_— �...._.:e"'`�.J....'--_�._. .:t-r. --- u_ir =_ _ . _.
<br /> 4 - �Tl]� _ _- .__.�-...' — - _ �-�71 __--_
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<br /> -- .!' � ,f: _'. . . '��.._...._, -
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<br /> 7�0(3E11�IER Miit�I i11 the i�toY!leEec�noiY Of IICtlaEtu e�Cte'd Gft the p[Opertj,�a11 esslment5.appu�. ?.
<br /> aod fixi�a aowr or utcatt�s pr�t af the prupe�tY. A!i iepLoemaus aad additia�s slnli aTsfl bt covcral,by tt�i.s.Sa�ritY
<br /> Insuumeot. All of tlie faegang is trfenrd to in!���Y�u the"ProQertY•" . ' .
<br /> : $ORROWF�COVENMI'iS that Bamwa is�iavYfaliy seisod af tlie estaEe heiehy canveyed anc!t�as the right to BRanc - .
<br /> �ad caorear the Pmpaty u�d tivt��Opetty is.tmet�i�ed.cacept fior e�cumt�ncTS of tecad.;Bo�wer w�rtaats and
<br /> ` will defdd geaenity�he atk W the Ptupecty�Sau�u�ciaims and den�.su�ject to aay encumbrances nf.�ecocd. .
<br /> ` T�IiS SECURt7'Y INSTRtJME1�PP cnmbines unifom� covet�ant�fa nati+o�ai use and�nan-uniforrn covaiants,wdth .
<br /> . Gu�itedvuiuiaasb9juri�tacc�itt�annifasmae�titY�vmentcovaimgrnlpmpen3►• . . _ - , _ -_-,
<br /> UNffORM COVENANTS:Horrovirer and Le�rtercovemm aod agc+oe as follows: � .
<br /> ' 1. Pa�t aEPri�dpal ata Idesss�Ptep�9��i l.s�e CM�'�es Bamarer shall promptlY�xiY when due the
<br /> priocip�i of�ad intetest an the debt evidrncod hY the Note and aaY P�PaY�nt and fate cLarges due usfder�i�e Not� :
<br /> i �1��for'h�s a�d I� �tiJ�tO�law or tos wtiittea�+aivcr by Leo�fer.Botrowar shall pay to
<br /> l,eoder an the day moathtY Payments�e due w�thc Note.uutil tho Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds°)foc:C�)Y�Y ., ' ,.
<br /> tsaes aad assessmenu which m�y attw�peiaiity over this Secu[iry I�nna►t as a lian on t�PmgeccY:tbl Y�Y�Ob
<br /> p�tne�ts or g�ou�jd cents un die Ptop�RY.if�ny: tc) Y�Y�d°7 P�P�Y it�corance R+emiwns: (b�Y.�.�3'o Q�'
<br /> • in�urmc�e.Pirm�wu�.�f soy: te)Y�Y�8a8��Pr'��if any;and('t�ar►Y s�as PaY�
<br /> - - - I�sder,irr.�danoe wnle tUe prnvisioas of puagraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgsge inwiaace prcmiunas. 71�ese .
<br /> it�ma:aic�caIIed"Esc[�w I[ans.° Lrnder may.al aay time.cottat and hold Fuads in an artwunt not m eaceed tht maaimum
<br /> - nc
<br />= amown:a�leudec for a fe�deraliy c�elared mortgage taan may requiza far Bcxrower's esecow aoconnt�uider the federal lteal - -
<br /> -- F.st�te Settlement Ptoceduies Act of 1974 as amendod from time to tirne,t2 US.C.�2601 et seq.(`ItESPA")wiless anotiyer
<br />- . Tav�d�aE applss ta the F4nds sefs a l�sser amonne. S so,`[.sader may.at any time,coltect au�d hoid Fimds in�ar�tount not to
<br />��_,�` exaod tde kssa ama�t. Gender may estim�te thc a�otmt of Tvnds due on the�basis of carrent data and reasonable
<br /> ;; estimaus of e�p�af fwuce Hscioaa Items or otikrwise m acco�dance with sppiicable law. �tality.or entiry:. . -- --
<br />_�.;� Tbe Cvrr�s shall 6e heiit in�i�bition wlase deposits.aze ui.�unesi hY a fakr+l agencY, . , ____
<br />- (including l.ander.if Irer�der is such an instimuan)ar in any Tederal f�ome��.oaa 9antc. i.ender shall applg the F�ads to�}��.
<br />_ dx Escrow Iteras. Lendcr may nut charge Boaower fa hotding aad'i.a�SlYsn�;rl�Fimds,aaaualty analS2iag the�v�. ��1; ---
<br /> . - � Fvnds and ieaMe T�wt°.�ieecciizi)s� ..•.:,'' � -
<br /> a :la ere�an the � .. .
<br />_ s Barro e�. C .
<br /> i..ender -
<br /> Icem unless . ,
<br /> acconnt,or verifym8 the Escrow s. P�►Y, :
<br /> ' .• Lendes to iaake such a ch�;e. However.Lender maY re�luue B�dv�#to paj�;�vue ume charge for an indepear,�edc tp�t•.•, ',;': __.�_-
<br /> re�
<br /> _ •estau uuc reporti�g seevice used by Leader ut connection with this Ioar��catess ag�csl)le law provtdes otAerarise�:ti�ess�. �,�_�_
<br /> , ; �� agreemem is made or applicable!aw requiies interes[to be paid l.ead�s�11 not i3e•ie9ai�ed to pay Botrower azry"tntcGe,st� .
<br /> r eamings un t6e Punds. BorroWer aad Lender may ag�ee in writing,E��+er,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Len3'I�=.. ; ' ��. -
<br /> ,>_ .a'�. —
<br /> :�: shall give Eo Bomnwer.vvithvut charge,an a�mual acc�usS o€tite�a�s.shawing ccedits and debits to the Fuccds�nd��-;:;: � �.�. _
<br /> purpose for which each debi�to the Funds was made. 'L•Tie�'unds are pledged as addiuonat security for aU sams s�uied bY ::' x��_
<br /> r`- iiiis Security IastrumenG
<br /> �'r Lender sha�R«ccount ta.�:.•�.�:;. �"�;;.__
<br /> .: .=� +��: .� • If the Funds hetd by�.ender exceed t h e a m o t c� P�tt e d t a,��e h e i d b y a p p l i c a b l e l aw. -�_--- -
<br /> , ,� Bossawet fa�t�ie.eaceess Funds in accada�����requiremee�.wl,��plleabTe law. lf the aac¢unt of the Funds held 6p �
<br /> y,�, ' .�estder as aa�°i�iri�is not suffieient to puy the Eserow items wi�ect:"�1i'v=>�.ender may so notifY�acmwer in writing,and�
<br /> t� � � ��-��
<br />- . �. �t case�:��iai.�G�3Y to I.ehder the amaamt necessarY to ir�e ug the deficiency. &s�vwer shall make up th�.,. �:YC�_,._,:
<br /> i���ieM,y iis nb�+}�,a�uuelve monthly payments,ar•L�ider�s sole discretion. , � ��#:s��r:`.'"-
<br /> •���. �i :-�: °-• UPon Payment iri�xil:.�=f a11 svms secured by tEu�:�,''�riry lnsprumeat,I.ender dT,�it promPtly refund to.�r.c�swer any . i�..:
<br /> . . .ivnds held by ixnder. If.under paragrapb 21.Lender siiall acqu'sre or sell the Pt��rf.G.�.,.�i«�Qcior to�he�a�u:sition or . �;;;�;
<br /> `�;�";:;..
<br /> � sale of the Pfropercy,shall apply any�unds hetd by Lender at the time oY acqnisit��:.���'S���.3�c�edit agaiYSY the sums .��;_ .• .�.,--
<br /> , _. .secured by this Security lnstrument. • - •: . -
<br /> � 3. Application ot Ps�Jm�cM�. Untess applicabte law provides otherwise,aU payments:eceived by Lender under •,`'_. -;;. .;`,
<br /> ' paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be apphed:fust,to any prep��cnent charges due under the Note;secand.to amounu paJable under .
<br /> - paragrapb 2;third.to interest due:fourth,tv principal due:and]as�to any late chazges due under ihe Note. "`' ` � �_--
<br /> • 4. Clia r�e s;Liens. Borrower shal1 paY a11 taxes,assessments.charges.fines and imposidans amibs.T�`e to the '`�'••;'': =r;-�: -
<br /> :• .�i,:,; ..,.,.__.
<br /> €N Ptopetty wluch may attain prior�ty aver t�s�Secunt3+�n s u u me n i.a n d t e a s c h o l d p a y m e n t s o c g a n n d r e n t s.i f a n y. B o r r o w e r • •1. .. ••-;;
<br /> h 2.or_if not id in that manner.Borrower shall pay ttiem o-� � � '-�'��:'
<br /> '� � shall pay these o6ligations in the manner yravideA in paragraP Pa ,, � T .
<br /> �� =��� time directly to the person awed payment. Bmmwer.shall promptly fumish to Lender aU notices of amounts to be�aid unde�
<br /> � � '' :��y' - this paragraph. if Banowcr makes these payments�tty.Barrower shaU prompsly fumish to Lender rece���dencing �.{�'s,t _
<br /> `�' .� the paymencs. ., .• •.+ „y
<br /> •� � ;;;�• • .
<br /> �� � � Borrower shall promptly discharge Any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Boncf�er:`(a)agrees �-ti.� ,.
<br /> � .-;' �: in wrlting to ihe payment of the obligauon secured by thc Ijen m a manner acceptable to i.ender.(b)contests in good faith the �' :.i:.�x__
<br /> • lien 6y,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal Praceedings which in the l.ender's opinion apecate to preveat th�, ' �� �� •�
<br /> ' enforament of the lien:or tc)secureq from the holder of the lien an agreemeni satlsfactory to Lender subord:r.ating the lien . ,�.;, _�,���j�,�.;
<br /> - to this Secutity lostrumenl. If l.cnder detertnines that any yart of the Propeny is su6ject to a tien which ma��a'�in priofity �;:.,:, �-� :.�:.
<br /> � ��� over this Security lnstrument,L.eT►der may give 8orrower a noticc'ssleatifying the lien. $orrowet shall sa:4sfy fae;i:�n or take ��;�,;.
<br /> ; �� onc ot more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the��tiui�of notice. �- ' • � ��`:.r
<br /> ` _� �•`"` S. Hazard ar Peoperti'lnsuranee. Bortower shall keep�1'e��.*�provements now existing or hereafter erecteA utt L�t� ' . : �f�;,:
<br /> � `'- " '''•:�-�' msur¢d a ainst loss b fire.hazards included within ihe t��n"ex[ended cavcrage'and any other hazards.ineluding . •
<br /> ' =� "?:- ��-���`^^^'" �' f�lo�o�dv or ftooding for w�u'rchl.ender requires insurancc. 7'hls insurancc shall be malntained in the amounts and fvr the ••�� . ,
<br /> r.�'
<br />.. � �,l4�;r. ` � � ti.t_. •
<br /> J+, • f
<br /> .*�� tt`,?�r; . , � Fi►te1302ti 9/90 Iprrxe2njb/x�IaJ r� .
<br /> ':, � _�:•-:',�:.'�' i' � • � .
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