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<br /> - : pl►rairap�;.iRl'!8. if t.�u �al� is hf ?sutstae..ar tha �grop�s cwut sad �oth�r _;-
<br /> � ` costs +�f,.forecl.oiu4ss aad �al� if �a1,e is,.py�tu�uat ta judicirl foreclosnre, - R:=.
<br /> tDt psact�eds� of. �ale� s1�sJ.2 b� apPl��:�:ia„th�t. ord�r stated bal.ow t�a th� "'
<br /> . P�la�at of i, . _ � _
<br /> _�____� - - �i}' Coit af �, e.id�ace of�title.PrRc��Ced ia caaitectfv� �d.th sucli ---
<br /> �sle �ad of aa� reven�R,r�qt�#rsd°ta be.pi��E�;; �: i - .
<br /> {2? All sn�s that►•.se��ad herebti,-;.�. .: �.:: _
<br /> -- i3t:, ?he.ze�iadAr.. ff; an�r.. to:c�14��F��.or persons legail� eatltled �
<br /> ; — , Lhe�ettn,, ' , ;. "
<br /> ��. �° � ..,. .
<br /> • � Escb�:��r>t1�9;;pe4;t�e�::�q�tt�(�'cPe�s� of Tsnst hereb� requasts t.l�at s-cop� of �aa� . .. ._
<br />_ - ltotf.c�,.q�,�pe�+�q�t,��d„a cag�,of aar xotic� of Ssle Provided for h�reiasbove be
<br />° a�3.�ei�,,.to.,each.-s�}ch•;past� at Di� past office.a�cldres� set forth hereia. IIpon
<br /> �,- t,h4:�ioq�arencs of as�� defanit heseuader. EeaeficissT aball. have the ogtioa to �
<br />:�..{; fa��c�bs� tlsi� Deed of ?sust ia We aaaaer prcvided bT 1aM for tiee foreclqsura .
<br />- of aortgages oa real Proptrt7• _ _
<br /> - 8Ia8s Zrnstor specificall� agrees that t:) tsustor, at f.ts ezpease.
<br /> � .;,;;;.- wiLi asecate aad deliver ta E�fici�s7, praiptl� upoa request, suah securit�
<br /> � �• iastrwrats ss aa�� bf reqalr�d h� Deaeficias�. ia a fosa sad subrtapce ,
<br /> � �'� _ tatisfactort to Eeu�fic3as�. cow�riag an7 of th� Propert�- coaveled b�� tbis �
<br /> � Desd of 4svat �hich .sscurit� 3n�tsurnts abs11. b addi.tioasl :ecwrit� for
<br /> � Trustor•s feithful performtace of all of the tes�os covena:tts and cond3.tioas of
<br /> � ,;�u:� : � this Deed of ?rust. the Note and f.ndebLedness �ecured Itereb�, and saT othsr !__
<br /> ` � �.�� �. sPCUrity in�t�cm�ents executed i� Coaaectioa dth tlte iadebtadae�s seense�bT_ - ' - _-
<br /> ;.°-:,`�`..; :,,: , � tbf.a� Deed of Truatt aad all �uch instruments ��ha1Z be filed aad recorded st �-�:.,.;�:��`-_�_
<br /> " � � Trustor's expense; �b) eeneficiasy may, fsaa� t�me ta tims, b� siriteea ��_�— _
<br /> � � iastrwseat e�ecuted and_ ackaa+ledged hy Beaeficiary, msiled to ?sustor aad ;�'��•—=—
<br /> `' '- .. �.,-r�
<br /> ::-�=,�:.�;�:�.: ' recorded �a the count� or couatiea ia vhicb tha Propert� is located snd b� :�'�`-"-=-"_
<br /> =����•Y=-`��' ct3�ssrise canpl�iag irith the provisiaas o� the applicable lacr� of the State cf;, _ __--�-�--
<br /> : ;`i�~�`;`���F'"� '. 'ltsWcaotce�� aubstitute s successos or succeasors ta the Trustee named herein cs- —;�_-.��;��
<br /> ��=�``'r-'f�' actiag hereuader= (c) althopgb the ?ru�tee. or his succe�sor or succeasoss, '�;
<br /> " � - � . may be �an ageat af, or attoraep fos. or athes�iae conaected vitb tl�e '�_- `;=�;
<br /> • �,'': 8eaeficiar�►, aucb fact st�all aot be 'canstxued to di4qtislif� bim to sct as sucb ,,_ ,...��<: :�
<br /> ` � � � Tsuatee, nor shall such fact preveat the Tsustee or Beneficiss� fraa� bidding - . . _
<br /> � ' st a sale snd buying aay psrt or sll of the Property st aA� s�le heseunder: •. � -
<br /> � � ' � . . (d) that i€ it should be aecessary or appropriate for the protectioa of the �t`• '
<br /> ' ,�,,:.�_ aecurity hereby ccnveyed or eufarcemeat of the debt heseby secured, for the . �.�`
<br /> �-
<br /> _ ' - Tnsstee or tt:e BenePiciasy to inatitute or become a psrty to an� procaediag ar�. .,..,.:_
<br /> . � '� � '� _ su�t ia s court of t�aakruptcy or probate or other coust of geaersl os limit� � __ ,..
<br /> _° +=,j:,
<br /> . ~='-:�'''�':.'� ��sri�dictioa, all ex�seases aad costs pseperlp incurred by asid lrustee or ss�.�. ' ' �j����-:
<br /> . , Seaeficisry (iacluding ree►soswble e►ttosaeys' fees) Qaid or iaCUSred by �sid � : _t�.� .
<br /> - _';` `� ' . �� Trnstee os Beneficiary i.a .msiatsiaiss8. prosxouting or defeadiag auch i . - _
<br /> �'' :; , ,��-�:�. � proceediag or protectiag t.t�ir resg+z�tive righta hereuuder sls�l. be sa � ., . . '-
<br /> _ .. ;.,t..,.;�, -
<br /> � � a d d i t ions l de b t se�use d isy�,t 2}i s D e e r� o f T r u s t i.a l i k e m a n a e r "M i t h t h e F� ,�,�, . :�'-�_:"
<br /> : ,`�i;:.ii'' •' ! ; _..;..
<br /> ' �:���`- � �. � gr�acipal debt hezein described; (e) eeneficiasp, or it� agenta, �. . �_-:�,,,,�
<br /> " - ���.�--�--�---- - repreaesatatives or Wasl�ea, a:e anthorize�i to enter at aaq raaaoaable tiaae F � ��`=-`•-
<br /> _, � T_ .' -- *aM4.;-
<br /> }-.;� ��' -� u on or ia sa srt of the' �ru ert for the u se of iaa ctia �,e same aad � ��".
<br /> . R 9 P P 1 P � Ps 6 � - •;--;-� ,;.��....._
<br />� �����_� � � � for the gv.�poae of perfozsa�sg aay of the acts it ie authorize� co perforw <� �
<br /> ' � � � ':';�.'... . uader the tesma of �bis Deed o£ Tsuat� {f) say fosbearaace Dy Be�e�iciar� or r � �
<br /> � � ° L`���` Trustee in e:esciaing aay rig&t or rem�dy hereuader� or otheswise�a££ordecl 'by � �
<br /> . �; , . .
<br /> . . �� spplicable laa, ahal]. not be a waiver of or preclude the ezercise o£ artq anch .' �
<br /> ,. .� right or remedy hereunders similarly� the aAiver by Beneficiary or Txuatee oE � .
<br />� . � any default o£ Truator �uader thia Deed af Truat ahsil not be deea� s Wsive ' • .� �
<br />� . I»itiala ;� . �
<br /> �i : . -
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