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<br /> � Y6,�lore�weY'a Cupy. Hor�rovler shaU tf:,Esiven one canformed copy of the Note and of U�is Secudty Insuurrne��t. _
<br /> fl9.'r��p<<;:?ca¢?¢he�'�o�e�iy ar o�3eaer`lcla9%�ecactt[a f�o�7u;:E., If nll or uny part of�hc F�operry or aray inecrest in it ts "
<br /> - sold ar transferred(Qr if a beneticlal in�crest in Bottower is sold or teunsferred and Borrowcr is not a nnturn! prrson) without
<br /> - . t 4 L.ender's pdor writtcn cors�nt,I.ender mey.et its opQon,eequlro immectlate paymr,nt dn full of all sums secured by thls Security �
<br />-`;;;� Instrumcnt. However,this op@on shalf not ba oxerclscd by Lcader if caerclsa is prohibitcd by fedcral lnw as of�he date of this
<br /> Sccurity Inswment.
<br />-°�;� If Y�ndex Fxercisc.v thie apUon,Lc�►der ahall glve Dorrawu nadce of accelG-adon.Tho nodce ahaU prAVidc apedod af not less
<br /> ''��., ilhan 30 days from U�e dato the nodce is deliveted or m�iled withln which Bonower must pay nll sums secured 6y this Security
<br /> IilStifqi'�ICill,!f bta�rowcr fdlS[0�A]�l�i:+5:�&UFi1S�?IOY l0 Qse c�:pL-adon of thi;p:xiod,I..ender muy inva�e uny rernnedlcs p:.zmit4ccl
<br /> ''��— by this Socuriry Instrument withaut fuMer nonce or aemand on norrowcr.
<br /> �'_�� 18.Borrower's Rtght to Rrinstots. If Borrower meets ccrtai� condidons, Borrower shall hnve the right ta havo
<br /> y� enforeement of this Secudry Instcument discantinued nt any tlme priar to the carller of: (a) 5 dayv (or such oU�er�rial ns
<br /> _= n�plicable law may spcclty for rcinstatement)bcfore sala of the Propert}r pursuent w any powcr of eale wntained in thls SccurIty
<br /> °� Inswment;or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing this Security InswmenG'iliose condidons are that Boaower:(a) pays Lendcr all
<br /> -:.�.;,.�. sums which then wauld be due undex this Security Instrum��nt nnd tha Note a9 if no ecceleration had occ�ured;(b)cures any
<br />.,ti,t�,- defnult of nny othc�covenants or ngraments;(c)pays all or.penses lncurrecl ln enfarcing this Sec!uiry Instrumcnt,including,but -
<br /> nat limitc,�to,rea.,anable attcmcys fer,s;cnd(d)te.kes such�tion ee Lcnder mAy re�sonably requiro tn assuro�hatUt�e litn of this
<br />-�;5��,l.� 5c�curiry Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obUgadon to pay tho sums secured by this Security
<br />-::,,�� Instniment shall wnHnua unchanged. Upon reinstatemcnt by Borrower. this Security Instrument and tha obligaaons secured
<br /> ,��� hereby shall rema�n fully cffecdve as if�no occeleration had occurrcd.Y�Iowever.this dght to reinstata shaU nat apply In the case of
<br />=-�%�i acccicration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> - 19.SAk of Notei Change ef I.o�n Servicer. The Nate or a partial interest in the Nous (together with this Security
<br /> Instrumeat)may be sald one or more tlaxtes wiihout prior nodce W Borcower.A sale may result ln a chan�e in tha e�tity(knowrn
<br />-�� �.s thc"La:.�y Scrvlccr")that coltccts rrtanthtyp�ymcnts dua un�cr the Nate:.nd this 5ecurity Ynswmen�.Ti�ere aL;a may U:one or
<br />-•:��� mora changes of the J.oah Seaviccr unrelated to a sale of tho Noto.If there is a ch�enge of the Loan Servlcer,Barower wW be
<br /> given wrltun notice of the change in eccoedance withparagraph 14 abave and�ppllcable iaw.'It�e nodce will stato the name and
<br />-�:.��� address of the ncw Loan Scrvicer and thc oddress ta v�hich puymcnis shoald ba made.Thc nodce wl�l also contain any other -
<br /> -°_= information requlrcd by applicable law.
<br /> _--_ 20.Haas►rdo��s Sa6stAnces. Borrower shaU not cause or p�mit the prtsence, use, disptisal, storage,or release of any
<br />,;-� Hezardous Sub�tances on or in the Pcaperty.Bonowu sheU not do.nor allow anyone else to do.enything affecting tJhe Property -
<br /> that Is in violation of enY Environmental Law.The preceding two senunces shaU not epply to the presence,use,or srorege on the
<br /> , Property of smel!quanndes of Hn�.erclous SubstAnccs that are genuslly recognized to be apprepriate ro normal resir3ential uses
<br /> �--- c�nd to maintenonco of the P_aperty.
<br /> - Botrower sl�all pranptly gtve I.ender written noda of any invesdgation, claim, demand, laws�dt or other ecdon by any
<br /> _ _ govemmental ar ngulatoryagency or prlvate purty involving the Propeity and�ny Ha�ardous 5ubstance or flnvlronmcntal Law
<br />�'-" of which Borrowcr has acwul ia�uwledge.If Borrowu leams,or is notificd by any govemmental or regulatory auUwr,iry,rhst an�
<br /> , rnr�nynl�v nthni rornf.�fiA1I(►n pf any FTa�arrinna Cg�ictanrw uffirtino thr.Pm�rrtSr ia nrrr.gcar„Rnrrnwrr ahall nrnm��lo takr.a 1
<br /> — necessery remediel e�cdons in accordence with Environmental Law. °-�---
<br /> _= As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" ar�s thosa substances defined as toxic or hau�rdous substances by
<br /> '��'� Hnvironmental Law and tha followIng substances: gasolino, kcrosene, othu flemmable or toaic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pesticldas and herbicides.volatik solventa,matulals containing asbestos or focmaldehyde,and radioac6ve mateiials. As used in
<br /> thls paragraph Z(1."BnvIronmental Law"means feduallaws and laws of the jurisd3cdon where the Property 1s locued that relate
<br /> to health,safety or erivironmental protection.
<br /> N�N-UNIFORM COVHNANI'S.Borrower and I.ender futthu covenant and agroe as follows:
<br /> 21.Aceekration;Rremedkx.Lender ahall give notfce to Borrower prior to accekrAtbn folbwing Borro�ree's b►r�ach ot
<br /> any c.4venant or pgreement in tdE� Security Insh�ument (bnt eot Prbr to aaxkratbn under par�grap� 17 unkss
<br /> pppikabk Ww provides ot6erwise),T6e notict s6ap specifyt(p)�l!tIl'.�AYItj(b)tbC NCt{OII rlQYIrM�O CYtC�ME dl�AHlt�(c)
<br /> �date,aot!as than 30 daye from tda date tbo notioe is Qiven to Borrowe��by wf�kh t6e default must be cur�l;and(d)
<br /> N�t t�ilure to cure the default on or before the date spe�itkd in the noHce may re3ult ie accekration ot t6e sums st�.wred
<br /> by thie Security Instrumtet And s�{c oP t6e Propert�.T6e notia B1uH further intor� Borrower ot t6e right to reinatate
<br /> After Acxekration and tbe rlght tu brinig a rnurt Actioa tn pssert tde non�existeea of a detault or wny ot6er defense ot
<br /> Borrower to pccekrntion aed sAk.If the defoult t�aot cured on or before:6e dxte epecttkd ta the notioe,Lender,at ita
<br /> option,mAy require immedt�te paymeet ie fu0 0�oU sume secured by thfs SecuritJ�Instrument without furt6er demsnd
<br />__ And may involce the power of eak and ony otber remedits permitted by appl3camk Ww.Lender ehall be eatftl�d to ceilect
<br /> nu cw 7�sci ui�ir�iiv W�Y�d�WY Quc icuai�iica-iviwia�iu i'iii--iM i�i-u �i iuiiiiliiii- iJ4i UO��ItVI{Ci�IP �CYi'fUlti101C
<br /> r� M s N �++� x r � r�+ .
<br /> --� atio�neye'feea xnd caeb of titk evWena.
<br /> It the power of sAk 1� Wvoked, 'i'rustee sbaU n�cord A notice of defiult in each cour,ty in whirh wny pArt ot t6e
<br /> Propsrty is bocatal and ehs�il m4i1 rnpies ot suc6 notice in!Be munner prescrfi►al by applicabk I�w to Borrowes and to the �
<br /> . other person�prescribed by applics�bk law.Aner the time requtred by applicabk law,Trustee shAll give publlc r+otke of
<br /> 6ab tv the p:rsona and in the naAnner prescribed by Appiktitb�e law.Trustce.without demand on Harrower,sfiaU seil thc
<br /> Prnperty at pub[ic auctan to the hi�hest biddcr at the time ond place nnd under the terms destgnated ie t6e eotke ot etik
<br /> ---- form 90Z! Q/o0
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