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<br /> . ' ° .fa tiei�)b�facr s�k d tbc piapary pwswoE•to utY Povirff�Csa'l�.ad'tIIri� ,
<br /> . ���of s joa�meot e�f«�ina t�s Sac�ry� T��0'�����' c��
<br /> . • : py�l,ender all.s�ms whid�dien woaM b+e due md�er tbis SavritY Ins�ent aM�he I�aoe as i�m�aocekr�6on had :
<br /> �@)�,�Y��.�y�����t�)������inenforcingthigSauricY .
<br /> .. immuna�t.3nchdiaB•but nat iimiood to tess4��YS'fee�aod(d)takes�ch action as Leeder msy�s�b�Y
<br /> �ieqoine ta�e tt�tthe liea of t6is Saceu�t3►Ia�,L�'S°SMS in tde Pmp��Y and Bcxrower'�obligarioo to pay the '
<br /> swns seco�ed bl' dus Sec�citY In� siatl cuntinao unch�agtd Upon'niastatemmt by.Botzowtt.this Securicy .
<br /> ° ` �������py sdaII temsin futiy effative�if no aceeteratian had accarniL Haarev�tl�s
<br /> , rigbtw reirat�te s�ll not ap�ty ia t6ecise oFaccela�uan m�Qer��rag['apb,t't "
<br /> �:
<br /> I! Sale at Nal�C�a�e d'Ler Smices: The Note or a paniat int�est in du Note(togetber v�iti�tLis-Security
<br /> Instruraent)�sY be sold oae a more times x�o�t prior notice to Boa�nwer. A sale may resWt in a ct�rsge in the entity:
<br /> _ (imown ss�the`j.wn Setvicer")thu coAa'ts mauht9 PaYmena due ander the Note a�tAis Socuiicy Insmnnent. 7here aLso
<br /> �may be one ar mae chaog�s of the Lwn Servicer antet�tcd w a s�le of d�e Nae. If tlyere is a change of the Loan Senriar,
<br /> Borrawer v�c"ri be given�riotk�of the ctu�oge isi accadanca with par�$r+ph 14 above aad applirablc law. 11ie naice
<br /> will state the n�me�d ad�lcrs�ef tbe new Losa Servicer aad tLe ad�ross to which payments shwtd be madc Tfie noEiae wiU
<br /> also oomaia aay oti�ec iaf`ai�aGon nquicrd bY�PPlicable ls�w. , .
<br /> 2� lla�u�i.olls Sabsts�ces Borrower sHaA not cause or pezmit the p�esenc�use,disposal�stoca8e.or rekase of aay
<br /> Na�MoQS��F or iu Use Ptvpe�ty. Bouower st�all not�.�or aUaw anyonc else to c3i�.anyt�in&af�ecting the , -
<br /> pmpaty tharis m violatioa of aoY F.nviraunearai Iaw. 'l�c_�t�vo sentences st�ail not apqs�'`-:-'�e Fs�e�e•�x.°�
<br />_-- s e on tEtie l�topeay of s��aIi quantities of Hazacdous�;.,�'krs t'�at are gencially iecogniud.c6�e�.�.[o namia2.
<br /> �tial usa�and to a�ir�isnce ofthe Propert�r. ' `.�:�, ;:•�` tion.ctaim demand,la��cr�att�r�.."i?�?a 1sY anY
<br /> = ' Bormv��ail pmmPUY B�ve Let�de[written notict�s,�� ,
<br /> gova�ac:�sgulawry agencg a privata pury iavat�-��e;�Y?n��►Y Hazardous 4�or Fnvuomnental.' ��
<br />--- ' Law of wf�e.E�lxrowet has aciu�Imowledge. If BP?u.�r���?r�s aotjfied bY ari}[€^��nta�ot te$nlacaY
<br /> - - ���y t�t;�3►`renw�al or o�Ler�ia6an af aay fla�.3�s�=�'stana affec�$���°�e�•Batower. .
<br /> _ �P�P�Y talce s�!!1 rxcessuY nmedial actions in acca�:��i�avi:oanen(�f•�as'tozic or hazandous=�-�s�nces bY ,
<br /> -°" As asod in this P�S�Ph 20."fSazaidous Substances::��.�6stabces�� troleum tsyducts.toaic ' �
<br /> =;'s Envi�o�ert�f�t.aw and the following substances: gaso���F�s�•r.«�thu flau�able or toaie pe p —
<br /> �: pesti�ydes au3.�ecbicides,volap'le solvenu.materials conta.`�g'�..st�ds,ar farmaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As � _ _
<br /> � tued m Ihir�agaph 20."Environmentai Law"meaas federat€�.�'a^ws of the jurisdiction�here_the Property is lacated `. �,,,;�,
<br /> safety or environmental protection. � � , . �,��'�.:
<br /> , that relate ta T�eatth, •. , -
<br /> � NOPI-UNtIFORM COV�JANT3. Borrower and 1.��rfurd�er covenaht aad.a�e as follows: • ��:Q':
<br /> `�;. � 21. Acatention,Remedies Leader shAi!give�oe b S+�wsr Pria�'�o��toUowin�Bursower's. ��,--
<br /> � � breacl►of u�'�avenant or a�reemeat irr this Security Idctran�t(B�!not ps"+o�to acaleritia�under PAraSraPb 1�.
<br /> :;.:� ookss apptica�ir is�v p�avides otberwise). The aouce shall spe��ta)the pefaatt;(b)t�e a�i�tequiral to curs t� �`�.�
<br /> '-�, defsail;(c)a dat�not kss tba�30 days tr�t6e dAte t6e��s�iqen to 8orrawer,bj��ticl�tht defsult musl be' � -_
<br /> �A
<br />-., cured;and(d��t fx�art to cure the defawit oa or before tbe date specifled iQ Q�e uotice ma�rssu�t Iqaccekrsitbe
<br /> ���s�by th�Secarlty t�trument�sale oi the Praperty. TDe natice s6s►q turther inform Borrower at - --
<br /> � the riskt to rei�stAte alter acakrstlon aad the ri�to bda�a caurt Actian to AsseA t6e naa-existeeoe a�A defautt ar —""�_`
<br /> any MMer defe�se of Borrawer to s�eeeterition�nd sale. It tbe defauU is not cured on or bdare the date specitied in �,,:�_
<br /> , the notice,ixndec at its option may reqa�e immediate payment u�full of all sums secured by th�Secu�ity Iastrument �="_
<br /> � without fWrther demand and may invoke the poR'er oi sale and any other remedies permitied by applkabte law ;:-�;�;��:_.
<br /> >;•.•-��,�-
<br /> �tl' : iRnder stwfl 6e entitied ta collect alt expe�ses incnrred in pursuing the.remedies pravideA,ln ihis paragraph 2l. ���._
<br /> inciuding,but not limited to,reasonabk attorneys'feesand costs ottitle e�idence. o�the "x` �'�' "�
<br /> ' �, Ii the power of sale 1s invoked,Trustee sdall record a notice oi detault in each caunty in wbicb any put ' "
<br /> property is bcated and shall maif copies of such�aNce in the awnner presc�ibed by�pplicable law to Borrower and to `. �.
<br /> Trustee sliall give public
<br /> � the ahee persuns prescribed by appliqble taw ARer the time s+equired by apppcabk Inw, t�.;y��. _
<br /> notice ot sale to the persaes And in the manner presc�bed by applicabk law Teustee.without demand on 8orraR'�+ ; - ,;
<br /> ' . slu�ll sel�Me Property at public aucNon to!he higlcesi bidder at fhe time and pls�ce a�d undtr the ternu desi�ted ia �.;'..._,,z_.'
<br /> ti�e notice of safe in one a�-cnore pucets.And in aap cr�ferTru�tee determines. Trustee may postpone sak otall or any •,,;•r ,.,.
<br /> pucel ot tUe!'copevty isy pubik annoasce�nt aE t i s�t ime an d p lace o t any p r e v i o u s t y s c h e d a k d s A l e. L e n d e r o r its <::�.,:.. . ,
<br /> ' �� designte euy.�urchase the Property at�y saM.
<br /> • e`'. U�wa r�ipt ot ps�yment at the�roce 6id.7lrustee sha11 detiver to the purcfiaser Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> � �, Peoperty. ��recitals in the Trustee's deed sfiail be prima tacie evldence of lhe truth ot the statements made therein. , -cr
<br /> • Trpstee shall appiy the proceeds ot tfie sale in the#'oQawin�order. la)to all costs and expeRw.w ot exerciging the power .
<br /> - :�'
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