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<br /> , ' t�k � � ., .: � .
<br /> � ?.t thooareJa■o� Upa�P�Ymeat af all sums sec�ned by this Securiry rnsaucrjera.i�erider s1�1I cequest'dusta to
<br /> txonvey the Propaty�a�d sh�t1 sumendet tWs Sercu�iqr Lnmument and alt notes e�+ideaci[�g de6Csa�red by this Sec�uity
<br /> imwn�ent W'Avstee. '�astoe sitalt teaonvag tLe Pcopecty withait�wamnty aad srithout cbuge tQ the person or�fersons -
<br /> • �kgtftyer�ided w it Sw�t pe�sort arpetsons siiaif paty aoy.tecacc�Riott casts. .
<br /> . �2�i. S�pwe 1� Luder.�t its optiun.may fro�n time to time iemove�huta aad appoint a successor wsta co. .,
<br /> � aay ltustoe.sppoioted beneuoder by ao it►sonanent nm�+dod in tbe caunty ln whid�this Socurity In.�mcnt is nc�ded. �
<br /> - Without.coav�yance of We P�oQerty.the succe35or trustee sha11 succc+sd to ali the title,power and dudes confemed,upon
<br /> 'IIvstoe httein md by�Is�v. '
<br /> . .. 1A` Req�at tae Barower requests that copie3 of tt�e�of defa�ilt and sale be seot m Borrowa's sddrcss
<br /> whicbis ttie Ftope�ty Add�ess.'. . � . . . .
<br /> . 2S. Itiders to qJs$�aril�►I�ieeaw lf on�or mae�iders are executod by.Botrowet and recaded together with
<br /> �- d�is Security tnst�ument,the cavenu�ts and ag�nents of eacb such rider shal!be incorporated into aad stuli ameM and
<br /> supplemeat tl�e cav�m;ts and ag�reertunts of this Security Insuument ag if the rider(s)were a part of this Securiry Instrumzn� � ::`;�
<br /> - . [CIKClcapplicabk#?i�:{es)] , �;K',:�,
<br />_ Y �Adjastatty.fliaFe Rider���,�- . � �Condominium Rider �t-4 Family Rides _ .
<br /> ` - []'�tidu��*zyment Ride�' - [��la�u�ed Urut De,►elapn,ent Rider ❑H;we�it:$a,rme�Ridec .
<br /> – �, <: �'i° ;_ '.•':.%..;: ' , . . . ` ':. ..:`;,'.: -
<br /> - ���ZO00 RIdCC' R . ' ... ' • . , • .
<br /> _ � ate br�zment Rider �Seca�it�Hume Ititf,� ..
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<br />�"_s_� HY SiCi 'N tRK"r BELOW.Eurro�ver ac�a�M agr+ees to the t •ar,d asse�aa:'� "r�i in tlus ' Insttument - _ .
<br />�_,;. andia any rider('s)executed bY Bcr.*swer a�td recorded with it» •
<br />_-�: , � , . , . • -
<br />- � wmesses: . � . •
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<br />�1:,.:� . _ . . , � � QANI I'�I. PL�iCZE 5� ��:mo�ver
<br />''-�._°. .-. Sa;ial ty Num r
<br /> � I) •
<br /> H ! . rrower
<br /> �•' Saciai Security Number 508-?8-91?4 =
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA. HA�� County ss: =
<br /> ' _
<br /> .- . - - � — _ pn��S 251H �y p f mARCH 1992 before me.the undersigned.a Notary Pobiic
<br /> • ul eommissioned and ualified for said coun . onall came DANIEL m. PLACZEK AI� CHERYL L.
<br /> . d 9 tY P� Y . .
<br />�. �F�;.Z�K, HUSBAND AIW WIFE .tomeknowntmbethe
<br />: � idert�ra.T!_pe�s�ons(s) who�e name(s)are subscrilxd ta the foregoing instrument nnd ackr.�mt�teQged the executian the�f to _
<br /> . (� hE voluntary act and dccd. - -
<br /> . ` Wifiess my fsa,�d and notarial seal At GE?�'JD ISLAND, N in said county,the =
<br /> date aforesaid. � � �► �
<br />: .' � � My Commission expires: �sTM�Kt)QMAM Notary Public -
<br />_ . , e
<br /> � • �Owit6� ECONVEYANCE � �
<br /> ; TO'i7�USTEE: -
<br /> • �; , 7�e underslgned is the holder of the note or notes sccured by this Deed uf 7fvst. 5aid note or rto�.togeiher with a11 -
<br /> ;� � other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7�ust,have been Fa�d in full. You are hereby.directed to catfcef said note at no�es .
<br /> t.• and rlr."ss Deed of 7tust,which are detivered hereby.and to�e�nvey.withaut watranty.all thc cstate now hetd by you�nder �
<br />_ . ''� this Lt�ed of 7ivst to the person or persons legally entitled thcreto. �
<br /> �' I)ate:
<br />� n - Form3s18 9l90 IP�+R�6ojbPQS��j �
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<br />. ;,.;.:. �
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