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�, ' , <br /> � :,.�.nw.. , . , .. <br /> :���i+.�•. . .. �.��:a�,•,._ <br /> �.. . . <br /> .. ���.. ' . . ._.._ .._._. ---- <br /> - . y��,y r,- ., ....•....u�..�YV'..� 'tf>�7-�r::�.�.i•./r. � , .-,�,,..�l.,�..�__ <br /> . .. �.'�' ,. i ° . . . ., . .. . . -- .._._. <br /> ,. . ... 4-,� _;•. <br /> Nrltr�nr..r..�.£�.._...._�--"-- ...., ... . _. .. .. . . . ' . ���.' .. <br /> i: __ <br /> ��:�. <br /> . � �� �`_ <br /> . �� ._� ' — _- <br /> � {o) qll f�IlcaWo luwe and reAuletlons,Includ:ng,v�llhaut Ilmltntlon, tho Artrdcans�vlih Dlnabllitlos Act,42 U.S.C. Soction t2t01 ot ceq. (nnd a!i <br /> •ro6ulatlons promulp�tcd Ihcrcund�r)nnd all zoninp nnd huildinp lar�o nnd re�ul�tions roln�infl to tho Prap�ny by vinuo of nny tedornl,ntatc�or rrwnlcipal <br /> nuthoriy r�lih jurlcd'.etlon ovcr If�o ProF�ny,prcc�ntly nro and chJl 6�ob�crvcd nnd c4rnp!Icd vllh in all rra:terinl roc�ccta,nnd nll ri{�nlo,Ilconcc�, <br /> " pomJto,und ceni(Ieatoe ot occuFaney(Includ!np Iwi not Ilmltad to zunln(�vaiancaa,epcclnl oxccptlono for noneonlorrnnp ucon,cnd(inal Inop�ctlon <br /> epprov�ls),whathoi tomperary or parm.inom,whlch ero re►�torlal to iho uso and uccupancy o4 tho PropoAy, proeontiy aro tmd ehyl !w obtained,� <br /> •� preserved and,where neccrawry,renowod; ., <br /> (d) Orantor hae tha rlpht qndle duly nuthoritod to oxecLte nnd perlorm Ita Obligatlane undsr ihla D�sd ol Truat and tlivao nctlonn do not ond ahell no <br /> < conillct wlih ths pro�l�tlone o1 eny etetuto,regulatlon,ordinancn,rule of lew,comract or othar ngroomont wlilch rr�y bo binding on(irantor nt nny tlmo; , <br /> � ' � (o) Nn actl�n or proceed!ng le or ahNl be pending or throatened wnlch mlght metorielly aHact ihv Pro►wrty:end <br /> (f) C?rent�r hns not viotated and shall not vlol¢to any slntuio,roaulstlon,ordinnnco,rulo of law,contrnet or othor nproomont(Inctuding,b��t not Hmited to, � <br /> =a ,ti..o...,.�...�+inn Wa�anirnu Matedelol whlch mlOht rtutertally aftoct ihe Properiy or Londar'6 rlghiG or Intcroat In tho Prop.rty purcu�m to Ihl� pr,r,d a1 � � ,. <br /> _.'.— ,:..o*�9W# Tru�t.°_._......,, � .- .4. <br /> '.�..-- �-'- � <br /> �»,,�r,xr�#. 3. PRKiR DEEDS OF Te�UST. Orantor ropresente ond warrente thnt tiiere ore na prlor deods ol lruat aftecting any pan of ihe Property ezcept ae eol fonh <br /> ��,�� on Schedule B erieched to thfa Deed of Trust,whlch Ornntor eprcea to pay and pertorm In a tlmely manner. II there nre ony pilor deods ol trus�then <br /> Grentor agrees'a pay all emounte owad,and perfortn ell otr�igatlons roqulred under such deede of irust end the Indsbtednesn aewred ihereby end lurthar <br /> egreos thnt a da4ault under nny prlor dead ot truat ehall be a default under thia Deed of Trust end shall ontllle Londor to nll rlghts end remedies contalned� <br /> 0 <br /> � �. I�ereln or In ihe OWigatlona to whlch Lender wou!d be entlllad In ihe event ol any other delault. , <br /> ;,.b 4, TpIINSFERB OF THE PROPERTY OA BENEFICML lNTERE9T3 IN t3RANTOR9 aR BQRRGL'�HR�. In tho ovont of a sa!o,eonvoyancn,I:nao. , <br /> ; � contract fa deed or transler lo eny porsnn ot all or any part ot ih�reel property das�ibed�n 3chedule A,or any Interoat thereln,or o1 eJl or eny beneflciaf �„L <br /> interest In Bortower or Qranta(il Borrower or Cirernor le not e naturel` ran or persona but Is a corporetlon,Ilmlled Ileblllty company,partnorchlp,1N61,or ��f_- <br /> J..• othsr legat emlty),Lender may,at fts optlon deciera the outstandng prindpel bnlanco of ihe Obllpatlon3 plua acaued Interoat thereon Imnediateiy dua and <br /> � „ payable. At Lendsr'e request,Orentor or Borrower,as the case may bc►.shNl tumlah a complate ntatement sefling tonh e11 ot itg ctockholders,members,or �i=.;_ <br /> � . partnera,as approprlato,and tho extont ot thelr raspectivo ownershlp Intareste. ��_. <br /> �_�- <br /> � �. � 6. ASStQNMENT OF RENTS. Iri consideretlon of tha Obllgatlona,whlch ere sACUred by thfs Oeed of Trust,�mntor ebsolutely assl�ns to Lender ell --• <br /> ' Cirantor's estete,daht,tltle, InteresL daim and demand now owned or hereafter acqulrod In all existing and future loasea of the Propeny (Induding -- <br /> �� o�on�ons,renewa�s and aubieasea�,ell agreen�ents fot uc,c�and oaupncy oi the Pro�erty(nll such lease3 end agreements whothor written or orel,ero <br /> hereafter roferted to as the'I.eases),end ell guerantles ot lesseos'perlomienco under tho Leases,totiether with the Imnediats end conlNuing rlght to �, <br /> . � �� colloct nnd recahre NI of the rents,inoome,receipta,ruvenuos,Issues,protits and other Incame of any nature now or hereafter due(Incla�tlng any Income of - <br /> any nature cominp due dudng any redemptlon parlod)undor the Leases or hom or arlsing out of the Properry Induding minimum rents,addtional rants, <br /> pereeNage rents,parWng or comrnon area malntenaneo Contrlbutlons,tax end Insuranee coniributions,doticiflncy rents,Iiquldated damaflos follayving <br />- '' '"` , defaufl in eny Lease�all proeoeds payable under ot►y pollcy of Uourence covering loss of rorrte resulting trom untenantebility caused by destrualon or _ <br /> • ' .s'�� dam�go to the Propehy,ell proc@eds paYa6le as a result of a lessee's exerclse of en uptlon to purchaso the Property,ail proceods cierNed from the _ <br /> terminatlon or reJoctlon ot any Lnase In e banlwptcy or other Insoh�encyproceed�n9.and ell pr°ceeda(rom any rights and delms ot eny Idnd which arantor <br /> may have aganst any IesseA under the Leases or any occupants at ihe Properry(al�of the�bovo are hereafter collectivoly referreii to ae the'Rents'). Thls <br /> aaslgnmont ls suti}act to ihe�Ight,power end suthority plven to the Londer to collect and epply the Rents. This essignmem la recwded In accordance with <br /> •. •• applla3bta state law;ihe Iien aeated by ihle assignment Is iniended to be spedtio,pertected,end choateu�on the recording ot thla Dead ol TrusL all as <br /> proyided by epplicabie state Iaw as emended from time to timo. As long as thoro is no defauit under the ObllBatione or thls Deed of Trust,Lender grants <br />..'� arantor a revacable Ifcense to collect all Renis from the Leasos when due and to usa auch proceeds in GrantoYs bualness operetiona. However,lendor <br /> may at eny tirr�e require areMor to daposit ail Rents Into�n nxount meimalned by arentor or Lender at Lenders Inatltutlon. Upon defauit In the paymant <br /> � �� ot,a In ihe perfortnance of,any of the Obligations,Lender may at fta opilon take possession ot the Prope A Y and have,hold,managa,lease and operate the <br /> " ' Pro on tertna end br a perlod of time thal Lsnder deems proper. lsnder may proceed to collect an d recalvo ell Rente hom tha ptoperry,end Lender <br />''�"��S'h�+`� sh I have fuil power t�meke etteratlons,fBfI0Y8110l1S�fB{k31B IX fCptii.o-Ti6li�o i'v i�ia oM�,�...,.�.;;���,�.�nnnwr �nndar may F,ndy all Rents In <br /> -• '' " � Le�der'e sNe discretion to payme7t of�he 0611gations or to the paymem of the cost of sucfi slteretions,renovatione,repalrs end replecemertte end any <br />- • "��°�' expenaes fncident to teking end retafning possesslon ot tho PropeAy petlodical�Y end ihe tnu�agement and operatlon of ihe Properly. Lontier mey kuepthe <br /> ^�...�:, . . PropoAy pro�ody insurud and may dischargo any taxes,charges,Gaims,assessmerrts and other Iiens whlCh may acaue. fia oxpense and cost of these <br /> aetl�na mey bepaId hom ihe Rents receNed,and eny unpald amounts ehall be edded to the prindpal of the Ob[igatlons. These amounts,together with <br /> f�"��-�:�f, othor coats,Rhell recome part of the Obli!�ationa sewra�l by thls Deod ot Trust. <br />_��,. . <br /> - .�_,n.v . <br /> ;���yy-�,�. E. IEASEB AND OTl1ER AaREEIAENT9. �rantor shall not teke or tali to teke any aclion which rrey cause or permit the tem�lnation or thu wRhholding of <br /> eny payrrrnt in connectbn wlth eny Lease or other agreameM('Agreemenl')panalning to tl�e Property. In acfdlUon,Grantor,without Londar's prlor wrtrien <br /> -�_�"=��� consenL shall not:(a)collect eny monies payable under any Agreement more than one month In advance;(b)rtndity any Agreenbr►t;(o)ansign w allow a <br /> � ^"�� Ilen,security interest or other encumbrance to bo piaced upon Ciramor's righte,titte snd Interest In and to any Agreerrnnt or the arruunts payahlo <br /> ��--����� thareundor;or(d tominate or cancel any Agroemcm except for ihe nonpayrt�ant of any sum or other matertal breach by the othor pariy ihereta. If Cirantor <br /> - --�_;y�� reCelves at eny t�me any written e�rrrnunieatlon asserting a defauft by aran4or undor en Agreement or purporting lo terminate or eancel eny Agreement, <br /> -- �-�- he emoun aldue to�Gy►anta thereunde rere hereby as Igned ro�Le der an add'�.�notl ai socurfty fo r�t ihe Obllyatio n aherdto�to Lcinder. All such A g a e rt�e nts end <br /> -^�� 7. COI.LEC710N OF(NDEBTEQNESS FROM 7HIRD PARTY. Lender shail be entitled to notify or requlro�rerrta to notiN any th(rd party(Induding,but <br /> _�,-+.�a not limited to,lessees,Ilcensees,govommental autho�ties and inaurflnce corrpenles)to pay Lsnder any Indobtednese a•ebligation owing to Orentor wlih <br /> ^• -- raapect to the Property(cumu�ativety 'Inde6tedness')whether or not a detault existe undor thls Deed of Trust. Cirerrtor ehatl aliyentiy colloct the <br /> _`_"��` - Indebtednoss owlnp to�ranta trom these third peRlea untll the glving af such notiflcatlon. In the event ihnt Cirantw possoese�or recaNea poasesslon of _ <br /> T�� eny Inatruments or other rerNttanaa with roapect to the Inde6tedneas lollowing the glving of cuch notl0catlon or If the Inetrumenta or other�emittances <br /> --=.��� conatituts 1he prepaymont of eny Indebtedneso or the payment of eny Ineurance er oondermation procee�s,Cirantor shalt hoid eudi Inatrurtwnta end other <br /> �_:�y remittancea in trust for Lendor epari from He Mher proporty,endarco the Instrumenis and othor rsmittences to Londer,and I�miediatety provido Lender wRh <br /> __ -- posseasbn of tha Instrumorda ond othor romtttances. Lender shall be entitled,but not requlred,to co:lect(by lepal procee�ings or otherwise),extend the _ <br /> ---=� t�me tor payrt�enL conprorrise,exchange or roie;�w iu�y uLll{pr or cotteter�•l,or athctirlsa:attla am o!the IncbhlecMesa vAtether or nnt Rn evem ot defnuft � _ <br /> f-�*`r�Q� exlats under thia Agreement. Lender chall not be Ilabte to aranicr tor any action,error,mtstake,on�salon or delay pertelniny to the ections described In thls <br /> -•�-'y`�� paragreph or any d�mageu rosulting therofram. Notwithatending the foregolnp, nothing hereln shall cause Lender to be doomed a <br /> --�--- mongagee-In•possenslon. <br /> --`.���c:,'�{t�i'-.� - <br /> ---->�L�•��� 6. USE AND NAINTENAPiCE OF PROPHRTY. Cirentor shell teke all actlons and rtialte tany roaalre needed to meintaln the Property tn tpod conditbn. <br /> Qrentor shell not comNt or pem3t eny wnste to be commiried with respect to the Propc�rty. C�ramor shall uso tho Proporty solety In carpllence wflh <br /> �.r,��.��� epplicabla law and Insurenco polide�. Qrerrtor shall not make eny elteratlons,additione or Irr�rovemente to the Properry wlthout Lender'e prlar wr(tten <br /> _��,F��c'-� conserrt. Wilhout Ilmitinp tho toragoing,all et[oretlons,addlpona end Im�xovemente mada to the Ptoperty shall be subJect to the bonoficlol Imarest belonging <br /> -�;,��.Y j.:. � to Lendor,shall not be removed wl�hout I.ender s prtor written consom,end shull bu mada at C3rtmtoro sole oxpense. <br /> ' •' �. LOSS OR DAMAaE. Grantor shall bear the eniiro dsk of eny loss,theft,desiruction or damage(cumu►athroly'Loss or Damage)to the Property ar any <br /> �f,`;`� . • portion thereot hom ony cause whatsoevar. In the event o(eny Losa or Damego,Qrantor shall,at the oplion of Londer,repeir tlie a(fectod Proporty to Its <br /> � `;,�r . prevloua condition or pay or oause to be pald to Lender the d9aoaco In tho falr marknt vaiue of tho effectod Property. _. <br /> �.; ':.�'� 10. IN8URANCE. The RropoAy wlll bo kept Insured lor its tull Inaurubie veiue(redacament cost)egsilnst a!I hazerds Inciuding loss or dam�ge caused by = <br /> fload,eazthqunko,tomedo and ftro,thoft or othor casualty to the oxtont requlred by lnndar. Grernor may obtaln Insuranco on tho Proporty hom sueh <br /> ; . .� . �� compan es as nro acceptable to Lqndor In Ita soio discretlon. Tho Inaurenco polldos shall roqulre tho Insuranco c�mpany to provide Lendsr wRh at Ieast �_ <br /> _ . • ,�' �0 days'wdnen notico botoro such polides ero�Itered or cancellod In eny mannor. The InsurenCU polidos ahall name Londer ea a loss _y <br /> �ayee an prov ihat no act or omisslon of Qrantor or any othor pOreon shall atfeet the right of Londer to ba pald tho Insurnnco procoeds portalning 4o tho ��=: <br /> `'�'� losa or damago of the Proporty. In iho event Grantor fells to acqulre or maintaln Insurenco,Lender(after providing notico as rrt�y be requlrad by law)may <br /> In Re dlscretlon prowreeppropriate insurenco coverago upon the Proporty end tho Insurance cost shell tw an aduanco payabl and bc�ering Interost as �'_ <br /> desalbed In Pcvegrnph 23 and secured horeby. (3rantor shall fumlah Lender with evldence of Insurenco Indicating ihe rcrqulred coverapo. londor may act <br /> , ��"� as attflm�yIndact tor Ors�ntar In rtnkng and settling daims undar Insuranco polides,cancolllng any policy or endoreing Qrentor's namo on tiny draft or <br /> _�.�.._�.r...�.,....e. All e�uJ�Inntrnnno mlldat 6hd11 h0 IRYIfDf1IE1t�IY 96Slaned.alodc�ed and deliverod to Lendor as lurthor aocurity ��v <br />--.,,..,_-.�-__-------��= nagviiiwio tnoaumo..a�.o�....i o..�...�..._. .. <br /> -• • for tho 0611gatlons. In tho o•ront of loss,C3rantor shall Imnod�atoly give Londor wriflon notico and Londer le authorized to make proot of toss. Each <br /> - Insure�noa company Is direetod to make paymanis direcily to Lcindar instoad of to Londor and Grantor. Londor shall havo tho right,at he sol�option,to <br /> n <br /> ,� appiy such monlos toward tho Otllgattons or tawerd tho oosl ot robuliding and rastoring tho Prop3rty. Any ernounts may at Londor'o optlon bo appliad(n <br /> 1ho Invorao ordor of thu duo dates ihereof. <br /> 11. ZONINO IIND PRIVATE COVENANTS. (3rantar shcill nat Initluto or consent to any chango In tho zoning provlclons or prlvato covonanic attocting iho <br /> uso of tho Proporty without Londora prior written consont. It drentor's uso of tho Proporty bocortws a nonoonfomiing uso undor eny zoningpro�Aslon, <br /> �� Qrantar chNl not causo or pem�tt such uso to bo discontinund or abandanod without tho prlor writton consont of Lc�nder. Grantor will Immodfatoly provldc+ <br /> • Londer with wrinon notloo of eny proposed changua ta tha zoning provislons or prlvato covonants alfocting tho Property. <br /> 12 CONDEMNAl7QN. Qrantor shall Irrrrwdiatoly provido Londer wlih wdtton notico of any actual or throatened condomnation or ominant domain <br /> procooding pon�lning to tho Pro�ony. All monlos payeblo to(3rxntor from such condertnetlon or teking aro horoby a�signad to Londar and ahall bo c�ppllod <br /> x <br /> • firct to ttvi paymant of Londer's auomoya'toos,Ieg�l oxponsuo and other costs(Induding apprals�l fcos)In connoctlon wNh tho condormetlon or am(nont <br /> dortr�ln pr0000dings and thnn,nt tho optlon oi Lendor,to Shio paymont ol tho Obllgatlons or iha rostoratton or ropalr of tha Propchy. <br /> � - NEDOTB Rw.119b P�o�d 5 _ ____ <br />