,:� ' . , .. . . _.. � - -
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<br /> �2. 9ECURiYY MTERE9Y UNDGR TFiE UhIPQRkO CtM�11VtER�IRI C�DE. Thle Doad of Trunt ahall 6e coneldered and tx+efloctive aa a flnendnf�
<br /> � ntatRmeM and e Ox1uro(iling purauani to Ihe pravlslons o1 the UNtorm Qortrrn�rdnJ Cocb(ae adoptnd In tho stata whcro tho real proloeny le locaton)
<br /> esva�in6(Ixiures,cha�tc!�,end r.►llc4os o4 percoml progorry naiv o•:�n:.�d or hareatter Qitached to or to be usod In oonnectlon v�lih ihe Pro�ony togethor wlth
<br /> " r..ny cnJ r.!I rcp!^c�r�b:nts Eh�rcol cncl r.dD,llon�Ih�rcto(tho'Ch�itcla'),ond�rantar hsroby pranta Lnndor a�ocudty Interact In oueh Chaticl�. Tho d:,btar In
<br /> tqe arontot ekietlbecl atiav�. Yhir poeci of i rwt will bo o(iactiva ns o 6nnndng cintem:m I�lcd aa n fixturo Illlr�e�L'h ro^Pcct to c!I(Ir.turea Inelud�d e�ithin
<br /> � ea,tdpreM��and Is ta be lilsd for rocord In tho reel estata record�of eech county whero wy pM ot celd premisea(inclu�inp suld fixturas)la aituatud. Thls
<br /> ;; t�� Dwd ai Trun�hall uw b��H�ctivb es a 8nandnp etaUm�nt covsdn0 eriY mhrrpr�rrUee and mey bo Olod In�y otherap�xo�rfata iilln8 or rocording
<br /> ���, affloa. A uubon,plwtoQrephb or oth�r repraiuctlon of thle U�d ot Truat w of any M�nGnp steUrn�nt relating to thla Daed o1 Trust she�bo auMiciem a�a ,.,,:.
<br /> � lindnclnp stat�mem to��rry o}th�purpoa��rstrrtad to In Shls Puepreph. Th�a�cund perty le the Lender d�sc�lbad above. Upon dsrtwnd,(3rentor Ehril! ,�_:
<br /> � scr
<br /> .".•-. `:•�' ma:a.cxc�u!!and�Whrer E�w�h R.curity s{�x��ts(��wch t�rm b ddins�rl In eald Unitorm CammerdPl Codo a9 Londor n� en time may Jeam�
<br /> ��:�'-„� n�ce�wy or prop�r ar requU�d to pr4m to L�ndK�_p�rl�clsd�sudry Int�tat In th�Ghaneis,and upor�(ir���io�'�fd�ura ta�i sa.Lcn�r is�u!hrdz�d to� •'':
<br /> �� eny wehe�vamenl pb iha ay�m o}Qrentor. c3rantor hormby�ulho�lzee LencNr to f�e finenGng etetameme�e��uch t�rm la defln�d In sald Unitorm
<br /> - ��-�'� r� rrdal C.�xY)wkh r�wact lo t�Ch�ii�lo,�i cny tlnu,r�iihoul th�c!anzturo ol C?rcntor. �mmor wlll,however,nt eny time upon requeat af Lsnder, ��.
<br /> y�� ; {1�1 WC���11i11CIfIQ tl�t�rtwnte. �nntor wGl pay di Allnp tKS ia m�tuing ot wcn onancirw siyi�i�ali:aiw Ivi tiB fv�`�`...�..r:!�:����"'�==••'-�'-'I..rl�In u - -
<br /> -� Ih�opinloa�o!Wnd�r,by a�d UNtam Conm�rdal CodY• it the Ilen ol thle Oesd ot Tnist be subJect to eny secur(ty aprM►nem covering the ChatlNa,than� ¢�
<br /> In th�w�nt of any detnuit und�r thie De�d ot TnieL ell tho Nph6 titb end Int�rss►ot Grent�r In end to eny end ail 01 the Chattete Is Mrahy a��Ipned to � � ..
<br />- __-a� I,�rrd�r,top�ttwr wflh th�b�n�fit of any d�poslt�a paym�nt�now a heroefter mada thereot by arantor or the predeceenora oe succeaeora In title ol� .:�
<br /> Qrantor In th�PropMy. �
<br /> � � �� 23. REI�AQURSEMEWT 0F AlIA01JNTS 67tPCW0ED BY LENDER, Lsnder, et Lende�r�n�!lon,may expend tunda pndudinp ettomoys'teea end logal ..-
<br />_;;,,;:�..�,� � t or r of I.ender undor thla Oeed ol Tniat. Upon demend,Qrantor`"�
<br /> _-,-:�. �� oxpancas)to p�rtertn ar.y act requlred to be taJc�n hy C3ron.a or to exerdse anY rfph e+i�eaY . _
<br /> ��;.,YL� �hall ImrndiatNy nlmbun�l.enci�+�o►al�wch errburct�exP°nd�d bY L�end�r 1°�°�her w��h Inten�t thenon et the{ower ot tho hldhest rato dasatbcd In�ny
<br />-���".x!�';'iii Obiipation or ths h��t ret�aflow�d law frwn G�a�w ef p:yr�nt untll th��:to o}re!r►�urt�!rtr_nt. Theae Riims shall he Induded In the deflnitlon ot
<br /> �rm��
<br /> .- ;,: , Obi{petk�ns herNn end shaH b�t�wr by th�bsn��del IM�rott rR�d horeln. II the Obligatlone ero Patd aRer the beglnning ot publication of notfce af
<br /> a
<br /> -"��7;° �al�,a�horoin provld�d,or In th�svant l.ondor shall,st Ite eote opt on,psmdt f3rantar to paY eny pan ot the Obll tlann after the beglnninq ot publ{catlon ot
<br /> �^{��e notla ot�xN,ef h�rNn prov{ded,th�n,arentor ahall pay on demend ell expenae�Incurt80 hy ih9 TN51l9 9lld�nder In cmnect{on with sald publlcatlort,
<br /> �%•� Indudlnp n+��onab�a attom�Y+'(sQS lo th�attomeye tor tha Trusteo end tor tho Lenckr,ond a reasonable fee to the Trustee,tand this peod o}Trust shall be
<br /> �cn:o��ari MCIXItY IW aIl{LLCh f%{1�fIN�Blld fMi.
<br /> --�-+������ 21. APPLICATiAN QF PAYA�ENTB. The Truste��hail aoWy ths prooe�ds ot the trustee'e sale flrat,to ths costs end expansea o}exerdsing the powx of
<br /> •al�arW at the�ato,ind ttbtwyrr�er�t ot iha Tru�aa'c ts:a cetu^1y incurted rAt to exceecl I�e amounl whld�may be provldod tor In the Deed of Trust,
<br />�-=���+,,.�,�t��y�� raoor►d,to p�yrt�nt o11�ipatfon wcured by ihe Deed of Trust,thfrd,to�he peymont of Junlor deeds of truat,matpeqea cx other Iler�holdere,end tha
<br /> " HelanC�,II erty.to th�p�fson or psnons Iognlly entitl�d ihKeto.
<br /> Fj"�1*�
<br /> -_�.'�'��'.
<br />:%s�s;,��. 2e. POWER OF AiTOfiHEY. Gronta hereqyeppoInte Lender an Ita attomeyIn•fact to endorse c3�enior'e nama on sll instr�menta end other documem�
<br /> �to tM Oblipatiom a DNd of Tru:l. In addition. LendK�hall be ernRfed• Iw1 not rapuired,to wrtorm any acllon or executo eny documant
<br /> rp�u rl�d o be tafun ar�xawted by�rnntor ur�r thls Deed of Trust. Land�r'�psrtomnncs ot wch actlon or�x�cutlon of such documents chail not
<br />'`�_�--'� rN{ws Grantor from eny OhVOatlon or cure eny default under thle�ead of Trust. Nf pwers ot attomey descxil�ed In thle Deed of 7rust era coupted witfi an
<br /> ---- = Im�rost end are Irtevocabk.
<br /> ;�;q�� 2d. SU@RO�A710N C1F LEND�R. Londor shall b�uubropatsd to the rigM�of ttw hokMr af any prsvlous Ilen,ascurfy Intnreit a encumbrenoe _
<br /> _- _ti�,�� �Jsdwp�d whh funds advarroed by I.snde►repud�a of whether thet�Ikna,securlty Int�reste or ottNr�narmbrenc��ha�ti Gaen rekased af noord.
<br /> --_ — Tl. COLLECTiQl1 CQSTS. To 1M�xt�M psrtNri�d bv law.(irentor��a tApny Lend�r'�ne�tonahle tea a,nd coh�.lndu�ny,bul not Ikr�t�d to,Ga�
<br /> -� end co�t�ot nttan�y�and oths►ap�nu(Indudln0 whhari Ilmitatlon�a�cierlu end oonwfteutU).whoth�r a rot wch attomey a�epsnt I�en
<br /> ��o�af L�ndor,whlch on Incurt�d by Undmr ln collectl�D eny orrwum a sntordnp eny rlaht a nm�dy undw thls Qsed of Truat,whNh�r a not
<br /> � -:..�'f!s���►t!.!r!��rr�,wn not Umlted ta ell tsas end coats incurred on appesl,In benFcuptcy�end for po:t•Judprrnnt odlatlon ections.
<br /> ° 20. PARTIAL fiELEABE. Lnnder may�e►oaa Rs Im�ro�In eport}on of 1M PropMy by�x�cutlnp arKi r�cord�ona a mas PMial D�of
<br /> paoo�r�yanc�wfthou!aHu:ilnp fte Im�ts�l in th�nmdnlr�ponior+o}tt�Prop�rty. kothhD h�nin�hall b�d�rwd Yo oWlaats UrKMr to ref�aa any of Ra
<br /> -- Im�mt In th�P (�xapl as nqulnd undsr Perapreph 38 or af may be othe�rwyls�requlnd�Uy�dlaw►�nor shell L�ndarbe obllpat�d to nNaa anY P�
<br /> --— ;�rt�p p�rop o y�l�tyta I�u��In t�hs m�Ds�d�of 7nir that Is�rwt tt�is w�bjs�d of thls a snsy P�artial D�ssd�of R�icom°f eyana�n In df�ct with roap�ct to
<br /> 2a, MODIFICA710N I,NO WAtVER. Th�modifleatlon or walva of eny et Crentor's Oblipntlon�a L�ndar's �t�und�r ihis Oa!ed�f Trutt mutt b�
<br /> oontakyd In a wridnp sl�wd by I.w'�d�r. Lsndsr may Peitorm eny ot eorro�wsr'e a a►emu's Obupulon�,dNay a(eJl to�x�rGea any of iis dpMs a eoapt
<br /> PaY►n�ms from Ciromix or�nyone othsr than aronta vrithart ausk�p p waiwr of riww Obllpuloru nr��. A walwr on oni oeatslon ehaW n�t oon�thuie
<br /> s wW�r on any otMr aoa�bn. Cin�ntor'a�tbns undor thii Dwd af Trust shdl�ot b�afl�cud ifLr�d�r anxr�.�sa exd�sr�all�to
<br /> axwr,��Inpelra a mteawf eny ot tt»Oblipet •6elorqinq to eny aranta.6Ortowa a mib aortN a eny o}ns ri�M� nr�ny(�ta K or
<br /> thtrd perty or eny o}the Propxty. Lend��s teHun to In�lit upon atdct psrforrrpnu of any ot tM Ob1lp�tion�shall notb�dMnwd a wahnr�Lwidrr sh�ll
<br /> — haw th��iyht at iny tlms thKeaft�r to M�Int upan ttrki p�Aamrno�. �
<br /> 90. 8U0sT1TU�E TRUSTFI[=TRU9TEE UABILITYi C����. In ca�e of tf»ciaeth,Inabllity,robeal lo sct a eb�anus ol ths Trust�e hom th�
<br /> �tat�wMn tM nNp�op�rty h loutsd a In ats tho hold�r o1 th�Obl tbns th�N d��in for�ny rwfon to nrtwv�tM Tru�tM or any wb�tltut�trustM ae
<br /> trueUe Mnund�►end tc eppoint a n�w truste�In hb pl�o�end�t�tM hokNr of 1h�ObNpNions i�Mnby prom�d IuN pow�r to�ppolr►t in wdtkw a
<br /> OU�t11U1�t1UitM 10f fA�TNi1M.Md tM�U�UM�tNtIN Ih�H�WIN(1��Ud�b�CNil�/UOOrtiOf t0 ill�If��0�TNStN hYt�llf�dN Stld 1�1�iMM�NI
<br />� b�Cqn�v�tt�d In Mm fa ih�pwpoN�end ol�ct�of tld�Dad of T�ust wl fi ell thepow H,dutNe and oWlpatlonR hersln contarrod on ths Truat�s. Truste�
<br /> - chaH no1 b�Hede(a eny erra ot a act don�by Trust�e�a t»otl»rwis�nspon�Ibl�a acaoumsd�und�r any dreumttanas wh�t�o�v�r.
<br /> Tnrttso st►edl not b�p�rwn�Jly I • cae�of emry by k a enyor►�adMp by vinw ol tM poww�rs h�n��pranl�d B uPon ths DMd ot Treisl la d�bi�
<br /> �nq�d a IiaqNity orderrrp�k�currW In th�menop�rn�n1 0►ap�ntla�o!wld premlwa. T�ustM a�l hav�ths�Q�►t to on�ny in�tnxrrnt,
<br /> ci�axrknt a�Ipruturo authalzlnp or wpportlnp eny�c110f 1�Of pfOpONd 10 bs t8k�f1 by fl hY.NXK�r Of�IIWSd tYy II I��l�lh t0 b�q�n lll(1!.
<br /> Trutlh shell bs eniMbd to nkriwrwmmt(or exp�nte�Incurtad It In tIH par(omnna of Ns dutb�hersund�r end to neeonebls Mrr�nsation►or�uch
<br />--_�- - -� sa�w on�d�fhold it�hamtl s�s hom�end e�pNn��y eindeall lo e��eo�em t�I�to�tl�end e�xpsnfe uw�hats�oiwr Ir�ia�iRS�d�oyr�tn�e preNrtor�rtw�Tor i anN� -
<br /> --- /uI tipMyf(1LyN�d b'y TN6tM fhNl.umil u�d or applied cia herein�o�rIded.bo held In In�at tor thspurpos�e hx whldi th�y w�r�nalv�d,but nwd not
<br /> -- � bo e�prepat�d In any menner from eny other monsya(axcept to tiw sxnnt nqulred by taw)and Trust�e shall be unde►no Ilabilfry tor Im�ratt on eny
<br /> --- npneys ncaived bY It horeunder.
<br /> .�i�a
<br /> �. �=� 3i. BLlCCE88QR9 AND ASSKiNB. This Deed of Truat chall be b!nding upon and Inure to the bonefit ot Cirenta end Lender enc7 thalr reapealva
<br /> --_-= sucaasore,aealpns,truet�e�,recMven,administratoro,panonai representatiwe,legatees rmd devi�a�.
<br /> .��:i�e�5i���
<br /> _ °_°°_�■ 92 NOTICES. ExcepS�s othorwlee roqulred by Iaw,eny notice or othet canvnunicatlonto be provided under this Oaed of Trust shall 6e In wrhing and eerri
<br /> ��� to the paniee at the nddr�aws doccribed In thls Daed ot Trust or auch other edd�oss ee the perttea may dealgnnta In writing frorh time to time. Any such
<br /> ___o,�,- nollce eo piven and s�nt br Brot dass mell,poatags prepeld,shail be deomad glven tha eadNr of three(3)daye after cuch notioo la aem or when racoived
<br /> _--�-------- by the qeroon to whom euch notice le being givon.
<br /> `.�.::..~r:�14:
<br /> Y===�,�rs:.,� 33. SEVERA8IUTY. Whonever posalble oac�ptpvlslon of ihis Deed of Trust shall be Interpreted co ns lo be eftective end valid uncbr epplkable dtate
<br /> �-'�`��;t;��tit��;�.�' �aW ���y P�ovlslan ollhls Doesd of Trust vlotates the law or le uneniorcea�le.the rest oi th�Desd of Trust¢hell oontinue to be valid ond enforaahle. L_
<br /> � '�':���'�F��, Sa.APPLlCABLE LAW. Thie Oeed of Tnisl shall be govemed by ihe Iawa of tho state whero the real property ia located. Unless applfcabla law provides
<br /> -�� otheiwise,�rentnr conasnis to tho JudetBction and venuo oi eny eourt setected by Lendar,ln its sae discrotion,located In that stato. t'
<br />�zc_;1;�:...,.... ;.,
<br /> �����,u;a�� 96. M13CElLANEOUS. Qrantor and Lender agroo that tlme le of thE+easenco. Cirantor walvea preaemmont,demand for Payment,nottce ot dlshonor and _-.
<br /> otest exce�1 es requIred by law. All reterencea to Cirontor In this Deed of Truat shall Indude ellpersons slgning bAlow. If there Is more ihan one Qrentor, :�
<br /> _ -.�--� �nd.oetiaa�(en�sha0 be bint and seversl. Thls Dead of Tsvst represents tho complete Ntegmted underotan�ng between arantor and Londor pertalning to _
<br /> "'i�i'�'�" the terme and con�tions hereof.
<br /> t,:
<br /> ' �, . Q.
<br /> • • � 9E. NO 7HIRD PARTY RIGHTS. No person Is or ehall ba e third party beneticiary ot anyprovlslon of ihls Dood of Trust. Ail proNslons of ihis Dood ot �.
<br />- Truet in fevor of Lsnder aro Intended solely for tho benefit oi Len�Or,and no thircl p�Ay shalf Yo sntitled to aasume ar expoct that Londer wlll not walve or
<br />- � wnsent to the modilicatlon of ar.y provislon of thle Deed of Trust,In Lender's sole disa9tlon.
<br /> � ,t 37. PRES6RVAfl0N OF UABtLITY AND PRtORITY. Without aflecting the Ilablliry ot 8orrower arantor,or eny guara�tor of the Obtlgat�ons,or any other
<br /> .. peroon(excopt a penon exprsssly rateasad!n writingl for the paymenl andpo Aomiance of the bblipatlona,and wlthout etfnctlnp the Hghts of Lender wlth __
<br /> - reaptfct ta any Property not expressfy released In writfnp,and without Impelring In an�yway tho prlority ot thls Deed of 7rust ovor tha Interest of eny percon
<br /> "' acquIred or first evldenced by recording subsequant to Ihd t000rding ot thle C�eed of Trust,Lander may,either bofore or atter tho rmturlty of the Obfigatlonti,
<br /> ' and without notice or oonsent:reiease any porson Ilahlo torpayrtbnt or performance of all or any part ot the Obllgatlons;make anyegreement alterinp tho
<br /> �_ tertns of pa ment or�perlortreneo of till or any part of the Obligatione;exerdso or rotrain from oxordsing or welvo nny dpht or romody ihat Lender rr�y have
<br /> .-t.� � under the�eod o}TrusL•nccopt additional axudty of any Idnd tor any of tha Obllgatlons•or roloase or othonviso doal with any real or personal�xoporty
<br /> •.,•p� ^; securfng the Obllgations. Any peroon acquldng or reoording ovidenco of any Interost of�nny n2turo In tho Praporty shall bo deemed,by acqu!ring such
<br /> �..,J.,..:�. intereat or recording eny evldence theroof,to have consented to all or any such actlons by Londor.
<br />� .' �, NEUOTp RH.11FJ4 Pppetd6 -
<br /> r
<br />