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ti �'.' _..-.-,r� • i , . .- __ - - <br /> � . .. .. . _ ,�.. .... ,� ... ... . � . • ^ .. ' .�_y.:t.ti_:'--'—--.�._....,�.,-__ <br /> • . <br /> , .....�����-yp� ��y ��/� - -—-- -- <br /> �riL �iae�b�.��._. S.�tiR9f"v�yJ2aE1-.� -: . �..... ____.....� . ..._.�.=._�.��. -._ ___ ____ <br /> .,.._.�Ld.. �.._ . - �.���n.u�u�oi R . .�ldy:...�.__J....... �7, __ _.�� . - ...a_�.��,� .��.... - � <br />.. ��f��i��l� <br />.... --_—._'_____—' .. -.. —.. �....�_�<..__�__•_�_�'"::����.��..�.._... <br /> _�:'�ST�!'^'-- .rw�-a�-+w�e..�z_ai_...�...�a_a. . .. _. ..n._ <br /> �: 8�¢URi1Y INTfEREBT I�NDER YW6 UNIFQFi1�F COFaMERCIAL COAE. fils Daed ot Tru�t ehnll be conslderod snd be effective ae a financlrtp <br /> untemeN nnd a Iixture fil!np purtuaN to th�pr�vitlono 01 the Unitoirn Gorm�erGal Code(ns ndopted In tho statu whero the rnal properiy Is IoeufoA) �_ <br /> covn�in p(ixturos,ehattots,an�i artictc�01�;.rean:J�Jrop:ry nc•,v��Nncd or h::rcattcr att��hcd to or to ba ueod In connectlon wNh tho Prapvrty topether�vith <br /> �ny r��d c!i rc�!�.c�r��nto iit::rcn!c»rJ c�:I.11pns Si�crcto(ih�"Gh�ttc!�°),nnd L�r-i�tor hs:�t�y( Lcndar n oocurlty Imorest In euch Ghattols. Yho ds6:or Is <br /> 17�o Qrantor detGdbedabova. 1'hl�Qud ol7rufl wlll Lv altoCliva ns a finaneing atolotvwnt Idod as n lix!uro(ilinp��Ith ro^p�et to cll Oxlurca Ine:uG�ci e�9Ydn <br /> �nldpremlNi end le to b�(i{ed tor recnrd In 1h�nel e�tatu recard�o}each county wherti eny pnrt of aald premiseo(In�tuc�nd eald Ilxturae le elmated. ThEe (A , , <br /> D�d o}7rutl th�ll nlso W eHrIN�e�e Ikiuu,inp citterrwm oov�riny sny mhsrpr�mlws and rrny bo(Ilnd In nny mher�pr oprlats�iling or reoorcVng � i v=_ <br /> of5a. A earbon�pholopraphb a olhw r�roduction o11h1��aYd ot T�u�t or o1►u�y fr�ant�rfl ctai�mont rci:u!ng m thie Oeed ol Truat ehall b�auHlG�nt a�a �_.._ ; <br /> tinencin�etatoaMm la yny ol ths purpoeae ntarted to In thla Paregreph. The aecurad perty I�the Londo:ds�cribed abovs. Upon demend,Orentor�ha11 �„ <br /> �u.�xocut��nd cf�liwr wch Kcudty pr�arrnnt�(a�wch t�rm b d�tinaf In tald UNtorrr►Commorclal CocN) a�I.ander at any Ume rrny dc�m � �� <br /> n�aeeary c�pre�r or rGulrad to�,r:nt:�l�.n�:r n�rI'�cted eecl�riryl Int�ral in ths ChadN�,snd upon Qranta'�(eliure to do w,Lond�r Is aNyo►Iz�d to Q —_ <br /> �!rm rny eucl��e nwm sa tha ngont ot Orentot C{�enton c�reby aulhodzo�Lendor to file Mencing etatomante(Ae auch tertn le dafined Ir�aekl Unito�m � �;. <br /> Corrnwdal G o d�)with a�p�c t to 1 t N C he�N s:e u a n�r�i�tey�clu��fl�Wia ol Gwch Ilrwndr�s:ate�m�int�nd(o�tho rsRliny t her�of a1 th�tl�rr�s�s�rpu i n d�In L <br /> {I�I�UCIIfl�iWlGlnp tUl1IT1YIlli, tatWnv� �i�����......�...�._ ._ _.__._.��.�i.ti.r.i. d..n <br /> IM opinlan o1 tald UnlformGonm�rcltJ Code. If Iha Ikn of IhTs D�od o1 Tn��t be aubJect ta enyyecumy agra�n����M..����,���y.��..� .. � __ <br /> ��nhd�ir�,t��sjho�wi hethi buir»flt of y d�po�lu or�petymen�now a h�r�eaftsr��made thsreol by O�rantor or he�pr?tedecessoHn'or�nuccaasae In thie of � <br /> aranlorin tha Prop�rty. _ <br /> xi, pE1M8URSE�AENT OF M�OUNTB EXPEHDED BY LENDER. Lender,at Lendere o�lon,may expend funda(Induding attomeya't�ea and kpal __ <br /> �xp�nw�)to p�rfar�i any ect r:�ulred to bo talcen by Qrantor a to exercise any dght or remedy ot Lendar under lhia Oead ot Truat. Upon dsmand,Qr�rtta <br /> ehall Imn�diatNy r�imbuna L�ndh'tu aA auch�rnaunu e�tp�nded by UntNr togoth�r with Intxest therAOn at the towsr of ths hlah�n reu d�salbocl ln eny <br /> 0611pettxi a th�hlQhest rat�alfowedby IxH trom 1'ns u�ite of paym+ni untll tho dste ot rotrrbursart�nt.�Thes�eurtrf�hell b�fndudsd In itw tNflnit{on of G <br /> pbtipetlons hersln�nd�hak b�r�cuna b�r ttw penefcl�l IniKSqyrented henin, It ihe Obligetlons of the OW Hiionsba srnttb�f n nny of publicatlon of <br /> sN�.aa h�nin prmAd�d,a In 11�w�nt L�r�h�ll,et Ib sds oplbn.Pem�t Qrentor to y any pe�t �pa <br /> nmtoe of aaie,ae hsreln provldsd,tt�en,(3renta ehall pay on domand ell expenaea Incurted by iho Truatee and 1.endar In connectlon wUh aaki puWlcatlon, <br /> Indu�ing reasonable ettomeye'faee to the enomeye tor tho Trustee and tor i he Lender,end e reasonabla feo to the Truslee,and this Doed ot Truit shall be <br /> security(or ell auch axpanses end fas. <br /> F,1. APPUCATlON OF i�AYMEN'TS.Th�Truttee aheil aady lhe fxoceed�of ths trustee s sale flrsL to the ooste end exponses of exerdWn tha power ot <br /> ials end ot the sela,Indudinp th�Pa1m�m of th�7ruat�e's faes ec�ualt�Inturrad rot to ox�d t�e emount whic.h m+y be provided ta in the�eed ot Truat, _ <br /> Rscond,to payrnent of 1h�ob11pa1fon Wcund by the Dsed of Tn+at,lh(rd,to tho paymont o1 ju�la daedu of irust,mortgages or other Iknholdars,end the <br /> batance,M eny,to the�twn or parwns Npaliy omNNd th�reta. <br /> 26. PONYER OF M'iOANEY. Orant�r herobye�poInts Londer as Ite nttmney-indact to endorse aranlora nama on all InatrumeNe and other documents <br /> p�rtaN�k ta ths Oblipetlone or L'e�d oi Trust. In eddition.Lander�hall b��mriisd,but not r�4ulrsd,to peAorm eny action or executa eny d�wmem <br /> �aqu�red�Q be tekan a execuEed by Granror under this Deed of Trust. Lende�s�srfortnance o1 euch ect�on a execution a1 such docum�nts ahal►not <br /> rdfave Grantor trom eny C1t�ligalbn a cvi�eny defaufl under this Deed of Trus�. AI pwers of nttomey desafbed In thla Deed of Trust are coupled wNh en <br /> int�ro:t and en Irrevocable. <br /> 2!. SUBROQA710N OF LENDEH. Lencl�r�s ot whe�tt�wr ietiese II rea�ce�a�id�int�ereath e ar uti��m6ranscea hava�bNn r�il�atad of r�d. � <br /> diacharp�d wlth funds acNenad by Londer roger <br /> 27, CpLL,EC1i0N CO�TS. 1'o tha extentpermitted by iaw.Cirama n�ees topey Lenders reaaonable(ees arxl coau,Indutfing,but not Arrit�d to,tea <br /> and c.osts ot anameya and othsr aper►t�(Induding wnhan Iimitattan perateaofa,Getks en�c���nante�.wheHbr or not wch attomsy Wa a�rn I�en <br /> e"?P!OYse o}londer.whk�ero �k�curn�dtby�i�a�,d m�s s��ed�on uspueal In ba ilwpl�cy�aryid fortpost•j��idgn r►t�cal�bcti�lonn ru�t. hett�a not <br /> sun�a uvt1�����i'�""��K S rt..S"H_�.—�---— <br /> 26. PAREtAI NELEASE. Lander mey relsaie ite Intaraat In aportlon of the Property�by�����to obliw�te l�ar�to Pe{iM�f h� <br /> qsoonysyence wNhout aH�ctinp ita Imar�st In the rer►�elnir�portlon o}the Propeny. Nothing <br /> Ir�sreet In Ihs Pr (axcept as rpukrJ under P�38 or ae may b�mhuwlae requkeds�y law),nor ehaH Lander be obiigated to reN�se an9 P� <br /> °����p�y�H�y a f fai d�o�fin�ed in t�he Died e f Tr�us�thai I s not�tF�ie s�ubje��ot thii a�ar�i�y Pertla�l D�e�d o}R�vey�n In eflsct with nspact 1� <br /> 20. MOOIFICAiIOtj ANO WAIVER. The rtndiflcaUon am ar�oi�e�ov°er°o a ararn�tow�nio,,�deaa{or riil tou xs�ard�a!�yotksf r phts a����pt <br /> conteM�d M�wrft(n0 rlprwd bY Undsr. Lerxl�r meY P� Y � occe�o+�shall not conhituia <br /> PflYm�nts ham C�ranta a anyra�oth�r than Oromor withart cau�inp a watw►ot ttwa�obNpatlons a ta. waiv�r on ons <br /> e w���,�oocn�fan. arantor�p{�N�Uons under lhis DNd af Trust�hall nol br att�c(ed I} r ert�ende,oo i�er,exchanpa�,fel�s to <br /> sx�rclN,(mpan or rNw�ss eny ot ihe Obiipetfons bslongn8 to any Oranta,E3orrewar or thirdpury or eny ot Ne rlaFrte nst eny Grentor BortutrK a <br /> thkd p�rty or eny of th�Property. Len�r's feilure ta Inalst upon cMct pnrtw►nenoe of any of ths ObYgrlions�hall not�ds�rt�ed a waive►er�L+�xi�r st�aN <br /> have the MpM at eny tims it�snafter to tnslst upon strkl perlarrence. <br /> 90. SU89TIME TPiUSTEE;TRUSTEE WABIU7Y;COMPENSA710N. In ca�s of ths death,Inabllity,rafuaal to act or ab�snco of ths Yru�t�s trnm tho <br /> etet�wMro th�nslp�psny I�bcatsd a In case ttie holder ot the Obfksation�shall de�irs la eny reason to rsrt�ev�1M TruatM or ee►y wbatttul�tru�t�e ss <br /> truitoe herNx�d�r and� fo -6PPoim e new t�untee In hls place and stea7 the hdder ot the Obligatlons I�hsreby�anMd 1uB Pow�r to aPPakn q�wtil a <br /> suberiM�trusta ta setd T�uatee.end tM subatkute trustee eh�ll.wMn�rrt�d,beoon�wcw�sor to aii rigM�of TNtt�e h�rwndor�nd the sa►ne I <br /> �ec;o�r��ren�d tn hNn for the pixpows and obj�cts of lhis W�d o}Tn�et wi h ell thepow�r,d�nles and obllpetiona her�ln cnntertad on ihs Trustee. Trustee <br /> �haN nal b�da6w lor any ortor of� nt or act done by Truatee.a b�otlarwlse ro:�onsfble or aocountable undw my druxnetancr�whatt�wvsr. <br /> Tnin�o ahall not b�p�r�ondly Nabl�fn�casa ot entry by B a enyone actlnp by vlAw of ihe pow�rs haretnprantsd R upon ths Da►d af Trust!or ifrhte <br /> oomreci�d a Hebllity a �Ineurtsd In ths rt�negen�ent a operetion of�dd premiaes. T�ust�s thall hava ths ei�h�o }a�fth to b��0 uiM� <br /> doc�xraM ot dpnaturs eulhoriz or��porthsg any lon teken or[xopos�d to b�talu�n by it Mnunder a bN{�wd bylt �n <br /> Tnut�e shall6��rtUtlad to r�IrNxx�ertwfif tor e aem IncuRed by I!ln ths p�rfamerwn o1 nsaUon�duoh T�us�e�herou�and ratmbu�rw�Tn�iit�f for e�i�d <br /> of H�earvla�hKSUnde►so�hail be raWxed.�rentor wAl.from time to Iime,paY cor►�e <br /> eava and hoid h harrriesa fra�i n+ni nu�toi eny�rd wl la��,coct,llr.k!!ily.�o!end expenRa whatsoever Incurted by N fn the perforrr�ertce ot kt dulbs. <br /> All moneye recehrad by Tn�aSee shdl,unlil uaed or epplied ae harain{xnvided,be held In trust tor thoputposes ta wh4ah they wsre reab�d,but ne�d not <br /> ������y��eny other moneya(exoepl to Ihe extsnt r�qulred by law?and Truotee shell be undar no IIablGty tar Imentl on any <br /> ft <br /> 31. 9UCC�SSOAB IWD AS8IGNS, fiis Deed ot TNSt shell be binding upo�t�enered:��he�t�enefit ot arantor end Lender end thelr respective <br /> – suca�cor�,as�Igna,vuatet�,rscNvere.edrriM�Vetora.�ersonni represemnt�ve�, <br /> g2 N�TIQL•S. Excopt ae otherw�se required by law,eny notice or othar axnrun�atbn to be provided under thla Deed of Trua9 shall 6e ln writing and sent <br /> — to the pettlea rit the sddreases desa�ibed In thla Oaed ot Truat or such other address as the partles may deslgnate In wrfting trom tlme tu tlma. My such <br /> notke so piven and ex►tby flnt da�s mail.po�tage prepeld,ahall be deemad glvcn tha earller of ihree(3)daye after such notioe is serrt or when recehred <br /> ' by tho�ereor►to wFam eud�nct�ia�a be�ng glven. <br /> - �a�w,gEa�ny pr�o�lsufo�n of th s Doad of l'ni�t violate he�inw or Istunen�twceader the rest ot he D�t of Tr�ust9ah I�ntinu�o t�be velld ar��en(a�oe�a�ble 61ate - <br /> � o herAwPseuGr�arBrtoEwncW'0n;o toeth�Edct on and ven e�ot cmin�y�u��so�latedfby LenderWn he cole di�etion.lYocat�In that states appllcable law providea <br /> :'a 36, MISCELWiEOUS. Cirentor end lender agree that timo la of tho ossence. aremor walves preaemmont,demend tor payment,notice ot dlshonor end _ <br /> tant 9x ac r Ired by law. Alt references to Qrantor in this Deed of Trust ahall Indude allpersons signing below. If thore Is mao than ono f3rentor, <br /> �,v.u,..�,..��r,��nnd savaral. This Doed of Trust retxeserrte the oomplete Intograted understrsnding bumeen C3rentor and Londer pertalning to <br /> - �..r_.__.�__ <br /> tho terrm end canditlona fieraof. _ <br />= 30. NO 7H1R0 PARTY RiGHT9. No porson Is or ahell bo e third party beneli�lary of eny ovlslon of thfs Daod of Tniat. All provlsiona ol thia Dcwd of � <br /> �nsent to the�modllk:atlon of c�ny�oN onyot thte D�o TrutLt InelsndoPs sohe�discr�etlon���entltled to asaume or expeCt lhut Londgr wlll not walve or : <br /> 97. PREBERVATtR�I OF LIABIUTY ANO PRIOHITY. Without atfecting the Ilebflity ot Borrower artintor,or eny Auarentor of the Obllgations,or eny mhar ° <br /> person(excapt e person exprsasly releassd ln writlng)br tha payrt�n1 endperfomnnco of the bbligatlons,end without nitecting the riphts of Lendor with _ <br /> respect to eny Pro�+erty nut expresaiy reioased in writfnp,end wilhout Irrpairing In an�yway the prlority ol thls Deed ot Tnist over the Intore�t ot an�yperson <br /> ecquired or firat evidencod by rocordinp subsoquerA to tF�e recording of thla Deed of Tiust,Leiider rrm�r,olther before or atter the m�turity oi tho 0611gations, <br /> end wlthout notice or eonsont:rolease eny peraon llabte lorpayment or pe�tom�enc�Qf all or en of tho ObIlgaUons:m3ko un apraemorrt elteNng tho <br /> tnrma of paymont orp�Aorrt�ance o}rill or eny pe�t of the ONigatlon�;exsrcise or rotroln from vxerdPs ng or walvs eny right or rertxsdy that Lender rray havo <br /> under the Oeed of Truet;nccept eddilbnal soa�rliy ot eny klnd tet any of tho Ohligatlona;ar roloaso or othorwisa deal with eny rool or rso�iel fxopartY <br /> ,, In�est9o�r rewr���ngtenY evldence there�otol ha consen�ed to Nl�or c�ny sunch act onslby Lenydor�ure In tho Property shNl bo daomed,bPy acquUing such <br /> Pap��d8 <br /> NEDOTD Rw.tt94 — <br />