_ .
<br /> -''"_ ._.. ..,.��. _,- "--. �-.�,. ' _ � -
<br /> n `��.__�:.� .,. .. :, . ." _ - '_ __ ° --
<br /> _-'� =.�=-- _ .--. - _--�= z!�g;�� ---.' _. - �---'�- � . . ... � -
<br /> `. _ . __� '..c=�`'�E ' �"�'� . " . � .. . ...
<br /> -�� � � -� :�..��� . . . . _ . - �00��4� . _ F�� . .
<br /> �-� �--�=:�-= — occas:in�: .t�3 .stsn.ioa
<br /> . . . nf.in� ath�s or si�ilsr.;dtf��ltt-su�saqwat1T . .. .
<br /> - ��� ti�i�fos P�Tamt or.aodff�catlon or aaostitistian of tbi s� sacusad bj t�is �,
<br /> Ds�d of iraat �s�atad bf E�f�ciasy La aaT succe�sor in 3�►t�s�st��o! 3ra,�tQs
<br /> � �11 not op�sal� to sd�a�s. �a as►�. a�aa�er the liabilit� of th� orisisul
<br /> - ?snstor aad .Zrustor'a �accsssos ia int�r�st. E�f�aia�rT �1�a11 aot �e - -
<br /> . � raquirsd =o ea�nc� proee�dias� s:alaat sacb successor or rffus� to� �t� . -
<br /> tha. ti�e fos p��sat or oth�s+ris� aadifT aaortisstiaa of t.�� suws` and —
<br /> ' iadeDtedness sacurad 0� tifis D��d of lrust b�. reasoa of ms dea�nd eads br� the �`—
<br /> � � origfnsl Zsustcr and trastor'�� succ�sso�a i a i a t�r�a ti (h) v f t h o u t a f f e c t i n a
<br /> _.��_..��____ .— _ _ af th�
<br /> the liabilit� o£ the Trustor or aa� other per:oa if+n�le for sM ps�E � =__.
<br /> = obligatfoas aad indebtedaess secured b! t b f s D e e d o f ?s w i, aad r�.tltont ._V
<br /> affecting the Iien or c�cge of thfa Dee� of ?rnst npoa aa� port#on v� tltt , -
<br /> �.''�=
<br /> -_ Propastg not theq.,or t2�.csetofore releaaed as secnrft� for the fnll aao�u►t of =
<br />- sil uapaid obligati�s. 3eneficfarf aa�. fra� ti�e to ti�a and v�.thout notice � _
<br />. _ .*,: (i) relesse aa� persoa� so Iiable. t�) estand- tha a�aLnrit� or altar aa� o;� ___--
<br /> - the tes�s of aa�,snch obligatioa. (iii} gsaat other .indu2g�ace+. (iv) releus � _-
<br /> ss =
<br /> - or recoave�. or cause to be released or reconv�Yed�. st aaT �' a�� `=v
<br /> ��' Heaeficisrf's opt3oa a�.parcel. Pertioa ar. all of tf�e Propert�. t�l take or.,�- _,-
<br />� "�" �— release aa� other or addition�tl :secusit� fer aa� obligatio�.or ittdebtedas�t ���. ___
<br /> �r-_—
<br /> .. - .' -. here3a sentioaed„ ar ��ri} �e co�positions. or.. ott►es arraage�ents vith _-- --
<br /> e en
<br /> � ;������ debtors. ia relat3on�theseto; (i) ia additioa to,tha rights aad paNer� givea � � _`
<br /> `�'�� , to the, Trustes aad Eeaeficias�r her�iu. the Eeaeficias� shsll. l�sve all auch � , _
<br /> A
<br /> �- --`�� othas sigl�ts bottt ia la�r sad eqnitT for cullectioa of t3te indebtedaess :ecured ;< ._
<br /> . - Iure b r as it would I�ave bat for tbis Deed of�?snst; �j) aZ1 cavensats and
<br /> . : �..:.}
<br /> � =`�; � aSreutats o� ?rnstor �et forth in t h is D e e d o f. l r�s t s h a l l b e j o i n t s n d : . .:s_
<br />`+ � � . �everal; (fy this IIeed of ?ruat .sbq11 be gavsrae8 b� the laws af t1ie: State.�af .. _
<br />;;�'' .: �. .�� -: .:::�,� � , . . . ` _ -
<br /> �. �::.�==V;;r . � Nebrasks= �ll ia the eveat any one• or mre or the provisions coat�sed �a .. F-_v
<br /> r..-':�
<br /> ..�... tbis Deed of Tiast, or.,the Note or aaT� otitar secur3tT ia�tr�Qeat ,�?a�a ia . , -
<br /> - , , ` . .T�� . ' coanectioa�irith `the iadebtedaess herebp -secaaced �ah�rl� for aa� �essa�,�kie heid_:;...� . .... __.� '
<br />�;.�; .`` ti�_.�•�`. '� � ta be iavali�. illegal or uneafosceable ia aay reapect. �.�t 3�aaLidity. ; �-
<br /> � ,. ,_ �:���
<br /> '.` : `_ �, iZlegalfty. or:uaeaforceab3lity shall at the optiaa of_ th��`�eaef�cisLy s�ot
<br />-J..,• - ` ' - ! effect any othes provisioa of the Deed of Truet. but this Be¢3- of Trust ��. .`,, �=�`
<br /> '�=` � '-� ` ` be coswtsued as if aucb i�.valid, ixlegsl or uaenforceable grav�sfoa had a�s+'.:� ` i�
<br /> .,. • �-:;;..:.
<br />°.��:,;;° . �;.,r.,::� been coatsiaed hereia ,ar therein. If ttte liea o� tbie � Deed,.of Trust -�is; ,
<br /> � ' •:r`;�� iavalid or uaeaforceable as ta aay part af the indebtndaess ha�ebY .�ecv�ed. or�: . . .. :'. ' �
<br /> ._.-��-` ' •��� �-' evidence b� the Note, or �f •the.�1ieA is iavalid• or:uisa�a£orcesbla ss •�a.sny- :: ,. . �. _
<br /> . � . _-.�; �_:.,',, psrt o£ the Psoperty. the naseciued or.:part3ally. secured� portioa..:o€.:�such. .. ,
<br /> � ::;•i:: iadeStednesa ahali be campletely gaia priar to tlt� .Pa7rmeat of the rema�g;:,. , -
<br />. . ,�'i�S�'�1` and s�cured or partiaLly secured port3aa of such indebtedues�, aac! � al� , ;
<br /> ' ,: ` �, paymeats msde ea sueh indebtedaess, vhether voluatarg os uadez .�oreclosutta:ot.. � . : •,� , ,
<br /> othes enforceaeat actton or procedure, sha21 be cone�tdesed to��tava.bee�a �iYat = .
<br /> � , . psid on aAd ag�xlied ta the full paymeat of that_ partion •oE� such ia�el:e�teea. [ � .. .; �
<br /> .. �_...� sfiicb is not secured ar not fu11p secured bp. the li.ea,of• the 3Deec! csf=��sust; p ..
<br /> _ � .I:�,� • sad tm) The coveaaats ar� •agreemeats contained �in tbia Deed; of Tra�t abal� -� � � _ .
<br /> � � ' �''�`t'' hind, and the beaefit"s.,aad�advaauges hereoE sball inure to the resgetit�v�- :' _
<br /> � . � �� ' beirs, executora, adatiaistrstosa, aucceasora and asaigas of the.� �utr'�iea� � -
<br /> � ' :.:,;�;, hereto. tiherever used-�herein, tha siagulsr awaber shsil iaciude the� pluua� � ;� • ,
<br /> ' � '�;�,.'F,;�. sttd converaely. and the use of sny geader shall be appiicable to all gendera. ` . . . .
<br /> � qherever the tesms "Heneficiary is used hereia. it shsll include the legal j. . _ ,, : "�
<br /> � � "`�`�`.��� ho].dar or holdess of the Note ar the iadebtedaess secured hereby. P ;�:.��:� �
<br /> , _�„�<
<br /> , �, SE9�l8s IIpoa �rritten requeat of Beneficiasy stating thst ali amouata f'; • f
<br /> .:.,� .
<br /> ' � �� ' and indebtedaess secured herehp hsve beea psid, sad upon �usrencter of•�t1�i� . , ,
<br /> ' Deed a� Trust and the Hote to Trustea for the caacellatioa sad retentioa-and��!�� ;
<br /> ?`�. `�, � H�OA �yDl9At by Truator oF Trustee•s fees, Rrustee shail reca�re� to Trustosf , � �
<br /> os t&e pessan or persons legeliq entitled thereto, without Warraaty� any
<br /> . �:,�, : . � portion or the Propesty thea held by �Trustee hereunder. The recitals in such ;
<br /> , recoaveqence of aaq mattese or� facte ahall be .ooaclusive proo�•� o£�� the
<br /> truthEulaesa thereof. The graatee of any recanveyance msr.be� desccibed�ae
<br /> . � 'the person os peraons legallp entii.tle8�tiheseto." i
<br /> . Initie�la �'-�� ��i
<br /> ,. ' . . . � .
<br /> . 4 . .
<br /> ' ��1� � . � . . .
<br /> ' � ' ' . . 1� . � � . � .
<br /> ` .. .
<br /> ' � . !• . " . . . •• • •
<br /> . . ; . . . - ' . . . . . . _ .. . . . .. . . .
<br /> . . L � ' . . •. , ' . , , �
<br /> • ' 1. • . r.� . ' ,� _ ' ' ' • ' _. r '
<br /> • . �..� ' _ . S' . � �. . ' . .._.._• —. .._._ .._. � . . ._ __— ' ' ._' I . . _-. _. - .
<br />