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' � � � Li:. � .. .... , .�� -. --�.� �_' <br /> . , .. -� ' ,�fi .., . - .. .. . • _r:5,�t;,i-'..°.fr�,�—�-=-_— <br /> : .. ., , .., _ _–_ <br /> . . '•�. , . J�.TI°- - <br /> ; _.. .�. -..�w+v�+`"' ]�{iil`�•• ♦• ' ."'.�.� ' . _ . ._. _. <br /> y.�,� .. ._..� <br />� . .. . ��� :','1;... �.. ... •.. Y.r i� __�'�f' . .\il.'@�IO'1^� y _- _. -- -- _ - <br /> ..�. .-_-__ _-_ � <br /> . r -� �. . � - -�yM'I�NW���'K51�V� _ <br /> -xw��v .. ..<.,:�..........._.�---- . _ '"`."'"... �:-. . --�..�.,-..�s <br /> .r..r -- _ . .. . _._ �-- � - � - <br /> ":�'�"� — <br />--n�� � <br />-�-;�° <br /> 19, LENAER'8 R!GliY TO COP�4b1EN��AR dEFEtd01.E�AL ACTIONB. Cirentqr ch in�to L�nd�i�rt n��teo ttde�nlnet ct�t co��mnon;o,intorvono I�n,a d _ <br /> � threatened actlon,sult,or mher proceedlny atfecting tha Proporry. Qmntov her�4y r�po y <br /> detsnd such�ctlono,aulta,or othor i��11 prace�d:n(v end to compromic�or cotll�eny clalm o�comrovore y p onnlnlnp thereto. Lender shall not bo Ilybte to <br /> corntnlned heraln wilf pnv nt Lon4der trom toking tho actlunn donu{E d�n t7�io�parc�ph I�n I�is o�m&r�m��r�or nny damaDos roculiinp th�rcirom. �olhlnp ' <br /> � ` <br /> ` �ry� U, INDEMNIFI�ATiON. Unr3rr ehell not aeaume w be►oaponslNe for thopndomiance cf en�ol Qrantors obllgatlons whh rospoc9 to tho Proparty undcr }� <br /> �t any dreurtatonc�i• Cirnnlw�hNl Ircrrwdiatay provlds Lsnder with w�Htan notice ot end Indertn ty end hold Lender end Ite ehareholdero,d�rectoro,atlicors _'= <br />_�„��. employees end uperts hom�lese Irom NI clalma,„��f0��he�R���ea pncl'nGuding�but not limlted to!�thase tnv Iving Hnzar aus MatarlrJs)��(drnntort upo►� �;• <br /> o,h-r!-p!R►a',�dina+(cumu�ativNy"Clalms'){� °�m( the attcmaye'te6a,lspal expenaes end other coeta Incurnd In <br />"'s� th�request ot Lendar,thall hirs I�geJ cauntel to tHTSnd L.ender tiom wch CIW'me,end�y __ <br /> _��s ��n" .a;tlon the��:,�hti i:��.e1Re:i�hia oLer��a daremr tei she�l�au Yve Ihe turr�n'Qnatlontnrowa:a or forcdo�ro�a hf 9�oeod�T►�Sr�a�a►�me's cost. Qr�ntor'a � o-_ <br /> „ �_ <br /> _ „`"' VN��u��v����...�.._...�_" ' " _ <br /> ---�'� 16, TAX�S AWn A3368SA�ENTB. Qrantor ahall pay eli texes and esseasmants relating to PropeRy when due and Immedlately proNda Londer evidena� f.7 ` <br /> - ==��? at payr►�ri ol anms. Upor�1he roquest of Lender,arantor shell depoalt wNh Lender oach monih ana•twelBh(tl17_)ol the ostir�tod ennual Insurence� �_ <br /> — pt�mlum,tex�a xn�a��easmsnto p�rtdNnp to ths Property. So�onG as there la na delault,those amoums ahail be epplied to ihe peyrt�nt of taxes, a - <br /> p rt <br /> `�+ pe�eny t�axes ad IegNnsr tihe a0b�lpnb�Any funda ea plled�►ney,ai Lender'e optl�nnberaPP►ledanroversehordsr�of he due�dat�the�ytlhe funda ao hdd 40 � <br />:.~� DS ANO RGPOflY9. Orantor ahall�llow Londer or fts egerns to exarNne and Ina the Rroperty <br /> ::�� 1�. IHSPECiK1N OF NROPERTY,Bf36K3,flECOA <br /> =i;r�.� ei�d exr,rr:na.In:�ct:nd�ke oop!e�All of thi agnba urea�end I�n�torr�maPb�n�cont�aloedln Qr�er�ito�r'a���e e�i�d rtimed Q h�l�p�cnu�o,�truo ccure e and � <br /> __— rp�.�irod kry L,�ider for tlwa�Purpo <br /> -_"�`" compbts in r�l nYped�. Orantor�haN note the existence ot Lsnde��benefldal�Msr�at In Ita books and records perteln!ng to Sfie Properry. Additlonally, <br /> (3rantu ahe�°r�po�,In a fortn aatittactcxy to Lender,such Infa�trialbn ao l.�ndor may r �t regardlng Oranto�'s Mandal condiUon or the Property. The <br /> - � In ortretlon lumlahedt by GtenPo►toLendet 6hflll be lnio��accurstedend complete n all�resp�ect�a,rand sig ed y Ora torQf LenYdorge uus s.�y�slsnato. NI <br /> — 17. ESTOpPEL CERTIFlCATE9. Within ten(70)day�aftor any requeat by Lender,Rtantor shall delNer to Londer,or eny Irttended transferee of Lender's <br /> — dghta Nlth rospact to tAe Odi4}atlons,a al9ned and ackr�owla�ad s�a��rr�rn c�.:diying(e)the outstan�inq balanca on tho Obllgatlans;end(b)v�hether <br />-- Qrenta ro��sszss eny cteims,defensas,set-otts or counterda'e�ialt�e1hspect�o�(��98�I�on.'o tho�ln entded tatansferee wiih�respect toet ose mattere In <br /> — ca,nterc�alm.. aruncor wm be oonausl,ra�y aound by enr repr <br /> - the ovent thet Grantor falls to provlda the requested statement In a timely manner• <br /> 10. DEFAULT. Qranta ahell be In defauit under thls Deed cf Trusl and the Trustae's powar shail become operetlue in Ihe event thet Grantor,Borto�Her or <br /> _- anY guarentor of tAe Obiig¢tlons: <br /> (a) (elis to pay eny Ob��9atlon to Lender when due; <br /> (b) (alla to perform enY 061�9aUon or breachea any wartanty or covenant to L�nder con7alned In thta Deed of Trust or eny other presem or tuluro <br /> ��� <br /> (c) destroys,Iosea or darrrages tM Proporty In eny meterfal respect or subjects ihe Property to selzure,coniiscatlon,or conderm� rc <br /> - (d) aeeke to revoks,t�milnats a otherwiae Cmit ita Ilahllity under eny puarent�/to Lender: <br /> (e) die�.becorrbs legally lncorrpetent,Is dissolved a tertrinated,becornas lnsolvant.makes an as�lgnmam to►the beneSt ef creditaa,fallc to paY <br /> de6ts ea lhey taeoorrb due.flles e petitlon undor the federal benlwPtoY laws,has an Involuntary petition In benlwplcy flled In whkh Orenta.Borranrer <br /> — C::S." •f�.'.°J°,n�rv le{wmnti,ot 119D OfOpBR411BkBIl llilf�6�811Y W�ft W�OC83S Of ODllfl; <br /> e�lows goods to Be used,trentjxxted or ctorod on lha Praperty�lh9 pOSEe551IX1�tr2rlspotittiion,i+i iiSo vi niiiws,�a 6��; <br /> (q) elbwe eny perty oYher ihan Grantor or Bo►rower to assumo ar underteke any C�I►9atbn w0houl the written consem of Lender;or <br /> — (h) causea LencMr to�a If In�re�1'Itrto�a f�Iflcant dedine In the velue ot the Property:or If good faith.fu any reason,believea <br /> — that th�P►ctpsct PaY► P� <br /> 10. RKiHTS OF LEHDER Ot�O DEFAULT. If there fe a datauit under thls Deed of Trust,Ler►der shall be entit{oc110 exerdse one+a more of the(dMwing <br /> remeds�wfthout notloe or cbmend(exoepl as roquind hy taw): <br /> -- (a) to dw�ern th�061lpations imrhdlatay dae end payabie In tull; <br /> (b) to cdbct the outatending Obligatlons wRh a wNhout resorting to Wdidal prooeaa; «Chattels constHuting iho Property et a Flace reaeonabiy <br /> (o) to require(3renta to dsliver and meke avallable to Lender eny pensot►al propertY <br /> cor►venient to Cirentor end Lender, <br /> (d) to ent�r upon end taka poaseasion of the Property wflhan epplyln9 ta e►obt�Ininp lM appo!ntment of a recetver end,at Lender'e aptlon,to <br /> app�lnt a reoeiver wNhout bond,whhout 8ro1 brinptng suR on tha Oblipetlona end wNhout otherwiae meating eny statutory con�itlona ragarding <br /> natwrs,8 b�k�intxxlsd that L�nder ahali have thla contrac?ual�IgM to eppoim a recelvx: <br /> (s) to srtiplcy A rtenapin0 a�t o7 tho Propsrty end let the ser►»,sfther in Truitee's own nart�o,in the name of Larxl�r a In the nama of�renta,and <br /> — rocelv�th�rix�t9,Incarnss,lasws end�xoflts o!ttie Propertyr and epply ttw aame�after payment of ell neteasfuy chargea arsd expenses,on eccourd of <br /> the Oblipetlonr; <br /> ���—� (q to pay eny surne In eny torm a mennar cieomad expedlent bN Lender to pr9toct the eecurttyr ot thia Deed o}Tnist w to cure eny detauft other than <br /> PdY��ot IMentt or prindpal on tha Oblipationa:. <br /> (p) !o farodoae thb Oeed af Trutt JudctaNy or non�udiclally end to direcl tlw eale of the property through ax�rdss of the power of sate ae rot�rer�d In <br /> paray�eph 20 h�rool In acocordance wfth epplicabto Iaw: <br /> (h)to�et-o8 OrentoPe Obligatians egalnat eny emounts cwad C3rantor by Lender Induding,but not IlmHod to,monw+, Instrurnonta,end deposN <br /> ---= aocoume melntained whh Lender o:w�y ai��a���� exioting ar tuturo afft:late ol Lend-r:end - <br /> p)to exordas ell otMr�Ighte avallabte to Lender undar eny other writtsn egeortient or dpplk�bte taw. <br /> Lender'e�M a are cumuiathrs and maY be exnidsed topether,separately,end In eny order. In tha evem that Lender InstAUtoa an action rAeWn�llhe <br /> iaco�rary oT any of tho Property by way of n projudgmem remedy In en acUan egainst Gralrta,Qranta waNea tho rsosting of any bond whld� t <br /> --.—_ othwwlse be requiresl. lender or Lender's deslgnee may�urchase ihe Property at eny sale. Procaeds ot any 7rustee s aab hereunder shall 6e eppJ� <br /> - flnt,to the ooate nnd expensaa of exerclsing tha ov of cale and of the sab,Induding the peYrtient of the Trustoe's fee�actually IncuRed and not to <br /> sxceed ihs arnourrt which may bo provlded te!n t Is Doeci of Truat,second,to payr►�cnt o}the 0611gatlons secured heroby.ihird,to iho peyrr�ent o1 iunlor <br /> _�_� truq d�eds,mortpapea.or other Ilenhadors,and the bata�ce.If eny,to the perROn a peraona lepally entitfed thereto. Thsproperty w anq part lhxaol may <br /> be sold In one paroel,or in str.h parcol�,mnnner a orde►ae Lender(n ks sole disctetlon msy elect,end one or mo►a exerds�s of the Qow�r herein granted <br /> =i ahall not exilnpulsh or exha��at th�power unleca tho amira property la sold ot the obllgatbns ete peid n tull. <br />-J',;;;�`� 20. TRUSTES'8 EXERCESE OF POWER OF BALE ON DEFAlJLT: If Lender alecte to sell Qrantor's Interest In the Properry by exerdae of the poww ot <br /> �a.�a�� eab hxeln comNned,Lendsr shall notity Trust�e In the menner then requlred by law. <br /> Upon recelpt ot such notice of Lender And et thv directlon of Londor,Trusteo shNl causo ta be recorded,published and delNared euch notices oi dofault <br /> m`.:rraiC end noticea of aete ac rr.s;th��requlrod by Inw and by thls Dead of Trust. Trustae shall,onty nt tho dircctlon of Lender end without domand on Grentor, <br />`."�'� after cuch tima es may then be r Ired by law and aRer recordatlon ot such notice of default end after notice of sale having boen gNen ea requlred by law, <br /> +�.v- <br /> - sell the Propeny et the tirt�e and�ce of sale Bxed by It In such nmlca ot sale,either as whole or In separate lots or parcels a Items as Londer shc�ll doom <br /> ";;':'�: ewoe�Yent,end In such order aa ft may dotermine,at puqiic euctlon to tha htghost blddor tor cash In lawtul rtanoy of tha United States payaWo at the tlmo of __ <br /> -= sale or ae otherwlse may thon he required by law. Truatoe shall delivar to suoh purchaser or purchasore thereof(te good end au�idant deod w deeds <br /> _:•.:;o,�� corneying the property so aold,lwt wRhout any covenant or werrenty,ox(xoss or impliod. fie redtals In such deed ot eny matto►c or tacte shall be - <br /> :.-��,�, conclusive praot of tho tMhfulnuss thoroof. My person,Induding,wlthout Ilmftation,Orentor,Trustee or Lendar,may purchase al such salo. Trustoo may <br /> _....u�.i�...�......,..,.�.,,,mle�I all.v anv mnlon ot iho PronotN. <br /> --�"s'-T:-- ut um n`o�nrv�N............�.....r�.r.��'"_." . •• ' �:. <br /> 21. RE�U�T FOp NOTIC@S: C�rantor roquAsts that a copy of any natico of default and a copy ot eny notice of salo horoundor be malled to each percon � <br /> � who Is a pany hereto at tho eddross of euch per�on sot forlh horeln nt tho sama timo end In iho samu rtranner eoqulrod es though a aaparat�request � <br /> ,.�y .�' thoroof had boen ffled by oach such porson. � <br /> � � f <br /> � <br /> tt ,i ' <br /> ,� ! <br /> s. °. <br /> - ...J. � r,. <br /> ' Pape 3 d 8 - <br /> NEDOTC RW.i1N� <br />