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<br /> '� 1'dGAtMiR WITH all ti;e ir7provcnnen4v naw or Ibere,att�r crcctc�i on thc prop:,rty, nnd ull easemcnts, uppt►rtenunce,�,n�d �`
<br /> � flxwres now on c�rc�ftcr a p:�tt of Ittc propctiy.All replacctncsite and addidans shall also�ue covcrc:d by this�ccurity InsirumGm.
<br /> �,. ,, � All of tha forcgoin�is rcfcrred to iu ihis Security I�suwnent av the"Froperty."
<br />'_����•_;,��� t3QRROWBR COVSNAN7'S Ihat Hanowcr is Inwfully seised of tho cstata hcrcby canvcycd nnd hav Ihe dgiu to grant and __
<br />_ ; .�, convey U�e Prnperty nn� that tho Propeny is unencumbererl, except fur encumbmna;s of record. Sorrower warran�y und will �
<br /> `��"�� defcnd generatly Iho dde w the Property ogainst all clalms end demands,subject ro nny encumbrances of record. �
<br /> � `�� TH!S SLCURITY INSTRUMEiV'r' cambincs uniCorm covenanGV for naUonnl uso snd non-unlform covcnnn4v with Itmited `.
<br /> "`'.=��y�'� vartaUons by Jm�'isdicUon w cunstitato�uniiorrn nccu�iiy hisuu�a���:H,.:.r�ag:.�:�j�tR�•v:v. --
<br />- ��-' UNIFORM COVENANTS.Donowcr snd Lcndcr covcnant and agrcc ag[ollows:
<br />..�_����' � � Y P•Y
<br /> 1.PaymenE ot i'rincipAl pnd Intere9ti�'eppyment pnd Lpte Chorges. Hnrcowcr shell prompd � whcn duc Qie
<br /> -- principal of and interest on d►a debt evfdenced by tho No�e snd any prepayment end lute charges due undcr tho Now.
<br />-,�r�T�� 2,Funds�or T�rxes pnd Insurance. Subjc,�t to aPpllcablc law �r to a written waivcr by l.endcr, Ilorrowcr shall pay co
<br /> Lendcr on tho day monthty payments aro duc undcr the Note.untA thc Note is paid in fuU,u sum("Funds")far:(a)ycarly taxcs
<br />`-��� end assessment�which may aunin pdority over this Securiry Instrunlent as a lien an the Pcogerty;(b)yearl;r let�sehold payments c_
<br /> or ground rents on►he Property,if any:(c)YeariY hu�ar�or property�nsurance premiums;(d)yearly fload insurancc premiums,if
<br /> -�� nny;(e)ycarly ►nortgage insumnce�remiums,if any;end(�any sums payab le by Boaower to Lender.tn accorclance with the _
<br /> ���-�� ment of mort e insurance prerniums. These items are called "Esaow Items."
<br /> .��,,,.�� provisions of paregraph 8, in lteu of thc pay Ba8
<br /> -� - Lender may,at any dme,collcct and hold Funds in an amount not�o exceed the meximum amoiar►t a lender for a fedemlly rclatat -�
<br /> -�-� martgage ioan muy require for Borcower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setilement Pcocedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> `_. --=_=
<br /> ----- umendesi ffnm time to hme,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("lt13SPA ),unless another law that applics to the Funds sets a esscr �
<br /> ��
<br /> =--_���� amoun� If so� Lender may.at any ttme,collect and hold Funds in an nmount not to excced the lesser amaunG Lende� may �
<br />.:_.,�;� esdmate the ramount of Fnnds dua on the basis of current data end reasonable estimates of eapenditures of futuro fiscrow Items or
<br /> ...:�:.,,�,�,, otherwisc in accordance with applicablo law.
<br /> 'Itie Funds shall b�held in ua insdtudon whose deposits ara insured by u federel a8ency,instrumentaliry.or entity(including
<br /> - °_': Lender.if Lender is such en institudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lcnder shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Items.Lcndcr may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,ennually analyzin8 d►e escrow account,or verifying
<br /> - the Fiscrow Items,unlass L.ender pays Bonower interest an ihe Funds and applicable law permits Lender ta make such a chargo.
<br /> = However, Lcnder cnay requicc Hoirower w pay a one-dme chsirge for en independent real estatc tax repardng sen+ice usecl bY
<br /> = Lender in connecdon with t�is lc�an,unless upplicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an agrament is made or epglicable law
<br />-- -- require.4 interest to bc paid,Lender shell not be requlred to pay Borrowec any inumst or eamings on the Funds.Aorrower and
<br /> °���� i nn�irr may egtee in writing.however.that interest shall be paid on tho Funds.I�ender shall give to Borrower,without charges,an
<br /> -- = annual accounting of the Funds,showing cr�dits and debits to the Funds t�nd ttte purpose[or whicn cacn ueuii u,t;��:a�stl�:,�
<br />:;;� made.The Funds are pledged as addidonal securltY for all sums secured by this S���0�W�der shall account to Bonower for
<br /> If the FUnds held by Lender eacced tha mnounts pern►Itted to 1x held by app
<br /> — the excess Funds in accordance with tha cequlrements of appllcable law.If the amow►t of the Funds held by Lender at any time is
<br /> nat oufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in wdting,and,in such case Bocrower shall pay
<br /> � to Lender the amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Boaowcr shall make up �he de�ciency in t�o more than twclve
<br /> monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> _� Upon payment tn full of all sums secured by this Se�uriry Insuument,Lcnder shaU promptly refund to Boirower any Funds
<br /> held by Lender.If.under parngraph 21,I.end�r shall acquire or sell the Propecty,l.ender,prior to tho acquisidon or sale of the
<br /> Property, shall npply any Funds held by L.ender at the dme of acquisiHon or sale as n credit against the sums secured by lhis
<br /> Sccurlry Instrumen� -
<br /> 3.Applkatbn af Payments. Unless applicabk law provfdes otherwlse.a11 payments recelved by Lender under Paragr�p�;
<br /> 1 a��d 2 shall be spplied: first, to any prepayment chargcs dua under the Note:aecond,w arnounu payable undr.r paragraF
<br /> - third,to intcccst due;fourth,to principal dne;and lASt,w any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> -. 4.Charges;Liens. Bonower shall pny all ta�ces, assessments, charges,fines an@ imposidons aaributable to the Property
<br /> -- which may auain priorlry over thls Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or gmund rents,if any.Boirowcr shall pay diese
<br /> -___—_ obligadons in the manner providecl ini paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mannr,r,Horsowcr shall paY them on time direcdy to the
<br /> person owed payment. bonower shiui pn,ui�iiiy :u���:s �L;,ssdet s11 natic�.• Qf ?"•ln�inta m hn naid undee Utis DecRgiflDh.If _
<br /> Borrowcr malces these payments direcdy,Sorrowcr shall prompUy fnmish to Lender receipts ovidencing the p�ymcnts.
<br /> . Borrower shall promptly discharge eny llen whfch has priority oveT this Sxurity Inslmment anless Bonowcr:(a)ngrt�es in
<br /> ""�"�' , writing to the payment of the obligation secnred by the Hen in a munner acceptable to I.endcr,(b)confests in Bood faiih the Gen
<br /> by, or defcnds against enfoscemcnt af tho Gen in, iegal pn�ceedings which in the Lender's opinton operate to prevent thc
<br /> y • enforcement of the Gen;or(c) secuces from the holder of tha lien an agc+eement satisfactory W Lender subordinuting the lien to
<br /> � this Securiry Insuumcn�If Lender detem�ines thac nny part uf the Pcopercy Is eubject to a licn which may auain pdority over this
<br /> - ' Socurity Instrumcnt,Lender may give Bonower a notice idcntifying the lien.Bocrower shall satisfy the llen or take ono or more
<br /> -�- ---- of the actions sec forth above within 10 days of the giving of noace. -
<br /> - -- -= Form 902e OloO
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