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<br /> paymcnts may no fongcr Ua re,qutrcd,at�he option of Lend�r,if mnrtgaAc insurancc covar�8c(in tho cunount nnd foP OiG period .
<br /> that Le►sder rcc�uires)provided by a�►insererapproved my Lender again becomes availablo and is ubuiincd.Borrower sh�dl pay tl�o �;,�.
<br /> J prcmiums required ta muinsain mortgage insursnca iri effoct,or to provido a loss reservo,untll tha requircmcnt for mortgnge e;--
<br /> " insut:sca ends in accardancs with any wduen agteement betv�een Bonawer iutA Lender or npplicable tuw. �';;;�
<br /> � 9.In�,�ectbn. L.ender or its agent may mako reascnabie entrics upcm nnd inspadons�of thc Propertp.l.cnder shsdl give ��
<br /> ^-��...,�.,,,�t,.....��►.v�i�a nF nr�lsilli CaAp IIIP��T..L^'IIOA P.U".C�'1�1"re:!sonnb!e causts for thc inspccdon. �.
<br />-� OWIVw�.a�tvuw w r.v w.�..'-'r--_ 1.� .._... �-
<br /> � 10.Condemnptbn. The procce.d�s�oof the Pru d �I orf o fconveYenco�in 11 utof cond�mnndon,�aro herebyunssfgned�nd __
<br /> condemnadon or oiher tc�cing of any p Pe�Y� �_
<br /> shaU be paid to Lendcr.
<br /> In the event of u tat�l taking of the Praperry,�he proceeds shall be aPPlied w the sums se�urcd hY�n whic ihe fair markct
<br /> whether or not then due,with any excess gaid eo Bonower.In the event of a parda�taking of the Froperty' _
<br /> valuc uf the pcoperty im*netliately Uefor� t�e taking is equal tA or�rester Ihen tha emount of the sums sccuted by this Security ¢
<br /> .' Instrument immediacely before the taicing,u.�less BorroNer and I�ndes othervvise agree in wdtin8. the sums sccured by this
<br /> .� Secudry Instn►ment shall be reduced by the amount af the proceeds muldplied by th�following fracdon: (a)the total�unount of
<br /> ' the sums securcd immediatcly bcfore the taking, divided by (b) tlaa fair m of thc Pro �f�in whil�the�mmerkct voluf e of tha
<br /> � ta]cing.p,ny balance shall be paid to Borrowee. Ir►the eve,nt o�'a partial tal�dng P�Y
<br /> - property immedlately 'before the teking ie less than the amount of the sur►9s secured ir►►mediately before the taking, unless
<br /> ;� ao�wer and l,ender otherarise agcee �►wridng or�nless upplfcable law ntherwise provides.the proceeds shall be ap�lied to the f=
<br /> �J sums secured by Ihis Securlty Instrument whether or not the sunis arc Ilien due.
<br /> '° If tha Praperry is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers tn make un
<br /> � awerd or settle a claim for damages,Barrower fails to resgond to Lender within 30 days after thu date tlie nodce is given.I.ender
<br /> is authorized to collect and apply the procxds,at its option.either to restoradon or repa�r of the Propercy or to the sums secured
<br /> -9 by this Secuiity Instcument,whether�r not�h�n duc.
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Borrawu otherwise agre�in writln8.anY APP���an of proceecls to pru►c�p�l shall not extcnd or g�ostpane
<br /> the due ciate of the monthly payments rcfesred to in parugraPhs 1 an�i 2 or chenge the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.IIarrower Not Reksissed;Forbexrwace ay Lender Not a W�iver. Extcnsion of the Wno for payment or modification
<br /> e
<br /> of amoctizetipn of the sums socured by tl�is Security Instrument granted by Lender to any saccessor in interest of Boaower sh
<br /> ' not operaro to eelease t1�e liabiliry uf the aiginal Borrower or Bonower's successors in interesG Lcnder sha11 not be required to
<br /> co:nmence proc.eedinSs a8ainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payme at A m�w�e.r' or Sorrower's succes�sors
<br /> the snms sxured by this Security Instrumu�t by reason oi uny uu�w���rr�a�3 t�:--onP�-----
<br /> — in in�ucsG Any forbcaranco by Lcnder in exercising any ri8ht or remedy shall not be a weiver of or preclucle tha eaercise of any
<br /> right or remedy.
<br /> - xZ.Succeaaore and Assigns aound;Joint ond&veral Li�bllity;Co-sigaere. 'ihe covcnanta �utd agc�eunents af this
<br /> 5ccurity Insuument shall bind and benefit rhe successors and assigns of I.endsr and Borrower, subjoct w the provisions of
<br /> paeagraph 17. �orrowec's covenants and Qgreements shall be joint and seveial. Any Bonower who co-slgns this Socurlry
<br /> Instrumenc but does not cacecuu the Nou: (a)is casigning this Security InsWment only to m�ob a�todt t�o�y the sums
<br /> Borrower's inUeresc in the PrnpucY �nder�e�rm�of this Secucity Instcument;(b)is no�perso Y 8
<br /> secured by this SocurU}r Instruma►t; and(c) agrees that Lencler and eny ot�er Borrowu may agrce w extend,modify.foTbear or
<br /> maka any scc.ocnmodations with regard to U�e terma of thls Socurity Instrumcnt or tha Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13.l,nan(:6arses• If tha loan secured bY this Securiry Instrument i�s�bject ro a law which seGg max3mum loan charges,
<br /> and that lew is Cu�ally uit�preted so that ihe interest or othec losu►charges collocted or to be coUeGted in connecdon with the ioan
<br /> �x�d th�pum;u�d limits,then:(a)ony such loan charge shall be eeduced by the emount necessary co reduc�the charga to tha
<br /> pumicted limtt;and(b)any sums alrcady collected from Borrower which eaceoded pennittecl limits will be rafundr.d to Borrowu.
<br /> Lendu msy choose to make thls refund by reducing the principal owed under the Notr or by making a �irect payment w
<br /> Barower. If a refund redaces princlpal�the rcducdon will he trcatcd as e partial p�cpayment without eny prepayment charge
<br /> unda the Note.
<br /> __- iy.�:���. �.�������gQnQ�,P,Fmvictrd for 6i this Security Instniment stiall bo given by delivc�ring it or by mailin�{t
<br /> by first class mail unless appllcebl�e law requires use of another method.'I1►e nodce shall be direcud to the i�raperry�ddre�ur
<br /> eny othu address Banowcr designaus by noticce to Lander.Any nodca to I.ender shall be given by first class mail to Lu►da's
<br /> �'.� eddress state�i herein or any other address Lender designates by nodco to�3orrowec. My nodce provided for in tl�s Security
<br /> -- Instrumcnt shall be decmecl w have been given to Borrower or L�dcr when givcr�as provided in thls Pa�'sgraPh•
<br /> = 1S.Ga�veraf�og LAw;Severpbility. This Sccurnty Inst�+ment shall be govemal by federal law and thc law of thc
<br /> — judsclicdon in which the PropectY �.9����� d►e event d�at any provision or clause of ihis Security Insirnment or the Note
<br /> - r,onflic69 with applicablc law,such confUct shall not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument nr Ihe Now which can be
<br /> �J given effoct withou�the conflicdng provision.To this cnd the provisions of ihis Socurity Instrument an(�ahe Note are doctarcd to
<br /> '� bo sevcrable. �
<br /> — ' Form 3020 9100
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