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<br /> (n) All nopllarb!o Inwo nnd roguintlonn,Inuudinp,withotA Ilmtelion,ihe Amertcane k�llh Dlsabliflloa Act,M12 U.B.C.38ctlon 72101 et at�q.(en
<br /> � � r��sulminno premutgatesl thereunder)nnd all zoning and buliding laws and rmgulatlonn rolnting to Iho Proporty by vlduo ol any fodarN,ctato or rruMcipnl
<br /> �U1h0�lty Plll71�UdELCUIOPI OYCP lh0 RfOPCfiy,prucentiy nro and cNrJl b�o4�crveri cnd comis!!ed with In ell matedat rospecle,and n�l riphta,Iiconsas,
<br /> pormilo,enJ c�ni(l�atos ot occ+�p=ncy(Ine!ud!nti but not Ilmit�d lo zoninn�vcrlanc�n,cpcclel oumptlono lor nonoontortninp usqn,an4 f�nol Incpcc4lon
<br /> • upprov[sle),whethor lempomry or pom�annn�,whlch aro rnatodal ta tho uoo and octupancy ol iho Propr.riy,ptoccNiy uro and chall b� obiclncd,
<br /> ' pnoarv�d end,�vharo naceatary,ronewad;
<br /> - (d) Orantu ha�the rlght end 1�duty amharized to ex�cuts and p�rtorm its Obllpatlona under�hle�ond ol Truet end these actlone do not and shall not '
<br /> con0lct with Iho�rov!sione o1 eny atatuta,ragul�ion,ordinance,rule o1 law,con:rncl or other e�oanunt which mny be Wnding on drantor nt any tirrx�: t0
<br /> . (c) Ra cctl�n o►�oceeA!np Is or�hall b�p�ndinp o�ihnet�nW whlch mlpht mat�rfally efi�cllYe Property;and
<br /> � ntar hae not vlotat�d nnd fhall not vloleta any etatuts,r�pulatlon,6fWI18IlOO,�ulA 0118'w,COi11�L'CS 0►Dl S'►I�he P�1(II1dU�fQU bu�o'„'I��D ��of��
<br /> (f) Qra
<br /> _..�,, iho:a�aucmtnp Haacrc!niro Mnted�e)whlch rric�ht matedNiy af(ect iha Property or LundePo rightn or ime Pe►�Y J.
<br />� .-,:---_:�-�—,,�y- INiL ____-_,.
<br /> 1
<br /> x."""�`'�t on PRgc��EB ettach�d�to th i Oe�d of Tr�uot�whloh Cirentor�apr�ea�to�pay and p�ertom�i In e tlmely gma nlo8 alllhe�nrehanyr p lorydeed,ot tN6t ihen0 '�1:�
<br /> '�"""'�`'} aramor agr+n to pay sll emoum�ow�d,cnd Perform all oWlQntlom requlr�d,undsr auch d�eds ol truat nnd ihe Indebtadneee ae�:ured thero4y and lur►her _,�
<br /> hN1lli'or n�ths�Obll�atlonsrto wh�ch Len�der wauld be em8ied Intha levem rflany oteh�e�t�d�+iFauli��d ehall smtil�Lend�r to al!dghte nnd remedlee wntaine� ,.r
<br /> �%1� �°
<br /> . � . `� .;u�,
<br /> � � 4. TAAN^.�GR9 OF 7HE PROPER'fY�R BENEFICIAL IN7ERE8T8 IN aR�T�R��i�ed�Ril��or eny int roat th aln,0�01 ell o rany b�enofidaf�e _._�_?
<br /> contr��t fav dNd or trenater ta eny psrwn of all or eny pM of th�reel proparry � �y.�
<br /> Interest In Barower or Qrantor(it BoROwar or t3remor le not a natur�il1 r:on or paran��:it la a corRoratlon,Ilmlted Ilahili co nernhi�,trusL or �___
<br /> ather I�pal entity),Lender may,et Ile option declare thn outstending prinelpel be�en�s ot the Obtipatla�s piva accrued Intareat thereon Imme�latmly due end -
<br /> P
<br /> payat,l�. At L.�ntMr's nqueat,Qrantor or Borrower,an the case mey be�ahelt lumish e corrplete etatement s�tting lonh ell of Ite atocldioldera membero,ar �a=_
<br /> •� pertnere,a�epproprlat�,and the exlent ot thelr reapective ownershlp Intereate. r.�_.
<br /> �. ASSKiN�IENT OF R@NTB. In conslderatlon of the ObIlBatione,which nre secured by thie Doed of Trutt.�rantor eGsolutely acslpne to Lander all �Z�
<br /> Qrentor's estele,dahL title,IntereaL dalm end demend now owned or heroinhe Pro�lr� ell euch leasis endapnelmse5whethsrw��en a��oral�are
<br /> extsnsbna,renewars and aublea�e�Z,ell agreemenis for us�end oaupens:y �m��asea,to�wther wNh the Immediate end contlnuing r1g�t to
<br /> �� h�raaft�r rof�rred to ea the't.easas),end aliguarentiea of teaseas'parfom�nca undsr the y �--
<br /> , , cdl�ct end raalw all of the rema,Income.r1�Ipt�Y u��the��Leas�e�flor fran�or�erlWn�out of th�Pr roporhr(ncJudinG iminlmum rsn si�additlonal rentsf �_
<br /> �� ' eny natura caNng dun durinp eny red�mpt Pe ) _
<br /> , . percontepo rente,parldng or common area malmena�ce oWnlrlbutions,tax end Inwrenu conidlwtlons,degclonnY nnts,Ilquldat�d derrietree rolloxting _
<br /> " defauB in any Lease,r�l proceeds paYable under any policy of Insuranca covorinp loae of rems tosulting from uMenenteallty ctrused by deatructlon or �_
<br />� � •-•:.�%� de►rw�to ths Prop�Ay, all proceeds pQyahle ae a rssult of a le�sw'e exwciw ot en optlon to purchaso the Propeny,ell prooeeda derivod hom the --
<br /> temYnetlon or reJ�ctio►i of eny Lease In e bsnkruptcy ar other Inaolvencyproceedng,end ellproc�sds Irom any r1gMt and dalme of eny Idnd which Grantar
<br /> rre hava�nst eny Nssee under th�Leasen or eny occuPante of the Proparry(all of iha ei»v�ere hereaftor coGectively reterred to es the'Reme"). Thla
<br /> : •n•.r�rt ee�msniTa eubJrct to the dgM,powor end authority gN�n 2o ihs 4�ender to cdl�ct end e�pp�y th�Rsnts. Thls nttlpnment b racordod In accordence wlth
<br />'�;1.� ,:,•• eppl s�tate law;ths Iien aeats�by thls nsalgnment Is Irrtend�d to be spedflo,pertect�d�end choate upon ihe�ecording of thla Deed of Truct,NI as
<br /> provlded by appilcabl�stats law ae artien�sd hom time ta time. A�bnp as lhera Is no delsufl und�r the Obligatbns w thle Deed of Trust,Ixndsr gre�te
<br /> ` c3rantor a revocaGia llcanse to oallect ell ReMS hom 9ha Leaaee when due and to uss auch procaeds In(3rantoYe bualnosa operetlone. Hawewr,Londer
<br />'_+"''�^�'•� may et ony tims requtr�Granta to depoalt ell Rents Into en ecooum me�me�rnd bY arentor or Lon�Mr at L°nder'e institution. Upon defeult In tha payrtrnt
<br /> , of,a In th�perPamence o}.eny of ths OWlga�lona,Lendsr may at its optlon talu posassion?ot�P��re�csivs eiI R�nt��mfrom he��Prop�rtY e�Lin�
<br />-•••a •�°` pr�rt on temr end tor a p��lod of time lhat I.snder deerres prop�r. Lendsr msy pr�e�ed � ��r�y�y�I RenU in
<br />' j � • .w,l�Iuve h,ll oower to mek,o akaretlons,renava?lor,s,repellrs a replaoerr►ante to the P aa Ler►d�r may dasm Prope•
<br /> :.�;'.;�.•:.:�t . oi ii��vo'si Gi�'$w�'�.:�='°' s ��Ira and��ofeo�rronto end mV
<br /> Lensfer's eol�tJisa�tbn to psyrtwnt of the c71�Iilgctlons or to tne pa'lnwni � �d the menagement end ratbn of the Property. L�nder maY ke�p�h�
<br /> cl
<br /> '"°;��.xaia expenaea Ind�Mnt to taWng end reteining pos�adon of the Property petladi ly °� �
<br /> �:`?+%i%�i,.,,, prep�rty properly inwred and mey diacher0�enY tex�a,char�ee,dalrr�,asaosmente end other Ilene whi m�ey�a�oc►ue. The e nse end cost ot theae
<br />'`�`��-i:'•' . a�,y{om may bepek1 6om the Rents rocelved,and any unpeld emourrts ehall be addsd to ihe prindpal of�M vG�getiona. fl�eso amaunte,togethor whti
<br /> `""°S'�"`= ' othe►coste.shail becoms pert of ths Obllgatlons secured by this Deed ot Trust.
<br />=�=�i_�� :
<br /> ._T�.�.'"'_.�.•�7
<br /> — _.__�,� e. LEASEB AND OTHER A(iREEMENTB. aramw shall not take or(all to take any aalon whlch rrey cauw or p�mit tho termination or the w8hhoidinp of
<br /> -_- _�:y nnY PaYmom In oonnac!lon wNh eny Luaee a othar at�reemem('Agreement"?Perte(ning to the Prnperly. In edditbn �rarta�wlp�t'l�er�uix'�pria albw a
<br /> u,.„`"-`� conant.ehall not:(n)cd{�ct any monNs PayabN unckr eny Agre�menl rtwra than one month In eduanca;(b)rrioafY Y� ����� �
<br /> - '�?� Ibn, �aairtry Intonst or other�naxrb�noe ro be pleced upon Oramor'e rlgh7e,titie end iritereat In end to my Agnertbnt PflY
<br /> r--��=�'S-''� thersunde►;a(d)temdnato a cancel nny Agc�c+ment exce�rl for tho nonpayrt�ant of eny sum w other mdtsrlal br�ch bY th�othx party tMrelo. If GrwRor
<br /> �•���'°�::� raoelvee et eny tlme any wdttan comnunkation eseaning e detsult by Cirantor urxfa en Aprser►bnt o►PurportlnG to brmina4e or canCel any Aflreerr�enl�
<br /> .l_....�.-.
<br />----�^a:�a."",�� Orentor shalpr�rtpt1Y forward ecopy ot sueh cortrr�unicatlon(and any eubsequent eorrrrxmicatlons rNating therNo)to Lond�r. All auch Agreernente and
<br />--�:-=^��� ths emnu�rle du�to araMor thanunder ere hsroby asslgned io Lender as ed�itlonal aecurily br ihs Oblfgatlona.
<br /> :.ktf^.
<br /> �"�`�"�� 7, COLLEC710N OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM 7NIRD PARTY. Lender ahsli be entit{ed to notiy a roquln(iramo►to noti�y sny thl�d parly(IndusYny�but
<br /> `��°`-�'� not Ilmitsd to,laacc��.Ilcenseoa,povemmantel au►hwN{ea end Insurence companlee�to pay Lender enY Indsbt�dnea�or o6lipalion owlnp to Cirenta wNh
<br /> ��=«r��?� respoct to the Proparty icumu�a��ve!y indebledness')whethar ar not a defauH exlate under this Oesd of Trust. Qrarttor �hatl dliganttY colleet iho
<br /> Indsbledn�ts owing to(3ramor from tha�s third perNss untli tha givfng of auch notifleat!on. In tha ov�nt that Qrentar pouesaa a r�csives poseesabn ot
<br /> ---"��a nny instnim�rtt�or ottwr re�rittarias wHh roapact to ttis Indebtedrwia(oliowing tho givinp of su�h notiflca�lon a ff th�instrument�or attwr remtttences
<br /> _M:�� constNute the pr�pnynxnt ot any Ind�Madrbaa or the payrna+it of any Inwrenco or condermation proeesd�,CireNor shall hotd�uch In�lnxnenU end other
<br /> --�-_-��' rerrittances In trunt ta Lendv epart trom ite other propery,endons tne Instrumarrtd end o�hsr remluance�to Lsnder,end IrmNdiat�ly provfds Landerwith
<br /> _ _ poss�s�ton oi tfw Instruments end other remtnences. Lender ahall be eiriftiad,but not required,to cdlect(by lepal proca�k►9�o►elhsrw��I,extend tho
<br /> -=--�� t!ms tor peyrrwnt,ca�xordce.exchanga�or rol�oase any obllgor o rcoll�ete►alf or ott�rwiso cett{a any ut ths Indat�tednees whethw a not en svem ot de(ouN
<br /> --�-� exis��und.r ii da Ay�a:���'st. Lond;r M,�,no;r.::�s.c 4�r:ntor._._.,_._.!�n,errer,rr��nko.omisslon or dotaypertNninp to the actlonn desaf6ed In this =__
<br /> � ----__��� ��� � �y darr�a resulUng therefrom Notwithatending tho fuegoing, nothing horNn shaU eauae Lender to be deemed a _-
<br /> M°'=� mortgagse�ln-poa�s�elon.
<br /> =.�r�r+r�,•�L
<br /> :,��,.u�.�� 9. USE AND MAINTENAliCE OF PROPERTY. aramor shall take ell actions and meke any reaelro neaded to melnteln the Properry In good condit on.
<br /> �-��,^ Grentor ohall nct camrt or pemit eny weste ta be oumNnad with respect to the Property. C�rantor she11 use tha Property solely In compllancs with
<br /> � applkeblo law end inwrenoo polldea. ��antor shall not make any olteratlons,addtiona or Imp�ovemems to tAe Properry w(thout Lender's prlor wtltton
<br /> �-`_���. cons�nt. 4Yl�hout Ifmitir►{�the tongoing,all etlerationa,addiilane end irtprovementa made t�the Property shell be aub}ect to ths henetidol Intorest bmlonping -
<br /> to Lender,ahall not Be romovad without Lender's prtor writtan oonac+nt,end shell be mede at C3rarrtor'e sole expenso.
<br /> ''�-�=�'��� p, LOS8 OR DA�RADE. Grantor shall bear the enllre dek nf nny{oas,thefl,deatructlon a dartgpe(cu►nu�ativety'Losa or 0amage)to the Property or any
<br /> - ' `:�� porlion thereot ftom eny cauae whatsoever. In the evont of eny Loss or Darnage.Ctrenta shali,at the option ot Lender,repelr tho�nifected Property to Ite _
<br /> _- '- praAoua con d it ion or pny or cause to be p a ld to Lender the dec►ease In the talr merket valu0 ot tho aftected Properly. �A.
<br /> 10. INSURANCE. The Property wlil be kept Inaured for Its tuli insurab!e value(ropIacemern cost)age�nst ell hazarda Induding loss or darrege causodby �
<br /> � ' flood,earlhqueke,tomr.�do erd flre,thaR ar othar cnsualty to the extent requlred by Lender. Orerrior may obtaln Inaurenoe on the Property from such F;--
<br /> '�`` oorrpnnIe a�ere exepin41e to Lendar In fte sote discrotlon. The Ineurence polides ahall requlre the Insurance companY to q�ovlde lender wHh at lenst �:,
<br />° 3� daye'wdtton nottoo before such polidaa oro attered or cancelled In any manner. The Insurence polldes shail nartie Lnndor aa n loss �,-:_
<br /> �, py""a ee en�d-e that no ect or omiaslon of C3rentor or any otherporaon shall aNect ihe dglit of Londor to be pald the Ineuranee procseds pertalning to the �
<br /> lo�a or d�rtmga af the Property. In the event�rentor talls to ac�ulre or mcilntain Insurance,Londar(eftar provlcing nmice ae may be requlred bv law)may
<br /> e and tearin
<br /> In ite disaetlon prACUre approprIate inturanco covorego upon the Property end tho Insurance coat shall be en advanc�payebl g 7nterest as +.
<br />'`- .t,�a�� described�n paregreph 23 and ceaired hereby. Grentor shali fumish Londor with evidence of Insurence Indlcating the requlred covorage. Londer rrey act `
<br /> au ettomsyIndact tor Qrentor in maWng end settling dalrrss under Insuranca polides,cancolling eny pollcy w�endorsing�rantors nartie on any draft or
<br /> ______ ___ negotisbie Insirument drawn by eny Insurer. Ail such Insurance Ildea Ehall be Immadlatoly asslgned,plangea end dellvered to Lender as tunher secuHty
<br /> ._._n�...,,,..��...a,...i..�.�.r.tffan nn�lm and l.ender la euthorized to meke proof o(losa. EaCh
<br /> ---��;r.� to�ihe Clougationn. in tno aveBi vi ii,S6.:��o���� a.�o.���..��••••••-v v._ -..-. .....-- -
<br /> ' Insurence company is directod io meke payments diroctly to Londor Insteud of to Londer end Qrentor. Londor sh�ll have the rtgM,at its sote opaon,to
<br /> apply such ma�les toward the ONigations or toword the oost of rebulldfng nnd rostoring Ihe Prapnrty. Any nrnwrtta rtuiy at Londer'o optlon be npplied In
<br /> tho Invarse orda►ot tho due datoa thereot.
<br /> 11. Z�IINd AND PRIVATE COVENANTB. arentor shall not Initlato or consont ta any change In tho zoning provislons or prlvate ccvenente allocting tho
<br /> � uso ot tho Property without Lendor'e prtor writton consont. Ii Cirentor's uao of tho Prnporty bacomes a nonconforming uso undor eny zonrg�ovl�lon,
<br /> �rantor nhall not causo or perrHt such uso to Ba dlscontlnued or abandoned without the prtor written wneont of I.ondec Cir�ntor will irmiediote y provide
<br /> �� Lendor wfth written rotltA ot eny proposod changes to tho zoninp provislona or private covensnte eftecting tho Pro(wny.
<br /> � 12 CONDEIIMrAT10N. Graantor shsll Immediately provldo Londer with written natice ot any actut;l or thrcatened condemnatlon or ominent dorrmin �
<br /> „ �n��n�nt of lsndoPe ntt mo �a faoa8iegal exponseo androthor�(Inc�ludlrt ngti�apprNsel f�s�n cannoctlon wl h thee o�ndermat on�o romtnent
<br /> irst to the payme Y '
<br /> • cbmain ptocoedings ctnd ihon,at tho optlon of Londar,to tho paymont of the Ok�llgations or the restoretlon or rep2lr ot tho Proporry. �,
<br />,.. .j
<br /> NEAOTB Rhr.1191 a�.2as
<br />