.me�e..iacf�,boc mc�u�ea to.�easaa�bie aaaaer'ree�tma tdj rata sucb�ctioa as l.eoda�r re+.�w.bt�► .
<br /> rn�ui��o a��e tb�t die lim d tEus Sectrity id�na�t.I�endlri�ri�es io We Ptnpeny�lad�t�o�►et'�abit�tia�b ph►M�e _ ,
<br /> e�mo� �ecsued 67► Sus,Seq�itY Immme� sh�II ocdt�e udch�n�ed. UPon�emait by Ba�rer:8p�See�ity �
<br /> -�- ��iae obtr�+t�oa��oC�ed�shll mna�f�r-�a�i�e as if m a�or]eaom htd o�c�rcod.__t�o'�rcvet.dw r <
<br /> ' r�ttopeert�esA�IImt�plyip.tirecasedsocelentl�ande�rpa�ph lT. �
<br /> z--
<br /> 1!� Satr�f N�Ir Ci��e�t I�wa Seniter. 1Ue Nate ar a prtiat uMaat in t6e Na�e(�*a�i��his Saxit�
<br /> 1n:tt�ment)may 6e sold oae ar mati tima wddwut prior uotic�e t�9oROwef A sak mry nsah in a cb�e in 1I�t datit;K ..
<br /> � {tao�a as ti�e"La�A Savice�')d�t oollects modhlY Pay�u�`due uoder tUe Nate aad this Sxu�icy Io�aarneot. 71�et�t a'bo
<br /> mry be mt or nwrc ch�es of the Lan Serviar urd�ed to s sde cf the Na1e If drac is a cb�e of the im Sariper.
<br /> Bano�vet wn�t be giva�wait�notica cf the c�n�e in accad�ce�tth p�rapaph 14�bo�re aad applicablc law. 't)ie notioe.
<br /> �r71 saoe tbe a�me atd add�rss of We aew L�o�a Servicer�nd tAe ad�+ess to�rhicb paymeats sAo�id be made. 'lite aotice will
<br /> `�so ca�tai,��ny aher iafo�m�tian�equued!�r�1�w- �•� �
<br /> iw
<br /> 2�: B�iws S�i�trce�. Bamowec sh�ll mt p�ue a pamit�he presenoe,use,disposal.stora�e,a�efane oE any
<br /> Ha�do�s Su6snooes an ur in tht PtApaty- Bm+uwer shalt aot do uor albw anyone else to do,amydw��stfaKioa d�e
<br /> , prope�ty dat is in viol�ion of aey Fmuoim�ent9l Law '7be pecadin8 t�m saitenaS at�U not appiy to the pcesaroe.u�ar .
<br /> - stange m,the Ampaty oc a�nu quantirxs of HuaMous subsanca unt m ga�aalty�ized w be appmpri�te to�w�n�t.
<br /> reside�tial uses mdto mau�ten�ce of tUe Pt�npaty. ; `
<br /> ' Bonowa sh�peomptlY 8►ve l�tnder w�itta�notice of aay iavestigaKia�,cl�im,dema�.iavYSUit oc ather action by ar►y .
<br /> gova�l or regutatory agency a private party invulring tbe Rupaty and aay Nazudoos Substmce a Eavi�a�mreaW
<br /> Lsw of whicb Bomnwer hu�xtual knowkdge. If Bat�wer k�mc.or is aotifiod by any govemmeotai a tegulstary -
<br /> , �uWo�ity,,dnt iny ten�val ur aher nmediatia�of any N�3ous Substaace affecting the Ptoperty i�nec�csary,Baaower ' .
<br /> . sf�alt prompdy take aU nocessary te�aedial xtians in acrord�nre�Wvu+auneoql I.aw. .
<br />_ �As ursed u�this puxgnPh 20."Ei�zudous St�bs�nca"acr tbose substances def'�ned as toaic ar hu.�edoas subs�a�x+es bY �
<br /> " Faviionmental law and the following su�sstances= gpsdiae,ke�osene.other ftammable ot toxic petrotwm preducts,toaic
<br />- • pestic�fc�es.and lxfiicides,valatile satveats,materiats containinS as6estos or fom�aldehyde,aad radioactive mataiaJs. As
<br /> ' �ased m t�us paragraph 20`"F�nvimnn�ental Law'meae�s federat laws and laws u€the jarisdictiat where the Pmperty is lacated ,
<br /> _ that rslate to health,safety or environmental protecuon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS. Borrower�d Lender further covenant aad�gree as follows:
<br /> 21. AeceleeatJoo;Remedies. Lender sball give ootjce to Borrower prbr to aceek�tioo tdbw�Botro�ra's
<br /> hracti ot ssy covaaat or pgrama�t io tl�ts Security Instrament Nat noE prior to accekrAtioe nnder para�rapb 17
<br /> d�leas�pplicabte 1sw peovWe.s otrerNke). The natke sbafl apecity: (a)t6e defaWk(b)tMe�ction require0,to qrre the
<br /> det�alt:(c)�t d�eat tas tlau�30 dAys from tlne ds�te We��e�S siren to Bormwer,tiy whie6 ttie defa�k must 6e _
<br /> cnred;awd(ip tiat lailure to cure the defsaH oe or befone dFe�ate sperified ta the aotiot msy result is acoekratio�d
<br /> - - p�e sa�se�ared 6y t�h Secwrhy l�trun�t aod sak of tie�ropeety. The aolice si�fartUer iatarm Borrower o�
<br /> t6e r�ht to rdsstate�f ter accekrstion and the right to being a court�ctioa tu asBert gie noe�teace ot:detaYlt oe =
<br /> n
<br /> aay ot6er detense d Borrowa to accekratia�and sak. It tbe detault is sot ca�ed va or 6efore tLe date specified is --
<br /> the ootioe,Lender at its optioe mny require immediate ps►yment in tuU o�a[[sums secared Dy tDis SccRity Instrameat =
<br /> wlthoat furtber dem�a� aed msy invdce tbe poWe�of sak and nny oQ�remedies permitted by nppticAbk taw �"_
<br /> m --
<br /> i,eade�sh�ll be eetttkd to collect all expenses incurred in pucsuiag t6e remedies pravided in thls paragrpph 21, ��-
<br /> Includtng.but not limited to,reasana6le attorneys'teesand casts ottitk evidenca � ' �---
<br /> It the poWer o�sAle is lnvoked,'ifi�ustce sdall recard a notke ot default in eacb�ty in which any part of the
<br /> ��is Ma�ted aod shall tnAil copies oisach�x►tice ia the manner presc�'bed by ppp�rabk!aw to Borrower and to �—��__
<br /> y pe�sons p�tscrlbed by applicabk taw Aner the time required by applicabk Qa�v,7Yasta shsill give pu6lic �`_=
<br /> uMke ot sfk to t6e persons and in t6e manner prescribed by Applics►bk law Truste�,�u'�iaot denwnd'on Bosrower, �,r.+=`
<br /> �II sell tl�e Property at public auction to the hlghest bidder at the time and ptace�a�der the terms desisnated in �'-'
<br /> - t h e n o t i c e o f s a l e i n o n e o e m o r e p�r c e l s a n d i n an y order 71�ustee determinev. 7lravtee urtay postpone sak ot�II or any �''-;�%�,
<br /> pstred of the Property by publk announcement at!he Nme and place ot any previousty scheduled sak. L en d er or its �,. r'°'
<br /> designee may purchase the Property a/any sate. • r '
<br /> Upon receipt of ps�yment ot the prke bi�.'llrustee shall deltver to the purch�.�r 7Yu!rttee's decd convtying fhe ' � '�
<br /> '� Property. The recitalg in the Trustce's deed sfia116e prima tacie evidence af the t�uth oi the statements made thenin. � ` •
<br />� ., � 7lrustee s6a11 apply the proceeds oPtfie sale 1n the fnitowiag order: (a)to all costs and expenses ot exercising tht powe� .
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