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<br /> #. 19. LEN�ER"3 RIt�HT't0 COtAFAENCE OFi DEF�IdD L�Qm6 ACTl�1N8. t3rentor ah 1n�to�rt en�ata�le�pravltdenl�y��°IQCt t conrm�nr.o�I terveno inu a d ,-`
<br /> ` threatoned Qctlon,au�t,Qa oth�r prucsod�n9 affec�ing lhe F'ropeYM. Qrentor hereby E�ppo
<br /> 1 be 118b1e to
<br /> dotond euch actlonn,cu8o,or other Ic�:il prau�c�:npa enel to cars�rron9eo or eetlle any etalm or eontrovereyporl nning��l��e7�rle idor ahalf�nirom. Roth'np
<br /> • � eontalned hereln wlil provont Lenl�frnm tnkJny�he actlon daicribod Ih��la Iparagrc�ph I�n�o c•hngn n���P`� y � �'
<br /> : `.'�'�' ��, �kpElAt�IFICATKkI, Lcnde►ehall not euurr�or b�ntpons�ble tor tFup�rtoarion�ot eny of Qranter'e obllgatlane with roepect t�Ihe Praperty urdar »Y
<br /> ' 1�; eny dreumatanaa.Orania th�ll Imnsde.tay p�uv�da L�nder wlth wrftl��nolice o1 and Ind�rmliy and hold LancMr end Ita shnnhalden,dtoctan,atics►�,
<br /> �mployw�end asonts harmlei�from�II�lalms,dame8e��Ilebltitiu(Inciudinp attorn�yu'fora end lep�l�xp�nwa�,cnuae ol ectlon,ectloro,suin and �^_
<br />"'`"���` mhar 4c���oc�ed!nM(aimWetN�ly'Cldrtr')F�rt�N��g to th�Prop�rty qndudiny,but not Ilmlt�d tn,thow InvoMng Hazardoue Mat�oiel�). Qrantor,upon � �-'
<br /> u�i:ciiv,i�yo t:�s,lc;,�!cx^�.�ncc�end elhe��-�nu lncurt�l In
<br /> the rsqueet ot L�nder.shell hin lopnl ceamwl lo dH�nd L�rtdir trom wch CWrr�,rnd pa'y". �
<br /> �� cannerctinn thereh+ith. In th�eJtomatlw,�onder�hal be emi;�od to ernploy Ita own lapn�couneal to det�nd�ueh Clel�nt Qrentor'e con. Cirmto►'� '-`"
<br /> �---- _u�_����i�w.�lA�1 wrul�r urtd[I lhl/PBfACfllph thdl 6i�fYiVG iha 1GTlCiPIuLCfS.r�:=�C�os fotee!oe+im o1 thls�e+t�of T►utt. � `��.1=
<br /> � �- vu�rynu.��w�.�.._...� _. �__.
<br /> ��`� 16, TA%E9 AND A83688�AENTB, [irenta�taall pay e+l texes and a�seiurnntn ralatln0lo PropvAy wMn dus and Iim�datNy provid�L�wkkna ,� �,-
<br /> `_�� ' e1 pnyrt»rrt o1 carrw. Upon th�nq�wit ol L�nde,t�rnnta�hall depo�lt whh Und�r�ach monih orn•tw�l8h(1/12)o}ths e�tlmst�d ennual Inwranu �i r
<br /> -,�.�. - prem(um taxea end asNturnnif p�nNninp to iM Propxryhe evK+t o1 dsteult�Unda��II hwv�h�dght.nt I!s solabopt�lo�n.l�taPP Y t���+����to � �_
<br /> �s��s�t�end lnsureno�as requlrad on th�Propeny�• �
<br /> pny any taxea or agdnst tfia Obllgation�. My tunds eppilsd maY,at Lender'e op�lon,bs epp��od In rowru ordw of th�dus det�th�reo1•
<br />••��� • 10. INSPECTWN OF PHGPERTY,BOpi(8,RECtiflDS AAID RERORT9. Qrantar ahall ellow Lender or IteegsN�to�xerrilns end In� the Prop�rty
<br />''`u�� ,,. n g hom tim�ta tlrtw• Liranta ehall pr u�y asiittana
<br />-�.:`�,� end s x e r NrH.�n s�t e n d m a k�c o p i u e o 7 a r a.�t c r'c�c.ti c n d r e a x d^p e r t alnl to ths P r o p�NY °--
<br /> �eq�U�d by Under for tl»se purpoess. All of tt�aI�natuna end(nfomiatton contalnad In aronto►'e book�en d noar d�a h d�b�1��w l�a,t�.�a,sAw�,r�����d
<br />:;!�.�� comp{�t�In ail rospectn. arantor ehall nota tha exretenoa ot Lenda's bene8dal�meest In Ite boaks end r0cordn pertdninp to th�Froperty _
<br /> Qrenta eheli rspori,In o tarm s a t i n t a c t o ry t a L e n c i e r,wch intomietlon ae L�ander maY r oat ragarding�rantor's Bnandal sonditlon a the P�ny. Th�
<br /> .��� Infom�etlon t umlah�d I�y Q a�to��lender h 1 be�niel aocutatodend 6co►nP�eine n�all�respecybs rend slgnaci�by Qrerttor�it Lende B requ a a i�y d a nU. AI�
<br />.;:�� 17, �STOPPEL CER7IFICATE9. Wlthln ten(10)days aflx any rsquest by Lender,Qrantor ahall dellwr to Lentkr,a eny Inte�tci�d tror�tsrK ot Lendsr�
<br />•'�:�,� riphta with reap�ct to the Obligatione,e slgied end ecfviowlecGbad statsrr�m c�dlying(e)the a�tatanding betence on ths Ohllyatlanr, end lb�wlwth�r
<br /> (3rentaposs�ss�e any dalm,defen�os,set�offs or counterclalms wfth reapecl to the Ol�Iigetlone end,If w.ths nature ot such delms,dNentes,sot•ofis or
<br /> -'=`'�� ooumerdelnx. C3ranta wlli be oondusNsiy bound by eny represantation that Lender rrey�mlce to the In?�nd�d trans(ere�with nspect to theie mattsrs In
<br /> y ihe evont V�at Grantor talls to provlde tha requeated etatemant in a timaiy menne►•
<br />'.�,_�,!!_
<br /> _._!'� 18. OEFAULT. Orama aha0 be�n delaufl uncier thls Deed of Trust and the Ttustee'e power shall bacortr operativs In iha ovent that Grerna,Bomow�r a
<br /> ��+ �,r any puarar�tor of ihe Oblipatlons:
<br /> —. (e)f�l�to pny eny t�i�Bntion to Lend�rwhon due�
<br /> (b) falls to perbertn eny Ob1�9ation or breachsa ar►y warrentY e►cavenant to Lender contalned In thla Dead of Trust a any athe pro+�rrt a tucuro
<br /> .=.:.e� o��t oya,bses or derrwflos the Proparly In eny materiai respect oT subJect'a�r�rty to ssixuro,conflscation,a conderrnatbn:
<br /> -- ��aeeks to nvoks,teminate or oth�twlsm Ilmit N�Itab�Nty undsr anY 9u��Y
<br />� (e) dfea,b�cort�ea legaliy Incortpetem,is dasoNsd or temiinatad,beaornea InaoNent,mekea en asslgnmant for ihe b�n�fit of cnditae,(alt�ta paY
<br />_---- debta a�they beco+rie due.II105 H{Ki1Ii1M UIIf�Of llle�ldKAI b9I1IQUPICSI IHVY6,has en irnoluntery petition In banlwptcy flled In wi�kh Gronta.Bonawa
<br /> --� ��..�._�,.,.�.ns.*wd,or has oronarty teken under eny w�t or process ot court: �_u�:
<br /> �,_� (� a�lows poals to be ueed.iranspon�d ar�tored on 1hs Property�lh9 pocs�ssion,uanaporiaiiv���w a��i��'�h.�.,
<br />--= (p}allows any Farty other than Orentor o:Borrower to ascume or undertaka any Obtl9atlon without Ihe w�ittan oot►iant of I.�ndar;a
<br /> _� (h) cau�ss Lendx to d�em Il�elf Inaecure duo to a slpnlftcam decllne in the vslua of the property;or ff Lendar,In good(aith,tor eny reason,bcllsv�a
<br /> — that the proapec:t of payrnsnt a perfortrena is Impelrsd.
<br /> 10. RKi19T9 OF LENDER ON dEFAULT. If thero It a defuiR under this Deed ot Trust,L9�I�IN 6h8II IIY Mt(tisd to exerdss orn or rtare of tha toNowirp
<br /> — rMrnd�s wnhout notica ar d�rt�ar�d(•xcept es r�qulnd by lawy:
<br /> (a)to d�dan lh�Obltpetlona irmiedlatay due end payable In tuli;
<br /> (b)to oolleetths ouf�tendng ObllOatione whh orwRhout resorling to Ju�dal prooeaa; «�att�i�Gonstltutinp the PropeAy et e pinee roawn�NY
<br /> (c) to requU�Grentor to d�Uv�r and R�avdlai�ls 4o Lendsr eny personal prop�rly
<br /> comrenl�►yt to Orsmor end Lender,
<br /> (d) to snter upon en@ takg posfaaslon ot tha Property wlthout epplying ta or obtdninfl tiw appolrttmuit of a noehrer end, at Lander's r�ptloin,ta
<br /> r�i,k bdn0^I t�indrd t Und�r eh9Jlhaw trhi�s ca tractual�Ob�ll�lnl a��r; otherwlsa m�ming any atatutory oondtlonn npardin0
<br /> (e) to�{oy a rt�nsgkp a0�nt af the Prop�rty end I�t Ih��artw,eith�r{n Tnutes's own nartr ot�f n� of L��'�d �d on acoa��
<br /> roaiyo th�rxit�.Incom��.I���nd profite ol tha Property and epPty the eam,after peymerrt �Y 9e
<br /> the Obll�tlons:
<br /> (Q to psy any wrtr In any form o►manner deertied sxpodfa�t by Lender to prmect the sacurity of thla[Hed af 7n�st or to curs eny delauft otMr than
<br /> — payrrnrrt af Imereat or prindpol on th�Obi{pntlons;
<br /> (q) to torscbs�thlo DMd o!Trutt Judldalty or na►judfclai�Y end to dirost the sels o1 the propMy through�xatda uf iho Pn+N�r of�al�e���f�nrt�sd In
<br /> — —• perap.aph 20 he�eol tn saaorder�with cppl{caWe law;
<br /> (h):o eet-ofl�?�-nt!+�e(?151kM�1ona aaafn:l any arrounta owetf Grantor bY Lender induding. bu�rx�1 Ilmltad to, monNs,Inswm.m�, end depoNt
<br /> ecco�xita mehtafn�d wNh I.aidsr or any aurenty sxlating a futuro ettillate o(Lendsr,end
<br /> � (q to�xordw all other ripht�avdlebi�to Lender unti�r any other wdtten agreement or applicable law.
<br /> — Lend�r'�e tlphts w eumulaUw and may be exardad toget�M�perately,end��ins Orrsnta Grerrto�W�a�iv�s tMhe poatinguof any bond w�ng tfa
<br /> reoovKy►ot any of tN�Properry by way ot a preJud8menl re In an actiun
<br /> +�� otheiwiss b�nqulrod. LendN'or Lender'e desl9n�e mey(xirchase the Propsrty at eny�ale. ProeMd�ot eny Trutt�s�eale hsramdQr rhatl b�
<br /> ntat,to th�eost�end exp�nse�of axarcJdng thepowor of aele end of tne sels,InducNnp the pa_yrrrnt ot ths Ttu�tw'a i�ea actuaAy Incurt�d and not to
<br /> oxce�d�erraum whkh m4y b�pro+Aded f�r�n thls�sed ot Trust,sxond,to payrtwnt oP tho owigationa�eairod hereby,third,to the paym�nt ot nkx
<br /> - -- tN�t d�ed�,morlpep��,a other Ilenhoid�re,and the bdance It eny,to the person a peraons lepaliy sntitlad iMreto. The proWsrty or eny pert thereo�ma>>
<br /> s�haq n�ot oxQN�ngu�l or exhaubi�thenpav�r unle s the �proporty Is sold or'the obllpatlonxia ars peld n�one or mae exardses ol tha power herein grantod
<br /> -_'�� 20. 1RU8TEE"S EX�RCI8E OI�POWER OF BALE ON OEFAULT: If Londor olects to soil Grentor's Intereat In the Properry by exerd�of the powsr of
<br /> ,�,ti;.�;a sate herein corrtein�d,Lender shall notliy Trustee In tho mannor then roqulred by I�vu. -
<br /> _,,.,_.�� -
<br /> v ���� Upon reoelpt ot such notico of Lender end at tha�frection of Lendor,Trustee shall cauee to be recardod,puWished end dailvered such noticos ot defeuft _
<br /> =-�`'`�'� end notla�ot sde as may then be required by law snd by this Deed ol Truct. Trustee shdl,anly at tho dUo�tlon of Lender and wilhout dernand on Grenta. _
<br />=-� att�r weh t{rne ae may then be�Ind by law end after recordatlon of aueh notlee of cktautt�id after notioe af sele havin�heen given se r�ulred by lew,
<br /> �°�-'�, se11 t;»prone+ty et tha t{sr�snd aco of calo Iixed by R In Euch notice of sate,efther as�vhola or In sdperate bte or parce s or itema as Lender shall deem
<br />'rwi�_'%;�� exp�d�n9,and In wch order ae k may determina,e1 publlc aucilon to the hlgheat Ndder ta cash In lawlul rmney of the UnRed Stataa poyable at tha tlme of
<br /> ���-��� sale,a as otheiwl�e may thon be requlrod by law. Trustee ahell dellvar to auch purchaier or purchasaro theroot its good end su�fictent deed or daeds
<br />.-V`:�jLL��� corneying the property so wld,twt wNhout any covc�nant or war►amy,expreas or ImAllai. Tho roeltels!n cuch dsed�of1�y���of T 6sioe rre =
<br /> oondustvs ptoof ot the tr`ulh(ui�lhoreaf.�Any pers�v I���ng}hiAh�o o��tation,dremor,Trusteo or Lender,may pu Y
<br />.:_�,:•.r� in inuii�rini Fw�,:a:o:e.�p�p....r-��--- -•=•-—•� � . . -
<br /> �L'� 21,RC�UGS7 FOR NOTICH9: Cirantor rc: ueste thnt a copy of any notico of dc�feult and a copy of any nmlco of eale hereunder be malled to each pereon
<br /> r q d
<br /> •x f who la e perty hereto at iho addrea�ol such peraon cot lorth horeln at tho samo tlmo end In the same mannor requirod as though a aoparale request _
<br /> '1 � thoreof had been f�led by oech such peroon.
<br /> , :y� �
<br /> " °� -
<br />_.,�
<br /> ;
<br /> Pepe3d8
<br /> NE�OTC Rw.1178� -
<br />