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<br /> �.C9�i:��r�i7�ir L'z���ZGl�1y 6ur;�yA�iec. F�or��crcr;h�U kcc�►t�ic imprnvcmcnG�naw cssl;�d���or�tcrc:�ftc�crestcsi ou t�io t'ruperty (,
<br /> � irisurul n�ainst loss by fho, hA•r..itttQe lncludcd within�Itc tcr�� °extcndcd cavcrago" and any athcr har.ards,including ttoods or _
<br /> - �� flonding,Cor which Lcndcr rcqulres lnsuranco.7'hi9 insunanco shall bo msintuincd in tho amounGg and for tho(►criods thnt i.cnder
<br /> "' `�' rcc�uires.'tlio insuranco currter pravidtng tho in9urnnco ahall bo cho.scn by Dormwcr subjcct u�l.cndcr's approval which shall not —
<br /> "� bo unrea°Anably wlthhal�l. !f BorroNa� talls w maint:.in cov;,r�,.go dcscrib�cd at�ve� l�nder may, c►t l.cnder'c opdo�, ohtaln -
<br /> ` � �'�'� cavcro�o l�pr�tect Lcndar's rlghts in thc Property in nccordancc with paragraph 7. -.
<br /> - w��i �i�„i .,�.,� ��.ati.,::w�,.,,��.,��r.1��ti t,.,n.fM.wn�f ahnll innl��rin p ctamlan�mn�tuHU�c cWURC. L.CIIfICJ fiftnll `
<br />'- � •'. .,,.a.l r►..si.oii:w.w�iv v.��i.;w� .w�v::....... » p -
<br /> j^,_���,►�`�""!�"� havo thc dght to hold tho policics end renewnls.If Lcndcr requires,Dorrowcr ehull prompdy givo w Lendcr all rcceipts of p�id _
<br /> z �.,. ,
<br /> premlums and renewul nodces.In it�o avent of Ioss,Borrower shull givo prompt noUce to thG insurnnce currier and Lender.I.ender
<br />�;�_ may mako praaf af loss it not mado pramptly by IIonowcr.
<br />-- Unless Lendcr and 9orrower otherwiso Qgeco in wridng. insuranco procecds shatl bo epplied w restoradon or repsdr of thu
<br /> �-,�~� Property damaged,lf thc restoradon or repair ia econa�sdcally feasiblo and Lender's security Lv not lesseaed.If the restomtion or
<br /> ���:'�- -���. rcpalr is nat cconomically fcasiblu or Lcnder's sccw�ity would be Icssened,thc ins�uancc procccds shall bc appltcd to the sums `"
<br /> ���'��` - secureci b this Securt Instrumcnt, whether or not then duo, wiih an exccss d w Borrower. If Borrower abandons die `
<br /> ��'�;�•,��.; Y �Y Y P�
<br /> �=�.':��.,�;� • Propertyr,or does not nnswer within 30 days u nodca fmm Lender that the insuranco carrier hns offer�ed to seYilo a clnlm,then �
<br /> --,k.,�
<br />-=,.� ,,f,. • Lender may callect the Insurancc proceeds.Lender may usc the procccds w rcpair or reswre tho Property or W pay sums secured _
<br /> `'�t, ;���; by th�s Security Iasuument,whether or not then due.'Ihe 30-day pedad will begin when the notice ls glven.
<br /> K-"�5�;;, Unlcss Lcnder and Borrower otherwlse agrce in wdting,eny appllcation of procecds to principal shaU not extend or postpone
<br />" ±-_;:`-::t�-� the due date uf t�iu�nunli►ty pey���eu4v ieferrr�i iu ui pun+gruphy 1 and 2 ur cbungu ihe amouni of tho paymenfs.If undcr pare�aph -
<br /> `v;.}'�'-':�� 21 tho Pro 1s '
<br /> F_,,� �; perty acquired by Lender, Hoaower s right w any insuranco policies and proceeds resuldng from damage to the
<br /> �"�`�'��•� Property prloe to the ticcquisidon shall pass w Lender to the extent of the sums secnmd by this Security Instrument immediately
<br /> 9
<br /> ;:`<`:f,•:,., rIor to the
<br />_-�c.�.�s,�:.:.--- p ac9uistdon.
<br />--�-__—— 6.Occapancy�Preservatiun�Muinteaance And Protectk�n ot the Propertyi Borrower's I.wm AppllcAtbn;L.eASehoWs.
<br />_,-�,� Horrower shall occupy,establlsh.und use the Prope.rty us Horrower's principal residenre within suty days after the execution of
<br /> this Securlty Inshument and shall wntinue to occupy the Property av Borrowcr's principal msIdenca far et lcast one year after the
<br />-
<br />