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<br /> , �.- ,-• .-`::�ld:� 'lraato� aci�o�awlids�s tbst hf.s/��r.ciisr�at- finatrc3al pasitico is ':
<br /> �a� 3�post�tt �aatos 3� �f3ciar�'s d�cisiat to sd�raiic� th� fimds s�presfnt�d �
<br /> � _ . b� tlw afos�ntioosd aot�. lrattos tt�s�f� bas a=r�d, in order to prar3de .
<br /> , `� . asausaacf �to 3�ficiarT, vith re�ard_ to Trwto�'• finanai� pasitivn, tLat it ° '.`
<br /> � ihsll b�� aa irtnt of d�fauit for �sastor t�`alla+r �a� li�a os a�ncu�braacs ��
<br /> of.h�s tltfa thi.e`ds�d`of tra�st �ad ti� Iita for tazes i�ich art not ��t� dw and .-
<br /> pa�abl� to. b� plar�d on sll or aa� paYt of tlu prop�rt� desczibad �bon and �
<br /> alla�d to �r�rin a liea for.�, datt�� IIC�T a .li�a juafor aad inf�ricr to
<br /> - -° t�i.s 'deed`of t�at aaj�Le placsd oa all or a part af said propertl i.u`favar af �
<br /> � �� fa a priacipai�a�oimt aot to �cce�d`_�, tS� to bc plsced of record ao� N
<br /> lates t1�sn.- -=. 14_-• . � _
<br /> ` �I�lHi � E�ccept. for an� notic�a, dasad�. sequests. or oeh�r L: �
<br /> aaiwufsicatians requtred;�smder applicabYs lax to b� given:�i.� �anctlser: aaaner, .1
<br /> �fi�aer�r Era�ffaias�. . lrnstar or�. ?tustes gi�es or. i�sves aa� actica �'
<br />=- . t�aclading,,, �ri.t.ltout, Iititatia�. . aotice oE dafaul.t �utc�:��:'a4�ice of �al�). �•
<br /> � d�ads, .reguest�s�or othes ca�uniaations.,w�t��,sespect to:;t�s Dee�:..a�'�risaC.
<br /> � eack, such not3Qe. daa�n�. reque#�,or,.cther,coe■�micatiqa �h±�31 �:�.;vt#�#ag•.� ---
<br /> and, �i�l ber effecitrs anl� if the saae:.is:.delivessd'b�.�toaal 'tszvi4� .aF.:� —
<br />- a�iled b� c�stiftsd usil. Poatag� Pr�P�dr r�tar�,:.recaipt;:Y4guasted. �ddzrssic`i'�;' _---
<br /> to thR �ddraas of�the part� ta whaa�siied as sc�::�'�th+�5;;tha end,of tlte De�� ---
<br /> of ?s�st. ..�7 P��7 �7 �►t aim� tia� ch�n�R tt�.,ae�dsit����r �acH�-�tica� bf . –_
<br /> , .� " dsliv�ring �p�i•atiling to tii� othfr p�rties l�reta. s#;a€flr�i�sid..a�;icatice �pf,�.' . _=__
<br /> �ucb cbange. At>> aotice �h�revadar �bsll b� de�aed tic�:kiirie 'fiaeta gi�aa-�:::: :' . . –---
<br />__ Trustor or Heaefici.a�r Mh�u givea ia the suaaer d�sigaatec�.T��►•� .,: . –_ ---_.-
<br /> �lHs Tru4tor ahell ac�� suffer �u►� vaste of the' gremises an�,-vill not ��"w�--
<br /> t, � - ermit or conduct eitI�er t1�e generatioa, trestmeat. stosage ar.:c�iaposal .oE ' � �`�,��'�
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<br />• hssardous aaste, ae defiaed ia the Reeource Consasvation aad aecovei^� Aat, or �-�.�t.'��.�'
<br /> the dispossl on the premises� of petrole� ar saT Isazsrdous substanae, �s, _ '"'�"�`�'"•�_
<br /> F:�:✓.�`:'r-
<br /> " def3,aed ia the Com sehen�ive E'avironmental 8es nse. Caoipeasation, aad�. - �`���=��--
<br /> . LisbilitT Acl, aad will perfor� aIl remedi�l �►etions reaaonably sie�astar�r as. � `�s''�"�b�_-
<br /> � the sesait of ttie preseaae::;af �a� sueh leasardou� trastes, pct�xaia�a or � �`'� _ __����`
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<br /> � �isble for aa� lo�s. d�maSe, os lisbilit� suffered bf.tbe,,8eneficiss�r due to `�� -�
<br /> j�- � the preseace of an� sucb bazardous waste,petsolaum ar b�i�eu�ons wbstancs at. ��,'�;;;=__
<br /> � ���; oa or aesr the propert�, sad truator shall be liable for coa�pliance �aud for �`_�., ��
<br /> �:.�. ._
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<br /> � '�"" eatity relsting to the presence of aa� such l�szssdous naste. petrole�m or .-- - _
<br /> Y� hszsrdous substsace oa, st, or near the ro Tntator will deliver• _ _
<br /> P Pert7• �����' ..�. `<`-
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<br /> ,_:-�.�= :. --
<br /> " Uaited States Eaviro�meata]. Proeectien Agaac� aad/or state. couat� os ,��: �� .
<br /> • muaieipal enviranaental or health ageacy coaceraing ths tsustos's operatioas }"-''; ;. '
<br /> , upoa the prea�isea s an� t f3) copies oE any documeats enbmitted b� the trustor ` '. . �..°
<br /> - ' to the IIaited States�Environmeata2 Heslth Ageacy concesnin��;its operations on � �°°s �-
<br />� � the premiaes. � � . '
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